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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
01:56:29 May 18th 13 - Bran (Mr. Franz Liszt):

Just A Gathering Of Monkeys

Kingdom Banner

Name: Just A Gathering Of Monkeys
Members: 10
Created: 4/29/2013 10:21:53 AM
Leader: Mr. Franz Liszt

Compare kingdom



If you want to join, you must be cooperative, active and use Skype.

Questions or diplomatic inquiries can be sent to any leader, that leader will then discuss it with other leaders.



Recriuting atm. limited kd size to about 15 members. if you use skype thatll help your chances of being accepted into the kd!

02:48:26 May 18th 13 - Mr. Bad Odds:

Snowballs chance in hell

Kingdom Banner

Name: Snowballs chance in hell
Members: 1
Created: 5/17/2013 9:56:25 PM
Leader: Mr. Bad Odds

 I am going balls out attacker in Starta. If you think you can keep up apply. farmers and slackers are welcome for dinner.

22:41:25 May 22nd 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc):

To all players willing to try their luck on Fantasia next era:

Mirror has returned to Fantasia and is looking for kingdom members!
What are we looking for?
People that
- are willing to play as a team;
- put Kingdom interest before own interest;
- always want to improve their gameplay;
- are always respectful to their opponents, even in the heat of battle;
- are fun to talk with.

If you think these criteria suit you well, then please don't hesitate to send an application! Even if you are not super-experienced you are very welcome and we're always willing to share tactics and ideas.

The kingdom page can be found here.



22:22:37 May 24th 13 - shyers (Mr. Shyers The Watcher):

you forgot to add that they need to be able to put up with me as well....and luck has nothing to do with it when i'm on your team ;-)

03:22:03 May 28th 13 - Mr. Roq:

Sleepless will be looking accepting new members for the upcoming Nirvana era start...

Kingdom Information

10:38:04 May 28th 13 - Electric (Electric Galactic Avenger):

List other kingdoms, Then look at sleepless and post description...

19:25:43 May 28th 13 - Princess Blood Rayne:

Looks like Nirvana is about to end? 

What is the situation there now? 
What are the top kingdoms, who is winning last eras, who is about to get gangbanged next era for winning too much?
What are the top players?

What kingdoms are willing to accept a rusty veteran like lil Aisha? 

19:26:40 May 28th 13 - Mr. Izanagi:

  • Armageddon will end the world of Nirvana in 9 days unless the city of Feeder City is destroyed!!

20:37:43 May 28th 13 - Electric (Electric Galactic Avenger):

Battlestar Galactica

Kingdom Banner

Name: Battlestar Galactica
Members: 5
Created: 5/9/2013 10:18:14 PM
Leader: Electric Galactic Avenger

Compare kingdom


The Fight for Humanity begins!
Fight to survive
Cylons are everywhere! 

This is a teaching Kingdom all New players are welcome, only requirements are an open mind and the ability to log on at least once a day!

We are currently on Zet


21:37:27 May 28th 13 - Mr. Roq:

Sleepless will be looking accepting new members for the upcoming Nirvana era start...


Kingdom Banner

Name: Sleepless
Members: 4
Created: 5/20/2012 12:46:49 AM
Leader: Mr. Roq

Compare kingdom


We are a fairly new kingdom looking for both new and experienced player. In this kingdom we will play as a team and above all else do nothing that will bring dishonor to the sleepless banner.


01:16:10 May 31st 13 - Electric (Ms. Gotha Warrior):

Looking for a kingdom on Nirvana :P

KoF is recruiting strong Knights to battle in Zetamania for Era 25!, Appy now!

Kingdom Of Ferakin

Kingdom Banner

Name: Kingdom Of Ferakin
Members: 8
Created: 11/20/2012 5:41:14 PM
Leader: King Burninglegion The Skygod

Compare kingdom


The Kingdom Of Ferakin are warriors who seek Justice and live for the thrill of battle

Our Goverment is a Diplomatic Monarchy fueled by the fires of honor

I, King Burninglegion need your help defending the realm of Zetamania from the Barbaric hordes which roam freely under no established Goverment.


15:32:52 Jun 1st 13 - Bran (Duke Bran):

you got a skype channel?

No I dont have a mandatory Skype channel, Iv tried skyping but I need members willing to commit to skyping

11:48:13 Jun 3rd 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc The Brave):

22:41:25 May 22nd 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc):

To all players willing to try their luck on Fantasia next era:

Mirror has returned to Fantasia and is looking for kingdom members!
What are we looking for?
People that
- are willing to play as a team;
- put Kingdom interest before own interest;
- always want to improve their gameplay;
- are always respectful to their opponents, even in the heat of battle;
- are fun to talk with.

If you think these criteria suit you well, then please don't hesitate to send an application! Even if you are not super-experienced you are very welcome and we're always willing to share tactics and ideas.

The kingdom page can be found here.



Didn't want to type it all out again, but we're still looking for players for Fanta next era!

