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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 44

Mantrax 44
20:13:54 Jun 14th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Bling almost forgot you joined Baratheons too :O
As soon as we see armies from you, we are giving up
This map belongs to Bling

Dragon, who did you accept into kingdom that likes to leave and attack you?
If you took in someone like Kath you asked for it to be honest...

20:21:14 Jun 14th 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Le sigh. BL and I had one good era with him several eras back. Things went well.

Since then, not so much. I give too much benefit of the doubt. 

20:38:45 Jun 14th 16 - Mr. Hollywood:

<3 we will make beautiful babies.

21:50:36 Jun 14th 16 - kalu (Lord Orz The Sober):

I felt like we spread out super fast right after our war with FW, so that whenever I logged in I had no idea where my attention was needed haha. Maybe we spread our troops out too thin. Or maybe not... muah ha ha. 

22:00:51 Jun 14th 16 - Venomz (High Warlord The Farmer):

Maybe that BL guy just isn't worthy of being a leader.  

22:19:07 Jun 14th 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Spoken well enough for the loser of the conflict^^

22:46:24 Jun 14th 16 - Mr. Bling:

who the feck is BL????

22:52:17 Jun 14th 16 - Binh (Mr. Hnib Evitisnes The Dwarf):

Burning legion i'm assuming

22:57:06 Jun 14th 16 - Mr. Bling:

whats he doing on my map!! aisha and i will be fornicating here soon. so go away you perv feckers

22:59:03 Jun 14th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Seriously dude you accept Kath and you are surprised when he backstabs you...
You have been playing for long enough to know better :)

Kalu that might be right, but still you should plan well and organise people for certain areas, you have enough people to have several people at important places. Only three people attacked you in the east, and you should have been able to defeat them, but the coordination was pretty poor we must say...

Also, the guerilla warefare you did later on with many armies running around was nice but again that just shows that you must change tactic and as soon as we noticed that, not sure if you saw it, but after you did that we started just burning everything so you have nothing to liberate...

As much as you did spread around, we are spread just as much. We might have had better core, as we have blockers (I am sure many do not block actually) but when we attacked, we spread much more than you did, we had to attack Shaolin, your middle area and your east area at the same time...

23:02:26 Jun 14th 16 - Mr. Bling:

They will learn. Eventually. Or quit. Or change their name to variations of Binh. Or become a bin.

23:11:17 Jun 14th 16 - Princess Aisha:

And now we have to attack Bling as well, I will do the attacking, cause others might not enjoy fighting you.

23:13:58 Jun 14th 16 - Mr. Bling:

i like sexy time. i'll get all the batteries recharged for the toys.

I am not a fan of sore winners Sir Force,

It was a good war, although its not over. Our OOP war stunted our growth and we lost Theo to Forgotten Warriors forcing him to restart. After OOP war two of my best players went inactive and another went on vacation.

These are not excuses but explanations, I have many good players in my kingdom but our focus was to finish off Forgotten warriors and prevent their rebuild because when the Collective war came we needed as few enemies as possible, therefore we created a forward base to finish FW and to keep an eye on Collective. 

Trojan, Redzstitchz and myself were first to arrive and fight Forgotten warriors. 

Collective came upon us before any other members could join us and we could fortify our position. If you think you were unhappy by the fight we put up on Eastern core that didn't touch a fraction of my disappointment. Not everyone can be a top tier player and hold the line against experienced players like Scimitar or Ms.Mia or poor winner Sir Force.

Like Theo said that area was not part of the plan I put forth but we tried to adapt, If you are not in my kingdom or have every played in my kingdom then you cannot judge my leadership or the leadership of my viceroys.

Collective : There is only ever one winner, My players did the best they could and that is all I can ask from them. I congratulate you not because we surrender but because it was a hard fought war and I respect the skill displayed on both sides.

By the way here's the map that I posted May 21st to show you that we so coordinate.

Red- Inner Core boundaries
Orange - Outer Core boundaries
Yellow - Eastern Core boundaries

Purple - Collective Core boundaries AND the path of attack I suspect they will take

Blue- Forgotten Warriors Survivors ( must be hunted down )

Dark Red- Baratheon Forward Armories AND path of attack to Collective

* The map continues to go south to reveal Shaolin Monks and Hammers of Tyr in the bottom left hand corner, and in the bottom right hand corner is more Collective

10:52:43 Jun 15th 16 - Sir Force:

Sore winners? Lol, thats funny.

