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Forums / In game politics / Good vs Evil round 7

Good vs Evil round 7
01:11:22 Jun 25th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

so when are the good guys gonna put on dresses? i came for the show, not to trade blows with binh and watch tbl pulling rabbits out a hat

10:31:19 Jun 25th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):


16:43:17 Jun 25th 15 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous Death Dragon):

Congratz Good, nearly all of you played better than most of Evil this round.

Good had better leadership, team work, and far better magic support( in 7 days I been locust like 50+ times this round and those was just the successful ones lol). Where as Evil had a fraction of the first 2 and almost none of the last.

Anyway, it was fun but disappointing. 

Congratz on the win Binh and tbl you did a great job as Goods OOP mage ^_^.

17:15:32 Jun 25th 15 - HorusPanic (Ms. Puss Filled Sores):

second anon's sentiment - couldn't have said it better myself

19:06:52 Jun 25th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aligritzl):

We all know the real reason. TBL is buying everyone on Good BTs

09:03:46 - Morale in Titfortat dropped because they are afraid Destiny will eat them!

09:02:53 - Morale in Titfortat dropped because they are afraid Destiny will eat them!

09:02:32 - Morale in Titfortat dropped because they are afraid Destiny will eat them!

09:00:32 - Morale in Titfortat dropped because they are afraid Destiny will eat them!

Also hacking the server at tick changes so I can't log in. Why must you always cheat? :p

20:23:02 Jun 25th 15 - Mr. Eddy:

Those were my first 3 bts. I worked out cause I had to spam troops to the east as well. So I killed two birds with one stone.

20:35:28 Jun 25th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):

I wish I had money to buy everyone BTs. Unfortunately, I have to save for my wedding and to buy my house (since I am still staying with my parents and Wilber will laugh at me for being such a loser.....), and worst still, my girlfriend and mom control my bank accounts, so yeah, can't even spend for entertainment, let alone for BTs. That's why I can only play free games like VU... no games that require any form of cash whatsoever.... unless I complete the housework first.... which is never-ending.....

21:17:29 Jun 25th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

Mrs TBL needs to be informed that housework is not being done because TBL is too busy casting locust !!!

04:29:39 Jun 26th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aligritzl):

Lies! I have proof;

Hi Mr Loser,

Please find your list of transactions for period Era of Binh Day 1 - Day 7

Day 1 - Visual Utopia - 500 BTs - $500.00
Day 1 - Visual Utopia - 500 BTs - $500.00
Day 1 - Visual Utopia - 500 BTs - $500.00
Day 2 - Visual Utopia - 1000 BTs - $1000.00
Day 2 - Anonymous Hacking - Close Server access to Aligreat at tick changes for 1 week - $50000.00
Day 3 - Super Feather Duster - $29.99
Day 6 - Visual Utopia - 3 BTs for Eddy - $3.00

I would do it too if I lived with my parents and didn't have to waste my money on things like rent. Lucky bartard

05:08:18 Jun 26th 15 - Zephyr (Marquess Hartmut):

Ali mate, you forgot the Binh power-ups!

05:49:10 Jun 26th 15 - Lady Iceworks Tbl Guardian:

11:29:39 Jun 26th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aligritzl):

Lies! I have proof;

Hi Mr Loser,

Please find your list of transactions for period Era of Binh Day 1 - Day 7

Day 1 - Visual Utopia - 500 BTs - $500.00
Day 1 - Visual Utopia - 500 BTs - $500.00
Day 1 - Visual Utopia - 500 BTs - $500.00
Day 2 - Visual Utopia - 1000 BTs - $1000.00
Day 2 - Anonymous Hacking - Close Server access to Aligreat at tick changes for 1 week - $50000.00
Day 3 - Super Feather Duster - $29.99
Day 6 - Visual Utopia - 3 BTs for Eddy - $3.00

I would do it too if I lived with my parents and didn't have to waste my money on things like rent. Lucky bartard

You have to know that malaysian currency are very very very very weak... 1 euro are like equivalent to 4.2092 ringgit malaysia.. :D on top of that, our salary are very very very very very very very very little...

12:00:11 Jun 26th 15 - Bran (Mr. Britannia):

hey speak for yourself, TBL is loaded!

14:42:57 Jun 26th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

yeah i filled up with something quiet warm last night. hes pretty loaded ;D

12:16:37 Jun 27th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):

This map needs to be closed to nubs.

We have had 3 to 4 nubs feeding up Evil players and giving them ridiculous headstarts / resources. Its so fucking annoying having to play outnumbered, having a couple of nubs on our side, and now having those nubs feed up Evil's players.

