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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Wars IV

Fantasia Wars IV
08:25:27 May 19th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

You had a point? :o

I assure you you had no point, all you did was post because you got a hard on from the pseudo-intellectual superiority you think you have by not swearing. When you're done masturbating to the thought of how smart you are come back and make a valid argument.

Until that time please let us little peons require some basic grammar standards from posts in the forum.

Now run along you're probably late to your dictionary reading class, show us what new word you learned then you're done, k?

08:43:37 May 19th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

What if people are less intelligent? Are they less because? I don't get that point =P

08:57:43 May 19th 08 - Mr. Pedobear:

Hypocrite? I fail to see how anything I said is hypocritical. Want to go 2 out of 3? And if you find that insulting you've been living a very sheltered life, you might want to move out of your parents basement.

PS: It's hypocrite not hypocrit, lrn2english.

21:13:06 May 19th 08 - Mr. Darkstar:

IIRC this thread is about "Fantasia Wars", and I know many of you guys are always more then willing to hijack threads!

Focus on topic?

00:41:53 May 20th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

No. Fight and flame for the win :)

05:41:46 May 20th 08 - The Dark Knight:

I assure you I had a point, and you are in-capable of seeing it.  I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're 13, probably just found your penis and now thats the most amazing thing to you.  Your insecurities and lack of a girlfriend force you to bring up the subject at any and every opportunity and also force you to go through the work of making an imaginary girlfriend.  And also, being 13, you are not only in-capable of seeing the point behind a logical argument, but you refuse to see it even when it is shown to you directly.  But, that is ok because you will grow out of it eventually.  I could go out on a limb and say that if you are not 13 and you have a job, you hate it.  You have friends, however you don't have any real friends that you know deeply and intimately that you can confide in, therefore you seek solace in a game like this to hide yourself away from the world which you can't get a grip of.  You try and gain the respect of your peers by bashing the people around you because for some reason you think it makes you cool, or better in their eyes.  If you are the last one to post in this argument you will feel some sort of accomplishment, however at the same time you will not want it to stop because all you are capable of doing is arguing and without it you won't know what to do.  If I am the last one to post, than maybe I am entirely off on this whole thing because then you would have shown restraint, which would change the entire makeup of what i have said here, however even if you do manage to hold back, I can say that I am sure you wanted to respond, however you did not to prove a point.  And if that has happened, then I applaud you.  Either way, I am done with this thread, enjoy your day.

07:31:06 May 20th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

Another satisfied customer! Are you looking for a nervous breakdown and don't know where to get one? Just call 1-800-Pedobear.

Only $5.99 per minute.

09:46:59 May 20th 08 - Mr. Arctic Devil:

*beep* 6 dollars for a minute ???????

13:56:08 May 20th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

so how r the wars goin? and still i wana kno wat r pks n wolves doin?

19:35:37 May 20th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

the Dark Lord will eat Carnage babies tonight

21:30:32 May 20th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

I thought Dark Knight was going to be flamed on account of not using spaces between phrases but I was wrong :)

Still, I think quite some people in VU fit that description. Probably just as many (in percentages) as you can find at any spot on the internet :)

20:01:18 May 21st 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

baby's? i love babies

20:31:00 May 21st 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Im 16, I have friends...
Im not in there :D

13:22:35 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

so dk had 2 go off on 1, curse the whole vu world n scare evry1 away!!! naughty boy.

02:58:34 May 23rd 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

AAAAAAAAAAAH MAAAAAAAAAN, the flaming has stopped :-(. People these days just don't know how to have a good flame. It's all too goody goody! :-(

03:04:45 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Irreveran:

*beep*NUB =p

09:25:58 May 24th 08 - Mr. Apple Pie:

Uno Guard VII

Army Info
Commander: Praetorian Wyzer Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: *No Kingdom*
Size: Scout (1-5)
Status: Moving South West

What happened here :P ?

14:42:46 May 24th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

There's only one Dark Lord,
One Dark Lord,
Walking along,
Singing a song,
Walking in a Osiris wonderland.

14:51:56 May 24th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

What happened is between Sheolic Empire and myself.

I know many are interested, and some just want some "juicy gossip", yet as is repeated, what happened is between Sheolic Empire and myself.

Thank you understanding, and those that don't you will still not receive an answer from me, other than stated above.

15:41:15 May 24th 08 - Mr. Apple Pie:

ok :D
Just wondering, have fun ^_^

18:26:01 May 24th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

i think my booze is allmost done

08:55:37 May 25th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

I hate kingdom hoppers, they should be killed not matter what kingdom they hopped too.

