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Forums / In game politics / Superheroes vs. Lgc

Superheroes vs. Lgc
19:00:02 Sep 5th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

mages in fant are a lot quicker off the mark then mantrax :D even quicker then i remember them in fant too <3

19:48:20 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Ghost Rider:

Osiris?  why do you always have to cop a negative attitude?  For crying out loud, keep your mouth (keyboard) quiet, play a game and if you win then you earn props and you earn respect.  The way you're going at it now, you just gain a *beep*y reputation.

Chill out people.  And Superheroes are we even supposed to posting?  :looks to Nacho:

19:51:42 Sep 5th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Uhm Ghost Rider, your don't know Osiris yet?  You will now.

19:52:33 Sep 5th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

its fun? let me guess your one of these people that go mental about banter :D erm i have won and yeah got some props for it and some respect but do i find the political and banter aspect fun? yup :)

21:49:42 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Epyon:

Dark Lord Osiris


9/5/2008 1:00:02 PMmages in fant are a lot quicker off the mark then mantrax :D even quicker then i remember them in fant too <3

amen! :P

22:53:14 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Colossus:

Osi...your a nub =D

22:55:06 Sep 5th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

nub? how so :) if your going to slag me off at least say crap or something :)

22:56:18 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Colossus:

im old school =P

22:57:09 Sep 5th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

well if your as old school as me i know you but you hide nick so ill guess dead1?

22:59:19 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Colossus:

I dont kiss and tell ;)

23:00:13 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Impulse:

i do though ;) kiss me and ill tell the world!

23:04:19 Sep 5th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

Only Dead1 would have the ego to say he's old school, HAI DEAD!

How's your mom doing? Is she still asking about me?

00:33:30 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Super Shyers:

i don't even have any more armies atm : )....or cities :D
oh, well.. there is alot of whining in here, and who let Soccerballs in here?

All in all it sucks for S but I dont see anyone doing anything wrong atm, a bit untrustworthy on the Ret in the start of the war, but hey, it happens alot when you are deciding who to attack.
So does anyone have any valid points? or could all this gibberish take place else where? Like on the phone to mom, maybe?

00:44:24 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

i would thoroughly enjoy talking gibberish to your mom shyers? would make my day, oh so heavenly ;)

02:11:42 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Epyon:

I've been holding off posting this but... I think it's worth it now to give me a good laugh :P

(back from when we were on the defensive... heh)


Casting Locust from Inocent upon Whoisthislgc & CO with 38% chance of success... and Successful!
A swarm of locusts is sent to The Whoisthislgc & CO from Mr. Toxic Avenger[S] hindering their preparations. You lost 4 Spellweavers and 11 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.


Casting Locust from Inocent upon Batman lifeguards & CO with 30% chance of success... and Successful!
A swarm of locusts is sent to The Batman lifeguards & CO from Mr. Batman[S] hindering their preparations. You lost 5 Spellweavers and 13 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

02:29:44 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

his magic city is Inocent!

can i have it?

05:05:04 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

*Puts a Dunce Cap on Epymong*

Use teh edit button. ;-)

05:14:27 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Meekas:

oops epyon
not a smart move
I know were I'm going now:)

05:41:30 Sep 6th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

I normally cheer for the faction against Legacy/DB but I don't think S has much chances versus Diomedes/Wyzer/Fraser, these additions can really turn Legacy back to the winning side :)

Awaiting flames for the two obvious reasons :)

Nite :)

05:54:15 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Epyon:

lol I don't care if you know where my magic city is because you're never going to reach it ;) especially you Ilianub :P

06:27:15 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Epyon:

Lord Weirdgrivi


9/5/2008 11:41:30 PM

I normally cheer for the faction against Legacy/DB but I don't think S has much chances versus Diomedes/Wyzer/Fraser, these additions can really turn Legacy back to the winning side :)

Awaiting flames for the two obvious reasons :)

Nite :)

arent you forgetting someone?!?!? mmmmmmm????


11:15:42 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Nacho Libre:

no one cares that epynub is in lgc...

