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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 35

Fantasia 35
20:33:50 Sep 12th 15 - Mr. Ruthless:

Hey i was just pointing out facts. Wasnt sure if any of the other players was able to see it. I for one dont care if u kick inactives, its not bothering me one bit. But u shouldnt put someone down, yes i know he did it to more than one person, if ur going to turn around and do it yourself... But ofc ur excuse is justifiable but his wasnt since the situation is reversed.

21:08:50 Sep 12th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Dude, we are playing on fant??!!?? 

I have no original organization anymore...... :-(
I'm just a hoe open for anyone 

Just kidding, we all know I love my bro bran.

23:32:41 Sep 12th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Todd, youre forever going to be that little quiet voice on the forums chirping up here and then and living in your brothers reputation and shadow. Ive never actually ever seen you do anything substantial in an era to even consider your pathetic attempt at "Trolling" (As I truly hope you arent shit talk with any foundations)  as an valued opinion.

CPG have done next to nothing and if your were half the kingdom Zeon is you would have been able to capitalise on multiple chances to kill us.

P.s I started about 21/22 days late and Im still gonna slaughter your assen

01:31:49 Sep 13th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shysters):

Big words pure but you know it's not about zeon, it's about Shyers....

05:04:52 Sep 13th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Shyers, who let you out of Fordius' gimp room?!

05:23:52 Sep 13th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shysters):

My wife paid my bail

06:37:13 Sep 13th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Prince Cecil. I dont think you realize words hurt more then violence. YOUR BULLYING WAYS WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED! 

06:44:57 Sep 13th 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

We could have done even less if we had accepted Zeons NAP offer.

08:59:07 Sep 13th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

No, you would have help us wipe out jesters and the era would have been over!

Yet you guys decided to due by our hand (a new player and semi active player at that) then you guys decided to farm behind Jesters and talk big on the forums!

09:00:02 Sep 13th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shysters):

Zeon cheats! Don't trust them! I dated one once and found he was talking to all kinds of dudes... And he told me he loved me :'-(

10:03:42 Sep 13th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

Katana from Mr. Takinaka Mimota

All this time farming and that's the best you can muster?

13:27:57 Sep 13th 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

Hey! Thats racist vs trolls. Rockthrowers have feelings too you know. And so do I.

23:02:12 Sep 13th 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

Ok Zeon, I'll make you a deal. If you pull back all your armies and place them in your cities we promise to move ours out and attack you. That way we will do more things and you will have nothing to complain about. Also, we will live longer I reckon.

00:49:45 Sep 14th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Deal, we will pull out and you will open your mouth! Pleasure doing business with you 

20:31:34 Sep 15th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

Collective ever coming this way?

20:36:23 Sep 15th 15 - Princess Aisha:

I am not sure to be honest, not sure if I have time to juggle three characters, we are already on Mantrax (and will play next era there I think), and we are on Zetamania, but since its always more fun to have more kingdoms, I might as well bring the Collective to Fantasia just for you guys to have someone else to fight. But that obviously means less online time on all worls, so I will discuss with my people and we will make a decision what would be best. I do not want to start and be inactive only to get destroyed quickly, thats no fun for anyone :)

20:58:19 Sep 15th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

True, true. Feel free to bring everyone with you who's not on Fant already. We're warring everyone regardless of their numbers. :) Probably. :)

02:17:33 Sep 16th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

More farmers!!! Hooray!

08:16:16 Sep 16th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Who thé hell voted yes to Armageddon!? We are about to take zeon  core!!!

08:17:06 Sep 16th 15 - The Real Josh (Mr. Cecil The Party Lion):

Haha dreaming. 

Last time I checked you guys are being pushed back with a horde in your core!

11:37:17 Sep 16th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

It's... It's not... It's technically not really THEIR core.

It's Jesters's.

14:39:56 Sep 16th 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Ohh Konspyre you Jester!

Please Todd, send any army you want our way, Ill gobble it up like Slade gobbles the penor

20:06:33 Sep 16th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

I quit you can have all my cities, zeon is just too good...

