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Forums / In game politics / Armageddon Age 7

Armageddon Age 7
19:24:23 Oct 28th 11 - Rottich (Mr. Rottan III):

Interesting, as far as i know... There is no discussion of any sort that You Suck would CF exiled imperium.

19:28:30 Oct 28th 11 - Princess Aisha:

Interesting era on Arma xD Wish I was there too :D

20:02:36 Oct 28th 11 - Ms. Lofn of Asgard:

03:22:56 Oct 29th 11 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

How far is not far Lofn? just give them a whooping :)

I'm only a little wee halfer so not far unfortunately but i do have large feet so maybe able to kick him further then throw him :p

03:24:23 Oct 29th 11 - Rottich (Mr. Rottan III):

Interesting, as far as i know... There is no discussion of any sort that You Suck would CF exiled imperium.

This is nice to hear , means the Duke guy will have to live up to the 'its a war game rant , and get rid of his diplomatic hat '

01:14:20 Oct 29th 11 - Mr. Strayfox:

Please let me clarify this. Are you admitting that there was a CF, that our kd gave you cities as we both have agreed and fully honored an agreement, and that you attacked us despite all this? And even your own kd member doesn't try to disprove that?

All the better, from now on it's obvious what your (or your kd for that matter) word worth.

01:24:54 Oct 29th 11 - Mr. Strayfox:

And to You Suck members, let me say that you're guys doing fantastic, and a worthy enemy too. Not some little dishonorable scums like certain others here.

02:31:15 Oct 29th 11 - Ms. Lofn of Asgard:

09:14:20 Oct 29th 11 - Mr. Strayfox:

Please let me clarify this. Are you admitting that there was a CF, that our kd gave you cities as we both have agreed and fully honored an agreement, and that you attacked us despite all this? And even your own kd member doesn't try to disprove that?

All the better, from now on it's obvious what your (or your kd for that matter) word worth.

Your leader posted all the messages between him and Kelliane/Grunthor so all can see and decide for themselves what happened.

What i am clarifying is i did not agree and gave no such word so continued attacking if my leaving Kellhounds will help resolve this problem between your empire and Kellhounds i will do so .

And lets get one thing straight, the cities 'you 'so called gave back ' where either
- wrecked
- or would of been taken anyway

you had only your orc your leader and elite with armies in the area and by the size of them you thought we would be a pushover

Lofn Imperial Disliker

02:43:17 Oct 29th 11 - Mr. Strayfox:

That's very true, everybody can decide for themselves.

Your kd agreed, this is the only important thing in this matter. You can't be part of kd and say "i did not agree", if that was enough why CF at all? Every player would just say "i didn't agree" and attack despite CF. That's all.

The agreement was to give them back, we gave, punto. No one said anything about "we would take them anyway" or "don't wreck them", and if it was true, why did your kd agree to CF in the first place. That's just your excuses, not very convincing.

And to our pushover or not, the fact is that your kd made a CF and it turned out a dishonest lie, simple as that. Not that you're not allowed to lie, but I'll remember who was honorable enemy and who wasn't.

02:59:14 Oct 29th 11 - Ms. Lofn of Asgard:

I have to admit you are correct Strayfox (about my actions) not the empires , i should of left the empire since i did not agree with the cf .
If my leaving helps resolve this i will  .

Lofn Imperial Disliker

03:02:08 Oct 29th 11 - Mr. Strayfox:

That's between you and your kd to decide...

03:08:55 Oct 29th 11 - Ms. Lofn of Asgard:

Yes it is

Lofn Imperial Disliker

Rottan read your pm's , i spoke with zond and he said you would decide. 

And just to explain the its a war rant and the small sized armies , We were pretty sure you would attempt to attack us when our backs were turned , so we sent small mounted armies to wreck as many cities as we could and keep you busy. Our mounted armies were faster then all yours so no you wouldnt of killed us eventually. PS the armies who took back all the cities apart from hells gate had to wait for our armies to leave as they couldnt tke them , ask grunthor.

your idea of a whooping consists of taking wrecked cities? and attacking random kingdoms on your way to our core? good work (Y) 

and lofn your kingdom as a whole are traitors. you claim you 'did not agree' with the cf , and yet the rest of your kingdom have attacked us also? kellaine (the one who agreed to the CF and offered an alliance) and grunthor(who also agreed to the CF) have wasted no time attacking us.

Heras wasted no time pm'ng me bull about how there never even was a cf , whilst not sending any armies to really do anything.

19:31:53 Oct 29th 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

Ive been on vacation, and come back to this? Surprising im alive, but this non sense?

Kath asked for a CF, i said im leaving as he sent it right before i walked out door. Mailed him and said ill leave rotti a note to decide. Im still gone and wont be back until monday.. my daily log in now and i must deal with this.. not. do as u wish all. just be lucky im inactive or id have owned that ass :P

which is exactly as i said zond. 