These fools do not listen to instructions, do not put up defence, and are just easy meat for the experienced players.

Why I even tolerate playing fucking VU with all these irritating and annoying factors, I will never know. And after this era, I'm getting out.

12:59:18 Jun 27th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

Jesus loves nubs too...

13:04:03 Jun 27th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):

Jesus can have them nubs all he wants, but they shouldn't fucking play on G v E if they are not going to listen to instructions and just serve as feeding material.

There's a reason why many vets HATE playing with nubs. They are more a liability than an asset. I'd rather cut the game from my life than have to spend hours each day cleaning up the mess they contribute heavily to.

13:10:43 Jun 27th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

Dont call Binh a nub. He trying very very hard.

14:40:20 Jun 27th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aligritzl):

The past 3 eras have seen the same key players fight with varying activity per player with the era being decided by who can gobble up the other teams nubs and who can protect their own / put out fires they create.

There are definitely players on each side you know you can rely on, I tried to balance the ones I knew when making the teams this era and think I did a fairly good job of it. The thing that causes the swing either way is one of the reliable players having activity issues or then the decisions made by the (Politically correct) "less reliable" players.

G vs E should be closed to new joiners with the only way you can land there is if one of the KDs accept you. Then it is your own fault if you accept the nubs. Rather than having nubs forced on you, they should make their case about how they are willing to learn, active etc and then the kds make the call.

Regardless, I think this will also be my last era. I found a new game where people are active and organised where you can get a lot done if you are online - the co-ordination is epic and what I always dreamed could be achieved on VU. Also when you need a bit of time from the game to do real life stuff and go offline for 12, 24, hell even 48 hours the world won't implode and you are safe. Yeah, you fall behind but you can make that back up if you want to. In VU too much is decided by inactivity (hyper activity can be controlled by good organisation)

15:03:57 Jun 27th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Swordmaster):

Ali, game name? :D

15:27:43 Jun 27th 15 - Bran (Mr. Britannia):

and dont say Gladiatus!

15:31:44 Jun 27th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):

Yeah, what's the game name Ali? And please don't say Utopia. I got out of that pain in the ass to get into this pain in the ass and I want to play something that's less of a pain in the ass.

15:43:18 Jun 27th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aligreat):

I would never advertise another game!.......on the forum

18:14:32 Jun 27th 15 - Stormy (Lord Blue Dog):

Awww you can tell us we won't tell anyone:) in any event I've been searching for years for a vu replacement but haven't one to hold my interest:(

18:41:27 Jun 27th 15 - Princess Aisha:

Likewise... ;/

18:45:56 Jun 27th 15 - Bran (Mr. Britannia):

heres the game. i joined it and am in the country Sweden, as is Ali. join the irc for advice

19:11:42 Jun 27th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aligreat):

Are we not in Norway? I dunno. Age is ending so don't really care. Good time to give it a try and learn the basics as new age will be in next 48hrs I think.

19:23:30 Jun 27th 15 - Bran (Mr. Britannia):

yes thats right we are Norway, i was mistaken. ive already restarted 2-3 times while learning to play so its worth starting even if era ends soon

20:53:40 Jun 27th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

I like to play with myself

04:14:00 Jun 28th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

you guys still have an entire back up core. so even if we manage to take the main. you got guys thats been farming over there :P

20:03:39 Jul 8th 15 - HorusPanic (Ms. Puss Filled Sores):

so boring, i'm sad for this game

20:03:39 Jul 8th 15 - HorusPanic (Ms. Puss Filled Sores):

so boring, i'm sad for this game

22:58:30 Jul 8th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

I agree. Can you teleport your cities near me. I don't want to walk that far.

09:40:58 Jul 9th 15 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

1. Horus
3. Bling
6. Ali
8. Anon
15. Pringle
16. Kobuskan
17. Ruthless
18. Von Darkmoor
14. Shyers
4. Ignis
21. Raziel

2. Binh
5. Todd L Fondler
9. Slade
7. Zond
10. Stormy
11. Venomz
12. TBL
13. Iceworks 
19. Davinitas
20. Oromis
22. Edd

24. Hanky






thats a crap line up, just saying

15:14:13 Jul 10th 15 - Mr. Johnny Comelately:

hey can I drop with evil.  I promise not to do too much either way.  :)

09:04:08 Jul 14th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):


City Info
Owner: Mr. JebKingdom Banner
Size: 25600 building(s).
Kingdom: Evil
Race: Orc
Gates: open

What happened here? Why is Evil hitting outside players?

09:20:35 Jul 14th 15 - Lady Iceworks Tbl Guardian:

theyre desperate... 

