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Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Wars I

Nirvana Wars I
09:28:44 Mar 7th 08 - Sir Evans:

lmao i agree with yui, these piddly armies of lvl 1's are crap , the above reports of mine added up to losses of 100!

seriously its pointless.

However i must congratulate malakas on a well fought fight through the nights when i sleep :P

09:34:32 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Hahaha Evan when are you going to do somthing about Excal

09:41:51 Mar 7th 08 - Sir Evans:


ive been putting up with PHI for the last 2/3 RL days.... chasing armies round my core :P

screw it excal and PHI can argue over my bases, ill take some new ones!

10:50:53 Mar 7th 08 - Sir Evans:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
Excal Excalibur 18 Dark Cruelity 311
BT BURNT 24 Mr. Anubis 208
PHI PHI Recruting 11 Mr. Ffh Reloaded 158
Angels Angels 16 Mr. Trendkill 100
AC Assassins Creed 8 Sir Plague 95


wavering :S time to knock excal down a notch.... id rather burnt won if it wasnt going to be us :P or PHI cus they beat me fari and square but not excal with their lvl 1 armies

10:53:31 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Malakas:

Excal's strength on my view are just in quantity. Angels can pawn 1v1 them i think.

10:54:23 Mar 7th 08 - Sir Evans:

lmao im gonna try pawning them 18 on 1 army.. not one player just one army.... ok so its big :P

11:34:11 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

haha good luck Evans

02:28:22 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Joker:

Excalibur's strength lies in it's members, which although mostly new still seem to be performing quite well. Don't you agree evans?

Kingdoms in Nirvana
ExcalExcalibur17Dark Cruelity100
BTBURNT27Mr. Anubis75
PHI PHI Recruting11Mr. Ffh Reloaded54
ACAssassins Creed8Sir Plague32
AngelsAngels16Mr. Trendkill23

07:00:37 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Woot go Burnt :)

10:55:31 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

i dont agree or disagree at this moment in time,

we'll see how well they cope with stopping my army :P

oh , and your first :P

13:09:51 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

Most Powerful Armies

owned by Sir Evans



owned by Mr. Ator

(5th most powerful city)

13:10:39 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

Split with xxxxx soldiers awaiting your orders, Sir Evans...

Hmmmmm is defended by xxxxx soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor. The city is also defended by 13433 peasants.
Hmmmmm has 150 walls, which provide 28% extra defence.
Our strategists say that we currently have around xx% chance for a successful attack, xx% for a successful siege assault or .
We have prepared 1 days for this attack. It will take another xx days before our soldiers are fully prepared.

15:35:50 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol, Phi you are going to pay for attacking my kingdom. When you took over MY city you just set free the gates of hell upon yourself. THIS means WAR!!!!

15:56:47 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

Sir Evans


3/8/2008 1:10:39 PM
Split with xxxxx soldiers awaiting your orders, Sir Evans...

Hmmmmm is defended by xxxxx soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor. The city is also defended by 13433 peasants.
Hmmmmm has 150 walls, which provide 28% extra defence.
Our strategists say that we currently have around xx% chance for a successful attack, xx% for a successful siege assault or .
We have prepared 1 days for this attack. It will take another xx days before our soldiers are fully prepared.

What did we learn from this?

16:11:28 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

lol screw it ill show you real one :P

Hmmmmm is defended by 14252 soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor. The city is also defended by 14567 peasants.
Hmmmmm has 150 walls, which provide 28% extra defence.
Our strategists say that we currently have around 81% chance for a successful attack, 93% for a successful siege assault or .
We have prepared 4 days for this attack. It will take another 13 days before our soldiers are fully prepared.



16:49:40 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

with only 4 days :O

16:52:10 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

im really annoyed though, i signed on 5 mina go and its at dropped to below 10% with only 500 extra troops......

16:52:27 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

and hes dwarf so no nazguls

17:09:09 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Ator:

How you like me now?

Oh whats that? Your first ranked troops are running from the 5th strongest city?

17:12:36 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Why didn't you attack with 81%? Then you wouldn't have had any problems, Evans....

17:47:37 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

cus i wanted lower losses and didnt expect that much of a drop


oh and ator, wahts the point in standing around, ill jsut go to the next abse :P

18:11:33 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

and Ator, top 1 strongest army and top 1 strongest city dont need to have the same strength, the top 1 army could be 5 times stronger than the top 1 city,  so saying stuff like

"Oh whats that? Your first ranked troops are running from the 5th strongest city?"

Is just useless :)

18:12:48 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jones:

Evans never goes after hard targets... he's too much of a panzy to have a battle that might knock his army out of the HOH.

18:13:27 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Ator:

It made me feel good so it wasn't useless.

