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Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 47

Valhalla 47
22:44:27 May 4th 17 - Chilean (Mr. Sniperfox):

of course its you Osi, here i was wondering who would cast it this early

22:29:28 May 9th 17 - Duke Chade From Outta Space:

07:40:45 May 10th 17 - Endless (Mahatma Elfen Lied):

10:55:46 May 10th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Dragon Caster):

20:09:44 May 13th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Dragon Caster):

Everyone who isn't KoH right now

06:10:00 May 16th 17 - Mr. Dong Zhuo:

Bye, Nararians :D

21:20:05 May 16th 17 - SFD (Duke Hybrid Sfd):

how the hell are you still alive? :P
when we got LOS in the north a while ago, i seen you and was like "fair play" lol

22:16:55 May 16th 17 - Chilean (Mr. Sniperfox):

I like how he comments as if he had anything to do with Nararians dying. 

09:55:32 May 17th 17 - Mr. Villhelm:

Cant win every era zhou..I guess in your case though its any era right?

We lost to koh yes but you lost to us (again) and then rebuilt and became a speed bump for the second time this era.

01:01:47 May 20th 17 - Osiris (Mr. Telamon):

02:47:41 May 20th 17 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir Grimbatol):

Damn Plague! 

I hate it.

05:38:55 May 20th 17 - Endless (Mahatma Elfen Lied):

Stewie, any objections to killing off your dragon caster compadre?

I see 4 of 6 of these little buggers....

06:43:28 May 20th 17 - Mr. Bigfield:

My phone literally got crushed ina recliner.

Good sneak attack with owning my city and then AOTDing on it ti take out a prime magic city with 700k mus. A grand move that took the wind of our sails.

We will fight on, but my Saturday will be unactive until I find a cell phone.

06:58:49 May 20th 17 - Mr. Dong Zhuo:

I bring light to this dungeon

07:17:27 May 20th 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

Don't know which dungeon you are talking about, Pestilence, but it sure ain't Stormy's dungeon. Only one person can bring the light into Stormy's dungeon.... Stormy himself!

12:14:16 May 20th 17 - Osiris (Mr. Telamon):

04:38:55 May 20th 17 - Endless (Mahatma Elfen Lied):

Stewie, any objections to killing off your dragon caster compadre?

I see 4 of 6 of these little buggers....

you dare to hate on dragons? such a dragonophobe

14:44:34 May 20th 17 - Mr. Gwap:

Congratulations kingdom of heaven on a well deserved win. Well done to the players in our kingdom. You fought well against experience players while learning to play the game. You guys will surely improve and learn more about the game. It was great I even learnt some tricks from our enemies this era. Well done to Eros that was some serious sneaky play while I was at work :p. 

15:02:28 May 20th 17 - Mr. Bigfield:

Hammer and shield will be asked to vote for Armageddon given the choice.again.

Good job.

15:11:15 May 20th 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

Unless either KoH or IPF and SPQR are dead, we will destroy any Arma city where Arma has been cast without our approval.

I am already not looking too fondly on the dragon rampaging in my kingdom's core. Don't push us any further than is needed.

15:12:35 May 20th 17 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir Grimbatol):

Dragon + that hateful plague is slowly killing my income.

15:36:12 May 20th 17 - Mr. Bigfield:

There is such a thing as being a sore winner. If it speeds thibgs up we can destroy our remaining cities so you can look elsewhere. Youve won and we are eager for next round.

I anticipate HnS to retire this round. The momentum cannot be changed without serious diplomatic changes on the ground 

15:52:37 May 20th 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

Whether you view us as a sore winner or not is irrelevant to us. Just because you have lost does not mean that SPQR and IPF have lost. You do not hold the right to determine when this era ends at your whim.

Put the shoe on the other foot. If KoH had died or are dying early, would you be happy if Arma was cast while there were still other kingdoms that you have been warring left intact? You wouldn't appreciate an Arma interruption then as well.

There are no diplomatic changes on the ground short of a massive backstab (and even then, we should be able to deal with it). The whole map, bar Novus and Church, are allied against KoH. Heck, KoH's own NAP partner, Church, has been casting dragons for fun, one of which is now causing havoc in KoH territory. Our own NAP partner is indirectly helping you out. I truly regret permitting that NAP, which was given on the basis of friendship. It was a mistake that I will not ever repeat again if I were to play VU in the future.

Hence, let me repeat one last time. Bar a conclusive outcome between KoH and IPF / SPQR, we WILL destroy any Arma city if Arma was cast without our approval. And such actions will only serve to prolong the era instead of bringing it to a faster end. Want the era to end faster? Allow those of us remaining on the map to play it out to the very end. Then we can all go for an instant Arma cast and move on. That will be the fastest way to move to the next era.

16:13:34 May 20th 17 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie):

I'm sorry that Osi is a fking ret@rd y'all. He has been kicked from the kingdom. Please feel free to go and slaughter him.

16:54:32 May 20th 17 - Osiris (Mr. Telamon):

cry some more 

17:02:49 May 20th 17 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXXV:

TBL has everyone up for ransom. LOOOL 

17:43:40 May 20th 17 - Sprout (Mr. Homo Erectus):

Avacyns Church

City Info
Owner: Archangel Avacyn RebornKingdom Banner
Size: 90000 building(s).
Kingdom: Church Of Avacyn
Race: Halfling
Gates: closed

We have made 6 hostile attacks on them and they have made 2 hostile attacks on us.

This ruler owns around the same amount of land as we do.

The people of this city has not heard from it's ruler in a very long time!

 So he been inactive all age,   wonder who been plundering him ...

 I just dont know i am so lost .....

17:58:40 May 20th 17 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

No one has been allowed to plunder Slade.

