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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
16:19:14 Jan 29th 14 - Mr. Token:

For HHH (HungryHungryHippos), 

We will definitely accept new players. 
We will teach you, guide you, help you. 

07:16:08 Jan 30th 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Chalkz of Dom Hearts):

Kingdom Information

18:09:23 Feb 8th 14 - Timur (Sheriff Timuur):

Poodles from Hell is open for people to join us on Fantasia. 

Fantasia is not a place for people to try out new races, but we have a range of player from moderately experienced to relatively new.  Because we accept newer members, we keep archives that include rules, tactics and formula discussions (some of which have been brought by far more experienced players).

We do expect you to log in 3x daily  (before work, after work, and before bed) and six time daily if we are in an oop war (which has been 3 of the past 4 eras).    We are one of the few Fantasia kingdoms that heavily uses forums for communication rather than Skype.  We encourage Skype use, but are unlikely to sit and chat; most members are blocked from using it at work (mainly because we are uhh..working).

We also would encourage any small existing kingdom to consider merging with us.   Send me a message if you want to discuss it.

15:59:35 Feb 26th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

Looking for a low world KD to roll with, have to use Skype, dont care if you're crap.

06:02:25 Feb 27th 14 - Mr. Pang Tong:

I'll be looking for an alliance that is not playing on Fantasia or Mantrax. I use Skype for communication and roll with anyone. Message me if you are interested in recruiting me :-)

06:08:12 Feb 27th 14 - Edgardo (Mr. Cygnus):

Wizengamot of Midgard is recruiting. First era this Kd is around. I have plans of slowly moving up to other worlds. I have kicked out people that don't flex their military muscle and will do so again if needed. 

06:15:19 Feb 27th 14 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Too low of a world for myself to play in, cannot enter in it. Anywhere from the worlds: Zetamania to Valhalla.

17:07:56 Feb 27th 14 - Mr. Twilight Eyes:

Zetamania: You could send your application to Death Dealers, Forsaken, or ShaolinMonks

17:20:52 Feb 27th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

^If you want to join a KD on Zeta, I'd wait til next era starts. Which will probly be in about 2 or 3 weeks. Death Dealers will gladly have you, or you could join Forsaken if you really want.

17:26:22 Feb 27th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

or you could start your own kd and invite some friends?

20:53:57 Feb 27th 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Jose Cuervo):

Or you could join anyone you want except Monks.

20:59:42 Feb 27th 14 - Konspyre (Mr. Pooh Bear):

The negative opinions about Monks pretty much proves that Monks>The rest

21:27:57 Feb 27th 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Jose Cuervo):

Pfft only reason why I do not like Monks are because majority of them are bald and are horrible to play in WoW. You know what is awesome? Paladins.

22:45:03 Feb 27th 14 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Monks are awesome class, best and strongest class in Final Fantasy.

22:48:55 Feb 27th 14 - Konspyre (Mr. Pooh Bear):

Monks are awesome in AoE2. Converting whole armies in skirmish is fun.

00:30:07 Feb 28th 14 - Mr. Hungry Hielf:

Will play for any kingdom on Mantrax, excluding HHH. 

00:37:31 Feb 28th 14 - Ms. Ninth Gate:


01:13:28 Feb 28th 14 - Konspyre (Mr. Slavik):

I think FW is the perfect KD for you, Hungry Hielf :D

01:16:03 Feb 28th 14 - Mr. Hungry Hielf:

FW doesn't need a spectator. I'm not playing, just watching. 

01:32:10 Mar 4th 14 - Dark Knight Endo:

alive and kickin' :) looking for members


Kingdom Banner

Name: Darkfire
Members: 3
Created: 3/1/2014 7:16:12 PM
Leader: Dark Knight Endo

01:40:00 Mar 7th 14 - Lady Eephg:

next era Zetamania:  The Flying Vikings.  We take all comers and we all go to Valhalla.

12:47:42 Mar 7th 14 - Teirdel (Saint Avarice of The Black):

Gotta admit I like the banner.

23:58:12 Mar 12th 14 - Venomz (Mr. Sapro):

Open for any kingdom on Zeta, let me know :)

02:06:57 Mar 13th 14 - Lady Eephg:

hey venomz,  put m name in and I'll make Vikings.

02:11:37 Mar 13th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

i typed your name in for you not sure if it worked tho

02:47:05 Mar 13th 14 - Lady Lothbrok:

thnaks.  someone dropped in fantasia so I had to kick them to land in zeta.  I hope you have another character free to join us.


Kingdom Banner

Name: Vikings
Members: 2
Created: 3/13/2014 2:31:52 AM
Leader: Lady Lothbrok

Compare kingdom


Fearlessly searching for our seat in Valhalla!!

