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Valhalla 55
07:41:13 Aug 29th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

yes you are, Matthew ... can i have an autograph or shall I take it when i come and whoop your sweet behind ... just like good ol' Ignis ;)

11:07:33 Aug 29th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattathia):

I'll give you an autograph when I come give you a clubbing, I'll write it on your behind. Do you want it as Matthew, Mattathia, Matt, Mattis, Matteo, Matias, or Mathew? I'll put a special little heart at the end too, because you have a special place in my heart Chade.

11:13:59 Aug 29th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

...cant wait

11:15:09 Aug 29th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):


01:13:21 Sep 2nd 18 - Mr. Old Sam:

Night Talon Lord Ivanho:thor">20:26:50 Aug 26th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. War Troll of Underdogs):

Princess Aisha:

Ivanho you have that many kills cause there are some doushes in DA that do not want to give up and die, like Sam and Jasmina who keep training halfling armies who are easy to kill :-)

I am just spamming you guys on Valhalla before I focus on Fanta :-)

Well i had +1 million Kills before i even Started attacking DA 😀😁😂 

Whoever comes close from my army is as good as dead 😎😜😛 And if you're thinking, My army not Rank 1, so no worries,- You're doing a Mistake. Ponies has no match against Zerkers 😆😆😆

Oh darn, what happened to them great Berserkers of yours? A pony get in your way? 

13:17:18 Sep 3rd 18 - All Might:

Did the stg mage get killed or something?

18:07:56 Sep 9th 18 - Sir Edi The Great:

KoH kicking out their members

Nothing new there...

18:32:32 Sep 9th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

Ivanho is inactive for 7+ days ... its one of our requirements so feck off mate :)

18:50:01 Sep 9th 18 - HorusPanic (Sir Panic):

That's a shame.. he was carryingyou

19:18:25 Sep 9th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

:D LOL!!!!!

19:21:17 Sep 9th 18 - Mr. Old Sam:

Duke Chade Again:thor">17:32:32 Sep 9th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

Ivanho is inactive for 7+ days ... its one of our requirements so feck off mate :)

With an attitude like that, I'm surprised anyone wants to be in a kingdom with you.

Horus was right, he was carrying you. The highscores show it.

19:24:15 Sep 9th 18 - Teirdel (Saint Talveron):

Sweet. Invite Ivan to DA next era?

19:27:34 Sep 9th 18 - Mr. Old Sam:

You read my mind Talveron. Ivanho, when you get this, if you're looking for a home next era, you'll be a more than welcome with us.

20:25:28 Sep 9th 18 - Sir Great Observer:

I am currently soloing in Valhalla, almost died a couple times xD

07:40:28 Sep 10th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

oh look! The Hypocritical Society of DA voicing their opinion ... no problems opinions are accepted but come on, make up your mind, you are slow ... first you banter Ivanho big time to the point of rage-quitting, then "oh come on sweet boy come to us" ... all that while prepping on him with hordes of armies ...

Without pointing fingers, I wonder how many other "truths" have been told to you two (@old sam / @tierdel ) about us ...


09:05:43 Sep 10th 18 - Ms. Jasmina:

Hypocritical Society of DA? 

You understand you are only gaining more enemies with such words...

If you think I said anything bad about your kingdom you are wrong. As the strongest KD on map you are getting targeted for sure...

Sam and I started in Ursidae and nobody else spawned so we made DA. Faced WF and died early era, same as East Coalition, who then merged into us. We picked up tagless Talveron who also died oop, then joined up Bling, Edi and Moonshine, and next era will be our first real era. 

He bragged about kills, we trolled a bit, but he is welcome to join if he wants next era :-)

09:13:37 Sep 10th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

Fag butt homoghey muffin tops is all they are. Overused buttplugs.

09:41:56 Sep 10th 18 - Duke Chade Again:


10:47:50 Sep 10th 18 - Teirdel (Saint Talveron):

Here Chade I thought we got along :(.

 Seriously you removed him due to your rules by your own admission. That makes him a free agent so if course others are going to send offers. You don't get an exclusive right.

 So far this era he was our largest hurdle and one we can now remove even if it is due to inactivity. He's a strong player and it's unfortunate he rage quit. Honestly thought real life got in the way but matters little truth be told. I for one am not going to let such a large potential threat go by unnoticed nor would you.

 I joined DA after being killed by white flag at era start. Never been a strong player but had the opportunity to join DA as a mage and have maybe passed with a c so far. As for "truths" nothing has been spoken about you.

 As far as you guys take up our forums it's a few reports (which I happily provide). Next era planning, income and guides. Sorry to burst your bubble but outside that DA doesn't revolve around KOH. Sure your this era's target (strong kidngdoms always are) but it's nothing personal even if there seems to be a perceived slight.

 Just play the era out and get revenge next era if possible. It's by that's how it's always been settled.

10:57:19 Sep 10th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

i love the publicity :) you guys dont need to explain yourself to me, i was only bantering :)

i love it how in your head the era is over though, even though this might be one of the longest on record ;)

and i am sure you all know we love building up our list of enemies, win or lose, cause we might be hawt and awesome but we are sometimes as grumpy as fcuk.

honestly though, like you i am sure Ivanho had a solid reason to leave mid-era as i know him from before and he will never do that without good reason. I have sent him a message and like you, ive said that when he returns, he would always be welcomed with us...