18:13:49 May 20th 17 - Sprout (Mr. Homo Erectus):

Strong Nuclear Force from Duke Chade From Outta Space

18:31:06 May 20th 17 - Stormy (Lord Stormycrow):

lol fail troll is fail...that's your proof of feeding? a high archmage count? if that's the case then everyone on the damn map in most of the kingdoms have been feeding off him. I've seen much higher op not just from us but from hammer, ipf, spqr, and novus it has been 49 days of activity after all....nice try though

 clapping will smith nail biting range of emotions GIF

18:53:32 May 20th 17 - Sprout (Mr. Homo Erectus):

Funny you assume I provided proof lol.

  Or that I would give a shit if you did plunder him.  Inactives deserve death always been my point of view forever, the fact that he has remained there so long after being inactive the whole age pert near, just seems a little fishy is all.  

 rather amazing what a few gts allows one to see.

The intell was just sharing the death that awaits us is all.

o/   LL  KoH


18:58:54 May 20th 17 - Stormy (Lord Stormycrow):

lol right, and your posting of eits immediately following stewie's denial of feeding was coincidental? okie dokie

19:12:15 May 20th 17 - Sprout (Mr. Magica):

That would be  assumption on your part.  Getting all flustered up Stormy?  

 If I wanted to be a little bitch I could post the SS .

 But how is that going to help the game?



19:21:15 May 20th 17 - Stormy (Lord Stormycrow):

nope, not at all, just reacting to what seemed a response to stewie and a negative implication against my boy i said, okie dokie

20:03:14 May 20th 17 - Duke Chade From Outta Space:

meh, stormy you know me mate, i dont really care who shares intel, who is not happy about their kd's "momentum", or whoever complains like a kid. H3ll, KoH lost the last two eras, but we didnt go around cahttin sh1t, right?

And im really flattered that my army is considered "death for everyone" considering that i have probably one of the weakest armies in our kd. 

My role this era has been repelling incoming attacks to allow time for my comrades to attack on the east.

We won this era thanks to very successful planning from TBL and Dalak, magnificent casts from Eros, but most of all - due to numerous mistakes from our enemies.

20:13:20 May 20th 17 - SFD (Duke Sfdeez Nutz):

hey we havent won yet chadeykins ;)

21:43:05 May 20th 17 - Woody (Lord Woody):

Hurry up with arma.

21:56:10 May 20th 17 - Duke Chade From Outta Space:

no, we will take our time cause we waited patiently when we were the losing side.

00:32:38 May 21st 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Dragon Caster):

inactives deserve death, the actives though don't deserve those resources simply because they are available. no one has been allowed to plunder slade.. thats how it should be

03:26:27 May 21st 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

Incredibly stupid attempt to imply that KoH has been plundering that foolish, irresponsible, inactive fool known as Slade.

If Chade had really plundered Slade even once.... he would be sitting on nothing less than 400K AMs. 350K is just par for the course for an attacking elf player at this stage of the era that has not made any serious mistakes.

If KoH had had OUR way 2 weeks ago, there would not be a single Slade city left on the map. We would have B&Ded him all the way down to his last brick and mortar. But we were told to leave him alone in the (very off) chance that he may return to play. KoH is quite reasonable when it comes to our allies, so we have been defending Slade's cities instead, killing off IPF nazzie raiders who came calling .

05:29:44 May 21st 17 - Mr. Dong Zhuo:

"We won this era ...  due to numerous mistakes from our enemies.".

Just to quote Chade.

I endorse this opinion. 

06:58:34 May 21st 17 - McMax (Mr. Magicus Maximus):

As I wrote in our kingdom forum after my little adventure a week ago, where KoH helped me bringing my ridiculous high upkeep somewhat down.......

"Let's try again. No fault is that big, that it can't be done twice."

08:11:51 May 21st 17 - Duke Chade From Outta Space:

 this stage of the era that has not made any serious mistakes.

Yeah i gotta admit - i accidentally merged an army with 21k AMs aotd record so there - i make mistakes too :D

08:12:16 May 21st 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Dragon Caster):

" "We won this era ...  due to numerous mistakes from our enemies.".

Just to quote Chade.

I endorse this opinion. "

Curious if you could expand on this line of thinking for us, please.

10:36:35 May 21st 17 - Mr. Triumphant Trumpeters Return:

Sorry but my Epenor is not sated.. ;)

20:46:49 May 21st 17 - McMax (Mr. Magicus Maximus):

Hmm. A strong storm from west bloweing those flying monster towards the east....

That is part of what I'll take with me in my nightprayer.

21:04:37 May 21st 17 - Duke Chade From Outta Space:

what ... ?

06:09:56 May 22nd 17 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Flying Boar):

Ohhh. I'm just a little tired have those dragons in my backyard...... the 2 big ones are flying east now. I just hope they continue in that direction.

16:56:26 May 22nd 17 - Sable (Mr. Taldorei Brightspawn):

When inevitability isn't good enough. "We aren't done until we own every city on the entire map." 

I dig it.

18:08:56 May 22nd 17 - McMax (Mr. Magicus Maximus):

Anyone buying Dragons???

We (still) have two, that you can buy cheap. We might even give you them for free...............

18:12:33 May 22nd 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

22:56:26 May 22nd 17 - Sable (Mr. Taldorei Brightspawn):

When inevitability isn't good enough. "We aren't done until we own every city on the entire map." 

I dig it.

Not really.

IPF and SPQR joined the gangbang against KoH. We were outnumbered and outfarmed too. Just for what they have done, we're not going to let them go, and either we will fall or they will fall before the era ends.

If it is meant that KoH is the one to stand, then we will cast Arma once we have more or less destroyed their main armies. We don't need to own every enemy city on the map. But we MUST give them some payback before that.

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