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Forums / In game politics / Latha 12 Perhaps

Latha 12 Perhaps
21:36:37 Oct 9th 12 - Mr. Gohan:

Ain't over til I'm dead :P come get meh.. it will probably be easy but it'll be fun

22:42:34 Oct 9th 12 - LukeTheDuke (Mr. Eddard Stark):

This is a PM between Dracula and I. Notice that this took place after Bohning's and I's little PM chat. And the only reason I told Bohning that i was setting up a blocker, and that i wasn't planning on attacking him was because it was true. We had not yet declared war on Superbad. The first act of hostility started on the 16th. Not on the 14th. Notice also that i told Dracula that our orders were to stand down, unless Superbad showed hostility IE army movement.

Mr. Dracula (9/13/2012 1:35:25 AM)GOODBAD
Did you guys find the enemy Kd ? 
They are already double our both Kds strength
So be careful

If you need help, we could try to take them both down
Apparently they have alot of halfers
Means hard to beat
You (9/13/2012 8:07:24 AM)
I am attacking Fire And Ice. superbad is in the north east corner of the map.
Mr. Dracula (9/13/2012 9:14:53 AM)GOODBAD
Yes I've seen Fireandice... Doubt they will stay alive long 
But 50% rule will have it trouble for everyone...

By the way, I can only see these cities of Ozy
Is your core north or south of our core?
(so I know what is best way to prepare for SuperBad...)
You (9/13/2012 9:18:45 AM)
our core is north of yours.
Mr. Dracula (9/13/2012 9:20:48 AM)GOODBAD
So your main core is closer to enemy core then us..
That means that you will probably be first in the line of fight
It would be good if you would let us know when war starts so we know to prepare and rush to assistance in case you need,
As they have more halfers I guess, they are double our powers and they dont have alot of people...
You (9/13/2012 9:22:23 AM)
I'll let you know.
Mr. Dracula (9/13/2012 9:25:21 AM)GOODBAD
Just a bit of information
1700 Riders my army that is second on HoH
Zond just made 1st Hoh army, most likely consisting of only Ponies
But its more then 1700 just so you know... 
We just killed his scout so he might be coming to us, if so he will die :) 
Just letting you know the army numbers
You (9/13/2012 9:39:53 AM)
ok thanks. that helps me figure out the strength of super bads army.
Mr. Dracula (9/13/2012 9:43:29 AM)GOODBAD
Are you guys gonna let that SuperBad city in Ozys core be or attack it?
I guess you did not start your wars, but since my people have been killing their scouts I think they will finish us first and then go to you :) 
They will probly ask for NAP with possible breaking so they do not have to worry about you guys while they kill us. :)
You (9/13/2012 12:30:11 PM)
As soon as we see hostility towards your kingdom, we will attack. But rest assured, you won't be alone attacking super bad. They are a force non of us can ignore. It looks like you have that city under your belt. No point in me getting involved quite yet.
Mr. Dracula (9/13/2012 1:04:30 PM)GOODBAD
No worries I see whats going on
You NAP both us and them, thats why you would allow a city inside your core... Since they declared war on us, obviously that town would be a threat to my kingdom, I told my friend to go take it if he can
But its good to know that your Kd has decided to NAP them and us, so that you wait to see who wins and then declare war on winner, that will be easy for you as you will be farming all era.
You (9/13/2012 2:17:13 PM)
I am sorry if you got the wrong impression of us. We don't have a NAP with superbad. I have told you already that we view superbad as a big threat. My leader and i have even been talking about creating an alliance with Undead if needed. I have a large amount of ogres being training in Peace Keepers. And i don't plan on letting them sit there. We will soon be putting up armories as an advance on SuperBad. We don't plan on farming. Please don't get the wrong impression of us.

A lot of kingdoms use that tactic. And personally i think it is a underhanded dishonorable way of doing things. I don't support it, and i hope you don't either. 

The only reason I haven't used my other armies to attack that city, is because they were already en-route fireandice. I have many troops still in Peace Keepers. That if i needed to use them to take over that city, then i would. But it looks like you have it covered.

From looking at the HoH, that army i would guess is headed your way. I will talk with arya about declaring war on SuperBad as well.

But right now our orders are to stand down unless Superbad has made hostile action on your kingdom. So far that city that has been built in our secondary core is reason enough to warrant hostility towards us, as well as Undead.
Mr. Dracula (9/13/2012 2:25:08 PM)GOODBAD
Hm, quite strange that you say you were talking about becoming allies...
Considering we were offered an alliance, and we accepted

These messages are from yesterday
And day before that we had messages where she offers us nap 
We accepted...

