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Forums / In game politics / Latha Era of Magneto

Latha Era of Magneto
18:08:50 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. William The North:

thats cause i am a really nice guy^^

18:09:54 Aug 21st 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Stop with the double posting!

18:12:16 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

And at wraith, you were saying some rubbish about KOH having 170% more stuff than destiney yet i proved you wrong so on your comment, so on your previous comments saying stuff about im an idiot, you've actully put foward no evidence saying they had 170%, yet ive put foward lots of evidence, and you just keep putting foward stupid comments like

Lord Wraith The Bloody


16:59:36 Aug 21st 09
Samual, shut up and get lost. This isn't your world, you're looking like an idiot and you're double posting.
Beat Wraith? How the hell do you figure that out?

Well if you show me some evidence ill let you say that but so far you've shown me a large total of, what... NO evidence, so i think you'll find i am currently in the posistion to call you an idiot, but im not that low hearted...

18:15:29 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. William The North:

i said that...and giving proof of 170% is a bit hard because VU doesn't save its stats. we need to do that, and we didn't. end of story

i had a stat when Dsy was just me and Skiepe but i deleted the thread. to bad mate^^

18:18:03 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

Mr. William The North


17:15:29 Aug 21st 09
i said that...and giving proof of 170% is a bit hard because VU doesn't save its stats. we need to do that, and we didn't. end of story
Mr. William The North


17:08:50 Aug 21st 09
thats cause i am a really nice guy^^

thats not very nice, and i can say i won the lottery last year but i cant prove it, also a kingdom dosnt drop from 170% to 0%

18:18:44 Aug 21st 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Wow... next era I'll save a set of stats every hour for all the Kd %ages. The people who were on this world know what it was like, William backed me up to :) And I'm sure more others will agree

18:20:47 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. William The North:

no, but another kd can grow.... we (destiny) doubled up

18:21:13 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

Duke Angelus


14:43:46 Aug 8th 09
Kingdoms in Latha
Purgatory 2 Mr. Levi 1
NightWish 4 Mr. Ninja Aburame 1
Kingdom of Heaven 2 Mr. Rendezvous 0
Destiny 4 Mr. Skiepe 0
Beyond 2 Mr. Haftrin 0



As i said kingdoms dont suddenly drop from 170% to 0% as you were saying the war was before this but the era didnt start that long ago before this...

Lord Wraith The Bloody


17:18:44 Aug 21st 09
Wow... next era I'll save a set of stats every hour for all the Kd %ages. The people who were on this world know what it was like, William backed me up to :) And I'm sure more others will agree


Nerddd you spend you time on VU everyhour X D  jk

18:24:13 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

Mr. William The North


17:20:47 Aug 21st 09
no, but another kd can grow.... we (destiny) doubled up


but look KOH arnt even 170% now...

Kingdoms in Latha
Royal order of Claidmore 15 Duke Kev The Reanimated 156
Destiny 8 Mr. Skiepe 125
NightWish 9 Mr. Ninja Aburame 98
Kingdom of Heaven 9 Mr. Rendezvous 41
Purgatory 2 Mr. Levi 25
Beyond 4 Mr. Haftrin 17

18:24:26 Aug 21st 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Dude, say one more word and I'll thrash the couple of Kd members you have on this world, all out of spite.

18:25:07 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. William The North:

wraith... you are allready doing that:p

18:25:27 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

thats not very nice X D

18:28:21 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

Wraith id could come on to latha and kick ur ass if i wernt doing well on the worlds im on

18:29:05 Aug 21st 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

William, believe it or not, I actually made peace with them :) Just have to finish my job and then we're best of buds as far as I care ;)

EDIT: But you're not doing well, dumbass :P

19:09:42 Aug 21st 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Samual, if you want to say something, say it in ONE post instead of two or is annoying.

19:19:12 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

it isnt against the forum rules though, so technicualy im breaking no rules by doing so, it dosnt mean ill carry on but as i said theres no rule against it...

19:26:10 Aug 21st 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

It is just random spam in my opinion because what you could easily do with one post, you have to reply individually to everyone's posts.  It is annoying, unneccessary, and just some thing to get your post count higher.

19:36:11 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Philippe Chrisey:

lol shame is and he called me a nub looool

19:44:32 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:

Yes, but unlike you kath i didnt go blurting it out in my own forum, and i was kinda left with no choice as kev would have thought i was some nub who cant play the game, so unlike you i shared my name more calmly and didnt make my own forum, to tell the world of VU, also i didnt get rid of a account i payed for, what is quite pointless, as now everyone still knows you as kath, that is why you fail at life...