23:18:12 Sep 17th 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

Hey Shyers, can I haz some of those cities? Plz disband armies so it is easier to take them.

01:52:03 Sep 18th 15 - Sir Devlish Kid:

CPG can you guys spam some lvl 1's for me? Im trying to get my kill count above 5m before era's over... but you know if you guys have enough gold n stuff a 10m kill count would be cool too

05:41:29 Sep 18th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

I wish I knew how many mu I've burnt through 

08:29:27 Sep 18th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Oh so many mister man

15:37:23 Sep 18th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

Yeah, I'm burning 4k a tick just locusting you. I loss bout 100k freezing pad, to no avail since pure is a slowie mc slow poke. I prefer it when ruthless comes to play since he likes to make magic easy on me.

19:04:32 Sep 18th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

A waste of good MUs that you will soon be needing desperatly miste man.

19:28:29 Sep 18th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

I will? I have tons more bud

10:33:39 Sep 19th 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

Our mole in Zeon will cancel the arma cast just before era ends and you will be standing with your pants down when my nazzie knocks down all the slings u spammed for scoring purposes. MOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. And you don't have a clue whats coming! MOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. Oh wait.....

14:26:17 Sep 19th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Dont forget: Our words are backed with nuclear weapons.

15:03:13 Sep 19th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

do you think youre Gandhi or something?

22:09:39 Sep 20th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

I spam ponies, I'm rich bish 

01:05:31 Sep 22nd 15 - Sir Kid:

Andddd this is why I whipped my butt with my mother's silk wedding dress this morning. These were all Nazgul btw ;) And ya who spams slingers? I like zerkers better 


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Sir Kid. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 150000 troops and 0 peasants.

Hungry Hookers (your army)

03:17:10 Sep 22nd 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

What he doesn't tell you is we know the exp secrets, those hobs have 42749 1/2 experience points 

10:43:45 Sep 22nd 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

the 1/5 made the biggest difference there as well!

11:24:38 Sep 22nd 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

I feel as if the next 3 days will be incredibly intense, Ill give a virtual blow job to the one who can kill me 1 on 1 with no tricks ;)

12:29:10 Sep 22nd 15 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

only a necrophiliac would agree to that

19:36:51 Sep 22nd 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzam):

I'm game, but I need to sample the bj first to insure the quality is good 

20:00:11 Sep 22nd 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

I am 100% up for that after brans comment.

20:28:42 Sep 22nd 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

So, atm it looks like Ruthless and CPG has the era. Well done on casting arma!

00:28:29 Sep 23rd 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzam):

You guys are so dreamy, will you accept my kd application?

05:13:31 Sep 23rd 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

06:28:42 Sep 23rd 15 Mr. Kid Caress:

So, atm it looks like Ruthless and CPG has the era. Well done on casting arma!

Haha you should know better, your farming asses will lose, either we win via Arma or cancel and take your core, but the ending remains the same.

Zeon wins.

08:41:55 Sep 23rd 15 - Mr. Kid Caress:

shyers, we'd have to discuss that but send your application and we would probably almost certainly accept. 

10:56:00 Sep 23rd 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

shyers is a total basturd and depraved mofo and fits nicely in the team. Application will be INSTA-approved.

But you should know you will be expected to wear an outfit similar to that on donald duck. No clothing below the waist.

12:07:00 Sep 23rd 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzam):

Whoa, duck? ya are trying to stick me with the bill? What is this? Nope can't do it, pure always treats me like a lady, he is at gentleman on the street...even if he is abusive when we get home.....*sob

12:09:00 Sep 23rd 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:

Shyers, did I say you could come out of your room under the stairs.

13:17:53 Sep 23rd 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyzam):

Boo hoo hoo, but I'm scared of the dark

19:04:19 Sep 23rd 15 - Prince Cecil The Lion:


Your Royal Highness.

The city of Smacky is now under our command!

They had 3 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now yours!

We killed all of the 732683 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.


Well shit, Todd you are probably the worst shit talker possible, at least back up claims that youre going to win.

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