Ms. Arya Stark (9/12/2012 2:13:55 PM)
In that case I offer these terms for NAP:

1. The NAP will be era-long 
2. No Trespassing: No moving into each other's core unless both leaders of the kingdoms are aware and allow it.
3. No prepping for on each other's cities: For every received attack during the NAP the player attacked will receive a city from the other party if both kingdoms decide to uphold the NAP.
4. *48hr rule: If the leaders of the kingdom decide to end the NAP a 48 hour rule will be implementing before attacks can begin.

Please let me know if these terms are acceptable. Feel free to add/edit anything as you see fit.
You (9/12/2012 3:17:12 PM)
Yes that sounds good.

And just to point out, in case there is some preparation on each others cities, it is because of the lack of vision at this point, so any preparations should not be considered hostile. A letter to the owner of the prepping army/scout should be sent so that he/she moves the army.

Other than that, all else sounds good.
I hereby sign the agreemenet
And will look forward into ruling this world by your side

With respect
Dracula, leader of the Undead
You (9/13/2012 3:13:42 PM)
A nap is a Non Aggression Pact. I am talking about an alliance between our kingdoms. MaP/BloodPact. Not the same thing. Sorry once again if i did not make myself clear.
Mr. Dracula (9/13/2012 3:22:25 PM)GOODBAD
Oh yes, we just have no aggression, thats true
I did offer services to Arya right away in case you are attacked that I will come help... 

These are excerpts from our Kingdom of Undead topic posted in our kingdom forum.

10:17:07 Sep 22nd 12 - Arwyn (Ms. Arya Stark):

Greetings Arya

I would like to discuss the relations we have, current NAP agreement in my oppinion is not good for both our kingdoms, we are spread all over, your members deep in our teritorry, and our also expand to yours. So I would like to propose a change in the agreement to add a statement that the NAP will last era long and will not be broken. 

As I understand from the forums we both have a kingdom full of new people, and I do not really want to give them hell when SuperBad is done, I would rather they learn that this game is about tactic and diplomacy. Make a good diplomatic decision and rule the world with your ally. Otherwise we will both be in such problems later, as our cores will be too spread apart and towns will just be lost and regained all the time. 

Honestly I do not want to end this era that way, I rather try to rule the world with our allies.

You (9/22/2012 10:16:17 AM)
Thanks for the message Dracula!

This is a big decision for both kingdoms so I would feel comfortable speaking to my kingdom members before making a decision to add that NAP term. I will let you know ASAP when I have come to a decision. Thank you!


Please respond to this post ASAP!!

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10:39:51 Sep 22nd 12 - LukeTheDuke (Mr. Eddard Stark):

I think that if we were to do that, then it definitely does not need to be a NAP. I would counter his proposal with a Blood Pact. Something more stronger then a MAP, definitely more binding. Our kingdom should either have life long friends. Or life long enemies. 

That is the honorable thing to do. And it ensures that our kingdom be known for upholding their agreements, honorably and without question. I do not agree to terms as a NAP. I will agree to a blood pact between the two kingdoms. 

We shouldn't be luke warm when it comes to our relations. But firm, strong and unshakable in our foundation. Its either all or nothing. No second guessing. Know our enemies, and know our allies. I don't want anyone to back stab us, and I don't want us to "back stab" anyone. Whether we do it intentionally or don't do it intentionally, i don't want people to think of us as a back stabbing kingdom.

Abstain from every form of Evil.

10:43:10 Sep 22nd 12 - LukeTheDuke (Mr. Eddard Stark):

In the blood pact agreement though, if their kingdom does anything dishonorable. And we hear of it, and deem it to be unforgiving. Then our pact will be terminated. Our kingdom can't be tainted with another kingdom that throws honor out the window. It will be trial and error.

10:57:48 Sep 22nd 12 - Ms. Anarchy:

I think a blood pact would be the best thing as well.

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11:55:29 Sep 22nd 12 - Arwyn (Ms. Arya Stark):

Sweet! When more Starks respond I will make the decision. Good insight Luke. I will let everyone in Stark know what will happen before a message is sent to Dracula

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07:36:47 Sep 25th 12 - Arwyn (Ms. Arya Stark):

 Dear Arya,

Since you decided to ignore and therefore refuse the offer we had of unbreakable NAP, we decided to use the option we have

4. *48hr rule: If the leaders of the kingdom decide to end the NAP a 48 hour rule will be implementing before attacks can begin.