It was a simple question, when you noticed your east core is getting taken, why didn't you react by sending one of the guys from the other front to go help up north. Don't know why that is hard to answer... But the image kinda shows that we did not reach your main core yet, so that is a partial answer, the cities we took up there are not really your main core, so I guess we are yet to see those large defending armies. My question was simple curiousity, it was not meant to be anything insulting that you make it seem.

The intent of your message may have only been to ask questions but gave the impression that you questioned our ability, strategy, decision making.

With what we had available , sending a forward army 40-50 ticks East would been wasteful and made no difference, and risked losing our forward base.

Like I have stated before two key players who I may have sent East went inactive. and another went on vacation (who has returned).

And I do agree we did spread out more then was wise.

19:21:01 Jun 15th 16 - Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron:

wait wait wait wait , I left baratheons because of bl's treacherous actions on fant towards me and I never attacked you guys once ? I was dead when I left....

19:27:17 Jun 15th 16 - Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron:

I am actually pissed at you Dragon your pathetic , when ave I ever left and attacked you? you had about 3 eras with me basically saving your shit ass before you let a vice kick me , saying nothing but your sorry and letting him stay on the kd til he left , tbh every time I have been in a kingdom with you you have done shit your east Core fell because you expected me to defend it single hamdedly while everyone farmed , I'm sorry the birth of my daughter made me inactive you faggot , did my rl mess up your era? you nd bl are  a joke , bl is a coward who has only ever won by recruiting or allying everyone and your both cunts

19:29:10 Jun 15th 16 - Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron:

name an era your kingdom done well without me ? I'll wait ? you have lost every erasince I left. Dragon is a lazy shit and bl is too timid to be a leader 

20:23:54 Jun 15th 16 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

Someone is taking this game too serious..

21:13:23 Jun 15th 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Lol. Just LOL.

I don't really have the time to type up a play by play, so instead I'll just say this:

I'm officially off "Team stick up for Kath's reputation and give him the benefit of the doubt".

VU community at large, you were right, and I was naive. Lesson learned. 

21:21:09 Jun 15th 16 - Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron:


21:22:15 Jun 15th 16 - Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron:

and lol venom seeing as the discussion at hand centres on me not being around because of rl clearly not lol 

21:39:27 Jun 15th 16 - Mr. Bling:

you're still a bunch of inbreds though. next era when i start at the same time, im gonna kill y'all alphabetically ..ahahahahahahahaha twats

21:46:00 Jun 15th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Alpabetically? My name starts with an A
Holy crap!

21:50:09 Jun 15th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Dragon, when a reputation stays for such a long time, its not there for no reason. The guy is obviously doing something wrong, I tried giving him a chance on Fantasia, told him I have a strong enemy that I am going toward, that I will pass near his cities but I will give him the benefit of a doubt if he does not attack me or my kingdom we would let him be, and what he did was basically take one of our cities and then send his army toward my army to check percentage he has because he knew I would not attack him, Even admited he wanted to see if he should escape or turtle up for the time in the future when we fight, and there was no reason t ofight cause he was TAGless and we are u p against the entire map there. If he played it smart and honorable, we would never attack him, but that little scene pretty much showed me that diplomatic relations or any negotiation with some people are pointless and rathet avoid it. 

22:38:48 Jun 15th 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:


Similar circumstances on Fantasia for me. He isn't why we are doing poorly on Mantrax. Simply a part of a greater issue with people not having trained the troops to be effective. As previously said, up in the North East I was working towards magic science, so didn't have the large military.