18:33:56 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Malakas:

Sir Plague
3/8/2008 10:35:50 PM lol, Phi you are going to pay for attacking my kingdom. When you took over MY city you just set free the gates of hell upon yourself. THIS means WAR!!!!

where are you on the map? still farming?

18:36:36 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

jones jones jones, when will you ever leanr to keep your mouth shut and but out. nobody cares what you think since we killed you nirvana last era....

and sinthoras yep, your right, currently strongest army is weaker than strongest city....


19:09:48 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jones:

I hate to burst your bubble Evans... but you've never beat me... ever! The only cities you've ever taken from me, were the ones with ZERO troops in them and too insignificant to defend.

You've always played a cowardly cat-and-mouse game, and it looks like you haven't changed even though you still haven't accomplished anything significant with your style of play. It's ashame that you still feel you have to prove something to everyone by posting what you do on a daily basis when most people just don't care.

19:26:40 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jermeytheholy:

lol i took over 2 11000 k citys with my 6k city and ps evan it was my with the lvl1 troops what you expect from a 6k player to get 50k lvl5 troops to you would be great thoh

19:27:31 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jermeytheholy:

+this is my first age so i stil dont know how to build  les expensive lvl2 troops stil working on it thoh

20:18:52 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

Jones you make me laugh. You keep trying, in every topic off every world either I or Evans play in. Its pathetic, though the good part is, you are finally saying something different.

The only cities you've ever taken from me, were the ones with ZERO troops in them and too insignificant to defend.
Too insignificant to defend eh...or were you just to weak to defend what you took? :P

You've always played a cowardly cat-and-mouse game
So what?! What Evans is doing is playing this game smart! He attacks at the weak spots of his enemies, if there is a city he cant take eh doesnt stay there waiting for reinforcements, he just goes to another city thus drawing the enemy out. He is being smart in this game. You should be too.
There is no point in attacking like some dumb barbarian, in games and on the forums.

It's ashame that you still feel you have to prove something to everyone by posting
Uhm, I dont know how well you are informed but one his own Evans has been fighting 2 kingdoms for a while. So he doesnt have to proof anything, he is a good player. And about posting it. Where else do you think these topics are for? There arent enough *beep*ic people like you to keep on flaming and thus filling several pages of a topic. Some just have friendly wars with each other and are good loser. You, sadly, are a bad loser, and an *beep*.
He is just posting to keep people informed on his 1 vs a lot war, some are interested. If you are not, then just keep away from this topic or bear the consequences Mwhuhauhauhauhauahaaaaaaaaaahhhh

20:26:27 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

im interested and ive played with evans and i can comfirm that he's a great  player

20:31:47 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

its a fair point, if you dont like the topic, dont read it jones...
i post incase there is someone whoes interesteed and for friendly banter with the poeple im fighting against, i play this game for fun. not to argue so thats it from me

20:38:09 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Malakas:

hmm, a new player guy with big words.

20:39:21 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

thats not a new player :P

20:45:41 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Malakas:

its not you. :)

20:47:10 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

Jones is a noob, not a newbie.

21:04:17 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jones:

Let me make this clear because it seems that some people are confused (mainly Evans and Sinthoras). Evans and co. have NEVER beat me at anything. We've fought each other in the past 2 eras and he has yet to come out of it on top in any way whatsoever.

Sinthoras, you are a dumbass! I know you like to try and argue with me (otherwise you wouldn't respond with some of the stupidest posts I've ever read), but I made no references to you. Therefore, there was no reason for you to "butt-in" unless you have something interesting to offer instead of the garbage that Evans feeds you. You have never been on the winning side of a fight with me either, so it's somewhat stupid to call me a "sore loser" when I've never lost to you, and you have lost to me every single time we've fought. It's also ironic to call me a sore loser considering how much you guys whined after being beaten earlier in the era by the Gauls.

I noticed that Evans was eerily silent after he restarted on Mantrax, and it appears that the only time he posts are when he is victorious (or thinks he's victorious). It comes across as *beep*y and arrogant when you only post your victories, and try to hide your defeats with excuse after excuse.

21:08:30 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jones:

Sinthoras, if I'm such a *beep*, how was I able to easily crush everything you threw at me the past two eras?... and where are you on Mantrax?... I don't see you anywhere... and I can't find the hole you crawled out of either.

21:10:36 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

Mr. Malakas


3/8/2008 9:38:09 PM
hmm, a new player guy with big words.
im not an new player you *beep*

21:11:37 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

if it was me you ment ;) or was it jonas ;)

21:11:47 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:


21:22:14 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

jones argues again in a thread which didnt involve him till he butted in.

AQnd i was quiet because thats when idecided to use mails
You have 1330 Private Messages.
you dont get that from keeping your mouth shut!


