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Forums / In game politics / The Obligatory Arma Thread

The Obligatory Arma Thread
19:34:12 Nov 27th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

seems like your mixing up two different eras.....

which was it didnt gangbang legacy at all...or it was a bit of a gangbang?  your confusing me....



19:36:15 Nov 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

we didnt gangbang legacy at all..  please read what i wrote.. 2 eras ago no gangbang. a few eras before that i said you BLAMED us for a gangbang. Sure a 3 way alliance did hit lgc but did we have anything to do with it? no we were already at war with you for a week. was it a bit of a gangbang by the other kds? yes but if we were in the north and not in the far side of the map it would have happend to us.

19:36:23 Nov 27th 07 - Sir Dionysus:

Funny, Osi points to the score as the indicator of the best kingdoms in eras past, but says that BOW (which was comfortably in the top 5 when we attacked them) sucks.  Make up your mind Osi.  I for one, think score is not a good indicator.  This is a wargame, and like it or not, noone has warred like Carnage has the past few era.  Does this make us the kingdom to beat.  No, that title still belongs to Legacy, and it will until someone rips the crown from their dead hands.  But I digress.  Osi, if you think you are better than Carnage, lets settle it on the battlefield.  Just pick the time and place, and Carange will fight your kingdom.  Just tell us when and where.  This era, next era, next year.  You think you are better, name the time and place and we will fight you.

19:41:30 Nov 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

*sigh* score is not a good indicator if taken over 1 era. as i said for my original point. every era is different . and dionysus we did war carnage you had 40 members we had 20 come end of the era we were winning was we the better kd at the time? yes mainly due to our superior magic :) now BoW is so far behind the major kds top 5 has no meaning when thier are 4 top kds (yes carnage is a top kd) does that mean they are the best warrers? who can tell you wernt last time we met. now carnage you can wait your turn :D you took what i said out of context ;) arch flamed my kd so i flamed his get over it its a FLAME WAR  ;)  i have friends in carnage now i DB is another matter entirely :D

19:42:19 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

Again you forget ZEON, Red Hand and Jesters. Besides, it was a stalemate. Nobody was winning.

19:48:01 Nov 27th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Lord Software Bug


11/27/2007 1:42:19 PM Again you forget ZEON, Red Hand and Jesters. Besides, it was a stalemate. Nobody was winning. 

we were in your core when the era ended . you attacked us not our fault you also hit red hand :)

AND ATTENTION ALL CARNAGE PLAYERS ---- read my first post before making flames :)

my first post was to point out that saying a kd was the sick new lgc because they were winning the current era is bs

i then posted last few end scores TO POINT OUT that every era has different kds winning (This was not to point out that abydos then nem were sick uber kds)

i would have posted more hohs but dude do you really need it when thiers a highscores page? the original post wasnt flaming carnage it was flaming using the hoh as a guide to how uber each kd is

05:37:25 Nov 28th 07 - Duke Meganeura:

Osi, but the last 2 eras where won by FARMERS. It seems this era will be won by farmers *cough*PHI*cough*.....sorry bad cough.

I havn't seen one KD that has gone all out war every era. I've been in Carnage for the last, what 4 or 5 eras, and EVERY era we fight from oop and on. If there's no one close to us when we get oop we go and find them (example....ZEON this era). When Abydos and Carnage had that stalemate all I saw on the forums was, lets fight, fight, fight. We found somewhat of a fight with RH, but only like five players where fighting there.

Sorry didn't read all of your post, you're right you can't judge how good a KD is by the HoHs. As I just pointed out......Carnage is the best! Hands down, no argument, LGC we're coming for that crown ;-)

05:45:38 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Decimus:

No mean to flame, but Carnage is good at warring small KDs. You guys come back when you successfully war a whole era a top KD 1vs 1 (meaning this era LGC or PHI)....then you claim whatever you want.

Till then....well, almost a farmer KD:)...sorry....for me farming or getting cities of small KDs is the same.