12:20:14 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Are you guys really fighting or just chatting ???

12:29:21 Sep 6th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

are you farming or just chatting? :D

12:37:28 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

qassim & co (merged)

army info
commander: sir evans the sexc kingdom banner
kingdom: retribution
size: corps (around 50,000)
status: moving north east

merged armies

owned by evans

lewatha lifeguards
owned by pirate lewatha

owned by mr. kilroy moistbottom

rawr iii
owned by mr. killstone

premature explosion
owned by mr. achmed

super scum
owned by sir ice ice baby ice 



15:13:22 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Batman:

Ehm we got merges too xD

15:58:59 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Toxic Avenger:

LMFAO, who is this guy?!

16:44:01 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

you mean something like that ^^

Army Upkeep: -57,494

17:08:43 Sep 6th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Epyon, you're not new in Legacy :p

Actually I am surprised you went back there but I suppose they are easier to stand now that their last few losses made them back down on all that arrogant sh!t :)

Anyway, I'd say they finally got some good recruitment done, mainly due to Sheol breaking up but still... recognising one's worth is something to be appreciated too XD

17:55:13 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Mr. Toxic Avenger


9/6/2008 3:58:59 PM
LMFAO, who is this guy?!

In your mum's words

' God '

19:32:41 Sep 6th 08 - Sir Evans:

revenge shut up!!!!

your annoying me now

21:07:30 Sep 6th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

myeah revenge :P

enough is enough :)

23:40:11 Sep 6th 08 - Mr. Lewatho:

YEAH!!! ;)

04:45:28 Sep 7th 08 - Crazy Xuaron:

so there you have gone to Diomedes :P be ashamed, be ashamed :P

nah i love you Diomedes :P you know that :P

actualy i love alot of ppl :P

common S give us some love :P sweet love

13:25:00 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Nacho Libre:

ok xuaron prepare for the anus love ;) bend now ill give ya love

13:27:10 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Ibis The Invincible:

Say Seloc when you get married, normally the wife gets the mans name.

So its should be Mr Seloc and Pirate Seloc

13:29:12 Sep 7th 08 - Sir Evans:



hes mine xD already been there

13:30:36 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Lewatho:

I have a distinct O on my name ;)

21:35:22 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

I hope all the chaps that are posting here can understand that this is just a game and that despite all the trash talking and name calling, once the era is over, congratulations and kudos should be handed out for making the era a game. I expect this especially of my fellow lads eh (glares at his fellow Super Friends) :P

(Psst... don't worry chaps. We will shove a 10 foot pole up Ret's ... you know... next era. And the era after that, and the era after that. After all, Man United came back to destroy Chelsea, *beep*nal and Liverpool, didn't they?) :P

21:37:02 Sep 7th 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

LOL!!! Poor Asernal... they get their name censored on this board, LOL!!!

21:52:03 Sep 7th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

the banter and trash is almost as fun as freezing hoh armies tho :D

21:53:12 Sep 7th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:


Trash talk is a part of VU though :)

09:18:12 Sep 8th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Ouch ;)
Last night was nasty for you guys huh

16:41:31 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Batman:

Dont know what you are talking about :)

We're holding our grounds against Lgc pretty well! (wonder when they will attack again)

17:03:42 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Impulse:

maaaaaaaan! using crushwalls is such a newb tactic. learn to play without having to cheat using magic.



17:07:26 Sep 8th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

LMAO so now Magic is cheating!?!

Next cheat:  Attacking with anything higher then Level 1 troops!

17:12:42 Sep 8th 08 - Crazy Xuaron:

Impulse does it hurts that mutch? :P good to know :P

magic is part of the game impulse if your kd doesnt know how to master it dont complain when some one else does.

17:16:45 Sep 8th 08 - Commander Snook:

learn to play without having to cheat using magic.

Learn to get magic sci and make mage units.

To quote you:


17:22:25 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

In after successful troll.

17:32:19 Sep 8th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

We'll attack when we're good and ready.

In fact, I have several more hookers and a few bottles of Jack Daniels I need to attend to first.

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