13:36:45 Jun 3rd 13 - Bran (Mr. Franz Liszt):

you have skype channel?

14:24:40 Jun 3rd 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc):

Yes, we do, why?

17:25:16 Jun 3rd 13 - Bran (Duke Bran):

theres high chance of my kd  breaking up for next era so if i play, i need a home!

06:54:53 Jun 4th 13 - Ms. Brown And Blue Oreos:

Hi, im looking for a Solid Kingdom on Fant for the upcoming era.. Ive played there quite a bit and im currently doing well on Zet and Nirvana.

Note: Not looking to join a small kingdom, Thank you!

10:54:47 Jun 4th 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc The Brave):

Check the post 4 posts above yours :)

13:41:05 Jun 21st 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc):

With the end of the Fanta era approaching and the beginning of the next one is near, we (Mirror) are still looking for people that want to join our kingdom. If you're willing to work in a team and put your ego aside, feel free to send an application!

19:52:31 Jun 27th 13 - Sir Xerxes The Great And Powerful:

I'm back... pretty experienced player wanting to fool around on a fairly new world.

20:08:51 Jun 27th 13 - Bran (Mr. Brannigan The Pedant):

Join Mirror, we are pretty awesome to be honest

23:25:09 Jun 27th 13 - SFD (Mr. Dfs):

xerxes dont listen to bran, the guy lies :P

23:29:19 Jun 27th 13 - Konspyre (Mr. Slavik):

Mant is the 2nd newest, so you're welcome to join us (Nod) if you want :P

23:29:38 Jun 27th 13 - Azaruc (Mr. Azaruc):

too late ;-)

And btw, Bran is right, we are pretty awesome!

01:22:11 Jun 28th 13 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

Yup, Azaruc is right that Bran is right that we are pretty awesome!

04:16:05 Jun 28th 13 - SFD (Duke Safety First Dude):

psssh forget you....

Methodical Madness

Kingdom Banner

Name: Methodical Madness
Members: 1
Created: 6/28/2013 12:08:17 AM
Leader: Sir Xerxes The Great And Powerful

Compare kingdom


Just looking to have some fun...


22:44:56 Jun 28th 13 - Pirate Lewatha:

17:15:48 Jul 11th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Lewatha is open to be recruited next era.

requirements : 

- Must be able to deal with a bit of ego.
- Experienced kingdom is not a must.
- You can not have the following members : Smith, Alban, Kathdarion

That's pretty much all :P

I'm an attacker, most of the time elf... Quite a bit of experience.

Recruit away!

Ahhh, back when I pretended to be an attacker :)

22:46:32 Jun 28th 13 - Bran (Mr. Brannigan The Pedant):


04:56:13 Jul 1st 13 - Exalted Salamon The Returned:

Come join Holy in Armaggeddon. Goal is to just have fun and mess about, enjoy the good old days. Also if your experienced, teach new blood the ins and outs to make it in Fantasia.


Kingdom Banner

Name: Holy
Members: 2
Created: 7/1/2013 4:42:52 AM
Leader: Exalted Salamon The Returned

Compare kingdom


Accepting new blood and old blood alike. Come join Holy. Will be training the new blood with all the skills they"ll need to make it in the top Fantasia Kingdoms successfully. Message me, Salamon the Returned, before applying.

Skype required.
Activity, twice a day login at the least.
Willingness to learn and motivation to follow order and win.

