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Fantasia 22 The Big Bash
19:02:22 Nov 5th 13 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Yep! Can't beat me mate ;)

19:10:40 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Somebody want to post the KD %s each day, so we can record the sizes and predict how far LGC will fall each day?

19:31:11 Nov 5th 13 - Bran (Duke Bran):

well we are all busy playing vu

why dont you do it?

19:35:01 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops26Ms. Jenna Side100
Pink Legacy24Mr. Binh The Madman78
The Immortals18Duke Leviathan31
Poodles From Hell18Mr. Paper Thick31
The Phoons7Mr. Yamamoto Tenn7
Relentless8Mr. Xxpumpxx6
Subliminal Strke Force4Mr. Hanky Panky4
Mad and Dangerous8Sir Aloysius2

19:36:01 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Token of Lgc:

LGC 24v36

Then LGC vs 26

Does that mean lgc is ultimately 24v62

19:49:19 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Beo vs 0

coz we be farmin'

20:06:27 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Duke Bran


18:31:11 Nov 5th 13
well we are all busy playing vu

why dont you do it?

because you don't see %s when you're not playing you fucking mong. only kd lists. fuck sake, do you ever think bran?

22:07:20 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

Beothuk Evil Ops26Ms. Jenna Side2542
Pink Legacy24Mr. Binh The Madman1955

big gap when you look from the lil mans perspective ^^

22:10:03 Nov 5th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

wait what was that bran? you can take on wilber and stirling 1 vs 2 and win because your beoutiful and won CL on FM? oooooh you girls gonna take that from bran?

22:23:56 Nov 5th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

well we know thats a lie, he always got sacked

15:05:03 Nov 8th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

bored update flame on!

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops26Ms. Jenna Side2504
Pink Legacy24Mr. Binh The Madman1929
Poodles From Hell18Mr. Paper Thick563
The Immortals18Duke Leviathan464
The Phoons 9Mr. Yamamoto Tenn209
Mad and Dangerous8Sir Aloysius138
Relentless8Mr. Xxpumpxx115
Abydos1Mr. Osiris100

cant see much change in lgc and beo from down here but im sure the % are changing up there

17:17:34 Nov 8th 13 - Princess Beofcuk:

Osiris, tell us again that one time you beat legacy?

17:24:14 Nov 8th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

no need son my kd info says it all

17:47:06 Nov 8th 13 - Princess Beofcuk:

We really don't care.

19:26:15 Nov 8th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

why post then. if you've got nothing flamey or interesting to say go lose to beo quicker so i can have something interesting to watch :P

20:18:04 Nov 8th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Hey mate,

I'm coming on behalf of Legacy to see if we can work out an end to the Poodles/Legacy war. The main reason being the insurgence of the Beo empire in our East, they're knocking on our door step and quite frankly they will roll us over if we continue with a 36 odd man oop vsing you guys (Immo and Poodles) We feel as if we can possible change the current outcome of this age if we were to come to an agreement for a CF.

I just spoke with Timur and we both agree that Legacy are currently winning the OOP war and we're going to break Immo by the end of the European day. We however haven't done too much damage to Poodles thus far so we feel as if we're in a position to actually agree upon a CF.

Thank You for your time and consideration.


21:04:27 Nov 8th 13 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Swifty is handling LGC relations? :o

21:20:16 Nov 8th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

after he left us and begs to rejoin us every era we decided to throw him a bone, give him some relation responsibility, to keep the poor lad happy.

21:21:25 Nov 8th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

no clue why i called him a lad, who calls a 30 year old man a lad?

21:21:54 Nov 8th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

It's a decent effort Val, but it doesn't have the hallmarks of a Swifty diplomatic msg.

1) No abuse
2) No threats
3) No posturing
4) No general dickheadedness and open contempt
5) No TL;DR version for Whorey

I'd give it a C-

21:39:50 Nov 8th 13 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

I'll come back next era

03:29:27 Nov 9th 13 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Please, Swifty used to be a tame little kitten, all nice and cuddly. This manly act is not fooling anybody!!

07:35:08 Nov 9th 13 - Ms. Savoir Faire:

Was that before or after his petulant child phase Val?

14:48:12 Nov 9th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

less about me and more about LGC begging for relations pls

18:09:36 Nov 9th 13 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

But you are such a captivating subject!

21:33:41 Nov 10th 13 - Mr. Bounce IV:

Today Beothuck almost engaged a non- lgc target. before turning back minutes later.

Sources indicate it was called back becouse another war with the fearsome Phoons. One of vu most deadly kd's  would be ''Too mutch to handle''.

23:21:35 Nov 10th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Dude, those guys are scary.

23:49:19 Nov 10th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

indeed they took and burnt one of my small mines. DIRTY WAR IS ON! Anything i take and might lose will be razed if you break my mini core you will find only wrecks :D shame you cant fight a nice war ^^

01:03:03 Nov 11th 13 - Mr. Kublai Khan:

Its very dirty!!! 1 on 1 is terrible!!! Beo need 8 players to beat you osiris!!!

01:07:30 Nov 11th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

im not calling it dirty because im outnumbered, you sent a small army took land you cant hold and razed it. thats dirty and it will be repaid in kind if possible :P

01:52:04 Nov 11th 13 - Mr. Kublai Khan:

 ah ok we have no relations, we usually leave small kds alone.. if we dont kill you this era, lgc will just whinge and cry that we are mass napping.. we damned if we do and damned if we dont..

02:58:07 Nov 11th 13 - Zond (The Jasmina):

dont forget if we dont.. they will claim we set out only to kill them ;D 

07:40:39 Nov 11th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

But Zond, isn't that basicly true?

11:12:16 Nov 11th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

youre like a little brother, always in our shadow desperately vying for our attention

12:40:49 Nov 11th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

exactly like that! only with a knife.

13:19:14 Nov 11th 13 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac):

And tacos.

13:19:56 Nov 11th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

a butter knife?

21:44:23 Nov 11th 13 - Mr. Bounce IV:

Toblokai is my long lost little brother ;(..

Give me a hug. And put that knife away !

12:43:19 Nov 12th 13 - Prince Pesterd:

I stabbed my brother once.

Yup, blood and all....

13:24:42 Nov 12th 13 - Mr. Bounce IV:

Well im shure hes fine now

22:03:08 Nov 13th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

may aswell cast arma now and have a race. which will end first:

LGCs existence on fant

22:27:20 Nov 13th 13 - Zond (The Jasmina):

hard to say m8. they have yet to finish immortals and poodles. 

also heard they napped, might be why they alive still. 


12:13:11 Nov 14th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

when brans in your core, you know you should disband.

go on lgc, save yourself further embarrassment. you're not cut out for this warring lark like the battlehardened beo

16:56:03 Nov 14th 13 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Swifty needs do to some Yoga and meditation and just let go of the pent up anger. I'm willing to help you relax Swiffers ;)

17:20:23 Nov 14th 13 - Bran (Ms. Bran The Bearded):

i can guarentee you he just got a lot more tense from reading that :p

08:11:04 Nov 15th 13 - Acerf (Mr. Acerf):

hey! i just noticed thats my army in that screenshot, hahaha im infamous :D

17:47:33 Nov 15th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Snowman):

How long has Beothuk been using the triforce logo?

20:06:04 Nov 15th 13 - Ms. Jenna Side:

since coming to fant

20:48:17 Nov 15th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Snowman):

Just wondering, I've been using it off and on the last few years...

22:06:34 Nov 15th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

terrible banner. The great Eye does not approve

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