Overall, if your scores are higher than anybody else, you deserve everybody else...even the ones you claim as farmers.

06:29:45 Nov 28th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Just when I thought this thread was over Fafnir has to go and post in it.....

Dont let them get to ya Osi, alot of us knew what you meant, and I agree, you cannot go by hoh alone, especially for one era.... 

@decimus: Uhmmm....dont know who you are mate but you must not be too familiar with Fantasia warfare  (must also not be familiar with fantasia kingdoms), there is hardly ever such a thing as a 1 vs. 1 fight....




06:46:43 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

5th KD doesn't mean much on Fant, there's a huge drop off after the top 4 KDs. BoW's points came more from land than armies, I would say their power % was inflated. FF, PKs and MAD might be lower on the ranks but they had bigger armies than BoW this era.

No one KD "dominated" this era like the eras Osiris posted. To say PHI or Carnage or LGC dominated this era would be a ridiculous statement. And while a KD's final rank doesn't always reflect their true ranking, the strongest KD usually finishes #1.

06:48:12 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

...... Or the one with the most Farmers.

06:50:08 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

The strongest KDs can afford to farm. Weaker KDs that just farm won't get NAPed by the strong, they get taken out so they don't win.

06:51:56 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

And the Top Ten Players that were all Dwarves from Nemesis, last era, were all fighters right?

06:54:20 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Actually they were, they all had 1m+ axemen armies (some a lot more than that). Except for Ingo (5m+ MU) and myself (10m+ MU) as mages. Do you think we would have won vs LGC if half the KD just farmed? No, we'd have gotten killed

07:09:55 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Oh noes! All king of things except for armageddon!

07:57:27 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Ridukuluz:

BoW sucks!

08:21:24 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Stonefly:

i've read all this prior crap and all i have to say is lmao!!!
you think Carnage is a joke (by stating you i am meaning those of you who have flamed us or plain out stated so) i just have one thing to say to that.......
Don't sing it, Bring it!
god this was some funny crap, don't talk us down, beat us down.


08:36:20 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Is Architect the Carnage "diplomat" or is he just freelancing? If the former, then they need to do some serious rethinking, lol. ;)

This is me "freelancing", if I intend to say something that speaks for all of Carnage, I will make sure to let you know.

16:38:30 Nov 28th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Come on Carnage guys, give it a rest, dont make put you in our carnage dungeon.....


<No one KD "dominated" this era like the eras Osiris posted. To say PHI or Carnage or LGC dominated this era would be a ridiculous statement. And while a KD's final rank doesn't always reflect their true ranking, the strongest KD usually finishes #1.>



Something you have said that I can agree with. No one kingdom has dominated this era, and as I have said all along, never go by the kingdom rankings because they dont accurately reflect the skill or power of that kingdom.

16:40:13 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Sun:

I am pretty sure MAD is dominating this era. And they will certainly be #1 if not for the deletions.

16:57:37 Nov 28th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

Preds FTW! Gained a lot of respect for those guys.

17:51:45 Nov 28th 07 - Sir Patton:

If anyone "dominated" this era, I'm going to have to say that Carnage did. Only by virtue of they actually gained more ground than anyone (i.e. attacked folks). Both ZEON and the Preds (who did make a good showing this era, kudos) fell to them.

Meanwhile Lgc, DB, FF vs. PHI and MAD has been a useless stalemate between a few walls. Honestly? I don't like stagnant gameplay like this and it's pretty detrimental to a future for VU. Cheating allegations aside, if all someone has to do is get a bunch of large land-hungry dwarves, make a wall, get some magic support from them and then add in about 30+ people to their kd, then sit there and just pump, what's the point?