We hereby declare war on House of Stark
War will start 48 hours from now.
Good luck.You (9/25/2012 7:34:04 AM)I have not been ignoring you, this decision is taking longer than expected. But if you decide you want to break the NAP then I wish you luck as well. Winter will come for you


WE ARE AT WAR!!!! (again lol)

Report -  

The only reason it took so long for us to respond to you, was because you made this proposal during the weekend. Most of use weren't on, because we have family and have lives to live. As you can see in my response to the proposal, i was all for doing what was right. And it certainly didn't take long for you guys to turn around and start attacking us, as we were already warring Superbad, and doing most of the heavy lifting. You didn't "save" us because you repelled one wave of superbad's armies. I am trying really hard to make it not seem like we are a group of corrupt and dishonorable players. And now i have superbad attacking House Stark's honor. And now even you, Dracula. Who i thought was more mature. Even you are making claims against us.

There probably should have been more communication between our kingdoms, and that is something we will have to change next era. But you made it seem like in your post that we used you guys. In fact, if it wasn't for us, you would have been dead already, killed by superbad's armies. 

I would like to remind you that we had a NAP. And not a Mutual Assistance Pact. Which is what you acted like we had the WHOLE ERA. And even now. You claim that House Stark was honor bound to help you. When in fact we only had a Non Aggression Pact. And you were to hasty in your decision to war us, which i still don't understand.

Gohan, did have an army headed your ways. I sent you all the info of the army. Nothing was fabricated. I was simply trying to help your kingdom. The claim that we did not exchange any information is false. I have records of multiple conversations with members of your kingdom and yourself. But i will spare anyone reading this long post any more details. If you want it, then i will post it.

Let bygones be bygones. And this is our viewpoint of the war. Since you wanted to post yours dracula, here is ours. Make of it what you will. But know this, that we had the best intentions for your kingdom.

I don't like that you are leaving. But so be it. Maybe next time.

23:25:12 Oct 9th 12 - Dragon (Mr. Dexter The Serial Killer):

Why does everyone nowadays get NAPs and MAPs mixed up or confused.

NAP- Non Aggression Pact; an agreement between two Kingdoms not to attack or act hostile towards each other.  Does not imply military assistance or Rescue.

MAP - Mutual Assistant Pact; An agreement between two Kingdoms to war each others enemies.  This is a strong agreement.  It can be summerized in the statement; your enemy is my enemy.

I have noticed that people are treating NAPs like MAPs or something in between. 

00:23:10 Oct 10th 12 - Arwyn (Ms. Arya Stark):

ty Dragon, I was wondering when someone was going to say the difference between a NAP and a MAP. Hey lets look on the bright side; Latha is more interesting than some of the other worlds I'm playing on! lol

02:06:21 Oct 10th 12 - LukeTheDuke (Mr. Ugh The Troll):

You are right Arya; I love how Latha thread has the highest amount of posts, and views on the politics thread then any other thread this era.

02:08:52 Oct 10th 12 - SFD (Duke Some Fcked Dude):

it's because everyone loves seeing Zond get served

02:16:47 Oct 10th 12 - Mr. Huntsmang:

No no no, correction.

Everyone likes zond using his big mouth and then fucking up to which he loses, let's get this straight now..


02:27:55 Oct 10th 12 - Zond (General Dendarii):

ACTUALLY its that zond rambles and doesnt care and wants teh forums alive :p

02:35:02 Oct 10th 12 - SFD (Duke Some Fcked Dude):

its all lies i bet you banned huntsmang already :P

02:35:53 Oct 10th 12 - Zond (The Defiant One):

>.> well he hasnt replied..

15:38:31 Oct 10th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

What I find amusing about that is the first thing you said to me was that we should keeo the core and defend each other - then a few hours later it was you that decided you wanted to suddenly declare war on us because we hd a NAP with Stark.

I hate to tell you, but I'm pretty sure we don;t have a NAP with anyone - including you after you tried to attack my blocker to Trollhome. Then as soon as you saw that the gates were closed and your army was destroyed you sent me a mail that you were leaving Latha and moving elsewhere.