03:41:01 Jun 16th 16 - Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron:

lol aisha ce took a blocker I settled for my core and wrecked it , ce had it for two ticks and I was prepping it when Chade took it , I messaged him ans waited 12+ ticks and got no reply , when the city had only two buildings and was going to disappear I took it as I had got no reply and it cost me over 3 mil to drop , it was undefended and I did not think it a big deal.

so you know when I checked your per cent Chade had just threatened to wipe me from the Map for taking your cities , so when you say there was no reason to fight..... your leader had just said you was gonna fight me ...

as for ce on fant you aytacked me oop and won , I rebuilt and attacked you while not allied , bl tells me if I join the alliance I can keep the cities I took , sf kill my main army and two ticks later when you know you are stronger then me you retake the cities despite our alliance , how am I the bad guy in that ? your kd admitted it and returned the cities to me so I do not know how you warped that in your mind 

03:41:57 Jun 16th 16 - Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron:

can't edit from my phone but when I said taking your cities I meant my blocker that was wrecked 


I am off "team defend sesugh against himself and his horrible decision making"

I tried convincing a dozen different people on Fant to make peace with you. But your stubbornness and deception was too much.

You lost your last two allies Sesugh. 

05:56:17 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Fecker:

I'm touching myself right now.

11:27:02 Jun 16th 16 - Prince Tega Sesughter Son of Iron:

make peace with me ? I was murdering your armies and sacking mads and your kd had not even put up a defense , I have never needs your defense or peace 

14:22:27 Jun 16th 16 - Sir Force:

Seeing the discussion here is going in an unwanted territory, I better show you my production this era to let you drool a bit...


+4,353,450 -54,241 +1,967,098 +410,357
Army Upkeep: -1,847,389
Building Upkeep: -299,216
Total Income: +2,206,845

Feel free to discuss why you think Dwarfs are not the best race overall in this game, because clearly nothing beats this badass income and this crazy army upkeepthat I frankly do not care about cause I can field double this many troops with my crazy income.

Feel free to troll on this now.

15:32:20 Jun 16th 16 - Venomz (High Warlord The Farmer):

You didnt max it out yet.  Halfers with exp on adventurers will beat you and so will aotd farmed up orcs and trolls. But Dwarf can be good if you get a high mil level.

17:39:18 Jun 16th 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

I love playing Dwarf. I tried playing halfling because I wanted to offer some Magic support. 

I've only really done it well on Zetamania. 

I think I peaked at about 1.2 million as a halfer before war got to me. I think I was doing it wrong. 

I do like how well and how fast halfers can bounce back, but the playstyle and ease of dwarves is awesome.

That said, I do like having magic capacity. I know some are trying to see if being a dwarf mage is possible. I wouldn't mind setting up in 3 90k dwarf cities and sending out 200k armies of hammers like no ones' business.

I'm rambling at this point. I'm on my 4th bounce back/rebuilding. It bites. I may go back to dwarf next era. 

18:16:04 Jun 16th 16 - Venomz (High Warlord The Farmer):

The main thing about dwarf is getting the income advantage. Just farm up untill all your income, including stone is covered by army upkeep and move out and you'll have a good time as there shouldn't be anything that can really threaten you.

Mage wise, going dwarf won't work as well due to landcount, science cost and the actual MU cost. You'd be inefficient building towers, training mu and getting the required magic science. 

18:24:40 Jun 16th 16 - Sir Force:

Well that might have been the issue Dragon, your kingdom has a ton of dwarfs, and I have run into many cities heavily defended by dwarfs, but you guys did a major mistake. So like Venomz is saying, build up a good income, and train a large army for the war, but as soon as we reached you guys, we noticed you guys had only hammers, while I went straight to axemen, which are basically the unit to use when you are playing dwarves, sticking to hammers when you have time to build up and get income is just wrong.

When I reached your cities I had 100k Axemen + Mages while all your cities had also 100k Hammers in each, so with full prep I could easily take them down, and if you guys actually went 2 in 1 blocker, I would not be able to break, like you are doing at Vlotciy at the moment, very hard to break that defensive army...

As sooon as I got the first few large mines, I was able to use that and train up north as well and in little time I was controlling the entire time with Mia up there.

King Burninlegion The Beserker (6/6/2016 10:39:50 PM)

Your just dominating my kingdoms outskirts
You (6/6/2016 11:20:25 PM)
If skirts are involved I enjoy dominating them
King Burninlegion The Beserker (6/8/2016 11:30:23 PM) GOOD BAD
this is absolutely terrifying .... too many armies

20:22:01 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

lol, Sir Force, not sure who you are but given half your era time i'd take your 100k axemen and shove them up your ass. lol 100k axes. A half decent human would eat you alive.

