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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 37

Mantrax 37
18:11:51 Aug 4th 15 - Princess Aisha:

There is still alot of fighting to be done, we are far from the end.
It took us a while to get vision of the north, and now we see that you guys have build up some pretty huge cities up there. So I am sure there will be lots of resistance.
Keep in mind we will attack FW on sight, we are only not attacking Ignis cause he is single player (they created the kingdom just recently, we would not NAP them if we knew lol). We will also not attack tagless Gordoncat and Tabooless cause they are only 1 plater kingdom. We will also try to avoid any other new players out there, you are all safe where we play.

18:35:42 Aug 4th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

I'm new, please don't hurt me....

21:17:18 Aug 4th 15 - Ms. Ignaziaor:

17:13:31 Aug 4th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):I don't remember hitting you? I'm maging so the only armies I have are the ones I took from ignis

20k ponies and 3 scouts is not a armie:) and where did that hoh armie
Of yours come from....

01:56:42 Aug 5th 15 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"Keep in mind we will attack FW on sight, we are only not attacking Ignis cause he is single player""We will also not attack tagless Gordoncat and Tabooless cause they are only 1 plater kingdom."

Maybe your LoS isn't as good as you think it is. By that logic you would have to NAP me too, but then who would there be left to fight? Kingdom pile on Degards 200k?

The handful of FW people who dropped again either recently left protection or have built less than 70k buildings let alone trained an army that can compete with your era old ones. Knowing that, do I now fit into your list of NAP qualifiers or is it purely the number of dropped players (Like Ignis) regardless of how strong they are?

If it's just number of dropped players, what would you do if I kicked all the FW players who have dropped, making myself a 1 person kingdom? For that matter, why are you still attacking Degard? Didn't he become a 1 player Kingdom when Anon died?


Leaving aside Monks (who have apparently surrendered and will imminently roll over to the awesome power of FW/Planet hollywood/Collective alliance), your effectively NAPing about 60% of Mantrax or more (3 players plus noobs) to fight about 40% of Mantrax. (2 players. One you already have a 500k army prepping)

If that's what you want it's fine, but it's another horrible precedent to set for a kingdom that doesn't like getting accused of mass NAP'ing.

04:17:23 Aug 5th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Captain):

Mass-NAP's? No!

NAPping single player kingdoms? I don't think so!
Allying yourself with tagless players? Not happening!

Take the Zeon approach TODAY and CRUSH ALL OPPOSITION.

10:37:26 Aug 5th 15 - Princess Aisha:

I try to force myself to not reply to troll posts like that Elsin, but lately most of your forum posts look like you are just trolling, and I usually just try to ignore such. Not exactly sure what the point of your post is, maybe ask for diplomatic relations or what?

Saying Shaolin gave up cause one of them wrote it on forums is just wrong considering they have a dozen huge armies running around, bouncing our smaller armies all the time. Do not believe everything you read on forums Elsin.

We did not NAP FW cause we do not consider that kingdom to be newbie, I do not think you ever have new players there, but I might be wrong. When kingdoms come to Mantrax the idea is to defeat FW, and that is what we came here for. Even if its just few of you guys, we will not nap people like Elsin that we considered to be among the best players of this game.

For the recond we have been fighting Degard for quite some time now, when Anon had my army sieged Degard had his army fighting Scimitar over the cities. He had around 100k Knights while back, but due to having less mages, he just got burnt by our mages, same as Anon had to retreat cause of hundreds of locusts that they casted on his army that almost killed me. When he left the city, and I got aotd on my army to reach 100k Zerks, the war against Anon was over. He had me thought, was very close. So now that he is alone we should not fighting him? Your logic is pretty weird.

We NAPed a single player (Ignis) when we were fighting Shaolin, RoC, FW and Army of Anubis. And still you say we NAP 60% of the map. I must say you have a very unique logic. Must be known only to you.

14:22:27 Aug 5th 15 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"look like you are just trolling"

ofc not. Purely pointing out the over-NAPing habbits of a kingdom who recently accused another of over-NAPping.

