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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
16:03:50 Aug 23rd 13 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Watcher):

I got enough of those back in the old days :D

09:42:29 Aug 24th 13 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord Alistar):

Maybe if DD would kick 10 members of there 20 so There would be another Kingdom :D 

21:22:27 Aug 25th 13 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Sir Crown Royal):


Kingdom Banner

Name: Forsaken
Members: 9
Created: 8/30/2012 5:24:52 PM
Leader: Sir Crown Royal

Compare kingdom


were just a KD lookin for a good time feel free to send in an app and join us in our goal of conquering the world of zeta


looking for members accepting vets and new people we have a skype channel and we use the forum. so feel free to send in an app.

19:04:59 Sep 14th 13 - Timur (Sheriff Timuur):

Nirvana is just starting again.   Stormcloaks would welcome a few more players.  We will be in an oop war with Candlewax, so we think the era will be a quick one (one way or the other).  Here are the kingdom customs:

1.  If you retake a city, try to free it back to the original owner.  Rarely, there might be a compelling reason to not do this...if so send an explanatory or apologetic  note to the original owner.  

2.  When we enter the world, log on six times each day to maximize growth while in protection.  Later, try to log on 2 to 3 times a day (when you get up, when you get home from work, when you go to bed).

3.  In some kingdoms, prepping on an enemy city is a way of reserving it.  In this kingdom we often team up vs enemy cities with multiple armies, and we celebrate when anyone successfully takes it, regardless of who began prepping first. 

4.  For the most part, none of us are in competition for top score.  If it happens to happen, great, but we are primarily interested in a kingdom victory.

5.  Our players vary widely in experience... Explaining things is good.  We have old sections on FAQ and Tactics kept in our forums if you are new to the game.

6.   The only winner of a flame war is someone who does not participate. That said, forums can play a role in diplomacy;.  I will post diplomatic exchanges for comment and so people can infer tone as well as content.

7.  At work, I am skypeless, and can not read forums, but I can read and respond to VU messages.  Skype is not required for this kingdom, but you do need to keep up with forums and respond to messages.

20:36:35 Sep 17th 13 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Galen Marek):

Sun Warrior King here. Looking for a kingdom in Starta. Holla at me!

Kingdom Information

Any new players are welcome to join

Looking for a Fant KD after this age is over, so if anybody is interested let me know.

02:20:38 Oct 3rd 13 - Mr. Ninja:

looking for a kd on mant 

18:44:19 Oct 13th 13 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac):

I love me some merges....

20:40:24 Oct 13th 13 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

?!?!?!?!?!?! Is that you?! You disappeared! Join Immortals!

21:11:04 Oct 13th 13 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac):

Is that my sweet Arthur? :) Yeah man, which world?

18:40:48 Oct 15th 13 - Mr. Paper Thick:

Poodles from Hell now accepting players on Fantasia. We are an organized group of players who love to have fun, win and teach others in the process. We do expect any players wanting to join to get online at least 3 times/day. In addition any new players are welcome as long as they are willing to learn.

If you are interested in joining, send Timur, Dvsklown, Oops or myself a message.

12:32:17 Oct 19th 13 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Looking for a kingdom next era on Fantasia. My name is Dark Spawn, quite a new player, but I have played couple of eras, so I am getting on top of things, learning the game mechanics and improving my game.

Though I have only been successful on lower worlds, on both eras in Fantasia I died getting killed by Legacy, I think I can improve a lot, and help any kingdom, especially in the out of protection period. I play Halfer, that is only race I have played and I think I am decent, quite active and good attacker.

Strong points:
Very active, strong out of protection war game. Good team player, I will follow orders and do what ever I am told. I am trustworthy, if I am told to do something, I will do everything I can do make it so, of die trying. From this short period of my playing, I have noticed that I can match any enemy army in the beginning of the era without any trouble.

Weak points:
Lack of experience. And it seems to be as era goes to end, I can not keep up with other races as Halfer, and I become very weak. One of the weaknesses I think is that I never been able to get exp on Adventurers army to get events. I plan to work on that.

What I am looking for:
A well organized kingdom, good amount of players so we do not get ran over right in the beginning. A kingdom should also have a dedicated mage, active one as magic seems to be among the most important things in VU. And also, active and skilled leaders is a plus for a kingdom.

If anyone is interested in what I have to offer and can match what I look for, please send me an ingame letter. Thank you in advance.

