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Forums / In game politics / Starta Age 4

Starta Age 4
00:22:54 Dec 10th 10 - Mr. Smokey:

Looks like chocolate and vanilla ( Myrmidons & Kingdom of Hearts III ) have joined forces to make the ohh so yummy swirl. YUMMY!
Let the feast begin! =)

03:17:48 Dec 10th 10 - Mr. Reggie:

Ohhhhhh speaking of Korwyn, looks like we have a new kingdom.. interesting. lol

13:28:19 Dec 11th 10 - Mr. Messy Nom Shot:


00:31:45 Dec 12th 10 - Mr. Korwyn:

Yea Eddie was banned you can read about it on the Fant forums so we restructured.

We figured all of the spectators were getting bored watching Myrmidons and us war all era. Its been pretty much a stalemate there are some very good players on both sides.

And since SS and Sexploited have some type of treaty going on we would make the game more balanced again instead of letting you guys come pick off all the scraps after we were done killing each other =P

04:59:52 Dec 13th 10 - Mr. Smokey:

Actually we had the same agreement as i had with KH and Myrm. Let you all be with your own little war.
Only when it was obvious that you were not fighting did i resolve my "spectator" status. It only made sense to come to an "agreement" with SS as they still chose to war both KD's despite you 2 not fighting.
With my KD mates fighting elsewhere on the map (GotF) i'm just evening the odds on the other end. 3 vs ??  =)

05:35:40 Dec 13th 10 - Mr. Korwyn:

People from your kingdom were attacking KH/KI prior to you resigning your "spectator status". So I guess it was only you with that agreement and not the rest of your alliance.

Your agreement with SS as well as the attacks from your other players are what led the a CF between Myrmidons and KH. Your agreement came first and ours came as a result of combined attacks against us.

Our "little war" actually constitutes for majority of the fighting on this server thus far.

07:37:38 Dec 13th 10 - Mr. Reggie:

You, sir.... are ignoring the fact that we cleared half the map of other kingdoms. lol


07:44:15 Dec 13th 10 - Mr. Messy Nom Shot:

Its allright that you napped Korwyn. Would have been completely unfair if our little 6 man kd started waring all 26 of you (gotf, myrm, iscariot), if you didnt nap. 

09:23:04 Dec 13th 10 - Mr. Captain America:

Fate complaining about NAPs and unfair odds? Oh, this is just too ironic!

10:53:12 Dec 13th 10 - Mr. Reggie:

Maybe you should actually read, Captain? ;)

We said nothing until korwyn came on and pointed out a nap made between SS and us -after- the fact that both of us saw myrmidons and iscariot stop fighting.... or at least as far as we could tell. lol

Nice trolling, by the way. :D

Thought the forum in my other game I was dragged from was the only one that had some good'uns. 

10:56:15 Dec 13th 10 - Mr. Messy Nom Shot:

Only one who seems to be complaining is Korwyn. I didnt know we were waring old Fate members though. 

It wasnt ironic when i said that it would have been unfair if they didnt nap btw :-) 

18:30:40 Dec 13th 10 - Mr. Korwyn:

Reggie I'm ignoring that because there wasnt really much in the way of a kingdom down there. There were a few solo players I think the only ones worth a damn were Hoopla and Bloodrayne. Correct me if I'm wrong I couldnt see the whole map but I payed attention to the kingdoms and player list for most of the era.

Nomshot we arent napped its a CF as of now...

And Reggie like I stated before your agreement came before ours. It was a reaction to other events. Here are the timestamps =)

Message From Sir Binh Starta


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Sir Binh Starta (12/8/2010 1:22:33 PM) GOOD BAD
I cancel my last request.... Sexploited agree to let me deal with you guys first before fighting us.
Sir Binh Starta (12/8/2010 1:22:33 PM)     GOOD     BAD
I cancel my last request.... Sexploited agree to let me deal with you guys first before fighting us.

Message From Konig Wiggy

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Konig Wiggy (12/8/2010 5:44:12 PM) GOOD BAD
We'll accept a cf with 48 hours of cancellation notice. Deal?

Konig Wiggy (12/8/2010 5:44:12 PM)     GOOD     BAD
We'll accept a cf with 48 hours of cancellation notice. Deal?

And Nom its not complaining its only pointing out the facts. I've had fun this era. Its been challenging thus far and non-stop since OOP. Whatever happens happens =) I'll have fun winning or losing this era. Goodluck to everyone for the rest of the era.

19:35:33 Dec 13th 10 - Mr. Regnier:

Read my post again, "or said as far as we could tell". We didn't see much action from where we were, so we made an assumption. We don't know everything that's going on, so that's all we can do. Thinking that, we considered the two largest kingdoms with greater resources a big threat, should SS and us get into it. 

We're not complaining either, this seems fun. Just hope Captain troll can keep out of things. lol

01:37:34 Dec 15th 10 - Mr. Vlashier:

Just to point out. I did not resolve anything until Konig sent his 500k at me. He took a lookout city thus breaking the agreement. He proceeded to die along with everyone else so far because of it.

No one can say i broke the agreement before that as i only gave SS the same terms as i gave KH and Myrm as stated by Binh here as Korwyn so kindly pointed out.


