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Forums / In game politics / Fant 24

Fant 24
18:53:56 Feb 18th 14 - Konspyre (Captain Jack Sparrow):

You guys are totally looking down on pacifism.

19:08:24 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

You can't be serious, lock. Your entire KD, minus the unlucky late-join Jurgen, is farming. Heaven is farming. 

Give me five more players to farm and fight you, and we'll call it even. 13/13 players have seen combat. Just because they don't field an army doesn't mean they aren't maging. 

19:10:02 Feb 18th 14 - Prince Chade:

yoooooo sell some g0dd@mn tree!!!!

19:29:58 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Lock:

Get some knowledge about OOP fights and how it can be done and how players can be prepared and when they can be prepared. Your LACK of skills in the matter are showing when you are trying to dodge each question with a accusation or a new matter to discuss.

20:07:52 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Lock, why don't you get some knowledge? Why don't you figure out how it can be done? I've answered all of your silly accusations while you dodge the main problem: everyone else is fighting while you sit there farming, waiting until our KDs wear each other done. 

20:29:04 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Endo Stratus:

hey uh, guys? i heard they have a buy one get one free deal on amazon if you need knowledge. then you could split the price of one and have enough for both of you!

20:32:58 Feb 18th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Bertoxxulous):

* popcorn *

Better than a  Jerry Springer rerun!

20:33:55 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Lock:

Good one Straus :D Can you link me to it?

21:05:17 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Endo Stratus:

nah, sorry lock, i dont have the link :/ i heard it from a friend who needed dome

22:43:22 Feb 18th 14 - Zond (The Zonds):

So my overall master plan had worked.

I brought Fries to LGC long ago, for which plans werent told. But only to me

But now i can finally reveal the reason he was there. 

A mole to bring LGC down to its knees.

22:43:31 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Lock:

I have had a vision. I now know how LGC got into bad manner so quick :O

22:54:19 Feb 18th 14 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God):

Okey fries.

I've a question for you.
You say ur warring OOP right have a big ass battle, very intense and it's not clear who will win but it's very hard of a fight and really amazing as you claim.
Than Lock is farming cause he builded a 90k outside a warring situation.
Yet Binh and Bounce made 90k's during a war time.

Logical situation would be the gold invested into the 90k should had been made into an army cause yes you need armies to fight ur war but no the money is spend on 90k, now on the other side you expect Warlock to train troops where nobody really is near em or they are currently maybe neutral don't know. But you expect em to train troops for no fight and acuse em for having a 90k with no war but you say that ur kd m8's have a 90k to support the war? Totally unlogical if you ask me.

If you accuse warlock for being a farmer for building a 90k but not ur kd m8's 
ur a hypocrite. Besides you keep jelling and screaming that ur doing a big ass fight cause that's ur kingdoms way. Why are you bitching if other kd's have different styles of playing the game? Since when is LGC or you for that mather the unwritten law in the game about how it should be played.

Stop ur bitching fight ur fight, and cross ur fingers for a win for a change :) 

Cheers and Good Luck :)

23:09:51 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Endo Stratus:

im sorry ford, but the majority of that was very difficult to make sense of due to a lack of punctuation in crucial places. run-ons are not my friend.

23:14:37 Feb 18th 14 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Milk for the corn flakes!

23:26:27 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Numbers don't lie. Sorry, Fordius. 

Show us the numbers and i'll listen. 

Zond... why you tell everyone my plans...

23:33:42 Feb 18th 14 - Zond (The Zonds):

Sooner or later the truth will always reveal itself.. why you think warlock and legend left :S

23:54:12 Feb 18th 14 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God):

What numbers do you want Papa Poof?

Cause I clearly stated that there is a difference in having war or not.
Saying Warlock has no fights yet makes a 90k same counts for ur friends who are in war but don't train troops but rather have a 90k build.

Besides how many players does ur kd have and how many does the kd of Warlock have? Cause that you get an avg, but like warlock stated before it's mainly Valar on the HoH anyways.

Strauss you can just read. And understand I'm not gonna bother writing it all
correct from a phone. Besides don't need ur opinion on this cause it was clearly stated to Fries.


