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Forums / In game politics / Era 34: Zetamania Wars

Era 34: Zetamania Wars
21:05:38 Jul 21st 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Hilario thats a strange statement... no wars?
Couple of days ago there was a huge battle between two merged armies - ODC vs MAD and it lasted for days :D Then we won.

Then Lapu Lupu took over out two blockers... Then we went there

They surrendered. Ms. Jasmina. We have won the battle!
We killed a total of 6823 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 5361 enemy troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Ms. Jasmina. We have won the battle!
We killed all of the 4301 troops and 0 peasants.

Zumps Passage has been liberated
Refrigirator has been liberated
Enemy army all dead.

And now we know you're massing up troops north and we're waiting for you :)
So please don't say Zeta does not have wars :) Its pretty interesting era :)

21:23:27 Jul 21st 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


Sadistic Satisfaction...


i understand

04:22:13 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

LoL hehe!

Yup! My escaping army was annihilated and also I wreck my 3 cities outside of MAD core. That's why I've been of the HoH for a while and Soon I'll back there. LoL

05:05:54 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

Mr. Justin


7/22/2008 3:49:10 AM
Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis


7/21/2008 9:46:04 AM
Nobody can kill twamao... he is invincible

Plz tell me ur joking? Honestly my guys who are taking his cities are becoming so big from them that they cant attack him. He has one city left.

i told you he is invincible... you can manage to hurt him but he can't be defeated... behold the power of twamao

05:07:57 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

well if he is stupid enough to attack TDS then he is free  the rest the era like Death Proof is.

08:45:22 Jul 22nd 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Who is twamao? :)

08:46:07 Jul 22nd 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Ms. J.. I wonder how many members are active on your side?

08:52:51 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Ms. Macarodge


7/22/2008 8:45:22 AM
Who is twamao? :)

/me slaps Ms Mac

How dare you not know who Twamao is!

08:58:47 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

^^ Revenge is right on that one how dont you know Twamao???

09:00:24 Jul 22nd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

I dont know Twamao too :(

09:01:36 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

/me puts on his special slapping glove


09:02:13 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

AGH Wha is wrong with VU these days

09:07:27 Jul 22nd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Well I am new to VU so maybe I can be forgiven?
(thought you can still use your glove)
/me bends over :P

10:54:41 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Hilario:

Jasmina, what are you talking about. Our kingdom is in an era of peace. The hostility level between our kingdoms is decreasing that means we are all farming.

11:47:23 Jul 22nd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Hilario what are you talking about :D
You have almost all armies in HoH list
Means you are massing up armies...
You think we don't have eyes? :)

12:38:07 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

Ms. Jasmina though you are new to VU, it doesn't mean you will be forgiven for not knowing twamao..

12:44:01 Jul 22nd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



the almighty Twamao...



12:51:36 Jul 22nd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Maybe you can introduce me to him? :)

12:52:44 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

See only you and ms macarodge are the ones that dont know twamao.... he is second to zeta... you should know that

14:32:15 Jul 22nd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

yes The Boy Negro speaks the truth

17:29:00 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

twamoa's cities are tasty.I thank him for the armouries.

20:33:40 Jul 22nd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

what flavor???

20:36:05 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Roheran:

humble pie!!!

20:36:26 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:


21:09:13 Jul 22nd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



I like the humble pie.

21:33:31 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Roheran:

so did I ;-)

23:12:02 Jul 22nd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Ok will anyone give me some update? What happened?
A while ago I saw Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame as the most powerful KD and now they dropped a lot.
What happened there?

And I see AoA has much more members now and they are now first?
Also, I see BLS is falling quite bad...

23:52:47 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

i believe OMA decided to fight POFF.
AoA has had 29 members
BLS is fighting TDS

01:06:15 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Zakira:

bls have poor defense

01:08:02 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

erm, mittalmar has taken i think now 7 maybe 8 cities. some big ones too :D
OMA also has a fair few huge cities. i guess POFF had too many dwarves :D

01:09:17 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

erm, mittalmar has taken i think now 7 maybe 8 cities. some big ones too :D
OMA also has a fair few huge cities. i guess POFF had too many dwarves :D

04:59:17 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Zakira


7/22/2008 5:06:15 PM
bls have poor defense

You think??They built all these cities and have no defense. We have trained since the beginning of ther era.

15:31:10 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis


7/22/2008 11:52:44 AMSee only you and ms macarodge are the ones that dont know twamao.... he is second to zeta... you should know that

erm, he must be third to zeta, as he was once second to me :D used to be a vice in a kd i had ages ago.

16:21:20 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

Ms. Jasmina could I ask how many are active at your KD?

16:22:00 Jul 23rd 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Ahhhh... So it's him... I still don't know who is he?

16:25:45 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

Now that im done with poff i will now move to AoA and PHX.

17:15:18 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Arming:

i believe OMA decided to fight POFF.
AoA has had 29 members
BLS is fighting TDS

Bull, TDS has just taken a few undefended cities, an armory or two and is holding a BLS merge at a blocker.

I on the other hand have burned or taken 20+ cities. Have killed thousands of troops (including merges) and am #2 HoH most powerful because of that. TDS has done well, but don't give them all of the credit.

17:40:25 Jul 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Well you couldnt have done it all by yourself Arming, you are good...


but not as good as OMA...


17:47:00 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Arming:

But I have done it by myself. I could of wiped you out, but BLS was a bigger threat.