11:28:20 May 25th 08 - Mr. Doublex:

sme oppinion here, hopping suxxs. Die with your kingdom and choose another next era.

This was what I did all the time before :D

11:41:12 May 25th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

die with your kd if defeated in battle. leaving your kd for personal reasons or internal arguments isnt at all the same

02:15:04 May 26th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

4 once i side with finwe....although i do hav 2 say that its a shame u guys cudnt compromise n fight regardless of ur personall or otherwise differences.

u hav spoilt my fun this era.........up until sheolic hit the self destruct button i was having the most interesting war iv had in my short vu ebbed and flowed n things were always on the move inspite of the fact that we wer fightin through blockers n big merges change was almost daily n it jst made u addicted 2 the vu n the thrill of the fight lol


thanks 4 givin me the chance 2 hav so much fun sheolic i shall miss u.

05:11:02 May 26th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

There is a reason no one in Sheolic is responding to this thread, it is on account it is no ones business but Sheolic Empires.

Speculate and theorize all you want, you still have not the foggiest clue as to the situation, nor will you.

Having said my piece, I will no longer discuss it further from this point in a public forum.

06:46:02 May 26th 08 - Duke Epymon:

basically, we realized how much of a nub Wyzer is so we "kindly persuaded him to leave the kingdom" ;P

@Orcinus, I had a lot of fun this era too. it was an interesting war. a lot of back and forth stuff so you could never tell who had an edge on who :) thanks for the nice comments

09:23:23 May 26th 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

lol osiris, whatever :-p

10:35:13 May 26th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Duke Epymon


5/26/2008 7:46:02 AM
basically, we realized how much of a nub Wyzer is so we "kindly persuaded him to leave the kingdom" ;P

@Orcinus, I had a lot of fun this era too. it was an interesting war. a lot of back and forth stuff so you could never tell who had an edge on who :) thanks for the nice comments

Hehe :)

11:57:26 May 26th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

bert im pretty sure i know what im talking about and i probably have a good idea what happend in sheolic

12:20:38 May 26th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

lies !

12:51:54 May 26th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

what happend was hanky promised to put out for everyone who leaves and thus mass exodus

14:04:25 May 26th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

He couldn't convince us eunuchs :)

20:35:15 May 26th 08 - Mr. Darkstar:

Just commenting... despite the "Failure" of Sheol, it was really an interesting war oop, it was a "war of nerves" aswell as "strength show" if i'm alowed to name it as such; over-all the best oop Experience I had in Fantasia. But somehow i feel remorse that Sheol will disband.

P.S. @ Duke Epymon, this doesn't mean you can have bumsekz with my doctors.

00:16:08 May 27th 08 - Duke Epymon:

but your doctors are oh so hawt

02:59:53 May 27th 08 - Mr. Darkstar:

Duke Epymon


5/27/2008 12:16:08 AM
but your doctors are oh so hawt


but hey i found you a perfect spot where you can have bumsekz, leave my doctors alone


06:10:23 May 27th 08 - Duke Epymon:

holy *beep* it's a *beep*

07:09:29 May 27th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

omg indeed

08:10:07 May 27th 08 - Sir Drunken:

Lets not get into too much details or this won't be a political thrend huh :P

12:22:03 May 27th 08 - Duke Dale Thickey:

Politicians *beep* all the time.

16:31:35 May 27th 08 - Khan Silent Halfbutt:

Lol, let us find a mimsy on the map too.

I wonder whether the watchdog will let this word go...

16:31:54 May 27th 08 - Khan Silent Halfbutt:

Yessss! There it is :)

19:23:52 May 27th 08 - Duke Epymon:

man and I thought this map was cool up until this point ;P but if we find a minge then it'll be the perfect map :P

20:12:28 May 27th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

I can find neither Minge or Mimsy in the American Heritage Dictionary. Is it some kind of foul word? :))

03:15:23 May 28th 08 - Mr. Giggy:

lol more active than you,    never 2 be laid....

03:37:26 May 28th 08 - Thizz Master Tonganboii:

Trio ftw =)

19:10:55 Jun 2nd 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

them has died out! :O!!!!! o.0

03:43:55 Jun 3rd 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

William who are you? I have never heard of you, ever. At least they tried, more then I can say for you, what world are you in? Mantrax? Zeta? Starta?

In the future please use proper grammar to try to insult or degrade others, because it's degrading to your own self to talk like that.

04:30:11 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Daryl:

nor mantrax nor stara nor Zeta nor Nirvana nor Valhala nor Armagedon
Try again, maybe you get the answer! lol

07:33:27 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

He's Music :)

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