06:23:27 Oct 20th 13 - Ninja (Mr. Ninja):

Looking for fant kd to take me in.

01:32:41 Oct 28th 13 - Ms. Galactic Gaurdian:

Have an extra character slot, Dunno any kingdoms on any worlds other then mant, and fant.. that have promises of lots of war?

00:21:11 Nov 1st 13 - Mr. Loony:

Any kingdoms recruiting on Starta?

17:39:20 Nov 18th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

damn some noob needs to update OP in this thread :D

13:00:58 Nov 19th 13 - Mr. Hetero:

Join MANOWAR on Latha!!!


Kingdom Banner

Members: 2
Created: 11/19/2013 11:16:43 AM
Leader: Mr. Hetero

Compare kingdom


Hi and welcome to -HOW-. We are special.

If you want to join us, you migh first want to check on our sissy little brother KD MANOWAR who dress up in their mothers underwear and fight eachother with plastic swords.

If you survive 1 hour in their KD, you have passed the first test in joining us.

Next step:
We take used undewear as an application, send yours to the following adress:
Duke Elron the great III
N/W corner, Latha
and you will be considered. 

In our unique and ancient kingdom we have very sacred traditions, that always must be honoured; every mail sent to a leader or vice in this kingdom must, first of all begin with the so called opening; "OH, Schlangeman", this is to actually get our attention, it has been noted in our awesome history, that things like "Hi" or "Hey there" give us free military sciences instead of starting a conversation. If you consider engaging in a NAP with us, it is important that you end the message with "JAAAAAA SEHR SCHÖN", or else we might not take you seriously. Our native word for NAP is FAP, and if you are REALLY REALLY serious about getting a FAP with us, you should repeat the word troughout the message. 

Message me for the complete -HOW- communications guide (recomended, word file 2100 pages)

Best hetero wishes, -HOW-


13:08:27 Nov 24th 13 - Khan (Mr. Borsodi):

Come to Zetamania! Land of 10 million OP merges, and great walls. Dragons and Omnipotent mages! Long term strategy and quick tactics. 2 great kingdoms await your application.

Check out what is going on via strategic maps summary on this link, and apply for any of the kingdoms. Foresaken needs heros! Death Dealers need drinking company! Come to zetamania!


08:33:26 Nov 26th 13 - Mr. Kamikoze:

Hello all any kingdoms recruiting? My old names were... alot like Necromancer Bloodlust ect... Ive been gone for 1218 days

09:32:16 Nov 26th 13 - Teirdel (Mr. Mythos):

There are plenty of kingdoms looking for members however after being gone so long are you planning on hitting some lower worlds or do you wanna jump straight into the shark infested waters that are fantasia etc?

Truth is almost everyone is looking for people. We are scarce as a resource as is and are so spread out.

19:13:54 Dec 5th 13 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Paschal):

I need more mercenary there to fight on Starta. Just send in application, though I don't welcome newbies as I don't have the luxury of teaching new ones.

Companion Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Companion Knights
Members: 2
Created: 10/23/2013 5:04:48 AM
Leader: Lord Paschal

Compare kingdom


Companion Knights is a relatively mercenary band of knights roaming war frontiers to offer service for treasures.


19:28:12 Dec 5th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Lonely):

The Great BoW has returned to Mantrax. Now accepting applications.

Kathandrion...Looking for a KD for next era inbox me if your interested 

18:22:29 Dec 7th 13 - Ms. Leila II:

Kath at his finest :)
Rain of fire on a city :D

We received a message from Duke Israel Sesugh Igba of Fula Mbororo.
Fire rains from the sky in Leilas Swamp and kills 4972 peasants. 0 lumbermills also burned down.

20:15:44 Dec 7th 13 - Architect (Mr. Shamus):

Looking for a good kingdom on Mantrax.  Any takers?

I think I'm going to try and play elf mage this time around.  I've not played it literally in years, so I'm not sure how effective I'll be, but yeah...

23:32:11 Dec 7th 13 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent II):

Ever considered BoW? ;)  We're in need of some players :P

05:44:14 Dec 8th 13 - Teirdel (Saint Talveron):

BoW would def be a kingdom I would recommend. Of course id recommend roc first but since we only have a few active players im not sure how that would appeal to you.



Also any kingdoms on Fanta willing to pick up a fresh Fanta noob?

