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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era of Magneto

Mantrax Era of Magneto
21:22:36 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

You've played this game for 4 to 5 years and say it's never been done before and it's legal? You sure we're talking about the same game here?

21:23:08 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

i gotta goto work so if i dont reply ya know why i aint ignoring lol

21:24:32 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

if it's been done before i've not seen it
and never heard of it..

21:28:04 Aug 12th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Lord Stewie Griffin


20:02:25 Aug 12th 09
Dark Prince Stirlin


12:59:07 Aug 12th 09
aww stewie fool crying over losing a few cities?
there there child, era will be over soon so you can start again!

sorry who are you

seriously you just totally failed there, i could probably get a better response from someone who cant even speak English
cobra would have a field day with idiots like you

21:29:35 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Lol, poor stewie, can't cast on Trillaa?

21:32:27 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:


Trillaa from Lord Polydeuces

DPS: im learning english gtfo

21:35:27 Aug 12th 09 - Sir Woody:

Stewie and Stirlin should have a 1-1. i demand blood! :p

21:38:57 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

I give up! =P

Stirlin wins by default lol

21:41:59 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Lol, ouu eits ouch that's going to get me so bad!

21:42:29 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

you got it Poly ;)

21:42:48 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Gekewayne:

Stewie, I believe you should stop posting now
Your beginning to look like complete fucking idiot.

21:45:38 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

kk rev <3


21:45:47 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Stewie an idiot? Oh my that is just a no no

21:56:48 Aug 12th 09 - Sir Woody:

Angel of Death, he IS an idiot.

22:01:26 Aug 12th 09 - Sir Jondrus Dah Clamps:

i dont mean about the the sol crushing your guys walls that's me ofcourse tho but thats just tactics, team work etc...

Teamwork?  You are napped to both parties correct? 

22:02:54 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Chris:

Lord Polydeuces


16:29:35 Aug 12th 09
Lol, poor stewie, can't cast on Trillaa?
Lord Stewie Griffin


16:32:27 Aug 12th 09


Trillaa from Lord Polydeuces

lol he may be an idiot but Poly is a fucking moron

and 136K lords? Dear god... nice upkeep

22:23:11 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Hmm yeah nice thing is though I can support the upkeep.  Still making almost a mil after it so... and yeah i got my own tactics, I don't like zerks.

22:30:30 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

If thats all the troops you have trained with your income and you still have a mil each tick after upkeep im ashamed of you.

Sad thing now I gotta set up yet another killed mine when it had 50k mages in training and the others couldnt escape :(

Oh your also fkin lucky I aint a mage otherwise I would have burned that army to the ground. There are so few pure mages in this game :( so sad the decline of true mages and increase of elves only using the race for archmages :/

22:33:29 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Well it's still good enough to beat you, and that's all that matters

22:34:26 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

I'll just defend :P easy enough

23:40:59 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Poly don't you have like, 4 or 5 more armies moving to merge into your army?

And.. I'm lost... Wtf is happening/happened?

02:24:13 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

02:32:40 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Link to zoomed in version if you have bad eye sight.

Poly is army above Fackssssss.
Satanclaus is the army down near Oneway only.

Saint Destructi is the magic city.
Ulsar is an armory.

03:18:13 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

So... SIN passed over Fate's base and took over the cities? How is that wrong?

03:50:39 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Sir Jondrus Dah Clamps


21:01:26 Aug 12th 09

i dont mean about the the sol crushing your guys walls that's me ofcourse tho but thats just tactics, team work etc...

Teamwork?  You are napped to both parties correct?

nap'd to you and sin you can call it team work in killing phi...

03:53:47 Aug 13th 09 - Sir Jondrus Dah Clamps:

Cool. That's all I need you to post.

03:58:34 Aug 13th 09 - Lord Grim Darkhammer:

I rarely post in the main forum because I got tired of the political BS and whining years ago. But I will post on this.

It has nothing to do with being "illegal". It has nothing to do with "tactics". It has to do with honor. Something I though Hanky had until this happened. And something that is quickly disappearing in Visual Utopia.

He knew it was dishonorable to ask a member of a kingdom his NAP partner was fighting to cast on a city so he could get his troops through without "breaking" the NAP. Then he had them cast on his city so they could move through to attack also. Instead of a stand up fight they worked together in disregard of the NAP Fate agreed to with us and stabbed us in the back. The leaders of Fate had no knowledge of what Hanky was doing. But, now it is up to them to deal with a member that spits on the agreements they made and does whatever he wants,

I ask the leaders of the kingdoms on VU this. Look at what Polydeuces & Hanky are doing. Would you trust either of them in your kingdom? Would you trust them to uphold agreements you make with them? I wouldnt and I wont ever again.

04:20:22 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

"Then he had them cast on his city so they could move through to attack also. Instead of a stand up fight they worked together in disregard of the NAP Fate agreed to with us and stabbed us in the back."

