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Forums / In game politics / Starta wars era of messiah

Starta wars era of messiah
11:54:33 Feb 10th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

did i now? sorry... will u ever forgive me?

12:03:31 Feb 10th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoom:

no necromancer, you shall never be forgiven....... jkjk :P

21:37:13 Feb 10th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

LWLuna Wolves10Mr. Mako
RWRingwraiths5Mr. Haldimir First of The Nine
PimpThis Kingdom for Sale2Mr. Bling The Banned
BIOBioHazard17Mr. Heripy
LAKLeague of Ass Kickers3Mr. Weston
BoWBrotherhood of the Wolf17Wolflord Karac
CECease to Exist9Lord Cao Cao
HHeaven19Archangel Argyle

I like to edit : )

23:22:15 Feb 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Mr. Skinny Vinny


2/10/2009 4:17:49 AM
Asmegin vs Southern BOW, Asmegin winning.



Yeah, until he came up against a real orc named Psyco. Then he disappeared........


As for the dwarfs. There were two guys fighting from BoW, against two from Preds. Then preds were forced to bring reinforcers.


Do not speak out of your a$$ just to try to make yourself feel big and bad.


We have the largest armies, most HoH players, and are finally getting into position.. lets see who is bragging at the end of the week ;)

02:44:15 Feb 11th 09 - Mr. Union:

be careful Warlord...

03:02:27 Feb 11th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Be careful why?

03:04:56 Feb 11th 09 - Duke Random:

i believe he is a wolflord. lrn 2 spell

03:46:17 Feb 11th 09 - Mr. Silverdagger:

No, no Random he got it right.
It's Warlord =P

21:19:15 Feb 11th 09 - Mr. Asmegin:

karac it was whoops rof that fkd me up, give credit where it is earned xD

21:28:31 Feb 11th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Im sure it wasnt the 1200 nazguls at all ;P



21:34:22 Feb 11th 09 - Mr. Asmegin:

rofl, i had 590 naz when i reached bow, got rofed down to 200 naz, and psyco killed 50 naz and wounded about the same, when he was merged into Kintamani. 1200 naz alone would kill me even before i got rofed ;)

22:27:46 Feb 11th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

lol.. only 1.2k nazguls is the best BoW has.. this is gonna be a sad war.

if we choose to fight at all. things are happening that could risk all of Starta

23:03:14 Feb 11th 09 - Mr. Psyco The Reaper:

if you have best that me just show up. I will be glad to face you in the field. Stop talking and show me some action.
I don't see you any where.
If you search me in HOH page you will find me, where i can find you??

23:23:43 Feb 11th 09 - Mr. Asmegin:

im not really talking, im merely saying that whoop did the job. :p

23:34:14 Feb 11th 09 - Mr. Psyco The Reaper:

you really is so powerful!!!

  • 16:01:02: Death won a battle against Bardarkmars from Mr. Asmegin. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 82 Shamans, 36 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 144 of our soldiers got injured.
I don't know as i survive. but anyway my other post was for Necromancer Knighed not for you.

23:36:53 Feb 11th 09 - Mr. Psyco The Reaper:

Ps. no doubt Whoop is doing a great job.

00:12:00 Feb 12th 09 - Mr. Asmegin:

yea you won against my what 4 day old army, you want flowers? i never claimed i was powerful.

00:16:30 Feb 12th 09 - Mr. Union:

To Psyco u asked where u would find Necromancer?

Hes 4 spots above you on the HoH and has one of the more Powerful cities...

however i believe that Starta needs to put aside its troubles and fight to a greater cause.

01:24:18 Feb 12th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Id take psyco over any other orc any day of the week.



03:25:09 Feb 12th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

Hmm ok?

06:46:13 Feb 12th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy:

Wolflord Karac


2/12/2009 2:24:18 AM

Id take psyco over any other orc any day of the week.


ROFL i heard that before ;) i would pick Slade over Penguin any day of the week :)


16:39:27 Feb 12th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

mass nap no more starta wars k thx bye lol?

21:50:08 Feb 12th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

nope, I would sill take slade over pengy.



13:53:59 Feb 13th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

all out war!!!!!

14:08:44 Feb 13th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoom:

die xaugy ....

no really... die :P

15:05:55 Feb 13th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Don't die to easily though, we gotta enjoy the kill. I like to play with my food so don't leave your mines undefended ;-)

16:00:23 Feb 13th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy:

lol slade would pick me not himself rofl

20:00:13 Feb 13th 09 - Mr. Isaac:

I love the smell of fresh death in the air as the rivers and wells run with blood. Its those want to be Trojans who failed again. Now we will take you out with the trident you thought you stole.

09:59:41 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Do you really thing that you are fighting the xaugy ?

think again you just fighting 3 members and biohazard and what do you thing willl happen when we pull our armies back from mantrax and fantasia

13:54:01 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

lol... do you think your even fighting all of us? LW armies haven't even reached your area, heaven only has a couple over there, preds is hopfully sending some, and BoW is probably sending some to

14:33:14 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Isaac:


15:03:27 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoom:

well ignis, it'z just too bad,

we had da same situation when we were fiting pred'z ldk and bio b4 :)

15:47:00 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

soon i will come for you

15:51:21 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoom:


15:53:28 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Isaac:

Don't worry first come first serve they say. You guys remind me of that past president bush. Can you find your way.

15:56:51 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Isaac:

This is for you change or end up like Mc Cain

This should make up your mind

19:15:53 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

You Xaugy guys need to learn to park your defenders in the blockers instead of on them xD

Those are some good looking mines you guys have in your core.

19:19:17 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Skinny Vinny:

Peacemaker, we had same situation when we fighting Heaven and BOW.

19:54:21 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Isaak what kind of drogs have you been taking now

20:51:35 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Isaac:

The Drugs that I have been taken has been killing XaugyTu. I think I took an overdose.

10:39:27 Feb 16th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

well soon you will get more then you can take

11:32:58 Feb 16th 09 - Mr. Isaac:

lol......War will only tell who is the victor in this battle. It will soon be over......Don't worry I will play with you like a little pet mouse, however action speak louder than words.

11:51:33 Feb 16th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy:

wow you both are nubs.

14:48:43 Feb 16th 09 - Ms. Zlobarkata:

Xaugy is stop playing from 3 days we have a problems i,demonev(king) and zoe will be in province for 1-3 moutnths and we will have a hard work

i say that to the king of heaven so you can take all cities now when i login in my acc i have 120 kk

tha man who take it will have a lots of gold

that is all from Xaudy we know that we have 10-12 day from this age and we kill PKS we try Heavens but we haven't enought time

they are good and war againt them was realy fun

i holp that they will win this age and if they want can ask everyone from Xaudy to join to them if they want

GL Heavens and ths for a good war

may be we will see again after 1-2 ages and then we can finish

i'm realy sorry that we can't finish this war but we have a big proects, and a lots of work

14:50:42 Feb 16th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

I didnt understand a word you said, except that you cant fight the war anymore...

15:00:40 Feb 16th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy:

its quite understandable :)

15:46:13 Feb 16th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoom:

:) zlobarka, does your cities hav any troopez?

19:30:55 Feb 16th 09 - Mr. Isaac:

really I'm not a nub. I have been playing since are 17 or 19. I like to creep between the cracks now and then.

19:51:07 Feb 16th 09 - Mr. Prewett The Unreliable:

Hey Zlobarkata! Can I have your phone number? =)

09:56:20 Feb 17th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

well i am still fighting

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