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Fant 36
19:02:08 Oct 17th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

You do know he is of Asian decent, right?

19:04:39 Oct 17th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

Yeah I'd say he's pretty decent. 

19:22:27 Oct 17th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

And hes a massive racist!

19:22:28 Oct 17th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

And hes a massive racist!

19:28:43 Oct 17th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

I got a massive sign on my door: Bigots welcome!

20:02:33 Oct 17th 15 - Duke Leviathan:

Hi all.  Its been a while.

22:10:22 Oct 17th 15 - Prince Erythnul:

Mr Leviathan welcome back ...its been awhile indeed .. you back actively or just dropping in ? 

22:37:19 Oct 17th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

I heard anyone who double posts take it in the pooper

22:37:20 Oct 17th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

I heard anyone who double posts take it in the pooper

00:27:15 Oct 18th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

Pure, Shyers. You're in the wrong kd.

CPG is the gay nazi fun kd. 

00:54:25 Oct 18th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

Why you say that? We have a gay old time too.... Not enough nazi stuff though :-(

16:29:24 Oct 19th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

trashed binh :(

00:09:51 Oct 20th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

Meanie... No soup for you!!

16:46:13 Oct 20th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Zeon12Prince Sladen123
Childrens Playground10Mr. Todd L Fondler100
The Jester Empire13Mr. Tumatauenga51
Mad and Dangerous4Sir Aloysius LXVII24
The Visual Utopia Empire1Mr. Death God4

00:51:48 Oct 24th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

MAD lost 1/3 of their % and Jester has lost a member.

Zeon12Prince Sladen130
Childrens Playground10Mr. Todd L Fondler100
The Jester Empire12Mr. Tumatauenga46
Mad and Dangerous4Sir Aloysius LXVII16
The Visual Utopia Empire1Mr. Death God3

18:51:13 Oct 24th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

I lost my cherry

18:58:42 Oct 24th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

This era its not looking good for CPG it could possibly be the first era that i am not apart of the winning KD. This is a hard fact for me to accept but living in Egypt(in the Nile).

19:56:22 Oct 24th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

Walk like an Egyptian much?

20:43:44 Oct 24th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

Yea man, he's gonna do one of dem Egayptian dances when we win.

21:36:12 Oct 24th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Im living in the nile i am sure we wont win.

21:55:35 Oct 24th 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Zeons Fess Leader):

Im confused as to what CPG's tactics are... Let Ruthless split his army up and send all the pieces at us while everyone else sits back?

22:08:14 Oct 24th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Ruthless got his orders and he is executing it perfectly. He is the leader of our suicide squad.

22:13:40 Oct 24th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

Quiet Todd, you're not supposed to be giving away our secrets!

22:17:20 Oct 24th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

We wanted to see if he could take you by himself, and for a while it looked good. but since he hasn't succeeded in killing you yet we're sending one more player. The rest of us are tied up trying to repell Anons furious attacks on our core.

22:25:07 Oct 24th 15 - Mr. Ruthless The Tall:

Dang it our plan has failed... They are confused!!! I told you guys for this plan to work they need to fully understand our tactics.. Todd please show them our drawn out plans again?

22:39:15 Oct 24th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

Well shoot I'm sorry, I didn't mean to let y'all down, but you should know, I don't know how to read a map....or anything else to be honest, I'm illiterate.

Btw, anon came back? He is just like my butt herpies. They always come back the day I have a date that night it seems

00:35:30 Oct 25th 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Sir Zeons Fess Leader):

"We wanted to see if he could take you by himself, and for a while it looked good. but since he hasn't succeeded in killing you yet we're sending one more player. The rest of us are tied up trying to repell Anons furious attacks on our core."

You guys sent 80k ponies and 100k advents to take on an entire KD this late in the era.... I am just astounded haha. I thought maybe he alone just went and decided to do that because he was high up on Hoh. Learning that that was a kd decision though makes me laugh hahaha

00:46:53 Oct 25th 15 - Bran (Mr. Branny Branbrann):

i came up with the idea myself. i agree, i too find it funny when i concoct such infallible plans

02:33:52 Oct 25th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzilla):

Holy crap!!! That's too much for me, I'm out! I can't handle that kinda troopage..... What should I do Todd?

07:58:05 Oct 25th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Start saving your feces in plastic bags amd await my instructions.

11:27:32 Oct 25th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Who the hell would cast armageddon at this time? Il tell you who: Someone who is really really scared.

11:46:27 Oct 25th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

I did, I'm over this era to be honest with you, so I thought I would give you a clock to do something!

11:47:26 Oct 25th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Damnit i was about to start relaxing

15:54:54 Oct 25th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

Why is Zeon always saying CPG does nothing? We've killed 3 kds so far this era, you guys didn't even manage to kill off Anon. And no, a half-as$ed attempt to invade Jesters doesn't count, you have the biggest count of active players and the most experienced ones to boot, why are you casting arma instead of trying to take over the map? Where are your balls? You look like chickens trying to preserve your undeserved hoh1 wich is a stg-whoring halfers who didnt even win a single battle. 

SORRY for being so late in invading you, we've been busy killing Collective, Binh, MAD, Anon. Next time we will be sure to take care of you first.

22:49:56 Oct 25th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

Well actually we did take down anon but he did exactly what you did last era.. Rebuild!

You guys took out a if of what 5 active player(jesters) and collective which isn't really something to be proud of!

But this I promise you, before Arma ends Fanta we will have crushed the jesters and you will still have not beaten us Aughy!

But I accept your challenge, we will work something out so we share a core next era and let see you take us down first!

10:48:53 Oct 26th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

We didn't take out Jesters, they were killed by Collective. We spawned with 4 players and defeated Collective even so (x3 our size). Then we took out Binh, Anon and MAD(including whored up Stg-orc Retaw). I tooks this long however coz they were all tough fights. You fought Anon oop and you guys are just now breaking into Jesters new core (most of them where utterly killed). This arma was premature, you haven't achieved anything this era so it's an escape trick.

11:23:01 Oct 26th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

Well actually we casted as arma countdown is 10 days, more than enough time for 1 side to die  then we dont have to wait another 10 days because 2/3 people think it will be funny to vote no. Also as a dominate kingdom you have to keep your opposition, if you crush them hard  then take a while to re cast arma then you will have players leave the world.

15:38:06 Oct 26th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

THIS ARMA WILL BE STOPPED. Zeon dogs will pay trust me on this one

15:52:36 Oct 26th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

woof woof

19:41:47 Oct 26th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

The arma was premature, just like Pure is when he has sexytime.

19:51:23 Oct 26th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

pure shit is his name i hear

19:57:38 Oct 26th 15 - Bran (Mr. Branny Branbrann):

Pure Shit is correct, his middle name is Lee

21:15:52 Oct 26th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

I thought it was fulla 

23:13:28 Oct 26th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

Stephen Ben:


Mr. Shizel Fritzl.

We have burned and destroyed Utter End.

The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 0 troops that stayed to defend it.


no arma for you

23:41:36 Oct 26th 15 - Mr. Sladd:

U can actually recast, we're better positioned for endkrieg now.

02:54:43 Oct 27th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyizerhammersmith):

How lame

07:42:58 Oct 27th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Yea end this shit era im tired of it.

21:36:29 Oct 27th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Are you casting arma anytime soon i know CPG dont have the magic capabiltities to do it so i would ask, no beg of you to do it. It is lame to keep this charade going.

00:44:04 Oct 28th 15 - Prince Pure The Caring:

Less than  24 hours after you destroy it. I'm sorry but we are unavailable to re cast.

00:45:13 Oct 28th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Shizel Fritzl):

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