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The Great Duchy of Lithuania
22:38:39 Feb 25th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

nah you sux

22:44:02 Feb 25th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Dark Lord Osiris

Great Duchy of Lithuania , do you know what is mean? That is real Duchy name. I don`t take this name Great for players.

We have Great players , ofc not a lot , 10 players are old but not so old like me or one my guy. I play more 3 years same and my friend.

10 Ours players are new ;) so they are in training , 10 have some exp and another 10 are with exp :)

We don`t say what we can beat your kingdom , but we don`t think what we can lose ;) I want what ldk start play in fantasia. all kingdoms cry what in fant are just some kingdoms , so why you kill another kingdoms? give them chance.

i think we prepare play in fantasia , and our members are smart and learn fast.

abydos are great kingdom and very old :) I know one good my friend Mr. Zekutis in this kingdom , some things i learn from him, sad what he don`t play anymore long long time. i understand in abydos kingdom are a lot good players, so we almost new kingdom can`t beat 21 good warrior. my exp against 21 players is nothing , so we play team game what we show what you can`t take us so easy , and our members together are very strong against any kingdom :)

23:01:48 Feb 25th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

ive never heard of you what nicks did you use for the last 3 years and i repeat LDK has NO great players. there are maybe 5 great players in the game, Fant is a warzone all kds kill other kds who cares if your new? you need to fight to survive and probably 2 vs 1 :)  so i ask can you list your great players?

23:41:29 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Overcome:

"ive never heard of you what nicks did you use for the last 3 years and i repeat LDK has NO great players. "

What is a great player to you, really? from what i've seen on the battlefield i've not seen anything special from you:P(please don't answar to that, cause i don't want a whole debate about your skills witch is not importent here) and i was compering the standard of Gladiator. we have players that can match gladiators quality. and i think myself that i have enough experience to measure agains a player with his qualities.

23:43:08 Feb 25th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Someone is bored... :P

23:45:12 Feb 25th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Fant is a warzone all kds kill other kds who cares if your new?

I care and some more people care ;P

23:47:51 Feb 25th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

I remember you attacked me by my lonesome defenseless self. That was two era's ago, and without warning. :(

23:48:32 Feb 25th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

who me ?

23:50:27 Feb 25th 08 - Mr. Overcome:

if you ment me, then i would say the same thing to you. you are neither my friend or someone i have ever had NAP with.

23:52:24 Feb 25th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Blah-blah-blah! and im not even talking to you.

00:01:02 Feb 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

who the hell is gladiator?

00:23:35 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Vexsloth:

LDK, you have made the right move to play on Fantasia. You have some good players who have made some strong armies against us. But you need to learn tactics. Those you cannot learn on Mantrax or other worlds. So fight it out and I hope to see you stay on Fantasia. You will learn a lot ;-) Good luck.

00:25:08 Feb 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

and learn to cope with banter and flame wars ;) they go hand in hand

00:32:17 Feb 26th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Sloth is evul... :(

00:57:48 Feb 26th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Mr. Vexsloth


2/26/2008 1:23:35 AMLDK, you have made the right move to play on Fantasia. You have some good players who have made some strong armies against us. But you need to learn tactics. Those you cannot learn on Mantrax or other worlds. So fight it out and I hope to see you stay on Fantasia. You will learn a lot ;-) Good luck.

Thanks , no need learn tactics ;) need what members understand why they come here , and what against they fight, what is not *beep* world , what is hard fight , survive or die ;) we will stay here and next era :) don`t matter survive or die ;)

kind regards

02:22:47 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

without the tactics u are lost. just a killing fest is not the deal Duke. nice sustained activity btw ...

12:42:45 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Overcome:

"who the hell is gladiator?" if you had payed attention to what you self made a comment to, then you would know;) for the record, he is a very good player witch i respect for his long experience. i think i recall that he has been on VU almost from the beginning. i might be wrong though.

"LDK, you have made the right move to play on Fantasia. You have some good players who have made some strong armies against us. But you need to learn tactics. Those you cannot learn on Mantrax or other worlds. So fight it out and I hope to see you stay on Fantasia. You will learn a lot ;-) Good luck."

yes, that is why we are here all though i think we gat some trick up our sleves (still need people to understand and listen to our tactics) good luck to you to=)

19:06:49 Feb 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

then gladiator is either a long term *beep* or using a totally different nick then the one he has for the last 30 eras.

22:43:34 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Overcome:

i don't know about that, but people in my KD told me he was. and himself claimed that he had a huge amount of experience.