17:22:25 Mar 13th 14 - Mr. Falconer:

Trolls are alive and kicking on Zeta, looking for a couple more members :-)


Kingdom Banner

Name: Trolls
Members: 7
Created: 3/13/2014 8:20:57 AM
Leader: Mr. Falconer

Compare kingdom


TROLLS only (the race that is)


23:56:57 Mar 13th 14 - Lady Lothbrok:

how many leaders are you going to allow?

20:33:42 Mar 29th 14 - Edgardo (Mr. Kalluto):

Looking for KD. Preferentially in Starta. 

I have a rating of 2770 at the moment.

Second era playing after a 4 year break.

Leader of Wizengamot in Midgard; although the KD pretty much runs itself. Lol. 

Up to a couple of minutes ago, a Vice for Hydrogen Dioxide in Valhalla. I was Urg last era. 

In Darkfire in Mantrax. 

Willing to play any race although Elf and dwarf are not my strongest. Also willing to be any role although I am not the strongest mage.

I am somewhat experienced, but understand others still have lots to teach me. 

I do have access to skype, although I rather not use it much. 

In the Past I have played for NARSSE, CARNAGE, and a couple of others I can't remember. 

Message me if you have any questions. 

20:41:15 Mar 29th 14 - Edgardo (Mr. Kalluto):

Also was in Zeta, with Shaloin Monks. Don't want to be in Zeta.

16:42:52 Mar 30th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

That being said, I think its safe to say that Shaolin Monks will also be recriuting for next era :p

17:16:19 Mar 30th 14 - Fire Lord Crazy (Fire Lord Entwood):

Starta is a Free for all map. (no kingdoms)

17:56:57 Mar 30th 14 - Konspyre (Captain America):

Ducks Will Dominate1Captain America100
Fire Lord Entwood1Fire Lord Entwood24
Kingdom Hearts9Mr. Chalkz17
Nikol Bolas FFA1Prince Nikol Bolas12
Binh FFA1Mr. Binh The Orc Nub4
Kingdom of Stupid Warriors8Sir Muscle2
The Federation6Mr. General Lee1
Warlock FFA1Mr. Warlock1

Oh, really?

18:14:04 Mar 30th 14 - Edgardo (Mr. Kalluto):

Bran nothing against Monks, I just don't like the whole merge thing...

19:27:50 Mar 30th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

its too slow isnt it. i wish we had landed next to  two kds like last era

07:39:33 Mar 31st 14 - Ms. Angelic Reminder:

I have a rating of 2770 at the moment.

we have a rating system?

08:56:17 Mar 31st 14 - Edgardo (Mr. Kalluto):

What I rate myself from 1 to 10

18:10:37 Mar 31st 14 - The Real Josh (Mr. Sorin):

Ms. Angelic click on the world tab and scroll down you will see your rating. 

It's there to stop players who have been playing longer going to worlds where players who are new play as noob bashing is wrong... Unless your noob bashing binh or ford, then it's right!

18:22:01 Mar 31st 14 - Ms. Jasmina:

It does not say "rating" in the worlds tab, Josh...
I would like to see where Angelic found the rating?
For me, worlds tab shows experience, not rating


Some of the lower realms are for new players and guides only. Players with more XP can not join.

You have 25397 experience points.

XP is based on how many ages you have played and how well you ranked in the highscores.

18:25:32 Mar 31st 14 - Zond (General of Vus Tactics):

Way over double your exp! 

Guess that means im over double as good as you! :D

18:36:14 Mar 31st 14 - Princess Aisha:

I know, and over double as hawt as me
You sexy thing


18:55:10 Mar 31st 14 - Zond (General of Vus Tactics):

Then what are we waiting for!


22:44:51 Mar 31st 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Solodolo):


In the realms of Zetamania you are able to build great walls and merge armies with kingdom members.


Some of the lower realms are for new players and guides only. Players with more XP can not join.

You have 34626 experience points.

XP is based on how many ages you have played and how well you ranked in the highscores.

Pffffft that is child's play.

00:13:58 Apr 1st 14 - Princess Aisha:

Its not about how big it is.
Its about how you use it.

The experience that is.


Some of the lower realms are for new players and guides only. Players with more XP can not join.

You have 45666 experience points.

XP is based on how many ages you have played and how well you ranked in the highscores.

pfff yeah swk

06:51:20 Apr 1st 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Solodolo):

Bring it dude! I will crush you in exp points. Watch me next era get top seed.

09:48:51 Apr 1st 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Nikol Bolas):

Lol same things Jasmina, also it wasn't angelic who said it, it was edo.

18:43:11 Apr 1st 14 - Ms. Bobblehead Bran:


Some of the lower realms are for new players and guides only. Players with more XP can not join.

You have 8348 experience points.

XP is based on how many ages you have played and how well you ranked in the highscores.

19:24:39 Apr 1st 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):


Some of the lower realms are for new players and guides only. Players with more XP can not join.

You have 26008 experience points.

XP is based on how many ages you have played and how well you ranked in the highscores.

17:10:47 Apr 10th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

looking for a fant kd

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