19:09:09 Sep 10th 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

KoH and H&S are like herpes, they never go away

19:09:13 Sep 10th 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Death Angels9Ms. Jasmina111
Off White Flag4Mr. Qanic100
Kingdom of Heaven7Lord Cancer90
Hammer and Shield10Mr. Bigfield The Chairman73
Plus Ultra1All Might29
Varangian Guard3Mr. Sigurd I6
Coalition of Free Men1High King Xerxes1

20:08:46 Sep 10th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

20:09:09 Sep 10th 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

KoH and H&S are like herpes, they never go away


@HnS - you guys realise that we are making history over here, right? For the first time we are placed in the same bracket, not against each other like always ...

so I was compared to cancer earlier on ... now herpes ... awesome ... they both spread, you know

20:12:42 Sep 10th 18 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

i shall call myself antibiotics next era

20:13:51 Sep 10th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

better call yourself vaccine to spread awareness cause there are some people out there believing vaccines are a bad thing

20:17:28 Sep 10th 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

i'll just call myself autism

20:18:29 Sep 10th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

right, i'll follow suit and call myself .... wait for it .... Chade

20:19:20 Sep 10th 18 - Ohmly (Mr. John Johnny Rico):

MMMMMM...herpes. Glad to know that we are making it hard for you to take a piss. Makes me feel good inside....and you bad outside. Have you started to rash yet?

20:56:14 Sep 10th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

no but it seems this is what i should expect next (judging from your advice from personal experience)

02:27:53 Sep 11th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

No hate here. 

Hammer and Shield doesn't quit. Period. It takes pretty much the end of the era to come to that point. 

We aren't a warrior kingdom. We are merchants and economists who like to make bank and wheel deals.

We keep prices cheap on the markets for the benefit of all. 

While KoH has warred us every single era for several years, we tried something different after weeks of stalemate. 

02:53:49 Sep 11th 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Wido):

I'm not throwing criticism around.  I'm happy to see the resilience

07:54:21 Sep 11th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

And we are happy to provide mate

Guys thanks for inviting n Congrating me. I know that my inactivity was a game changer, i hope the best Wins. Love u all ;)

Now, i havent rage-quitted. I had bigge RL issues. Im having Bad times. Meanwhile, i lost my phone too n most of y'all know i only play from phone.

Well, i couldnt merge all zerkers before going inactive, But whoever took out my army, i want to tell him something, "Bud you're the Man! although it might took few days for u to handle it but still... Congrats :)" 

Cheers n best of Luck.

Signing out

15:28:06 Sep 16th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Idk who dunnit but we voted yes.

15:57:05 Sep 16th 18 - Mr. Old Sam:

To whoever votes no, I will make it my mission to personally hunt you down next era.

Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 6 people want the age to end, 0 do not, and 23 people have not voted.

16:15:30 Sep 16th 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

I votedyes,  but someone else voted no

16:15:59 Sep 16th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

I voted "no"

18:24:22 Sep 16th 18 - Ms. Jasmina:

Its ok we get 10 rl days to kill KoH

And prep nicely for next era

18:56:31 Sep 16th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

judging by the small fishes in your kingdom, you gonna need more time and definitely MORE allies, Jasmina ... it's like you don't know.

C'mon say something that turns out to be truth for once

19:17:47 Sep 16th 18 - Mr. Old Sam:

Chade, who, let's be frank, is having his ass handed to him describing others as "small fishes". 

The irony. 

If it wasn't for Ivanho, you'd have been a footnote weeks back. Better luck next era.

19:31:56 Sep 16th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

lol didnt really think small fishes can talk.

Frank = honest ... chade lost ONE battle ... thats not a$$ served, hence not honesty...

go cry to your mom now

20:53:51 Sep 16th 18 - Ms. Jasmina:

Wow Chade...

Don’t know if the whole dislike toward me is a group KoH thing or just you, former friend...

20:58:43 Sep 16th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

no feelings, jas ... pure old trolling / flaming ... honestly ;) started first, im only repaying in kind, as i started to wonder the absolute same thing about "former" friends and all ...

cause as you well know, most of the people I fight against ARE RL friends of mine ... that has never stopped us of throwing dirt at each other's face online ...

point is - if you cant handle banter, dont start it ... especially not against me (you know this VERY well ) as i dont think you have the same level of tolerance of banter as me ...

ill be more than happy to be proven wrong, though

22:00:19 Sep 16th 18 - Mr. Old Sam:

I've got to be honest Chade, your banter stinks. Banter is meant to be light hearted fun. If the other person doesn't think it's funny, it's not an error on their part. It just shows that you're out of touch and arguably, what you see as banter is just a cloak for bullying to some degree or another.

What I'm saying is purely an observation and a recommendation that you take some time to think about how you speak to people. Either take it on board or don't. I'm just going to end by saying, Jasmina is definetely not the one here in need of changing anything, especially her "tolerance" levels.

23:36:30 Sep 16th 18 - Duke Chade Again:


04:10:05 Sep 17th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

 Just curious, is there some secret path around this blocker that I'm not seeing?

07:36:09 Sep 17th 18 - The Real Josh (Prince Ajani Whitemane):

Bigfield, Try walking around it without the big red circle, Will DEFINITELY imporve your chances of finding the path.

08:40:27 Sep 17th 18 - Venomz (High Warlord Venz):

The other movement option might help u a lot.

07:57:19 Sep 19th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

the all so mighty and powerful fish kingdom called DA said they were gonna attack us and take us out in no time ... they came with 5 horde armies (to be honest one was not theirs but their ally's) ... they said we'd be done and dusted ... they said we'd be a footnote without Ivanho ...

3 dead armies + 1 scared running away army later we are still standing

@DA - no offense guys, but this is precisely the reason why I called you "hypocratic society" ... because most of the things you say are very further from the truth!

but .... benefit of the doubt ... you DID say you need less than 10 days to take out KoH ... you got 6 remaining ... maybe you guys are capable of miracles, i dunno ... but what i know is that it will be very hard to take even one city from us, let alone a win against an army on the open field 

07:58:36 Sep 19th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

*CORRECTION - 2 scared running away armies ... jasmina just put her tail between her legs too and legged it

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