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Forums / In game politics / Govenor Arahabaki (petition)

Govenor Arahabaki (petition)
10:27:46 Nov 16th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

lol why do all my threads get *beep*med by music players

10:32:59 Nov 16th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

ps i was abit over the top and pissed off when i made this thread
i was just trying to get my point accross that somehting should be done about it and i used Gov as an example (sorry for that) :P
we still need to think of a concrete solution that will stop people doing it.

when you make a cross wall or block a path zeta only deletes so much of the walls and some areas are still impassable or make a divertion and if that happens every time people will just continue to make them to their advantage

17:09:48 Nov 16th 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

My solution as said on first page.

Punish the offenders!

18:33:36 Nov 16th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Looks around nervously...*

List of Petionees:
Hanky Panky                                                                             
Brannigans Law
Lord Seloc
Homers Favourite

Maybe not ban him... seems a tiny bit harsh... but he's repeatedly doing it, and I actually wouldn't like if we won this era because of these stupid crosswalls. If Zeta gets the new walls in next era it'll be brilliant though. It would prevent crosswalls.(well maybe not... but it wouldn't be necessary.

21:19:45 Nov 16th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I signed on the first page but I have yet to be acnowledged.

21:39:20 Nov 16th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

1 crosswall, okay.
2 crosswall, hmmm
3 crosswall, overdoing iit!
4 crosswall and more, you god damn stupid haxxor :p

23:47:52 Nov 16th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

I'm pretty sure I signed up too... Oh well you can add me now ^.^

03:03:15 Nov 17th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Look: With only one city!

Name Prod. Empl. Morale Tax Gold Food Stone Tree Land Defence
Minebase 100% 78% 100%              +1,223,234,555,643,324,543 +0 +149 +454 +0 229 One army

Total: +1,223,234,555,643,324,543+0 +149 +454 +0 229

Army Upkeep: -67

Building Upkeep: -100

Total Income: +1,223,234,555,643,324,543

03:07:11 Nov 17th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Name Prod. Empl. Morale Tax Gold Food Stone Tree Land Defence
Minemurder 100% 78% 100%              +1,223,234,555,643,325,748,248,524,543 +0 +149 +454 +0 229 One army

Total: +1,223,234,555,643,325,748,248,524,543+0 +149 +454 +0 229

Army Upkeep: -67

Building Upkeep: -100

Total Income: +1,223,234,555,643,325,748,248,524,543

Please is that all?

13:23:01 Nov 17th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

And both our cities donīt have full employment rate. We are really good!

15:54:09 Nov 17th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Aurelius tell me what the point was in posting that create your own thread to sp@m in

22:15:48 Nov 17th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Hanky got pissed. Sorry. Arahakabi must die!

03:35:36 Nov 20th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Didnīt anybody notice this thread died after Hanky told me to stop *beep*ming? I think *beep* was the only thing that was keeping it alive.

08:49:08 Nov 20th 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Or.... your *beep* killed every1 who was talking normally in here.

16:01:18 Nov 20th 07 - Ms. Monday:

why are u getting so mad
angles blocked off thier whole core
zeta deleted their walls to
this has been a problem for a long time
it is not our choise
zeta just needs to fix this problem 100%
i dont htink any1 has the right to ban someone
from a free online game
this is a developing game that needs to poli*beep*s sides and
untill then this will always go on
so we just wait
and scold the wrong
i think that is all the right we as other game players have
not banning
not that

16:37:48 Nov 20th 07 - Sir Verll:

Well that wasn't funny to read..... 

01:11:34 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Why is sp@m a "beep" word? And anyway, I brought this thread back to life!

01:13:39 Nov 21st 07 - Sir Verll:


02:10:48 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

I am the Lord of threads! I give them life and take it away! Beware, mortals!

05:46:42 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Trogor:

I seriously think you need to remove the chat blocker. It blocks out words that arnt bad half the time and it screws up other words. Just put a you must be 13/14 or older for the sign up and then  you don't have to worry about people complaining about it unless they are *beep*.

05:47:34 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Trogor:

the world:


is apparently bad...

07:19:42 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Mongi:

Mr. Guy


11/16/2007 10:37:25 AM
Level 18
Upgrading costs 178275333000 gold and 17827533300 stone.

is this possible?????
Mr. Sigheart


11/16/2007 10:47:05 AM
Lucky Halfling.
Mr. Sylvester


11/16/2007 11:57:47 AM
im not a halfling

what??? Guy and sylvester....

I've found a multi? kill them...

15:33:12 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Trogor:


16:42:43 Nov 22nd 07 - Sir Verll:


02:20:18 Nov 23rd 07 - Fire Lord Nova:

So let it be known that the hammer of justice still falls upon the guilty.

Arahabaki (dead)

02:29:38 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:
Arahabaki	sonicar	(Too many accounts)

00:27:40 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Standing ovation for the one who killed him...

01:30:40 Nov 24th 07 - Sir Verll:

Where can you see who has been deleted?

01:46:37 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Sean Elderson:

02:31:09 Nov 24th 07 - Sir Verll:


Thanks :)

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