Did you mention how I came to be in your kindgom? I was spawned into Undead and no I have no idea how. It has been years since I last played and I was of the opinion that to join a kingdom you needed to request to join it. Almost immediately after I started you knew I was thinking of leaving. When you lied in the KD forum about how people communicated to you that was enough to be sick of the stupidity, and Rufus who has never played before agreed. That was a huge decider in leaving. I stayed in Undead as ling as I did because I was still fighting and able to do so (I have no idea how after starting the era late) but when my main armies were destroyed and there was nothing left, we formed out own KD and I have been focusing on teaching Rufus. There are a bunch of new players coming from the other game we play soon and they will all get taught as well. There are changes from before but as I learn them Ill teach them the new ways instead.

There was no betrayal - you were the one that attacked not us. We have no relations with anyone and Rufus informed that Mr Willing told him that Superbad want to continue attacking us - which is no big deal seeing as we don't have much of anything and we are working forward.

There are so many things wrong with what he was told that now he is still growing instead of spending only on troop training as he was told is required.

I haven't posted in a forum here for 3+ years - unless I did about 2 1/2 years ago when I tried to find the time for here again and it lasted like a week.

Sorry for the rant. Im used to the other game we have been playing and everything there is so petty - I wanted to come back here because of the fun aspect, but sorry Dracula you just weren't. Hopefully when some others come in we can all get more into the forums here and liven things up the right way.


15:51:52 Oct 10th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

Now I have to remember how this all works. I got lost looking for my post and when I tried to fix it - it wouldn't edit.

Oh - and the warring against Stark that we voted on? That's the part that you lied about Dracula, remember? You claimed some of us had said one thing when we said the exact opposite.

19:27:32 Oct 10th 12 - Zond (Mr. Bohning):

To clarify, Mr. Willing said no as i told him too, didnt feel it was right to get relations. We wanted to die with no relations..cuz we are Superbad.

01:32:33 Oct 11th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

Id love to see the request - because there isn't one

01:38:40 Oct 11th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

You (10/9/2012 11:35:15 PM)
We didnt leave in the middle of a war - In case you didnt notice we were the ones that were facing Stark all over everywhere.

I did not at any time stop attacking Stark - even after we separated you yourself would have seen 2 significant armies heading towards Starks army - there were no peaceful intentions. The cities that have been lost to Stark were all ours and we are not topping or letting up. As it is we are here now trying to deal with an influx of Superbad and Stark at the same time. If you were watching up north, I had just taken 3 of starks cities and was approaching a 4th when I was surprised and defeated, the army withdrawing to be harassed until all three cities were retaken.

Even with this loss I was STILL training troops to stave of an attack from stark on one side and Superbad on the other. I am still blocking and holding troops to block their advance on 'our' core as per your initial communication merely hours ago.

As to asking for a NAP if we made our own kingdom that was well before the war we were fighting began, and I had armies all the way to the top of the map engaging the enemy. I lost cities and armies to the attacks and we formed our KD as friends who have never played wanted to learn so I am trying to teach them. Rufus has had armies all over the map, and Igck is learning but much more slowly.

You yourself know that by looking through the forum that I have been very active in doing the KD;s will, and even though we are flying a different flag we have no relations with anyone - you were the only one that offered any therefore you were the only one that we had any sort of ties with and we have not approached anyone for anything. I have spoken to one of the guys in stark briefly because we have met years ago - both as allies and as enemies. That makes no difference. This era is this era.

If anything by consolidating a little more I can teach Rufus how to raise better armies so we will war better. With a few smaller cities in the shared core there is added incentive to defend there which is what we were planning on anyway.

It is you that jumped to this conclusion without asking - I went so far as to send you the entire conversation I had had with Morgan. Still even though there is no agreement here at all and no mention of any form of relations (which there is not) you still choose this course of action?

That is your decision, however I think a misguided one to say the least.
Mr. Dracula (10/9/2012 11:42:38 PM) GOOD BAD
So Morgan stops attacking you and you will still war them?
I hardly thinks so
I asked leader of Stark Arya why would she NAP so many people
They said they choose it that way
True, its possible to NAP half map and then win the era
I think that is what they are doing.

It is a fact that Stark is now leaving your area
And you will let it leave, and then it will not come for you, but for us
If you stayed in our Kd, they would not leave you
They would fight you too, that would take the stress out of the rest of us
But no, leaving us you just gave more enemies to us, and gave peace to you, as Stark will not attack you

They tend to NAP everyone or ask everyone to NAP.