23:00:21 Oct 29th 11 - Rottich (Mr. Rotti II):

lol, unfortunatly... I'm basicly the only one in the KD, it's more or less me and Zond. 

Zond is on vacation, and im away this weekend with my gf to visit my mate and his kid whos having her 1 year birthday :) And when i dropped by all i see is their continued aggressive move on Zond. Now why would i accept a CF if you continue to advance against us, knowing he's inactive this weekened ? :P Silly KD if you ask me ^^

Im not making no decisions. As i'm going away during this weekend aswell ^^
If you ladies really think we're that big of a threat then go ahead and kill us now when you have the chance rofl... 10$ says they'll brag they killed us aswell. I just get that feeling ;P

00:09:15 Oct 30th 11 - Mr. Strayfox:

All right, you've spoken to the point. Even though absence of certain players (say Doomed) didn't prevent you from taking their cities. But let's forget about that.

I propose peace between us and You Suck. You must return Misty, Strand and Tires intact as we can't allow those cities in your hands, it'll be a constant threat to us. We'll give you enough time to recover, let's say 72 hours.

Of course, I can speak only for myself and don't know what others will say about that, but it seems to me the most reasonable thing to do. If you'll agree we'll start negotiations.

I'm waiting for your response.

BTW you made a great mistake trying to take Canyon, if you'd started moving to the east you would hold most of our armies.

00:16:23 Oct 30th 11 - Mr. Strayfox:

And the answer is, if you know that your whole kd are going on vacation, you MUST negotiate a CF by any means beforehand, and if you'd done it you could receive much better terms.

Strayfox keep this stuff off the public forums. They are using going away , in my eyes as an excuse. As they attacked players that , zond atleast , was well aware were inactive. Zond lost his largest army in our area whilst still active. What happened after with his cities would of happened if he was active or not for the simple reason he simply did not have the soldiers to do anything about it. 

02:43:18 Oct 30th 11 - Zond (Mr. Hostility):

I didnt lose my largest army when active, if u asked the player. I didnt merge because was gone

03:55:43 Oct 30th 11 - Mr. Grunthor:

Hmmm... I'll just say this once.

1) Yes, me and Kellaine both agreed to the CF, but because of us being the good leaders as we are we decided to also ask the members of our kingdom if they wanted the CF, and they said No.

2) Shortly after that Lofn started to attack, and I messaged her that we had the CF, but she stil wouldn't stop, and posted in the forum why... I agreed with that statement, but never told you. My bad for not remembering to be a kind gentleman by telling you that we regretfully decline your offer of the CF.

3) Apparently your kingdom still thinks we have the CF,, so I will say it again... We Do Not Have A CF With Your Kingdom.

4) Goodbye. This will hopefully be the last time I talk on this forum.

You never declined the CF . you AGREED without asking your KD. Which i believe is crap because in your message you said you was waiting for a response , and it was not til the next day  you agreed. 

'being the good leaders as we are we decided to also ask' but you had already agreed?

15:15:47 Oct 30th 11 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):


I miss you suck :/

17:35:10 Nov 12th 11 - Ms. Lofn of Asgard:

Well my little venture into Imperium territory has come to a abrupt halt care of Elite at 1st then the mighty Strayfox ohh can't forget Klasp as well  , great teamwork guys :-)

03:09:22 Nov 13th 11 - Mr. Elite III:

I'll admit that for a moment there I was worried about my cities, but then strayfox came in and saved the day. Now let's see what happens, its gonna be an interesting era.

02:45:08 Nov 30th 11 - Orin (Mr. Ian):

Why is all the KD's in Arma is inactive?
btw its orrises

We arent inactive. Just finishing up Hell Hounds and getting ready to cast arma.

05:40:36 Nov 30th 11 - Orin (Mr. Ian):

thank you might as well cast it now

Heh... about that.. I kinda casted and failed like 3 days ago... so youll have to wait a bit :D

05:43:09 Nov 30th 11 - Orin (Mr. Orin):

i may try to cast it tomorrow :)

05:45:39 Nov 30th 11 - Orin (Mr. Ian):

Armageddon will end the world of Valhalla in 135 days unless the city of Elektrenai is destroyed.

i just seen it now

Ill have around 400k MU's ready in casting groups by tomorrow.. I got this.

06:27:33 Nov 30th 11 - Endless (Ms. Butter Croissant):

lulz you don't need 400K MUs to cast it :p

ENDLESS STOP STIFLING US , the more mages the more pretty explosions if we faiil , then we can just say it was fireworks and nothing was going on...

Endless... I used those MUs to cast some cooler stuff like dragons. I luv teh dragons.

16:54:21 Dec 9th 11 - Orin (Mr. Ian):

can we end this map please EIK?

20:33:07 Dec 17th 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

im back... and killing lots and lots

Arma got cancelled within 12 hours of me casting.. Makes me mad. At least we have that 1.5mil Slinger Dragon to deal with :D

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