23:17:09 Feb 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

anyone can claim that. i have played 30+ eras and never heard of a gladiator. you probably have falazar :D

23:46:35 Feb 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

woot we have top 5 armies. this could get interesting

23:49:05 Feb 26th 08 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

These guys are fun dont you think Osiris? :)

23:51:54 Feb 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

more amusing then fun :) if i had net accsess for more then an hour a day i would so be in a sexy flame war

01:00:06 Feb 27th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

So what you waiting? What i can say you just talk... we don`t say anything to you what we win or something but we doing something... you just talking... when you kill us , I can say what you can real chat what is fun ;)

01:22:49 Feb 27th 08 - Praetorian Osmosis:


Mr. Gladiator is the leader of the Dacians.  They are currently on Starta, after leaving Fantasia.

He takes just about anyone into his kingdom, an spends a lot of time training them.

03:31:18 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Sorra:


No one cares


Mr. Gladiator is a known liar.

04:39:40 Feb 27th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed:

I don't know why you're arguing who'se better. It's pretty simple to solve. Who has died on Mantrax recently? LDK...........hmm YES. If you can't survive on Mant how can you survive in Fant?

BTW who'se Gladiator?

05:54:02 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Lol funny ppl talking about me,

 I don't remember exactly around when I have started playing, probably era 7 or earlier I still have to check, though I remember that It was aound 4 years ago, If osiris says he has 30 eras then wow, me I dont count them but probably 10 or a little bit more so maybe thats why not everyone knows me, also maybe because I never had good finishing highscores, I always liked challenge aggainst the biggest kingdoms and experience dosen't always mean skill but helps..

And I am now leader of a kd - Dacii - that will kick arrogant ass next era!

06:02:45 Feb 27th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I have played at least 100 eras.

12:02:55 Feb 27th 08 - Khan Matt Busby:

And I am now leader of a kd - Dacii - that will kick arrogant ass next era!

That is a constant quote from you Gladi :)))) , at least the part about kicking ass next era. Always, next era :)

12:22:59 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

Abydose rule! =)))

12:33:39 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

I just asking abydos. Please, come down here and show what you Fant KD are made of. No need to wait for something. And Osiris will have some fun, and Fafnir the Hairy Pus oh sry Footed will be happy, everybody will be happy =))))

13:18:24 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Khan Zoltan:

Dark Lord Osiris

2/26/2008 11:46:35 PMwoot we have top 5 armies. this could get interesting

Osi we have 6  now:)  i have taken the lead :P

13:33:58 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

do u know Khan Zoltan that ain`t nice to train gaias to get the HoH spot!? no no no!

shame on you!

13:36:48 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Khan Zoltan:

hehee no gaias im a dwarf:)

13:59:54 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Wampy:

then swordsmen :D

14:43:35 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

Good for you all, im proud to have you here in Fanta

18:36:09 Feb 27th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

ldk nubs thinking they are leet how cute <3


Incase your wondering yes i have zero respect for kds that have 30+ members :P

20:30:38 Feb 27th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed


2/27/2008 5:39:40 AMI don't know why you're arguing who'se better. It's pretty simple to solve. Who has died on Mantrax recently? LDK...........hmm YES. If you can't survive on Mant how can you survive in Fant?

Phi don`t survive in fantasia and now play in nirvana so you can say what this kingdom are bad? Ofc no.... Just here not always in game are politic or tactics , sometimes need luck...

Wait and we see what happend :)

20:41:01 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

well you dont respect Carnage too Osiris? =))))


20:52:57 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

:D:D:D whaha 1 ldks city down :D alot to go :D yey :D

21:28:47 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

what... did you teleport or somthing?

21:32:18 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

How un worthy of your kingdom, you can't meet us face to face, but you use magic and trickery to backstab us. How stupid you are.

22:03:34 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Overcome:

na please, coman, mate=) its a part of the game;) and his army will be dead soon enough=)

22:57:22 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Hitokiri Battousai:

No comments....

00:39:28 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

le dumb kingdom.  i rest my case.

04:36:59 Feb 28th 08 - Crazy Xuaron:

jezz give them some credit man :P. thay could have beaten us if thay used the right tactic but well seems thay still need to learn some of the great tactick's of fantasia.

So watch and learn :P

and i mean it Watch and learn. verry important.

04:58:58 Feb 28th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

Pfft... showoff! :(

05:46:12 Feb 28th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Pfft... offshow! ):

05:57:29 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

:( !wohsffo ...tffP

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