So instead of us all fighting them, you made peace for you and made us all die because we cant survive this. Thank you.

And dont say you want to teach new players, you know quite well that I am here to help new players, its Zombies 3rd era, its Merlins 1st era.
Marx is new player

You left and let me with 3 new players.
You are not helping, you are betraying.
You (10/10/2012 12:45:08 AM)
I think its funny - that you go on about starting a new KD is a traitor, when a matter of hours earlier you were all interested in having good relations.

We didnt have any relations - except with you

You cant cry foul all the time - especially when you lie blatantly about KD wide votes
You (10/10/2012 12:03:25 AM)
You can look at it any way you want. There are around 10 new poeoiple all coming across fro the game we have been playing but im sorry that your 2 or 3 are so much more important
You (10/10/2012 12:03:26 AM)
You can look at it any way you want. There are around 10 new poeoiple all coming across fro the game we have been playing but im sorry that your 2 or 3 are so much more important
Mr. Dracula (10/10/2012 1:30:31 AM) GOOD BAD
Hours earlier I though we would work together against common enemies
Only to realize you did it to get peace so you can survive
Well I rather die fighting then be a nap whore :)

I asked everyone and realizing that nobody said no I said everyone is up for it... you were against it only because you though era would end
I did not explain to you in time that era does not end like it used to, and that is my mistake.
You (10/10/2012 1:10:46 PM)
Just so you know - oh wise and (dis)honest leader - the Super Happy Fun People have NO NAPS.

check your facts before you go spewing your false rhetoric everywhere

01:40:27 Oct 11th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

You (10/9/2012 10:17:52 PM)
Willing is spreading out over here pretty thoroughly. Jut thought you could use the heads up. Stark is about to attack the big guy in the bottom right.
Mr. Dracula (10/9/2012 10:28:08 PM) GOOD BAD
Oh I see Morgan is stopping his attack on you
So you left the Kd so you can get NAP with Stark?
You (10/9/2012 10:43:19 PM)
No - I never asked for a NAP with them. Let me find it

Mr. Dracula (10/9/2012 10:51:13 PM) GOOD BAD
Being allies with Stark you are my enemy.
Retreat from our core, all your cities here will be taken.
It is war time.
You (10/9/2012 11:10:40 PM)
Ina matter of a few hours you have gone from wanting friendly reltions to continue o armies were made to watch the approaches to the core, to wanting war with us for no reason whatsoever.

Would I be correct in this assumption?
You (10/9/2012 11:02:40 PM)
there is no agreement and no alliance.
Mr. Dracula (10/9/2012 11:19:27 PM) GOOD BAD
You have left the Kd in middle of war
You decided to not war Stark any more
That means that you join the enemy, making them attack us.
You will not help us in the war,
That makes you a traitor

Leaving a Kd in middle of war and joining forces with the enemy
That is called back stabbing, and you are a traitor

You are a veteran player, I was told by many that you are a great player and that I am happy to have you in the Kd. But I know that you asked for Stark and SuperBad for NAP in case you make your own kd, that was many days ago when we declared war on Stark.

Even then I did not tell you anything because I though you would not betray us, but I see you did it. So you basically left four of us to war entire Kd, so now way we can survive. You made us all die, but we will simply give away our core and do what ever we can to kill you and your friends, because that is what traitors deserve. To die.

01:41:29 Oct 11th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

Mr. Dracula (10/9/2012 4:33:44 PM) GOOD BAD
what happened, why did you and rufus leave the kd?
You (10/9/2012 5:43:18 PM)
Im trying to teach them and its hard in an environment with perpetual hostility.

If you can keep if confidential - Enthina is 100% safe now - concentrate defences elsewhere. I have 2 armies in place specifically to assist in defending Undeads territory.
Mr. Dracula (10/9/2012 5:58:27 PM) GOOD BAD
I suggest a NAP then since we share the core.
No attacking from you and no attacking from us.
Well a military assistance as we will help you if we can too.
You (10/9/2012 6:12:29 PM)
I wasn't planning anything else, but if you want to write something up we'll look it over.
Mr. Dracula (10/9/2012 7:45:35 PM) GOOD BAD
Well we are friendly, we worked together all era
So we will work together from now on too

Just the basics, keep your blocker Enthina closed
Open only when we request and open only when you are online
So that you can open just for 20 seconds so we set path
Do not leave it open for long time :)

No attacking and no hostile magic of course
You can ask for magic from Merlin of course
If you see dangerous armies around let us know, we will do the same
No need for those usual terms as we already share a core
So its fine.