'Kath at his finest' Because after 2 years of not playing i forgot RoF was only on armies? 

Were still fighting in your core , its still your cities being wrecked , its still my core you haven't even reached yet....

09:26:29 Dec 11th 13 - Bran (Ms. Bran The Bearded):

what kds will be available next era on fant? im currently kd-less  so am interested so i know whether to play or not, and who for

09:53:32 Dec 11th 13 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Same here, please give us list of Fantasia kingdoms that will play.

10:22:43 Dec 11th 13 - Timur (Sheriff Timmur):

Poodles on Fantasia will once again attempt bite the heels of the more established kingdoms on Fantasia.  

If you can't log on several times a day, you will not survive Fantasia for very long.  It is almost certain that you will be in an oop war if you join us.   Send in a application if you are interested or send me a message if you need more information.

Phoons are playing too.

04:30:24 Dec 12th 13 - Architect (Mr. Archi):

I'm untagged on fant.  If you can find me, I'll probably join you.  Playing elf mage.

19:55:24 Dec 20th 13 - Mr. Annunaki:

Looking for Kingdom in Nirv.
  Hope it is a slaughter fest :)

20:54:33 Dec 20th 13 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

After taking an era off due to IRL circumstances, I am bringing Candlewax back to Nirvana. Go ahead and apply.

14:02:21 Jan 14th 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Liu Bei of Shu Dynasty):

I am going to regret saying this but I am on the market to play again >.< I was inactive because it was break time. I have 7 years experience, played over 30+ eras, good at dwarf and troll, and I work well with others. Message me. Also, I am playing just one character so message me quickly before I am gone lol

14:10:17 Jan 14th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

do you use skype? you can join shaolin on zeta. era will come to end soon

14:36:11 Jan 24th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a badass? Well now you can find out! Death Dealers now taking applications for Zetamania.

The Death Dealers

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Death Dealers
Members: 16
Created: 10/10/2012 10:27:12 AM
Leader: Mr. Necro Emporos

Compare kingdom


We slay all who stand against us without fail. It does not matter if our foes are young or old, male or female, peasant or veteran soldier, death is our gift to them as we are The Death Dealers!!!


join them you know you want to

darn double posts any way awesome kd great leadership and a binch of bad ass players residing there and my kd needs more people to fight

22:17:44 Jan 24th 14 - Khan (Mr. Fornicator Immensis):

Yes, everyone come to Zetamania, the only land that is different. Build great walls, merge with your friends, row over seas in boats, like nowhere else. Zetamania needs ya all! Friendly welcoming kingdoms. Restaurant at the end of the universe. what else do you need?

00:03:52 Jan 25th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Join now and get a free cookie!

to track you and stuff.

11:40:52 Jan 25th 14 - Lady Eephg:

join Bears!!!

12:09:55 Jan 25th 14 - Konspyre (Mr. Pooh Bear):

Dont Join Bears! I'm not even recruiting to begin with! :D

02:52:46 Jan 29th 14 - Mr. Token:

Mantrax - If I don't know you, get someone to refer you. I should be familiar with more than half the players around here. If you don't use Skype, at least be active and responsive to forums/messages.

Kingdom Information

02:53:04 Jan 29th 14 - Mr. Token:

We are the hungry hippos. Many experts believe that the Hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal in all of Africa. Weighing up to 8,000 pounds, a Hippo can gallop 18 mph and have been known to upset boats for no reason and bite the passengers with their huge, sharp teeth. Not only that, but Hippos are aggressive, unpredictable and have no fear of humans. People die most often when they get between a hippo and deep water.

07:54:49 Jan 29th 14 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

we are located on Nirvana

Gods and Goddess

Kingdom Banner

Name: Gods and Goddess
Members: 9
Created: 1/6/2014 8:37:08 AM
Leader: Sir Ajax

Compare kingdom


We welcome anyone who is willing to learn and can be semi-active.


07:59:04 Jan 29th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos):

recruiting on midgard also


Kingdom Banner

Name: Mythology
Members: 2
Created: 1/25/2014 9:23:35 PM
Leader: Mr. Arkantos

Compare kingdom



08:00:45 Jan 29th 14 - Arkantos (Mr. Orcus):

also recruiting on talents

Warriors Guild

Kingdom Banner

Name: Warriors Guild
Members: 1
Created: 1/21/2014 2:00:20 AM
Leader: Mr. Orcus

Compare kingdom



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