23:01:38 Jun 16th 16 - Sir Force:

I was talking about the time that the war started between our kingdoms, some time after our oop wars when we had a little bit of time to build up, by the time I attacked it was among the strongest armies on the map. Funny you speak like that when your armory just got taken by 100k Adventurers and we did not touch you all this time that you have been playing and were told if you stay TAGless we would not attack you. And whats this not sure who you are, the name clearly says Sir Force when ever I make a post.


23:09:10 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

you fuckers were all farmed up by the time i spawned douchebag. it was only a matter or time. however i can assure u, u die oop next era :P

23:36:56 Jun 16th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Bling, bring it

23:48:56 Jun 16th 16 - Mr. Fecker:

12:57:11 Jun 17th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"Feel free to discuss why you think Dwarfs are not the best race overall in this game,"

Because orc, elf, troll, human and halfling with xp :D

00:48:38 Jun 18th 16 - Sir Scimitar:

People of Mantrax, we in Collective are having an internal discussion about an idea to end the world and all vote YES so we end it right away, so we all start again and experience another great era of high activity and everyone starting at the same time with the same opportunities. 

We are currently in the lead position and it seems that we are going for the complete map domination but we do not want to be disrespectful to House Baratheon who still have many large armies and are holding the blockers to what they have left on the map. Please let us know if you would be interested in ending the map so we can start all over? 

For many eras before we all got together in the Collective, we would get killed and would be forced to restart and we would be killed again by people that were in the lead, and that kinda made the game annoying to us, and we do not want to make people who are restarting feel the same thing. And due to the fact that summer is coming and lots of people will be taking vacations and lots of people will go inactive, so far the idea of our kingdom was to win this era with total domination and then take few eras off. 

But seeing so many active people, and people constantly restarting, clearly stating that they want to play the game we came up with this idea. But before we make any decisions please let us know what other kingdoms think about the idea?

02:54:49 Jun 18th 16 - Mr. Mog:

This just just my opinion, but casting Armageddon in 2-4 RL days would probably be most ideal. A few days would give enough time to ensure that surviving players do not feel cheated out of the opportunity to use what they have left and it wouldn't keep defeated players on the sidelines for too long.

It would also allow you to come closer to complete map control, but more importantly it would also cause OOP to be closer to the weekend.

As someone who wants to play on Mantrax/Fantasia next era I appreciate the effort you're putting forth to get a unanimous Armageddon vote.

A good death is all we can ask for. But if cast I will say yes

05:19:18 Jun 18th 16 - Sir Force:

Well considering I am preparing attack on a city defended by more than 400k soldiers, and Mia is preparing an attack on city defended by more than 600k soldiers, while little bit south Leila is fighting another army of more than 400k soldiers, not to mention we did not even reach the other two blockers that will have troops for sure, I say it is too early to even considering Armageddon, since we can cast it easily when the time is right, no need to rush it, the enemy is still strong. 

13:55:02 Jun 18th 16 - Ms. Mia The Ugly:

House Baratheon showed some good teamwork in filling that blocker, my army that is most powerful on the map at the moment is not able to break the blocker. And the tavern owner is gone missing, haven't been heard in a long time, still they sent everyone in there and defend. Very nice guys :)

Casting Armageddon would be basically giving up on this fight, and we do not want that, I am against Arma till their blockers are broken, it would make no sense to end it now. Very nice guys defending against 135k Berserkers

14:00:15 Jun 18th 16 - Cao Cao (Mr. Xiahou Dun of Wei):

If casted, I'd vote yes. I'd rather keep on fighting though, we aren't finished yet ;)

18:21:14 Jun 18th 16 - Sir Force:

We are not considering Armageddon any more just to let you all know, its unfair to House Baratheon considering they are just too strong

Todays news

Force Reinforce lost a battle against Whtf from Mr. Trojan. The army retreated to Silk. We lost 6 Swordsmen, 165 Hammerthrowers, 99392 Axemen, 58565 Runemasters, 5180 Cavemasters and 0 peasants in the battle and 118257 of our soldiers got injured.

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