14:25:46 Aug 5th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

No elsin is right iv pretty much given up I long onto this world maybe once every 2 day's there isn't any point really if I attack elsin he aotd pwns me if I head south he takes all my cities.. so I'm just gonna sit in my MC and waste my magic on LOL casts

15:12:21 Aug 5th 15 - Mr. Fecker:

lol casts... what magic level is that ?? :)

15:29:39 Aug 5th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

15, normally only adventuring halflings get to it but it's quite a but of fun.

It has a 20% chance of success but if you do cast it on an army or city successfully it jumbles the contents around.

Example, 10k nazzies could instantly become 3k gaia, 5k hammer throwers 1k warlords and 1k shamans,  it's all rather funny!

15:30:11 Aug 5th 15 - Sir Moon Shine:

Must be a high level then

19:29:42 Aug 5th 15 - Sir Scimitar:

Giving up is a trick :)
Out of top six people, Shaolin has four of them. Means they all have much more land than most of us have. They are quite capable of defeating most of our armies.

Still thumbs up Shaolin for good play this era
Everyone else as well, its  a good fun era

21:41:37 Aug 5th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

i kinda feel like ya'll just keep beating on me. lol im pretty much surrounded by you guys now. hahhahaha

00:20:55 Aug 6th 15 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"Out of top six people, Shaolin has four of them. Means they all have much more land than most of us have."

How many out of those four are halfling :)

01:42:49 Aug 6th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

im a halfling!

10:53:37 Aug 6th 15 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

New turn of events ladies and gentlemen,
After the post:

  • 15:25:46 Aug 5th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

    No elsin is right iv pretty much given up I long onto this world maybe once every 2 day's there isn't any point really if I attack elsin he aotd pwns me if I head south he takes all my cities.. so I'm just gonna sit in my MC and waste my magic on LOL casts

Now all of the large Shaolin armies are moving south.
So Elsin has stopped attacking them
Two possible outcomes...

1. Elsin too busy fighting Ignis?
2. Elsin and Shaolin NAPed?

Both outcomes are quite possible. We shall see what both sides have to comment.

Thumbs up for nice  armies by Shaolin

  • Bran Flakes from Mr. Brannigans Law
    Pony riders:0

    Pess from Mr. Baelish
    Pony riders:0

We go back to fighting now. Good luck everyone!

10:58:43 Aug 6th 15 - Konspyre (Mr. Decimation Penguin):

Can't you just... Stop talking about how all odds are against you and about how you're the undisputed champion of all of VU and beyond for just one day? Pretty please?

11:08:56 Aug 6th 15 - Princess Aisha:

I do not think that post was complaining?
That just means more armies for me to kill :)
Seriously whats up with the hate. There was nothing harmfull said in the post.
The Collective is enjoying the era because Shaolins are putting up a good fight. And you guys are enjoying cause you are fighting a decent kingdom as well.
I think you guys are all great players and I am glad you are on Mantrax. And from our forums I noticed one of your guys is new, Archicas. Good job at accepting and teaching him how to play, he is putting up a good fight, great job :)
If I had said anything bad about Shaolin, I apologize. You guys are a great group.

14:45:19 Aug 6th 15 - Sir Dezac The Kid Pillager:

I just spawned on the map amongst the collective. What's up everybody! Just came to StG a bit the remainder of this era it looks like :p Might 1 v 1 someone Idk Gl and good night

17:29:48 Aug 6th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

I will admit that this has been a great era for mant. 

Collective and shaolin have both put up an amazing fight. 

Aisha and the others in collective, some people get frustrated when things don't go the way they want. Try not to pay them mind.

The rest of us, let's finish this era with a bang! Straight up brawl status!!

17:58:29 Aug 6th 15 - Mr. Archicas:

Finally i found the forum. I got murdered .........>.< i tried though HOORAH TO ASHES.

