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Calling Friends
02:31:16 May 20th 10 - Mr. Darkentel:

I would but...I don't remember your email :|

02:33:22 May 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

:( can mail here.. ? lol

02:43:42 May 20th 10 - Mr. Darkentel:

ok ^^ how's things been mate?

02:52:02 May 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

boring :(( you?

02:52:52 May 20th 10 - Mr. Darkentel:

same, I just did other things, vu is a sh8hole atm :P

02:54:11 May 20th 10 - General Zondervan:

lol up and downs. though next era im planning on being great! 

03:22:51 May 20th 10 - Ice Prince Aureola:

hey guys add me to skype

03:44:41 May 24th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:


04:27:30 May 24th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

What's the name gonna be Zond?

04:33:38 May 24th 10 - Dr. Evil:

He is torturing us Arthur.  He wont say

04:42:41 May 24th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

I think ive decided on Legion Under Leaving Zondervan. Lulz for short :D

but its not a sure thing. im still brain storming.

22:58:25 May 24th 10 - Dr. Evil:

LOL love it Z

you know you can not leave for good :P

23:06:37 May 24th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

lol i can leave for a long time until life is fixed and i have time to waste

00:08:31 May 25th 10 - Mr. Skinny Vinny:

so zond, we winning the era next era right?

02:13:10 May 25th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

well duh :P wat kind of era would be the last for me but to get a kd win!

09:25:31 May 31st 10 - Mr. Doctor:

Can we just conclude that zondy doesn't have any friends but just lots or pretenders?

09:28:07 May 31st 10 - Dr. Evil:

No we cant. 

16:28:38 May 31st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

Well i have a good bunch lined up, though a few more wouldnt hurt :P

17:47:49 May 31st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Zond, it's an awesome name ;)  I love it.  For ya'll who don't know and who happen to read this thread, I'm excited to be with LULZ for its first and only era!  Era win for sure Skinny! :D

19:27:54 May 31st 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Good luck Z :). youve been a great friend and teacher bud.

19:56:02 May 31st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

:D nice having good friends! and better to own people with ur friends beside you!!!!

19:56:19 May 31st 10 - Mr. Ignis Calibus:

what about me :)

19:57:05 May 31st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

well if you want on the list bud then i can add you and have yet another friend with me!

01:41:27 Jun 1st 10 - Dr. Evil:

Im rooting for LULZ to win the era!!!

01:45:09 Jun 1st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

we will! and if they try to stop us then we will have to teach them a lesson!!!! 

03:43:41 Jun 1st 10 - Mr. Skinny Vinny:

hey Zond, how long is the list?

03:49:40 Jun 1st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

27 atm. Hoping to find a couple more so we can compete with the large current kingdoms and incase a few say no after saying yes :/ lol

15:04:25 Jun 1st 10 - Sir Teirdel:

OOO Zond we will get to fight next era unless we napwhore!

15:49:28 Jun 1st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

i hate naps!! :D

14:31:24 Jun 2nd 10 - Mr. Doctor:


23:31:57 Jun 2nd 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

they are for the weak hearted

01:29:40 Jun 3rd 10 - Endless Destruction:

or the very very sleepy :)

*heads off for a nap*

01:35:32 Jun 4th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

well we will see next era right? :) 

17:44:44 Jun 12th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

bump bump!

17:48:49 Jun 12th 10 - Dr. Evil:


01:58:55 Jun 15th 10 - Sir Bran:

bump, zond join with us next era

04:14:46 Jun 15th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

ive got 30+ lined up man. cant leave them hanging :) and doubt they all can join ;) lol,

but ur welcome to join me for era :p

oh reminds me, those that know you are joining. i need vices next era :) mail me your app vices. and dont use the "im your friend" because all of you are good friends.

05:48:40 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I'm your friend ;)

02:41:57 Jun 16th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

send them on in guys :)

09:00:24 Jun 16th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

Hey zondervan. remember me? i was once known a maximus and pieguy :D

09:47:05 Jun 16th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

replied to ur mail before here, but yes i do! its been a while :D

08:46:17 Jun 17th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

anyone else remember me?

09:00:31 Jun 17th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

when did you have the name pieguy???

09:18:26 Jun 17th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

a few eras ago but i created a new account

09:28:55 Jun 17th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

i dont know you but i rememba the name :P
so HAY :P

09:29:25 Jun 17th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

hahah sup :P

09:35:54 Jun 17th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

nothin just chillin,killin the usual :P
and you? 

10:03:59 Jun 17th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

haha rejoining the killin n stuff :D

17:57:43 Jun 17th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

almost time to party!!!

22:19:36 Jun 17th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

while away, someone decided to delete my file with everyone saved that is coming next era. 

would those please message me again. i remember most. but some i dont remember if it was a yes or a maybe.

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