01:43:04 Oct 11th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

now - its a little out of order, but you are MORE than welcome to show me where this is at all out of context.

Im starting to remember why I left last time. The most fun I had in an Era I died 3 times. Death in VU is a given and can be a lot of fun. Its the morons that live for it all that spoil it for everyone else.

04:43:08 Oct 11th 12 - Arwyn (Ms. Arya Stark):

"I asked leader of Stark Arya why would she NAP so many people 
They said they choose it that way"

Mr. Dracula (10/9/2012 6:36:55 AM)GOODBAD
So era begins you NAP us.
Then we end it, and you offer NAP to SuperBad
Then after they said no, Harkaa leaves my Kd 
And you offer NAP to him too
Wow why is your Kd such NAP wh0res?
You (10/9/2012 6:41:57 AM)
We never NAP'ed SuperBad

Ummm actually the only kingdoms we have NAP'ed this era was Undead at the very beginning which of course is now terminated and Fire And Ice because they respawned in our core and were looking for peaceful relations. Where are you finding these words that apparently I have said? Lol 

09:53:26 Oct 11th 12 - Mr. Zombie:

So wait Harkaa, you leave the kingdom in middle of war

And then you start attacking our members
How is that not betraying your kingdom?
I do not understand your logic...

11:33:11 Oct 11th 12 - Mr. Rufus:

Lmao, Bayu is Igck's city.  Igck is a Friend of Harkaa and I.  He was the fist one to ask about starting our own Kingdom after getting the awefull leadership and bad advice from Undead kingdom.

 Igck hasn't been active for a few days.  So Either way if Harkaa takes his city (Bayu) or If he comes back, that city not  be in your Kingdom.

11:34:34 Oct 11th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

Igck is someone who came with me from RK and is new. He hasn't logged in for a couple of days and I moved nect to him in case there was a small force I may delay them. If you had any brains at all you would see that I am NOT attacking and that was a scout 'in force' heading to the south.

I have not attacked a single Undead person who was not prepping an attack on my city - which was 1 time and it was Dracula prepping on Trollhome and he was soundly defeated. He even threatened to do the same and until then I had everything working in their favour and was co-operatiing with him. Funny that as soson as that army was defeated he changed his entire tone from one of wanting to kill me to one of leaving and moving to another world.

Get your facts straight before you run your mouth Zombie. I was the only semi-experienced member of Undead that was actually moving beyond the area of the core and attacking. Maybe you saw me owning SB or Stark armies in the north ...

12:25:15 Oct 11th 12 - Mr. Dracula:

You do realize that after Zombie I have the strongest army on the map?
And you keep saying that I ran away because you are so scary?
Seriously you are protected by 50% rule even, how can you say that I ran away?
Like I said, you will take out of context the messages you posted, I will not even bother reading... reason why I stopped attacking you is simple and I already wrote to you about it...

You (10/9/2012 6:18:49 PM) Attacking you would basically ruin all that I am trying to do here, to teach new players about the game and provide a kingdom that will help them. If I would attack you after you brought players from another game RK (that I also used to play) would be just against what I am doing.

We let you live and you should have kept your mouth shut and just play the game and teach new players, but your constant rambling basically earned you some veteran player enemies, so I suggest you just play the game and do not write here any more. I will do that too, will not bother reading this thread any more... Enjoy the game.

13:38:33 Oct 11th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

Its funny how you said the exact same thing about not coming here. You also told lies ahout what hap=ened to other people.l If you are blond, you will see that e\ven STARK have said we have no NAP with them.

I didnt say you are running away because we are so scary - I told exactly wnhat I see. You said you were going to destroy all  we have, then when I used everythig tht I had left to defend that city your most powerful army turned tail and left, then you mailed saying you are leaving to go to another world.

You need to do some things

1) tell the truth (there is a first time for everything)
2) keep your word for more than 4 hours at a time
3) read everything and realise that everybody else is saying the same things (the truth) and you are the only one that contradicts it - because you are telling a fictional story hoping people will believe it.

Remember why I asked if we started another KD in the first place You LIED about the vote that went on and placed at least two votes the opposite of how they were cast. Why didn't you do what most KD's do and allow people to vote in the forum instead of by private mail - then not publish the actual answers you were given?

You talk of spinning lies and telling half truths. I posted ALL of our conversations so there is no way that it can be taken out of context. Almost any moron can see that.