19:25:50 Aug 6th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

Lol, good job buddy

17:32:14 Aug 7th 15 - Sir Scimitar:

It is unbelievable what the new players of this kingdom are experiencing this era :) Its almost like every day something new and exciting happens. I have seen on forums few times that people say game sometimes feels like who trains the biggest and most powerful army will win. This era has showed us that is so far from truth.

First that stunt against Anon and Ery, where we used aotd to defeat an enemy army that is almost double the strength of what we all have. And that time I thought well this aotd spell is by far the best thing this game had to offer so far. So the era went on and I was assigned to fight Woody, as I was told an awesome player, human that managed to build a huge city, think it was 130k city when I reached it. So preparation time was extreme. In one of the previous eras I was told when you attack a human you can always think the enemy will train all the peasants into troops because the city gives so much gold, they can afford it.

The guy trained and trained, and near the end of the prep time I said fck it, I will never get it, I wanted to retreat, but Aisha said no, stay there, If I get bounced we will get aotd on me and it will be fine. But then the guy trained 580k troops, with no swordsman inside, it was mostly archers, I think it were half a million archers inside. At full prep I reached 38% and said fck it this was waste of time.

But then Aisha said wait, and she started organizing stuff with the mages. I got bless and happiness, that got my army to 112% morale :) And then they started doing this other spell that I just love now, called anger. Our mages angered the enemy and each cast dropped 20% morale off! And 2 of the casts were lucky enought  to say all spellweavers survived, no losses!

They said check again... and fck me :)


Sir Scimitar.

The city of Retreat is now under our command!

We killed all of the 581076 troops.

19:21:30 Aug 7th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

sucks for the kingdom im in. but good teamwork

10:41:13 Aug 9th 15 - Lady Lillie:

Will Shaolins, Army of Anubis, RoC, Holywood, all stay on Mantrax next era?
What are the plans? :)

11:40:34 Aug 9th 15 - Sir Moon Shine:

I will attempt to be on time for FW landing with Elsin

16:42:07 Aug 9th 15 - Ms. Ignaziaor:

I actually dont know :(since summer break is over I have to go back to college and will probaly be busy and we have accepted new players and are pretty easy going with activity and such so all we can do is wait and see

18:01:10 Aug 12th 15 - Princess Aisha:

We wanted to make sure most if not all enemy armies have been killed before actually discussing armageddon, and I think we are pretty close to that. Not sure if anyone have anything strong left, but still I wanted to be polite and just ask quickly :)
Shall we cast arma now? Does anyone need time to test things, like magic, or anything like that :)

18:54:27 Aug 12th 15 - Ms. Ignaziaor:

A goodbye present for all stgers:) first come first served

You are selling 176494459 stone for 20468892 gold (0.12)

18:58:49 Aug 12th 15 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Its more like who of the humans is online. No other race can take that when you post it here like that... Not sure how many humans are there in the world, but I think it was either Sleepy or me...
And I guess I was quicker :)

  • Bought 176494459 stone for 20468892 gold.

19:01:52 Aug 12th 15 - Ms. Ignaziaor:

:) I was boored really

19:16:50 Aug 12th 15 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

Cast it

21:12:48 Aug 12th 15 - Ms. Ignaziaor:

I agree cast arma:) I want to look at the score

19:57:35 Aug 14th 15 - Bran (Ms. Branni):

you guys returning for next era?

20:42:01 Aug 14th 15 - Princess Aisha:

Of course, we want VU to be fun, more kingdom around, more fun for everyone :)
Wish you all good luck in the upcoming era :)

Thank you all for the previous era, was a lot of fun
Congrats to my team for doing a great job :) Nice win guys

On to the next era :)

20:50:00 Aug 14th 15 - Zond (General Godsucksthick):

Looking for a KD that will be fighting Aisha next round so I can tear that ass up for old times sake. ;D

21:30:55 Aug 14th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):


02:04:57 Aug 15th 15 - Sir Moon Shine:

What were your zerk army like, i felt it was quite weak-ish for the time spent.