23:59:34 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Why are you making this into a topic of 90ks? Number of 90ks doesn't necessitate farming the last time I checked. 

00:06:50 Feb 19th 14 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God):

18:49:40 Feb 18th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:
Binh attacked Immo OOP. He dropped a 90k to survive against Immo. 

Bounce was actually ordered to drop a 90k, so I don't see why I would have a problem with him.


Cause I'm reacting to this situation.
You claim that Binh dropped a 90k to survive against Immo and that warlock dropped 90k's during war time where Warlock is being put away as a farmer.
His kd is warring looks at Jurgen for example :P 

But that they are not near em doesn't mean they aren't fighting maybe they are more lucky and have a better location with lesser enemies. That's something not in there control but zeta made the spawns ( or his system ) 

Besides like I said earlier why are you enforcing ur own will upon them?
Keep praising ur kd and making other sound like nothing.
Everyone have there style and believes if it works for them who are you to say to do otherwise. Besides just wait till end of era.

Cause if FIGHTS WON is ur reference to who's farming or who's warring.
I would say look back at previous era's FIGHTS WONS and TOTAL KILLS / CITIES TAKEN. You'll clearly will find MOD in the top where you owh so claimed that LGC was the warring kd ( stats will show otherwise I'll promise you that )

So please stop using ur FIGHTS WON as a reference :D
or you will shoot urself in the foot :D


we arnt near anyone for OOP wars, and i just assumed everyone accepted our all encompassing CF, were scared to fight us, or thought we weren't a big enough threat. however with all the city taking i see i would assume we need to get ready for some fattened up armies soon. Let me be the first to say, "good luck" to you guys.

05:02:18 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Binh was FIGHTING. Lock was NOT FIGHTING. 

That's the MAJOR difference

05:03:31 Feb 19th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

0.o I dont think this is going anywhere :P

05:12:05 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Jhet:

05:48:58 Feb 19th 14 - The Real Josh (Archangel Sorin):

I'm so glad that all this sooking isn't happening under the LGC banner anymore!

When I first started farming was classed as a tactic, every kingdom still has a member or two farming whilst the other fight as it's a late era strategy!

But now as soon as you make a few mines and don't take a city you get looked down apon how the fuck does that work?
Is my KD farming? Yes and no, do we each have a 90ker yes... Do we all have troops? Yes. Our plan isn't to wait till someone wins our plan is diffrent, I would tell you how but I won't.

On the topic of lock, I he had of done what he is doing whilst in your KD poofs you would be defending him saying everything you can to justify his actions, the only reason you Legacy degenerates don't like it is because you will have to fight him!

Ooh and thank you for making a new KD because now I do t have to sit here and wonder why LGC, in my opinion the greatest KD to ever grave VU become a frealing laughing stock!

Don't get me wrong everyone that was Originally from LGC has my complete and utter respect due to seeing them play when I first started but the legacy(now poofs) have become a bunch of cry baby's.

So I will give all you nooooooobs a pro tip, show VU you can do more then sook on the forums and get your asses handed to you again and again... Don't like someone farming... Go attack them don't have a cry about it whilst you have a circle jerk!

06:49:22 Feb 19th 14 - Ms. Bromance Afk:

Binh was FIGHTING. Lock was NOT FIGHTING. 

That's the MAJOR difference

ok... but what about the following?

Bounce was actually ordered to drop a 90k, so I don't see why I would have a problem with him.

from that we can infer that bounce was also farming... but it was ordered by lgc leadership, so you have no problem with this? what if Zond ordered Warlock to make a 90k? would you then have no problem with it?

Since you couldn't possibly just be plain stupid, i also think what Lock posted earlier must be true... you either have no sense of tactics or you're simply not cut out for a real challenge - what do you think would happen to Lock's 6 man kingdom if they all made unnecessary troops while lgc (note: 2x more members than Lock's kingdom) is ordering members to farm 90ks? hint: they won't stand a chance when the farmed lgc members come knocking on their doorstep.

07:21:34 Feb 19th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

The only problem I can see is the uneven distribution of landing spots. Four kds on top of echother and then a convenient natural barrier for lock and slades:)

Thats for Zeta to do something about though.