Btw who is in BLS's core?




(btw you want to see all of my victories VS BLS? cause I'll post them if you want them. Just counted and I have 50 victories over BLS so far)

17:54:10 Jul 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


TDS has more than half of the core...


i've seen SS's

17:55:38 Jul 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

im not trying to insult you or anything.

It is a pitty that we started warring you guys OOP because we really arent that big of a threat to you guys for that particular reason. If i had time to grow...

When you guys launched your first wave i barely had 25K income

20:36:45 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Arming we are in BLS core. No wait we OWN BLS core. Which was our core from ther second we have landed. That merge at the blocker is no problem really. And honestly burning them same cities that you took once already doesnt count as your count of 20+ buildings burned.

20:44:12 Jul 23rd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Another ODC vs MAD huge merges show down about to happen ^^
Good luck to all :)

20:46:03 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Were i wanna watch???

21:11:38 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

aoa dosent have too much to boast about:

The Devastators Army of Anubis

Battles won: 66
Battles lost: 11

Players: 13

Battles won: 171
Battles lost: 108

Players: 29

so lets see, per member for TDS we have wins; 5.07 and losses:1.18
whereas aoa wins; 5.89 and losses 3.72
now we can see who has better statistics per member dont we?  so rather than trying to drag TDS through dirt, try and be more honorable.

21:30:16 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Bloody Sabbath:

Lol i will honest Arming did do a great amount of handling a bunch of BLS armies that were running around in the core.  He did pave a way for us to gain a good advantage on BLS.  But that being said we did do alot of the city taking as well and have fought many armies off but mainly in our eastern part of our core and southeaster part.  All i know is we do appreciate Arming for his help but i dont give him all the credit and we also dont take all the credit for crushing BLS.  It was a.... team effort if you would like to call it that :) lol

21:43:17 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Icecube:

Bring it on Justin Lets see you just hit the merge at the blocker with
ease, I really don't think you have a clue Mr. High an Mighty, I may
not have much left but it wasn't you all that hurt me it was the one
man Wrecking ball Mr. Arming with AOA.  I have a 3 man army in the old
core that has been attacked many times, It has 40 exp. and is still
running around.  Get a grip.  AOA makes you all look like girl scouts
lost in the woods.

21:54:59 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Arming:

Thanks Bloody Sabbath, but I will show you the cities I captured and the income I burned. Justin and Bruiant seem to think they did all of the work, while I cam in there while you where still OOP and took out one of their cores with 200 Naz.

If you want to see my victories over those cities I can post my 53 victories here as well.

NOTE: This is in NO WAY meant to harm BLS, they have actually send good armies against me. Just I picked apart and took them one by one and did not let them merge. BLS fought well.

@Icecube: Thanks for that, but no need for insults. Justin knows what happened.

Also it says all of them are burned, but they where not, just did that so people don't know what I kept or how much income I have or whatever.

Cities Burned so far
Musketeers [Methods of Mayhem] (5,298)-Burned
Musketeers [Methods of Mayhem] (10,318)-ReBurned
Blockerb [Zakk] (9,264)-Burned
Stillborn [Zakk] (14,588)-Burned
Concrete Jungle [Zakk] (16,583)-Burned
Sec Drop [Death Proof] (7,192)-Burned
Digital Restart [Death Proof] (7,517)-Burned
Digital Settlem [Death Proof] (9,257)-Burned
Schlep Rock [Methods of Mayhem] (7,931)-Burned
Digital Ownage [Death Proof] (7,021)-Burned
Sec Drop [Grimm] (9,891)-ReBurned
Initial Drop [Grimm] (19,340)-Burned
Suicide Messiah [Zakk] (14,931)-Burned
Waffenkammer [Schn] (9,235)-Burned
Third Drop [Grimm] (8,455)-Burned
Schwarzneggerin [Methods of Mayhem] (14,400)-Burned
Tgifm [Demetri] (9,386)-Burned
Seis Drop [Death Proof] (4,899)-Burned
Fort Remote [Cradle of Filth] (8,185)-Burned
Scorched Forest [Cradle of Filth] (56,015)-Burned
Wretched Abyss [Cradle of Filth] (39,931)-Burned
Nymphetamine [Cradle of Filth] (5,828)-Burned
Miniera II [Icecube] (14,802)-Burned

Income burned so far
410,521 Food/Tick
569,624 Stone/Tick
309,415 Tree/Tick

21:55:55 Jul 23rd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

justin, here's a lil preview for you:


ampd & co (merged)

army info
commander:ms. macarodgekingdom banner
kingdom:mad against drugs
size:army (100,000-200,000)
status:moving south

merged armies

owned by macarodge

mad army
owned by mr. hilario

owned by mr. boy negro the bukis

rinktine kuopa
owned by mr. patas

owned by mr. opium

killers ii
owned by mr. bigsmellyfeet



ray of death & co (merged)

cant show you the armies now :p
but you can check out the hoh list...

most powerful armies most powerful cities

ray of death
owned by ms. jasmina

owned by mr. boy negro the bukis

owned by ms. macarodge

killers ii
owned by mr. bigsmellyfeet

owned by mr. opium

zumps war
owned by mr. zump

zumps war has just merged, you have to wait one turn before merging or unmerging.

21:58:34 Jul 23rd 08 - Sir Arming:

Nice merge MAD

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