Sir Binh Starta (12/8/2010 1:22:33 PM) GOOD BAD
I cancel my last request.... Sexploited agree to let me deal with you guys first before fighting us.

AFTER Konig was dead i offered an official CF to SS in honor of them sticking to the fight despite KH and Myrm CF against them.

There is my time table.

05:20:07 Dec 15th 10 - Mr. Korwyn:

Konig Wiggy (12/9/2010 7:07:12 AM) GOOD BAD
The worlds just been open a while already is all I'm saying and if we're to attack Sexploited then we might as well wipe them out or close to it which wlil take a while.
You (12/9/2010 11:24:57 AM)
You'll be happy to know Eddie's account was banned *grin* We are remaking our kingdom now.

Lets see how this CF works the next few days. I can guarantee your going to see a *beep*load of Sexploited and SS movement now that they have a CF. They are trying to eat up both of our kingdoms and we should definitely do something to stop them.

This is when we officially made our agreement.

Konig didnt attack until after Ms. Slippery when Wet intervened in a battle between Orc, Thoraldus and myself.
She came in and attacked my cities and then took over Orc's from Myrmidons. She didnt attack SS so at that point as far as we could tell we figured your end game plan was to do exactly whats happening now.

After this I expressed concern to Konig, Arkantos, and KH members about how we should form a CF to retain our cores after losing our outer cities. It took a couple of days to work out since we have had been at war since OOP and just tore up each others cores. Your agreement with us was never an official agreement Smokey and I'm assuming its the same with everyone else. To sum it up I took it as you would stay out of our way and let us war as long as we let you farm. I never even posted it in our forums. It was also ambiguous and apparently only meant for you and not your kingdom mates. I dont take this as you breaking any agreement though because I admit there was nothing official and had no disillusions. Just wanted to point out you guys drew first blood and chose your moment to attack quite well.

But thats the way the game goes it happens I'm trying not to QQ =( no hard feelings. We have quite the obstacles in front of us but we will do what we can for the remainder of the server. I would like to tip my hat to Myrmidons for a very fun back and forth war and SS for bouncing back so strongly after early setbacks. Lots of good players this server hope to play against some of you another round.

07:12:09 Dec 15th 10 - Mr. Messy Nom Shot:

hehe, yeah. Starta somehow turned into a powerhouse in terms of quality players lol. The map has been very fun to play on so far :-) 

20:33:33 Dec 15th 10 - Sir Binh Starta:

Me and fordius decide to play this map again next era. Let's hope there's someone left to cast armageddon :d

22:36:39 Dec 15th 10 - Mr. Korwynn:

Cool good to know your playing another round was nice meeting you and Fordius. As far as Armageddon we wont be able to cast it our main mage is gone.

05:54:45 Dec 16th 10 - Mr. Reggie:

Next era.... SS and Sexploited in one kingdom, with myrmidons and iscariot as allies..... epic battles :P 

lol - I jest

06:49:44 Dec 16th 10 - Mr. Korwyn:

The quality of players has definitely improved on Starta over the past few eras. I hope more move here next era to make things more interesting. Last two eras started off with exciting close range OOP wars that really tested us. I just hope that after 2 drawn out wars this next era we can start off with a little more breathing room or at least  have everyone actively involved in some type of organized war =D

That being said, that actually sounds fun Reggie =)

07:33:28 Dec 16th 10 - Mr. Reggie:

Other kingdoms in between = food. hehehe

16:35:57 Dec 16th 10 - Mr. Fordius II:

Reggie to bad :) 

Me and Binh will be playing together again on Starta.
And we already great with SEXPLOSION to war eachother from start on next era :) ( if we're close to eachother ) but there wont be no relations btween both kd's.

This era is going to end after the remaining kd's are gone ( than we need an arma and wait for new era so the new fun can begin :) hehe

23:43:50 Dec 16th 10 - Mr. Reggie:

hehehe.... just a good ole fashion fist-a-flyin type deal? 

Wonder if myrmidons and iscariot will come back for it too. lol

06:32:49 Dec 17th 10 - Mr. Reggie:

By the way, Korwyn.... keep this new name, the old one was kinda.... lame, this one has some taste. :)

06:56:36 Dec 17th 10 - Mr. Korwyn:

I can speak for myself I'll be back next era. I hope the rest of ROI will as well. Its been a fun two rounds so far guys. Already looking forward to another Starta era. Lets hope for another entertaining fight.

And who do you have me confused with Reggie? I've had this name for 5 eras now.

09:28:15 Dec 17th 10 - Mr. Reggie:

Was talking about the kingdom name. lol 

"Iscariot" has a better ring to it than "Kingdom hearts" or "koh"

I don't know much of anyone yet, I'm afraid. Merely my first era playing and I landed in starta pretty late. :)

16:20:40 Dec 17th 10 - Mr. Korwyn:

Ahhh my mistake.

Yea I'm with you on that one. Mexicana came up with the name. Didnt know of his historical significance until I looked it up. Agreed, much better than the previous name.

15:45:23 Jan 3rd 11 - Mr. Panic VIII:

so there are only 13 'alive' players on Starta! How fun!!

20:04:25 Jan 3rd 11 - Mr. Smokey:

Actually there are 9.
6 from Sexploited and 3 from Soloing Starta. =P
RIP everyone else...

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