On a sidenote, Legacy is gone. Few of us are trying to start over fresh but its not going as planned. Hehe

07:43:00 Feb 19th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Bertoxxulous):

I really enjoyed the pink text ^^

07:45:30 Feb 19th 14 - Konspyre (Captain Jack Sparrow):

So which fool made the tree price drop from above 4 to ~2? I wanted to sell more tree for 4.2 :(

07:56:55 Feb 19th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

Still have no idea who that Bromance dude is. :P


And blame poodles for lowering the price, bloody commies! :D

08:07:27 Feb 19th 14 - Ms. Angelic Reminder:

which poodles? O.o

10:46:52 Feb 19th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

god you guy get so worked up about my kds.

jealousy is an ugly trait

11:02:36 Feb 19th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Wilberforce):

Ad your KD gets so work up about is guys!

Queerness is an ugly trait..(unless your Ez or val)

i news for ya, I've been LAughing at LGC for a long time....they are funny

12:08:44 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Poof Patrol:

Thanks for the lols Ford, dont change <3


13:36:14 Feb 19th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

On behalf of Ez and myself I thank you:p

14:59:46 Feb 19th 14 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Poofed Face):

golly gosh you guys are bad nowadays

15:13:58 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Apparently fighting OOP while managing to drop a 90k = not fighting at all, building 90ks. 

Good addition there guys. Very smart. 

15:22:24 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Theoneandonlylock:

Where is the difference between making troops OOP and fight OOP?Spendingwise that is Answer to that simple question and u might know where your lack of knowledge is :)

16:22:18 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Fighting OOP = Reduction in Economic investment due to military training. Reduction in income due to troop upkeep. Reduction in income due to the constructions of Guard Towers. Potential reduction in income due to magic towers. 

In terms of economy:
No troops > troops. 
No GTs > Gts
Production buildings > non-production buildings

Not Fighting OOP = Increase in economic investment due to the absence of military training. Increased income due to the lack of troop upkeep. Increase in income due to economic investment that otherwise would have been spent on non-economic guard towers, for example.

Magic Towers still apply for Lock, because his 90k had them (last time I checked). 

The players with the highest economy: 
1) Built GTs, thereby reducing their potential economic income
2) Trained OOP troops 
3) Fought with those troops (By troops, I mean an army of sufficient size to capture a defended city).
4) Suffered a loss of upkeep because of these fielded troops
5) Suffered economic loss via loss of troops that had to be replaced

Please establish how sitting in a corner of the map with no opponents and building an income is the equivalent of fighting two kingdoms out of protection with troops and guard towers and building an income. 

The two situations are vastly different. Your claims that they are the same or similar, are absurd. 

16:45:31 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Lock:

Yet you fail to notice i had more ponies than anyone OOP?

16:46:07 Feb 19th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

The cake, is a lie.

16:53:23 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

Your city was Hoh at one point: Feb 15th:

Snorelock, owned by Mr. Lock:
Pony riders:5600
Magic Towers:0
Guard Towers:1
Lumber Mills:0

Armies in the city: 1(Total of 50 men)

16:57:17 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Lock:

Yeppers. Did you scout the 14th aswell?

17:05:03 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Papa Poof:

I'm done arguing about this. I made my points, you made yours. Feel free to have the last word/statement/whatever on this topic. 

17:08:07 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Lock:

You are only trying to put a bad shadow over me and our KD. Mostly because of me i would assume due to the fact that i made you look stupid in the old chan :)

17:17:46 Feb 19th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

I hereby declare all of you farmers and myself a who...err fighter.

I win this arguement, move along now.

17:21:18 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Lock:

Best val, wins with a big frying pan

17:26:27 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Endo Stratus:

on a scale of apple to space shuttle, i give that win a laundry machine

18:36:56 Feb 19th 14 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

on a scale of apple to space shuttle, i give that win a laundry machine

Binh's brain cannot compute.

Please input proper numerical representation.

18:40:29 Feb 19th 14 - Mr. Endo Stratus:

proper numerical representation not found

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