~~ Exalted Salamon the Returned ~~
~~~ King of Holy ~~~


05:59:11 Jul 5th 13 - Juicebox (Lord Uthgar Gardolfsson):

Lewatha. ;) I hate ninjas. They're too sneaky. 


Kingdom Banner

Name: Wolves
Members: 5
Created: 6/9/2013 6:37:51 AM
Leader: Lord Uthgar Gardolfsson

Compare kingdom


We"re a relaxed kingdom with a few veterans and some knowledgeable players in general. New or old feel free to come here and have a fun era. Win or lose, we require you you to have honor. Heavy activity is not required but once a day at least would be appreciated. Message Uthgar Gardolfsson to join.


00:18:01 Jul 12th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Sir Xerxes The Damned):

Kingdom Information

Legend is back!!!

16:46:11 Jul 17th 13 - Mr. Orpheus:

If anyone wants me to join them, just send a message. Just finished 4th place on nirvana, which was filled with fantasia players this era. My level of experience is minimal. Last era was my first in 6 years. But if anyone wants a decently active player, just send me a message. 

18:21:51 Jul 17th 13 - The Real Josh (Prince Angelus):

Looking for a KD i dont have to do anything in.. Pretty colours in your banner with help!

00:41:20 Jul 18th 13 - Mr. Barny:

I'm looking for a kingdom to play with on Fantasia/Mantrax for 1-3 eras whenever a new era starts on each world. I've been away for ~18+ months, but I am still quite familiar with game mechanics and updates that have been implemented while I have been away.

If you have a kingdom and are looking for another active and experienced player then feel free to send me a message. I'm willing to play for a kingdom of any activity/skill level, so long as you are honest about what the skill/activity level of your kingdom actually are and I am given a reasonable degree of freedom. I intend to play the next few eras very actively, and then either take a break or play inactively. I always act in the best interests of my kingdom and do whatever is in my power to ensure the Kingdom Victory (short of blatant exploiting).

I figured I would post this here a couple of days before messaging friends about their kingdoms just to see if anyone has any interesting looking kingdoms.

18:30:53 Jul 21st 13 - NazT (Mr. George Takei):

Ive got an open character right now, looking to make new friends. ive been playing on and off for years. looking for a kingdom not in Fantasia or Starta. Im active on Skype: Dvsklown


if anyone is interested message me.

03:33:20 Aug 10th 13 - Mr. Ignis Moraigish:

The Grim Reapers

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Grim Reapers 
Members: 10
Created: 8/6/2013 9:37:42 PM
Leader: Mr. Ignis Moraigish

Searching for players who want to play in Mantrax .:)

09:59:09 Aug 13th 13 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Looking for a kingdom next era on Fantasia.
I will be Halfer, I think I am pretty strong at our of protection time, I will do my part of the work. Middle era I am decent, but just in the end I need improvement, looking for a kingdom with at least few good veteran players so I can ask questions to improve my gameplay.

I am very active, it feels like I am always on, as I have a habit of always checking my laptop, and I work in office connected to internet, so other than when I sleep, I am mostly always online. Even though I lack experience I am willing to learn and do my best on any world.

11:34:34 Aug 13th 13 - Mr. Izpoint:


Kingdom Banner

Members: 2
Created: 8/12/2013 12:39:12 AM
Leader: Mr. Izpoint

Compare kingdom


New Kingdom

Join and Be Awesome :P

Latest in Town Join and be Awesome :P

13:35:56 Aug 18th 13 - Duke Random:

New Player looking for KD for fant KD next era. pls teach me 2 play dis game, I have leet strats.

14:51:59 Aug 19th 13 - Mr. Ignis Moraigish:


13:11:02 Aug 20th 13 - Mr. Fec Hanky:

Kingdom of Subliminal Strke Force

Recruiting Fantasia.

Any friends welcome.

23:31:35 Aug 20th 13 - Mr. Freely Bored:

Starta (next era)

Kingdom Name: Juggernaut

Kingdom Leader: Salazar (currently Freely Bored/SmallFries)
Kingdom Members: 3 
Kingdom Bio: 

This is an old Armageddon Kingdom. I will bring it to Starta. 
We are looking for new, inexperienced, or just plain awful players. We aren't looking for veterans that I don't personally know or inactive sitters. We also aren't looking for FarmWhores who don't want to fight until their armies are 2-3x stronger than their foes. 

The purpose of allowing others into this KD is to teach people who want to learn. Orcs are especially welcome. 

We are looking for one defensive specialist who hopes to teach others. 

19:58:32 Aug 21st 13 - Beast Lord Jangsta Suu:

Dendarii Mercenary Corps

Kingdom Banner

Name: Dendarii Mercenary Corps
Members: 5
Created: 2/23/2013 12:25:27 AM
Leader: Beast Lord Jangsta Suu



Combat and Honor.!
Dendarii Mercs

The affordable solution to all of your security needs at home or on the battle front.

Minimum cost, maximum efficiency.

Born killers

We are currently recruiting 5 members for the age of starta 24. New to the game players will be accepted. I'm willing to help any new player. Activity and communication is required. We do have a Skype channel if you are interested. Please apply through kingdom page.



23:32:32 Aug 21st 13 - Mr. Draygon:

hey i need a kingdom to join iv played for like 3 years i can play with troll orc or elf but i like orc and thats what i plan on useing right now i dont have no idea how many eras iv played and im not telling my age i will say im between 20 and 30 im in starta im interested in a good kingdom that is going to try and be good not slack off at least log in a couple times of day i will be very active so i want my team mates to also i work 12 hours a day and still have time so i want good team mates to do the same if you are interested in me joining ur kingdom send me a shout 

23:36:34 Aug 21st 13 - Mr. Draygon:

i need a kingdom plyed 3 years in starta

07:43:10 Aug 22nd 13 - Mr. Salazar:

Juggernaut is still looking for some people who would like to learn how to play better. Teaching Orc, Halfer, Troll, and mage (Orc, Halfer, Elf). 

08:25:12 Aug 23rd 13 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous Reaper):

The realm of Zetamania is in need of more players and KDs!!!

We need more KDs/players here on Zeta, so if anyone has the guts come to Zeta for a challenge. There is only two main KDs on this realm. We really do need at least one more strong stable KD based here on Zetamania or more to make it more interesting. I mean come on it is the only world that is not the same as the others(expect for the 50% world).

Does no one like merging and building great walls anymore?

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