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Forums / In game politics / Sol Invictus Recruitment

Sol Invictus Recruitment
00:50:20 Sep 10th 10 - Konig Polydeuces:

You love meee :) and I got banned because when I was in Valhalla as erobos soloing i accidentally used that log in cause i was so used to it and hen zeta banned me :p unbanned now finally yay

10:46:07 Sep 10th 10 - Mr. Tyrfalar:

we are back! :D

14:00:17 Sep 10th 10 - Mr. Vuggster:

Roflol. Maybe I'll join up with a second account if my screen will allow me poly. ;)

14:07:06 Sep 10th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

do that :) maybe we will get most of the old team togheter lol :P

14:52:36 Sep 10th 10 - Mr. Pure III:

Ima coming

17:03:22 Sep 10th 10 - Konig Polydeuces:

it seems to be that way hehe saatan comin and i will see if eignaj will have time to play but she has school comin up so she might not be playin

00:30:19 Sep 11th 10 - Konig Polydeuces:

Nirvana is starting soon everyone :D  Lets see those applications :D

08:13:41 Oct 25th 10 - Mr. Valkyros:

SIN Shall be moving to Mantrax once it's ready to start, with much better leadership than this passed era on Nirvana :)

Join, or die! lol, seriously though, join us !

08:15:26 Oct 25th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon II:

yay and this time there won´t be any sister kds and small kd naps, since mant is the new fant ;)

18:00:48 Oct 26th 10 - Mr. Cheshire Cat:

Hey, tis sol invictus XD. GL guys n hopefully we can start getting some more permanant kds settled around here. Seems most last an era and thats it.

21:18:17 Oct 28th 10 - Konig Polydeuces:

Hey thanks :)

And yeah I hear you there, would be nice to have kingdoms that stuck around for a while; kind of cool to have a lot of history behind a kingdom.  Sol Invictus been KD since era 39 but it never played all the era's this will be it's 6th time around, with only one loss to RVL era 42 :)

01:29:55 Oct 29th 10 - Mr. Cheshire Cat:

where you guys on the map? Im stuck down south and it looks like im around another kd. I need to get into a group and i wouldnt consider myself the best player but im open to options.

01:37:14 Oct 29th 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

You guys playing Nirvana again Poly?

05:53:12 Oct 29th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

No they're not. And, Nobody join SIN! They're smelly! :o

08:15:28 Oct 29th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Lol its mant this time :P no friggin kd cap shid :)

18:49:51 Oct 29th 10 - Konig Polydeuces:

You know you would join us Vuggy, if AoA wasn't already going to be on Mantrax with us :p

20:10:56 Oct 30th 10 - Konig Polydeuces:

Anyone looking to join a kingdom for Mantrax now's the time to join SIN :)

05:29:44 Dec 1st 10 - Mr. Valkyros II:

Sol Invictus

Kingdom Banner

Name: Sol Invictus
Members: 2
Created: 12/1/2010 5:19:53 AM
Leader: Mr. Valkyros II

Compare kingdom


[--*Sol Invictus*--]

In the light of darkness, shall the greatest warriors ever known emerge.

Now accepting applications.
If you wish to join us, and are a passed member, please include this in your application.
Otherwise please give us the following information:
-Preferred Race and Tactics
-Passed Names and Kingdoms
-Your Activity Levels

All applicants will be considered.

We're heading to Zeta this time around.

06:41:11 Dec 1st 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

shouldn't it be past names and kingdoms instead of passed?

15:48:01 Dec 1st 10 - Konig Wiggy:

Yes, but it was late and I was tired not paying attention :)

04:58:17 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Love Muffin:

I'll join y'all on my alt account if you want? :)

12:56:20 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

you do that :) we should get a uber setup of players this time :D

14:03:29 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Satan The Claus:

Satan in!

14:23:07 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Valkyros II:

Awesome guys, lets see your apps sometime today :p

21:13:04 Jun 11th 14 - Polydeuces (Mr. Slayer of Worlds):

On Mantrax, anyone care to join me? :)

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