Also you can say well people now know me as Samual but thats what i want people to know me as, as that is what im naming my character next era...

20:16:06 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Troll:

And you will never be member of RoC. Only by a mistake.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I kicked you once and a good thing can always be done once more just in case.

20:25:51 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. William The North:

i don't know, i kicked some and got kicked by some all those era's ago. maybe i would kick some of you now^^ but maybe not:p

20:30:55 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Troll:

Now William. It was Samual/Shame I wrote about.

20:40:08 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Philippe Chrisey:

Yes, but unlike you kath i didnt go blurting it out in my own forum, and i was kinda left with no choice as kev would have thought i was some nub who cant play the game, so unlike you i shared my name more calmly and didnt make my own forum, to tell the world of VU, also i didnt get rid of a account i payed for, what is quite pointless, as now everyone still knows you as kath, that is why you fail at life...

Also you can say well people now know me as Samual but thats what i want people to know me as, as that is what im naming my character next era...

lol i wasnt trying to hide who i was.

now let me tell you why i made a new accou.t

A) i was getting a new rp title anyway

B) i couldnt leave talents

C) I wanted to start doing a family history thing for my character

your reasons are you was multying....

i believe it is you who fails in life....


(and you did make a forum about could of just pm'd your app to ROC....)

21:56:30 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Shame:


Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV


18:26:10 Aug 21st 09

It is just random spam in my opinion because what you could easily do with one post, you have to reply individually to everyone's posts.  It is annoying, unneccessary, and just some thing to get your post count higher.

No because if you type somthing about lots off diffrent thing (i know i didnt all the time), then i used alot of post things

Mr. Mcmax The Troll


19:16:06 Aug 21st 09

And you will never be member of RoC. Only by a mistake.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I kicked you once and a good thing can always be done once more just in case.

You never kicked me, as i aint been a member of ROC for many era's now

Mr. William The North


19:25:51 Aug 21st 09
i don't know, i kicked some and got kicked by some all those era's ago. maybe i would kick some of you now^^ but maybe not:p
Mr. Mcmax The Troll


19:30:55 Aug 21st 09
Now William. It was Samual/Shame I wrote about.

why would he be talking about you william when your last post b4 that one was 9/10 posts b4

Mr. Philippe Chrisey


19:40:08 Aug 21st 09

Yes, but unlike you kath i didnt go blurting it out in my own forum, and i was kinda left with no choice as kev would have thought i was some nub who cant play the game, so unlike you i shared my name more calmly and didnt make my own forum, to tell the world of VU, also i didnt get rid of a account i payed for, what is quite pointless, as now everyone still knows you as kath, that is why you fail at life...

Also you can say well people now know me as Samual but thats what i want people to know me as, as that is what im naming my character next era...

lol i wasnt trying to hide who i was.

now let me tell you why i made a new accou.t

A) i was getting a new rp title anyway

You can get that anyway as theres a scroll bar with titles at the beggining when your writing up your characters name

B) i couldnt leave talents

whats so wrong with that, was it to hard or somin...

C) I wanted to start doing a family history thing for my character

you could have started that then, whats stopping you...

your reasons are you was multying....

i believe it is you who fails in life....

Not really as, yes once upon a time my old character Samual was annoying but your still annoying to this current date


(and you did make a forum about could of just pm'd your app to ROC....)

Not really because if u could be botherd to read about the kingdom flag, and i was creating a topic where anyone can ask about next era


I cba to argue with you lot unlike you lot i have a RL what i need to be getting on with now, i know ive been on to argue with u nerds (jk), but its getting pathetic now, you people can carry on bitching 2 each other but i have things 2 do now, people to talk 2, thing 2 do


I no i aint been nice but thats the nicest way of putting things...

Mods i honestly dont care what happens if you ban me you ban me but as far as i can see this is the nicest way to finish things, lol ; )

22:04:34 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. William The North:

Mr. Mcmax The Troll


20:30:55 Aug 21st 09 Now William. It was Samual/Shame I wrote about.

i know buy i just posted at random^^

00:41:14 Aug 22nd 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Samual, you were kicked from ROC. Me, Mcmax and the majority of the vices started up ROC right at the beginning. And you're a loser who thinks hes cool, sorry to break it to you :)

01:40:57 Aug 22nd 09 - Mr. Liu Bei:

Mr. Shame


15:56:30 Aug 21st 09





Unlike you lot, i have a RL what i need to be getting on with now, i know ive been on to argue with u nerds (jk), but its getting pathetic now, you people can carry on bitching 2 each other but i have things 2 do now, people to talk 2, thing 2 do


I no i aint been nice but thats the nicest way of putting things...