10:08:49 Aug 15th 15 - Princess Aisha:

Just to explain so my guys don't go arguing with Zond, that was a joke. Zondy is by far my favorite person in VU and I have considered him my best VU friend for a long time. I just hope to be his favorite girl at least cause I know he has special bond with his gays here :p

Love Zondy <3

Moonshine, armies were more than enough, when we noticed we can not be stopped we trained less.

10:22:21 Aug 15th 15 - Princess Aisha:

After some more considerations, since I can not opet shatteredworlds map, I will not play Mantrax this era most likely. Bug is still not fixed after months

21:18:11 Aug 15th 15 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

It was a okay age; however, I lost almost all interest a few days before I attacked the Collective. It was a even age in my opinion, but some of the members of Collective complained about having to fight most of the map.

Here is what it looked like from my stand point:
FW - I guess was not active enough or had too few members. The collective crushed them soon after OOP. 

AoA - I was basically alone, with one other member who only fought near the time of my defeat ( around day 30). I had to fight against the Collective's three mages and 4-5 members with armies attacking me and defending their core for almost three weeks. The only help I had was from the one active ROC member, tho he only defended his cities. I had the chance to wreck the Collective core with my first attack but decided against it. 

During my first attack I had three armies: two shock troop armies and my main army that was on the front lines. My two shock troop armies was each equal to most of the Collective armies, with both almost at the Collective core. They was frozen and soon bounced; however, before they bounced them I could have merged them using my three beginning BTs. I could have then dropped a temp city and smacked their incoming armies, after that I would have sent the merged army to destroy their core. I decided against it b/c they and everyone else would have had more fun this age if I did not.

That said, they bounced them and week or so later they killed my shock troops. About week after that they basically just overwhelmed me. I had several chances to kill some of the Collective main armies but mistakenly waited for a better chance and lost them due too the steady magic support the Collective had. 
Lady Elisa Day The Mage attempted to cast a spell upon us.--- Main Mage
Lord Dark Spawn attempted to cast a spell upon us. --- Main Mage
Sir Merlin The Mage attempted to cast a spell upon us.--- Support Mage I'm guessing

Monolith - they was either new or not active enough so they was defeated with the first 7 days of the age.

ROC- nearly all of them was inactive leaving only two barely active and one active member. The Collective easily killed the two semi-active members and killed the other active member a couple or so weeks later. I had a CF with ROC due too the incoming Collective armies.

Collective - Aisha led her KD with absolute power. She basically was in control of her members decisions/movements which made up for their lack of experience. They had a KD full of active members who listened to their leader and made fewer mistakes than previous ages. Some of their members did complain about having to fight most of the players on Mant( they did not speak for their KD, was just their opinion), but other than that they came off respectable. They all did alright and their win was well deserved, awesome job Collective.

The Shaolin Monks - I had a NAP with Fairy Tail before they disbanded and formed SM, so the NAP basically rolled over. They only had five starting members and about three very late spawning members, leaving them with only around eight players with about four of them who could actually defend themselves and other members. That said, they just farmed and warred a couple of tagless/single member players. The Collective had only two members attacking them through out the age until the Collective finally killed me off.

As for the Collective member/s who said they chased me off.
First, chasing means following and no army followed me. I made a tactical retreat to aotd my army:

Casting Army of the dead from Illyth upon Death Merchant with 49% chance of success...successful, some of the troops in Death Merchant that had died in battle were brought back to life! We lost 105483 Magicians and 1174 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Second, I am not the best player in VU b/c there cannot be a best player. Not me and not Binh. We rank among the best but there are far to many factors that makes it impossible to determine the best player. 

Anyway congratulation on the age win Aisha ^_^ 

Would say more but my time is always limited :(

21:31:45 Aug 15th 15 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

gotta agree with that. i started late, and got wiped (just came back to VU honestly lol) and then joined up with SM and was able to build up a force to defend.

21:55:43 Aug 15th 15 - Death Dealer (Prince Anonymous):

"As for the Collective member/s who said they chased me off.
First, chasing means following and no army followed me. I made a tactical retreat to aotd my army:"

Sorry, miss read some of their posts so ignore that statement.

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