Sorry folks, if that's how VU is supposed to be played now, I may as well let real life's hold on me be complete and total. I have more fun there. :-P

17:57:19 Nov 28th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Stonefly


11/28/2007 8:21:24 AM
i've read all this prior crap and all i have to say is lmao!!!
you think Carnage is a joke (by stating you i am meaning those of you who have flamed us or plain out stated so) i just have one thing to say to that.......
Don't sing it, Bring it!
god this was some funny crap, don't talk us down, beat us down.



Where did anyone state carnage sucks?

18:02:46 Nov 28th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

But we do suck.....we all suck....really well i might add....

19:18:33 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

Cheating allegations aside, if all someone has to do is get a bunch of large land-hungry dwarves, make a wall, get some magic support from them and then add in about 30+ people to their kd, then sit there and just pump, what's the point?

I know I know, this is exactly what Legacy has done! Terrible if you ask me! Actually 40 though in Legacy + DB not 30 don't forget! lol

19:40:16 Nov 28th 07 - Sir Patton:

Alright, once again Donald can't understand a simple term. The one in this case boys and girls, is "two seperate kingdoms". DB and Lgc are, in fact, two seperate entities under their own seperate banners. (I think he also thinks illegal immigrants need drivers liscenses, the vote, health care, etc. Not a one-way trip back home since they're "illegal". ;-) ) If we had everyone in DB join Lgc, could you even hope to survive? Nope. That'd make the game unenjoyable imho and is part of the motivations why we haven't joined in the mega-kd craze.

19:46:49 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

tsk you cant take a simple joke can you. oh well. hmm. maybe i should just say "lgcdb" when referring to you guys! or dblgc? who is on top? poke poke!

19:58:47 Nov 28th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

actually its the united legacian empire!

19:59:17 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Evil Empire :)

20:07:43 Nov 28th 07 - Sir Patton:

I'm always on top. Even Osi can admit it since he's my camera man. ;-)

20:11:46 Nov 28th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

i thought you were the one always on his knees? anyway the only massive kd in terms of memebers next era will probably be carnage 

03:50:46 Nov 29th 07 - Duke Meganeura:

Hey Dung give me a break, you know just as well as anyone that me and Architect are the hotheads in Carnage....hehe we're probably the youngest as well=P And I was accually agreeing this I said before, Carnage rules!

04:23:26 Nov 29th 07 - Duke Epyon:

Fiz, you're the one usually tied to the bed :)

04:29:43 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I wouldn't fit on a bed to be tied :(

22:40:28 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Mr. Erunion Telcontar is casting the armageddon spell from Minas Tornan located in Fantasia. Unless the city is destroyed Armageddon will be started in all worlds 236 days from today!

Why won´t you let this era die?

22:46:00 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

The current game (era) will last for 6.8 more day(s) (163h)
The current game (era) will last for 6.8 more day(s) (163h)
The current game (era) will last for 6.8 more day(s) (163h)
The current game (era) will last for 6.8 more day(s) (163h)
The current game (era) will last for 6.8 more day(s) (163h)The current game (era) will last for 6.8 more day(s) (163h)
The current game (era) will last for 6.8 more day(s) (163h)

22:57:34 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Allan:


08:40:54 Dec 1st 07 - Mr. Revenge:

So what happens too Scientist;s arma?

Does it go?

09:08:57 Dec 1st 07 - Mr. Sun:

Mr. Allan


11/30/2007 4:57:34 PMQUIT RESTARTING ARMA!!! jeez

you sir is a nub

03:43:13 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Allan:

-_- why? i wanted arma, so armies would move faster

07:13:53 Dec 2nd 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

well, you cast it than.

07:21:38 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

The current game (era) will last for 5.5 more day(s) (131h)

Mr. Erunion Telcontar is casting the armageddon spell from Minas Tornan located in Fantasia. Unless the city is destroyed Armageddon will be started in all worlds 203 days from today!

-72 days after era ends till armageddon is CAST

Then theres another week right of armageddon?

08:20:26 Dec 2nd 07 - Mr. Sorra:

Lets play a little game..

last one to re-start arma wins


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