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Forums / In game politics / Valhalla

23:49:48 Jan 8th 09 - Prince Mielo:

yum, on the road to Valhalla

23:50:37 Jan 8th 09 - Mr. Heripy:

inexperienced players? Military, Bio, Cobras, Heaven, DHara, Fallen Angels all I know have existed for atleast a couple of eras..........and on multiple worlds, fantasia even? ;)

We are merely just starting out, and will be ravaged if anyone decides to attack us one at a time.

00:06:53 Jan 9th 09 - Prince Mielo:

inexperienced players? Military, Bio, Cobras, Heaven, DHara, Fallen Angels all I know have existed for atleast a couple of eras..........and on multiple worlds, fantasia even? ;)

... if you war each era over and over vs inexperienced player that will only increase your lvl from rooky to amateur ... Won't bring you to pro or world class (like if you would play vs players who know the drill) :). So the point being: yeah pretty inexperienced. (No offense though)

00:11:28 Jan 9th 09 - Mr. Meh:

I think the reason many of the people want to do the alliance is that war on Valhalla is pretty much boring and pointless.  You take a city from someone then you're stuck because they're less than 50% of you and even when they attack back sometimes you still can't attack them, which I'm guessing is a bug.

Regardless the alliance is a stupid idea imo, almost as stupid as the 50% rule.  Oh well, I'm tempted to just resign till next era.

00:13:02 Jan 9th 09 - Prince Mielo:

or you fight your way to the worlds without 50% rule :)

00:23:19 Jan 9th 09 - Master Cloutier:

The 50% rules is only active if that player has not attacked and gates are open. One they close you can attack and take over.

00:24:15 Jan 9th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

even if they kill a scout, they are sometimes still safe with the new code...

00:25:32 Jan 9th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

(I'm guessing not intentionally)

01:12:40 Jan 9th 09 - Master Cloutier:

You may kill scouts but nothing more then 7 troops

10:05:58 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

Heaven VS IoK

13:23:36 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Stirlin:

were not just warring you :)

14:07:02 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

well obv i dont know who else you warring...correct if if its wrong.

18:19:51 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Well, your kind of the smaller target out of 4 or 5 kingdoms. We had just one player warring you at the start, not sure how many now....

19:22:35 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

you had one player warring us....for about 5 ticks.once he reached us and got bounced 3 more arrived.and youve only bee nwarring us a day so how can you say at the start.this is the start.

19:30:17 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Just don't make such a big deal of it on the forums, as all you've done is bounced one attack. Its not a big deal :S

19:31:23 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

Phear the wrath of the Gingerbread Man!! =D

19:39:41 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

.. Bounced two attacks taken two cities killed 3 armies ...... were as youve done nothing.and big deal.this is all i said.

Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold

1/10/2009 9:05:58 AMHeaven VS IoK

19:41:31 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Kath you have been known to brag about stuff that never happened so stop before you start saying you turned water to wine.

19:51:17 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

... ask mr fjong.and mr innos and prince heavens front door.although they got the cities back fanks to mr fjong when i moved on the army he used to get it back got killed.he is now sending.

Eye in the sky results brought by Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold 0 hours ago:
Casting Eye in the sky from Nazgul Warrior Priests upon Tears of Innos with 43% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Tears of Innos from Mr. Innos[H]:
Tears of Innos from Mr. Innos


Eye in the sky results brought by Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold 0 hours ago:
Casting Eye in the sky from Nazgul Warrior Priests upon Jinx with 57% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Jinx from Mr. Innos[H]:
Jinx from Mr. Innos

to try kill my nazzy army in his core.

20:01:41 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Well, its bigger than your Nazzy army isn't it? <-- My last post in here lol, waste of time.

20:05:13 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

no it aint.......but come on if you want to find out.

20:28:55 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Kath i bet it is. YOur always playing elf so im guessing let me see you have way over 12k buildings which increases your nazzie cost dramtically. You trained ogres to begin with. Hmm income is almost 1 million? Stop me when i get wrong.

20:30:54 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

youve been wrong since the start.i usually play human.played elf 3 times...played human over 10.

i have 21,103 land. but i had the nazzie army before and most of this land is what ive taken with the army.not from heaven admittedly tho.

nd its not more den i have

20:34:21 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Orc players plunder, take the land burn it and move on. And you werent any better at human then elf so its hard to tell which race you played. And thats another lie. You told me you mainly played elf so there goes your other foot in your mouth.

20:35:53 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

if i told you that it was probably AGES AGO.i dont even remember talking to you or remember who you are. and :P lol ive never played against you have i ? so how would you know? and i burn after ive gotten enough income form the cities.i leave it 15 ticks then burn it.

20:37:21 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Oh it wasnt that long ago. And ya you have played against me. Which is exactly why i kno you tatics so well and how much you like to brag and lie.

20:39:13 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

who are you then? and name a time i bragged and lied?

20:41:45 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

awww do you really wanna go to the past?!?! bring up things we fought about in the past for days on this forum? doubt it. And you not need to know who i am. All the important ones know who i am and thats all that counts.

20:42:22 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

.......bring it up if you want.i dont remember ever lieing on forums lol.

20:47:11 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

I do Golden Crown boy!!!! Saying you were faithful to the kd and then up and leave and take the entire kd with you. Justin and Sabbath trusted you and put you as vice to help lead the kd and then you leave because Justin got drunk one night and started to run his mouth like he always did.

21:03:53 Jan 10th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

hmmm so your from Devastators.i still dont remember you properly but think i know who this is. and i took 4 members with me.not the whole KD.and these were 4 guys who came to ME saying they were unhappy and wanted to leave and attack Devastators. and remember devastators was formed from this happening with GODLIKE so....they cant complain.and that wernt a lie lol i never once lied during that.which is why so many people sided with me.