13:45:59 Oct 11th 12 - Mr. Merlin The Magi:

People, you are forgetting one thing.

This is just a game.

14:07:06 Oct 11th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

Not forgetting that this is a game, however games by definition are meant to be enjoyable and fun. When people like Dracula tell so many lies that it has an affect on others its not fun for everyone anymore.

I actually feel for Fireandice the most in all of this. He took the biggest hit because of Draculas negligence. The KD relations posted we were at war, when Dracula had apparently given his word that we wouldn't touch him. When Rufus started attacking him, he wrote and said we have an agreement. Rufus didn't see an agreement - because there wasn't one to see. Stark were blindsided by the declaration of war which was Draculas aim and when they started winning he looks for someone to blame, and targets to only possible answer because he sees that as easy pickings. Not so. Now you have your 'buddies' writing me because they believe your lies. So be it.

What F&I said was true. In VU your word is everything. Dracula's word isn't even fit to print on toilet paper.

14:19:16 Oct 11th 12 - Mr. Rufus:

On a Serious note I got to ask something, Dracula are you cognitively impaired? It would explain a lot and if so I will lay off.

14:48:21 Oct 11th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

I tried to post this before but must have accidentally deleted it - so let me tell you the story about the new KD.

I asked the question about a new KD of both Stark and Superbad BEFORE Undead declared war on Stark. The reason was simple. Dracula took a vote of who wanted to go to war with Stark while we were already at war with Superbad. He doctored the results in the case of at least 2 votes (probably 3) that I am aware of, to give him a unanimous decision when it was anything but. I told him of this, and there were heated posts from both Rufus and myself about this. That is how long ago these discussions began. The leaders of both Superbad and Stark will be completely aware of the timing.

NOW you know the reasons why the question was asked at the time of my enquiry.

What they will ALSO tell you is that I had a single army in the north - totally unsupported - and was doing war against both the KD's after I took the city of Sugar Pine and fortified it.

Anyway you want to spin this Dracula the facts are well known to many people from all over Latha, and so is the timing. Now they know the reasons.

If you had not done what you did I might have paid more attention to the Undead core and followed the agreement you presented hours earlier and upheld it with no complaints, but after your threats to me I destroyed the walls and buildings in the city you were trying to attack (Trollhome) so you would get nothing when you took it. I still think it was a fluke that I managed to defeat your army. Lucky roll I guess.

18:45:16 Oct 11th 12 - Zond (Mr. Bohning):

Gosh i love this game :3

19:46:30 Oct 11th 12 - Mr. Warwick:

Ikr? They just keep going and going and going, they are like little energy bunnies..

22:01:00 Oct 11th 12 - Zond (Mr. Bohning):

should have waited for full prep...


I'm terribly sorry Mr. Bohning. But we have lost the battle.

We killed or injured a total of 48273 enemy troops.


22:14:22 Oct 11th 12 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

Lol and you didn't wait lmao u didn't tell me that one, noob bohner :P

08:27:47 Oct 12th 12 - Mr. Morgan:


Currently we are wholesaling our entire STONE SUPPLY. Yes thats right, everything has got to go since we are moving into a new warehouse facility!

For the wholsale price of only 0.87 gold per unit(retail is at 0.97)!! YES!!! You heard it right only 0.87 gold per unit so visit your closest market vendor TODAY!

Have we gone mad? I THINK SO! 0.87 gold per unit of stone availiable for you. Ever wanted an olympic stadium? A grand obelisk? Want to rebuild the pyramids in your backyard? THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! 0.87 gold per unit of stone, heck you could buy it and resell it and make HUGE profit!


I tried using wood to build a wall to keep the kelts out of britain but they kept burning it down, but when i saw that Morgans Stone Ltd. was selling stone, heck almost giving it away i gave it a shot. That stone was of such great quality i bet my new wall will last forever! - Hadrianus Augustus

I am planning on building a new capital for my country, seeing as ordinary stone didnt match up to my standards i was very disappointed. But i was in luck, my architecht picked up a lefleat about this wholesale stone supply. I hurried and ordered it. Ive started to project my new city and i bet it will last a thousand years - Adolf Hitler

If you where not pleased with your product you are welcome to file you complaint at the following adress:

Morgania Grand Dungeon, Morgania, Block C, Cell 4321 Latha


09:22:40 Oct 12th 12 - Dragon (Mr. Vampire Dragon):

WOW, all I can say is WOW.

