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The Black Chain next era
18:06:34 Apr 18th 08 - Mr. Slave:

PJ, Why are saying all of this? you are with AoA now :)

02:06:33 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

lol i know but i dont think i was when i was with you guys

03:22:40 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

PJ step away from the bong >_>

06:02:42 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

im trying man im trying

08:09:49 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

oh and black chain are scum, they turned there backs on me.

i was asked by the council to resign and head to talents to create a temporary kingdom for the others to head there as well, and now i have sent several letters to the leader and two other vices and have received no reply after three days.

so they basically ditched me

14:14:01 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Slave:

Poor PJ :(
Shall I give you a blowjob to cheer you up? :)

15:04:07 Apr 19th 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:


whats going on?

i dont even see the Temp on the kd scoreboard

15:46:36 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Ragna Rok Solitis:

we didnt turn our backs on you PJ... you were told before you left that the others would join you once they died... most of us all are close... but although it is not possible for us to win this war... but we will survive, it's a pride thing

amd i think the reason there's no temp is apparently PJ joined AoA

17:59:00 Apr 19th 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:

yeah i noticed that Peter Jackson joined AoA...

PJ we have not betrayed you i have sent you messages tellin gyou that Sieghart and I would not be able to come until 2 or three days....

at the end of today we will come to Talents

18:02:48 Apr 19th 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:


We got you to go and make a temporary kingdom so you and the other could form up but apparently noone left with you. I told everyone to leave and that Sieghart and I wouldn't be on.

We are at a world competition in Atlanta and can only reach the computer to message when we are near the networking hub.

we (once again) will be back LATE TODAY...

East Coast American time

: )

18:22:34 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Amaroq:

yay, I'm on the HOH board for armageddon :D  i will rejoin u guys next era...

09:10:34 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:


10:45:18 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Slave:

PJ is with AoA now, so bugger off and leave him alone :)

16:04:54 Apr 20th 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:


you have just miss understanded the situation...

but do as you please...
you will always be welcome back

09:38:28 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

i did miss understand the situation as you pointed out in pm

i may be welcome back and i will come back but it may not be soon (next couple of eras)

i owe an era as it is to anonymous

18:54:33 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Slave:

PJ rules, and he's going to stay in AoA, with me :)
right PJ? that's what you told me

23:37:03 Apr 21st 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

uuuuhhhhhhh OOOOOOO!!!!

: )

07:48:17 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Slave:


22:48:56 Apr 22nd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

i dont know

he said something else to me and you were all like...

PJ is going to stay with me...

idk... he probably will stay with you in AoA...

unless you want to come to BC with PJ...

: )

just a thought


22:51:06 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Slave:

I don't know what PJ wants... Let him decide :)

04:42:06 Apr 23rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


PJ always has the right answer


: P

05:24:43 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

oh yes he does, look im going away for a couple of eras, i will still be PJ when i return and the first person i get in contact with, i join them so basically it is  fight between AoA and BC

i repsect both kingdoms but i will have a decision when i return

now if you will al excuse me i am about to delete my account

this is my last post





and so on.....

02:05:43 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Headstrong:

:D :D :D :D

does this kingdom even exist still?

i havent seen it around

05:58:46 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

PJ is back so I guess he didnt carry out his good bye >_>

23:16:57 Apr 28th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


yeah we tucked into AoA and some of us stayed in Nirvanna with Havoc...

We heard that AoA was against everyone else on the map basically so i decided that we would make the fight a little more fair...

Peter Jackson...

I will miss you dearly you Australian FilmDirecting Bastard.





We will be moving to Zetemania next era, and i trust that you all have worked on you start up strategies according to your race choice...

next era will be a good one, and until then...

what is it Seloc?

23 days or so?


Armageddon's a *beep* right?

take it easy and do what you will for you all are now on leave to do as you please until next era.

07:40:48 Apr 29th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

Uther Pendragon



02:28:26 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Hey Uther, did I hear you say that you are going to Zet next era?

04:35:01 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

"We will be moving to Zetemania next era"

Must have been the wind =p

and Peter, no one loves you anymore >=(

06:22:34 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

they do too
and you dont count =]

04:35:06 May 1st 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


you're back?


i missed you!!!

and yes Kevdwayne, we will be returning in full force this time...

The map will belong to the both of us friend...

then at the end of the era you and i have to have a personal battle for the hell of it...

: )

07:32:08 May 1st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

yeah i made my account again because exams were moved lol

23:39:09 May 1st 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


you should keep your account up and just have no ruler... just sign on once a week to veryfy that you are not not active...


if your account is deleted or unactivated then you loose your RP points...

besides... i have the grades to keep playing through exams...

Im practically exempt through everyone of them...

(brain power)


04:23:11 May 3rd 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

i already lost all my roleplaying era's bullsh1t wasted =[

19:57:23 May 3rd 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

= [

next era will be better...


you have my word PJ

02:43:56 May 4th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:


04:22:12 May 4th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

i hate the education system, i wish i was home tutored
that would be awsome =]

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