19:26:54 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

So, what do you think of your Nazzies now?

19:32:01 Jan 11th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

On the roof of the convention, several men in dark jumpsuits land on the roof. Covering their faces are balaclavas. They draw several submachine guns and look down through the skylight. They then attach ropes to the rails and fastrope through the window down into the convention. Screams of panic were heard as the window broke, and the commandos shot many people. They then looked around, found the host of the convention, and shot him. Before anybody could do anything, an APC broke through the wall and the men jumped in before the back ramp closed and the APC drove off. Inside the APC, one of the men took of their masks to reveal that the man was Septim. The others do the same to reveal their faces as those of a Septim clone.
"Good job, men!" said Septim.
"You're the one who did well, Sarge," said another clone.
"Meh, it worked..." said Septim.

19:51:45 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:


19:37:59 Jan 12th 09 - Sir Clarence of Dragonsfold:

wtf my nazzies are still alive :P and i think they gna whoop *beep* why?

20:35:05 Jan 12th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Because it looks like a lot of your kds armies are retreating for some reason. Any particular reason they are running in the opposite direction from our armies?

00:23:06 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Lord Punisher:

A friendly warning to all Valhalla KDs...PKS is once again attacking a KD about 1/20th their size, they will soon war everyone on vall so they can feel high and mighty, so everyone be ready XD

00:30:30 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Borealis:

PKS is goin down to my nazguls. nuf said.

00:39:04 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Jang Star:


00:40:11 Jan 13th 09 - Sir Deadpool:

You better watch out PKS looks like Borealis is gunning for you :-p

01:03:13 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:

Ok Borealis let's get some things straight

1 PKS is NOT going down to your Nazzies lets see i belive you had 4486

2 either you have perfect timeing or we have a spy in Pks and i'm gonna have to kill who ever it is because you attacket a section of PKS where there was no troops because we had just started to relocate our troops to other fronts when all this went down.

3 I could take you on personaly if the majority of my troops weren't on a diffrent world you would be dead already and we would be wipeing you off the map right about now.

I hope that you don't think that you have something special here because you don't and if 70% of my troops were up there to hit you I would not only double but tripple yout army in OP/DP but is dosent matter because we will kick you back along with that 10k warlords army that is up there as well.

You're about to die :)

and @ Mr. Lord Punisher PKS did not attack Cobra They attacked us and get your numbers right or go back to 1st grade it is not 1/20th it is 1/5th

01:27:38 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Borealis:

no troops? I killed 33k men so far that's some troops.

and I started on Valhalla... 2 worlds after you guys after you guys started, fighting oop and almost the whole time since, so the fact you you might double my OP isn't special at all. I've been alive for about 11 real days now how many for you?

oh you can take me on personally? really? whoa! what a big man you are! taking on 1 guy from Valhalla personally after you've been reaping the benifits of a NAP of 2 kd's around the same power as fant kd's with no danger around! want a medal? how bout the red badge of pompous blowhard?

but in all seriousness now, I know I can't take PKS down, and I did have pretty lucky timing. my post was a joke, I forgot most people on VU don't take personal jokes too well.

and Dethklok is hilarious. Murmaider is one of my favorites. so lets not argue on the forums like ugly fat people living off twinkies in their mommies basements with no job throwing life away spending all their time growing into their chair only getting up to use the bathroom wasting away in a magical fairy internet world, lets just act like men (nerdy men, but men) and resolve our differences on the battlefield.

01:41:13 Jan 13th 09 - Sir Deadpool:

But I like twinkies...what kingdom are you in Borealis?

01:45:26 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Borealis:

Cobra. started this era, kind of a test to see what it was like to rule a kd. learned a lot, and I'm hoping to have a real start next era.

01:55:17 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Meh:

I honestly don't think anyone in Cobra believed we could win a war against you guys.  We're just sick of Valhalla and well you happened to be closest target for some of us.  Regardless of the outcome of this we'll all have fun (or should... this is a game afterall) with our little war.

01:59:06 Jan 13th 09 - Master Cloutier:

Yes you learned not to mess with the zohan... Im me PKS. lol


02:01:54 Jan 13th 09 - Sir Deadpool:

That is good. Best of luck with your kingdom. Where do you plan on going next era?

02:08:23 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:

It is fun and i love getting pumped up for a fight, but you all will be Bloodroucuted. :)

03:16:57 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Eargit Prewett The Ugly:

"and @ Mr. Lord Punisher PKS did not attack Cobra They attacked us and get your numbers right or go back to 1st grade it is not 1/20th it is 1/5th"

"People exaggerate things because they have strong feelings about something. People may exaggerate to make people listen to what they say. They may do it to emphasize something."

Who needs to go back to first grade?

05:02:16 Jan 13th 09 - Lady Vexed Angel:

I would like to add that Military is easily 1/20th your size. I also got a private mail from someone bragging about beating our KD up. I would also like to note that I believe the person attacking was a neutral person turned PK's oddly enough right after all our main forces were sent to battle Heaven. We made the mistake of putting the reclaiming process on a few people who decided to go inactive no excuses we failed...

I underestimated the troop strength of said person when I built my counter army in my mine at full price only a couple hours out of protection or else he would have been sent away also. Fair enough, good tactics...I lost.

I will lose now to Heaven within hours due to this whole escapade and that is also fine, I learned a valuable lesson and will make sure no more daggers are put into my or my kingdom members backsides.

To Heaven:
Good fight so far, I hope it is not over but I am afraid our KD is in need of an overhall and some education.
I have no need for E-Peen so you fellas looking to swing your meat around it. We women know your package is much smaller then you all make it out to be....

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