Rufus I'm coming for you.....

stand and take it like a man..... lol

you are the reason I had to restart when I was supposed to be under an non aggression agreement (not a pact) just the leaders word was all I had. And then that leader let one of his members take me out.

The leader has made amends and earned my respect.And in doing so gave me what I needed most a chance at paypack on rufus.

That Leader is Dracula.

That is the dracula that I know

13:45:40 Oct 12th 12 - The Real Josh (Prince Zuko):

And dont say you want to teach new players, you know quite well that I am here to help new players, its Zombies 3rd era, its Merlins 1st era.
Marx is new player


Mr. Zombie

Lived in age 7 of Armageddon, got 1 heir(s) (Zombiekiller) and was a member of Army of Anubis

Ok ok thats not proof...

Armageddon ages
  1. Ms. Slow of Daffodils
  2. Mr. Zonga of Daffodils
  3. Mr. Stratos of Roll The Dice
  4. Ms. Galadriel of Daffodils
  5. Lord Stormcrowe
  6. Mr. Anonymous of Arma of AoA Outpost
  7. Mr. Elite III of Exiled Imperium Of Knights
  8. Ms. Holy Hooly of Petrol
  9. Mr. Fso of Vampire weekend
  10. Mr. Jellybeanz of Crater and Bean
  11. Ms. Akasha of Sacred Ones
  12. Ms. Kozzy of Sacred Ones

Era 7 of Arma, its now its 12th era.. so that would mean zombie has played,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.. 5!!! 5 eras minimum...

Also The amount of eras you have played means nothing, i mean look at Zond he has played over 30 eras(Easily) but he is still noob... Just sayin!

13:53:46 Oct 12th 12 - Mr. Huntsmang:

Where the fuck is the slade chain, someone get this mega noob back on his leash...

14:21:20 Oct 12th 12 - Ms. Deanna Troi:

I do not know who is Zombiekiller, that is not me.

This is me:

Ruler nameKingdomSpons.TurnsWorld
Ms. Sheva AlomarMeme0   3Starta
Ms. Deanna TroiEquilibrium0   0Midgard
* Mr. ZombieUndead0   0Latha

Mr. Equi Librio

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Equi Librio) and was a member of Equilibrium


Mr. Equi Librio

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Deanna Troi) and was a member of Equilibrium

Ms. Deanna Troi
Lived in age 16 of Midgard Member of Equilibrium

  1. Mr. Equi Librio of Equilibrium (Orc)
    Had 539,983 land, 196,846 troops and 24 science points. Killed 565,572 soldiers, won 58 of 74 battles and captured 49 cities.

Other then that, I did not use name Zombie before. I chose Zombie only because the name of the Kd is Undead so I though it would be appropriate.

14:36:55 Oct 12th 12 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

lol i have no idea who you are huntsmang, but i assume your a 12 year old boy with ADD, or possibly ADHD lol

Mmm wrong Zombie, Lucky you then, the other one is a Douche ^_^

14:43:19 Oct 12th 12 - Mr. Huntsmang:

You just said I have adhd? Well thanks man, go fuck yourself.

Hiro >.>

14:56:28 Oct 12th 12 - The Real Josh (Prince Zuko):

Seriously? lol

15:07:37 Oct 12th 12 - Mr. Huntsmang:

Nope. Whoever you are sir, you are a complete asshole.

22:18:40 Oct 13th 12 - Warlord Harkaa:

Hey Dragon

Yep. that  is the Dracula we all know. You got the bad side of it.

Hell ... even when you were asking about the agreement he never wrote Rufus to tell him either.

Rufus is a 1st era player and is learning pretty quickly. As to Dracula ... you know that story already - from a personal perspective.

10:39:08 Oct 14th 12 - Dragon (Sir Apple Pie):

I have no real personal issues with Dracula. in fact quite the contrary.  He proved to me to be an honorable player overall at least to me he proved it.

Rofus however may be a 1st era player.  That is something I can respect.  The reason I am attacking him is he attacked and killed me. He did an excellent job at it too. I am holding no real grudge against the player, just playing that character the way he would react. and I do not carry vendetta or grudges from one era to the next. 

So rufus, please do not take my attack personal. I would love to be in the same KD with you at some point

21:08:47 Oct 21st 12 - Arwyn (Ms. Arya Stark):

sell all your stone so I can cast arma soon :D

.7< I'll buy it all 

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