Assumption is the mother of all f**k ups...

with the sin cw'ing your cities for me alls it was to do is shorten my trip to get to phi by about a day and because of my activity its turned out no shorter than it would have been to go east lol

if sin didnt cw me and you guys were'nt getting your asses handed to you, you wouldnt be moaning like a b**ch right now... and you wouldnt be getting on at me... phi are the only ones that dont seem too bothered...

04:43:30 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

1. We are not getting our asses handed to us.

2. Getting a kd to cast cw on one of your allies has absolutely no honor and violates our Nap.

3. If they cw your blocker by mistake then the honorable thing to do by both you and Sol would be to not take advantage of that. At the very least you should not have allowed them to pass your blocker, even if they wanted to.

This is how I see it. I do not care about the cities that can be taken. I care about how this game is played.

Hopefully some people have honor and see this for what it is.

04:47:30 Aug 13th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Well said Dargoth.

04:54:39 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

"Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups"

04:56:48 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

Where is the "assumption" in what I said Hankers?

04:57:30 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

stewie can post our convo in your forum maybe might make you understand more

05:05:59 Aug 13th 09 - Lord Grim Darkhammer:

Sorry I do have to post again. I made little Hanky upset so he PM'ed me.

Mr. Hanky Panky (8/12/2009 10:31:23 PM) GOOD BAD
since when i have i had an honourable reputation?

and you dont need to accuse me of *beep* in the forums please

i understand you dont wanna post in their if ya got anything to say to me feel free to pm me

you make me want to leave fate just to kill you...
You (8/12/2009 10:40:44 PM)
As far as I'm concerned you are too low to deserve an actual answer.

I'm right here.
Mr. Hanky Panky (8/12/2009 10:43:47 PM) GOOD BAD

you mean you have no answer...
Mr. Hanky Panky (8/12/2009 10:44:55 PM) GOOD BAD
you just need to not assume *beep* and go around accusing people for it...

Nothing I posted was untrue. (I have messages from players I actually believe with information on what happened)
The only "assumption" I made was that Hanky was was a honorable player. (Wont happen again)
He is still in Fate. (He doesn't want me too badly and he would just join SIN anyway)

05:21:17 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Cool your jets peeps :/

Dont get all pissy over this especially if it was an accidental cast on Sin's fault. Though I had to turn my army around!! Cant go kill rev armies now :(

05:26:47 Aug 13th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

"accidental cast on Sin's fault."

accident my a$$....if it was an accident, do u not think they would apologize to hankers ? but wat do they do ? they just take advantage of their "accidental" cast and run into our core... those lil dirty b@st4rds

05:29:11 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

grim your a retard you know that... remove your head from up your arse please

05:37:01 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

people are out for blood it seems.....

07:23:53 Aug 13th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

When Hanky comes online and opens his gates, I will turn back.  I apologize to all of Peacekeepers for what I have done.  It was wrong, and I should never have done it in the first place.  Though, it was honestly a mistaken cast, and I figured hey I'll move in and take some cities.  It was stupid and dishonourable, and for this I am truly sorry.  I will move back once Hanky comes online to open his gates.

07:25:53 Aug 13th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

As promised to my dear friend hankers, my apologies to you mate.

07:54:34 Aug 13th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Lord Polydeuces


23:23:53 Aug 12th 09
When Hanky comes online and opens his gates, I will turn back.  I apologize to all of Peacekeepers for what I have done.  It was wrong, and I should never have done it in the first place.  Though, it was honestly a mistaken cast, and I figured hey I'll move in and take some cities.  It was stupid and dishonourable, and for this I am truly sorry.  I will move back once Hanky comes online to open his gates

Personally, I appreciate your new actions. I am very happy for you and your new honourable actions. Much appreciated mate. Well done!

09:33:29 Aug 13th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

can i just say technically Hanky hasnt done anything. as everyone seems to think a NAP is a alliance its actually just an agreement to not attack you himself... so unless in the terms it says do not allow other KD's to cast magic on them lol they arent in the wrong.

10:19:11 Aug 13th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Divine Elldorian


01:33:29 Aug 13th 09
can i just say technically Hanky hasnt done anything. as everyone seems to think a NAP is a alliance its actually just an agreement to not attack you himself... so unless in the terms it says do not allow other KD's to cast magic on them lol they arent in the wrong.


10:25:29 Aug 13th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

explain how im wrong because thats always how i thought NAP's worked...maybe thats why everyone calls me unhonorable :P ive eben breaking the rules withuot knowing all this time lol

10:26:13 Aug 13th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

I never said u are wrong. U just asked "Can i just say" and i said NO. =P

10:33:00 Aug 13th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

:| your a pathetic troll and your crap at flaming.........just go away stewie seriously...i still dont even knw who the fuck you are

11:04:53 Aug 13th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

totally agree with what Kath just said about that fool stewie

16:05:44 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

What Hanky did is still completely bonkers. Glad Polydeuces has decided to be fair and turn back though :).

16:24:19 Aug 13th 09 - Duke Deadpool:

Its just another unhonorable Fate era...this has been going on for awhile now.

16:33:22 Aug 13th 09 - Pirate Leela The Eyepatched:

yet you guys decided to NAP them.

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