21:32:59 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jones:

Evans, I'm not the only one that has "butted in" on other threads... as matter of fact, I believe you've "butted in" several threads that DID involve me and DIDN'T involve you...

F.Y.I. I never said you kept your mouth shut... although I do suggest that you do from now on because you seem to be inadvertently telling your enemies information that they shouldn't know and which will help them beat you.

21:39:45 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

"you seem to be inadvertently telling your enemies information that they shouldn't know and which will help them beat you."
if i cared or thought it would make a difference i would, but like i said i play for fun so i dont care...

and name a topic where ive butted in?

22:03:28 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jones:

Sparta Embassy, comes to mind...

Posting info about your position and armies, does make a difference... especially if your opponent doesn't have magic... I'm not sure which genious decided to post their actual casualties last era, but it enabled me to figure out how many of each troop was in that army... then there's that time on Mantrax, when you post a map of your position showing exactly where you were on the map. You may not care about any others knowing any of this info, but your teammates might since you expose yourself for no good reason.

22:06:38 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

Mr. Jones


3/8/2008 9:08:30 PM
Sinthoras, if I'm such a *beep*, how was I able to easily crush everything you threw at me the past two eras?... and where are you on Mantrax?... I don't see you anywhere... and I can't find the hole you crawled out of either.

Lets get thism straight, a kd of 25-35 players does not equal Jones.
When fighting against Sparta, the only thing that got me killed is numbers. When Sparta got into our core I killed army after amy, but I alone can not defend against 7 others. So eventually all my mages died, my soldiers died and eventually anonymous succeeded in taking both my 90k miner and my armoury. Where were you?
And when fighting Silk. You got in our core like the last 3 ticks or so, that is not a victory. If we had more time, who knows what would have happened. Both Evans and I had armies there to take back and kill you, so who knows...
YOU Jones never won. Sparta won, ohh yes, they won big time. But you did not win.
And about whining after we got killed by Gaul. Yes we did, and we had reason enough to do so. We were disappointed in Apollo, we had high hopes. A nice bucnh of vets together, could do good. But sadly I have to say few people were actually fighting. And then another kingdom joines in, and another(music) and thus making it a gangbang. We were raped. We had reason to whine. What is your reason to keep whining after 2 eras?

Edit: Good reason please, dont come with b/s again.

Sparta Embassy, comes to mind...
I dunno what EVans said in that embassy but an embassy is an open topic where everyone can say what they want about that kingdom.

22:26:50 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jones:

Where was I when Sparta won? I was EVERYWHERE! I wasn't focused on one place, one person, or one area... I also ended up second in the scores (and I was human not dwarf) thanks in part to some of the cities I had taken from you and others in your kingdom, and thanks in part to some of the vast armies I had scattered across the map. Since I was a part of Sparta, every member of Sparta gets credit for the win.

With Silk, we would have easily crushed you much earlier in the era had it not been for AoA. I only got in your core during the last day (it was much more than 3 hours left, because I took 4 cities in there) to make a point that your defenses were not that impressive, and had we bothered to make an effort to fight you, we would have easily crushed you despite your best efforts to prevent that. You and Evans did not have any armies to stop the army that I got through, and I proved that when I slaughtered a 15k and 20k armies of Evans, and I beat a 30k-40k army you sent with minimal casualties. You arrogantly thought your walls could protect your core, even though it only took 1 successful CW spell to get bypass your defenses.

As for Apollo, you guys brought it on yourselves. I don't think your arrogance did you any favours and your whining about losing didn't either.

Surely if another embassy is considered an open topic, then this topic is an open topic too. I merely pointing out me butting in here is no different than the various times Evans has butted-in on other topics.

22:33:11 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

ok screw the rest couldnt be bothered to read it

but an embassy is an open topic regarding that kingdom, if its baout that kingdom it can be posted there.... i said silk smells so it could go in the silk embassy :P simple but true

now this is a topic of nirvana, so surely whats posted here must be about nirvana (preferebaly this era) but no your treating it like an evans thread and spending every message trying to find reasons to have a go at me or santa...

A piece of advice

Drop it, move on, and stop trying to haunt me wherever i go, your like an obsessed fan, your the only person (except might but tht was shortlived) who has complained....

23:01:16 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Jones:

I made a simple point, and after my original post, I've only responded to the several rebuttals and accusations you and Santa have thrown at me. Why should I drop this, when you are continuing on from other threads.

I would gladly settle this on Mantrax, but it looks like you enjoy playing with players of your own skill level on Nirvana instead.

23:09:25 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

that is a blatant insult at how i play and i will not deem it with an asnwer.. skill levels in game are impossible to accurately measure due to kingdoms being around.

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