Mods i honestly dont care what happens if you ban me you ban me but as far as i can see this is the nicest way to finish things, lol ; )


Well you don't have to play this game if you don't want to. Ppl play this game for fun. Ppl like you ruin it so just stop playing. You don't need the Mods to ban you just ban yourself. I too have a real life. I am a student and I study. That is what I do. Every once and a five hours I check if I have hw that day but if I am off from school or I am sick, I just jump onto VU and while the ticks go I play video games, so stop pissing people off.

10:07:24 Aug 22nd 09 - Mr. Skiepe:

banner       name            members      leader                             power (%)

    Destiny4           Mr. Skiepe                100
   Kingdom of Heaven   
2           Mr. Rendezvous                 88
So they are weaker then us at the moment they have 88% of our power

that was beginning of the era

10:57:38 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. William The North:

a nice and refreshing war:
RoC vs Destiny

good luck guys^^ hope it will be a nice war:)

10:58:58 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. William The North:

Kingdoms in Latha
Royal order of Claidmore18Duke Kev The Reanimated133
Destiny9Mr. Skiepe100

12:37:48 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Troll:

Mr. William The North


10:57:38 Aug 23rd 09
a nice and refreshing war:
RoC vs Destiny

good luck guys^^ hope it will be a nice war:)

We shall do our utmost.

May the best (troll) win (hmmmmm, next era I might change my name to McMax the Magic Troll ;-) ).

12:41:08 Aug 23rd 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Pfft screw Trolls! Its the orcs that have all the bite ;)

12:45:44 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Troll:

Orcs with jaws of glass and tooths of rotten wood.......

12:55:28 Aug 23rd 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Better than bone, easier to fix ;)
And hey, it gets the job done :P

12:59:56 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. William The North:

indeed, and orcs atleast have the power to control flying lizzards!:o

13:40:40 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Troll:

Ahhh, roasted Lizzards - my favourite.


13:58:05 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Rendezvous:

haiz i have the feeling that KoH was going to be the comparison of superiority

15:24:47 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Skiepe:

no there was a discussion they said that Destiny was only attacking you guys because you were only 30% of our power. And William said that wasn't true. So I showed it to show you were 88% in the beginning of the era

19:25:04 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Yoshi:

Destiny and Nightwish attacked KoH because they knew they could win the 2v1 war :p Just lke what their doing with the rebirth guy too.
Step aside KoH now its RoC's turn to have a go at em... :)

19:45:45 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Orcs with jaws of glass and tooths of rotten wood.......


Ahhh, roasted Lizzards - my favourite.


19:45:46 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Orcs with jaws of glass and tooths of rotten wood.......


Ahhh, roasted Lizzards - my favourite.


21:22:32 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. William The North:

*double post*

the Rebirth guy wasn't planned:p i just thought he had a nice city^^

21:51:23 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Mcmax The Troll:

Mr. Vuggy


19:45:45 Aug 23rd 09
Orcs with jaws of glass and tooths of rotten wood.......


Ahhh, roasted Lizzards - my favourite.


I liked my version better................

23:06:16 Aug 23rd 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

He's a troll Vuggy, let him act his role or he will eat you :o

01:39:40 Aug 25th 09 - Sir Penor The Dysfunctional:

Let NightWish fall as I attack them with my bulging muscles *evil laugh*

05:38:27 Aug 25th 09 - Mr. Leviathan:

Yeah Ive noticed McMax... I def think the "magic" troll would be appropriate...

18:08:50 Aug 25th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Burning yourselves? Are you that bad at taking cities that you take it out on yourselves? :)

00:06:09 Aug 26th 09 - Mr. Liu Bei:

Sir Penor The Dysfunctional


19:39:40 Aug 24th 09
Let NightWish fall as I attack them with my bulging muscles *evil laugh*


I thought you were friends with them?

13:34:36 Aug 26th 09 - Mr. William The North:

ohw ohw Wraith didn't your KD know that destiny is an hellish kingdom! we only life on ashes and in wrecked houses... ah maybe you can life on it aswell^^

16:15:01 Aug 26th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Hmm, so you work from wrecked cities? How does the Production work with that?
Maybe I should have a little scout around, learn some tips ;)

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