10:12:29 Jul 14th 15 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Chicken shitt zonds pulls away and is going to let Binh do the hard work.

10:23:34 Jul 14th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

because i got a big schlong... no wait.. because Ali has a big.. no wait. umm because sexy is as sexy is. get it. me either but thats the official announcement from evil. oh yeah, and because evil does evil things... i mean can u really REALLY trust someone with only 3 letters in their name?

04:30:57 Jul 15th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

03:12:29 Jul 14th 15  - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Chicken shitt zonds pulls away and is going to let Binh do the hard work.

lol you farmed all era long and still have a shit army. I'm merely waiting for another to merge then. Then I'm prepping your farmed city. Still mad I beat you OOP yet I started 17 ticks late. Lmao

05:04:46 Jul 15th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

Bragging about being farmed up as a halfer is nothing to brag about. In fact your land size is probably only 40% of what it should be. Go see Hanky for an idea on how to play halfer.

05:13:01 Jul 15th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

You are right. Land should be more. Buy considering I've been fighting since OOP and you guys built shit towns. Not much to take. And I built a big army instead and will just take your land :D

05:26:10 Jul 15th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):

None of the players in Good have farmed this era. We are playing outnumbered, we had nubs that fed Evil land, we did not hit or feed on outside players, and we have all fought since OOP. We have done what we can, come what may.

08:23:57 Jul 15th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

lol, ur talking to the guy who launches the first attack of every era. my armies have taken income to negative 3 times this era, farmed up advents are nothing to train.

You may launch the first attack but you are usually the first to fall as well take last era as an example you took nothing in goods cote then faded away!
Lol spamming gaia isn't something to be proud of Blingnooob! 

11:34:13 Jul 15th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

Another joker... why do good get all the funny guys.
I was the second highest placed Evil dude, killed more than most of good, won 2/3rds of the battles I fought. Hate when u fools speak shit.

  1. Mr. Very Evil Bad Dude of Evil (Orc)
    Had 54,850 land, 121,231 troops and 11 science points. Killed 115,384 soldiers, won 21 of 39 battles and captured 14 cities.

12:41:49 Jul 15th 15 - The Real Josh (Mr. Baelish):

Again that was spam.. did you forgot it was me fighting you in the last few hours?

You fell and rebuilt bling so don't make it out like you held firm all era

But I may have done a little better then you last era...
  1. Archangel Avacyn of Good (Halfling)
    Had 514,508 land, 331,159 troops and 19 science points. Killed 224,177 soldiers, won 38 of 57 battles and captured 33 cities.

12:58:09 Jul 15th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

you farmed the first 2 weeks of the era. i fought straight out the blocks.
had half the kd listened to bran and I, your cities would have been burnt when you lost them. so keep telling yourself how well you did, because guess what.. i can farm a win anytime i want. i'll take any of you toe to toe on an oop battle and beat you.

13:44:23 Jul 15th 15 - The Real Josh (Mr. Baelish):

That a joke? I core dropped into OOP fighting, I fought from OOP up until era ended I did no farming a say all you want nooobling but everyone here knows you talk shiit, act like your gods gift to VU but really your no better then a a common nuub! 

15:17:03 Jul 15th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

lol for the record, i am gods gift to VU for calling u out on the shit u lot speak.
i make VU sexy... its twats like u that make people wanna leave because ur fucking heads so far up ur ass, u dont know shit from crap.
Every era, its my armies out the door, smacking whatever is around to be smacked. If I wanted to farm an era title, I'd play faggoty halfer. But I play on the front foot and thats how I enjoy my game.
The ONLY reason good have had ANY success is down to TBL and Binh, running on the same timezone double teaming. The one era I worked with TBL, I ran circles around EVERYONE of you on all maps when we had combined worlds. It was only Ali that pipped me at the end of the era to win. So stop blowing smoke up your own ass, because toe to toe I give as good as I get. First round back from a break from VU and I held Pure and Hanky off with Bran, and Binh changed the balance.
Second round, TBL's placement of his MC was the deciding factor. Troop for troop I had you, kobus and osi beat. 3 on 1 counts. So in my sexiest voice... Go Fuck yourself you inbred halfwit

15:46:30 Jul 15th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

Fyi this is the player your guy just took a 90k, 25k from

You (7/13/2015 9:04:57 PM)
IF i can take the city. just take it from me. 
Mr. Archy (7/14/2015 7:17:05 AM) GOOD BAD
Gratitude *bows
You (7/14/2015 8:38:19 AM)
He has a lot of nazgul
Mr. Archy (7/14/2015 6:00:56 PM) GOOD BAD
No idea what that means i am a new player i am just following the dwarves help guide.

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