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Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 78

Valhalla 78
13:06:47 Jan 25th 22 - Mr. Ghost II:

Agreed, its quite a fun era

Slightly too long but never boring


Valhalla always seems to end up a fun realm (even when I’m pretty much killed off early). 

A big thanks to HnS for allowing me to rebuild in their lands. If more of my members respawned we might’ve had a larger roll to play here at the end.

With that said - I’m not going anywhere >:) so starting a 10-day might be in the best interest of the realm 

Any solo players (or players needing a change of scenery) Ursidae is recruiting for next era.

18:16:28 Jan 25th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

If I recall, wasn't there an issue where a second cast had a locked in vote and you have to wait anyway? 

19:16:26 Jan 25th 22 - Percy (Sir Percy The Economist):

There was once upon a time, but that seems to have been resolved, as an era recently had 2-3 casts and each time votes were reset.

02:20:54 Jan 27th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

it's been 80 days


let me join....

10:34:21 Jan 27th 22 - Mr. Agent Ash:













Please Armageddon it!

10:36:34 Jan 27th 22 - Ms. Voodoo Doll:

Yes please

10:59:31 Jan 27th 22 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Dreads):

HnS fault guys for not doing anything for 60 rl days. Era should have been done long time ago. I think 3-4 rl days more than insta Arma

11:04:50 Jan 27th 22 - Lord Caedus:

Accurate scenes over at HnS HQ:

Farm to Fork Strategy: A partial response to our farmers' needs –

11:05:05 Jan 27th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

81 days..........

14:40:07 Jan 27th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

Someone cast Arma within 24 ticks n insta end it with votes.

We still got to wait "2 more Days" after era resets. So please.

20:00:27 Jan 27th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Four failed casts. I'll keep it up. 

20:42:24 Jan 27th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

With four Active, we've done well enough to be satisfied. We've Battled every kingdom on the map except Candle Wax and Urisidea.

I'm confident the four of us playing can place top 10 at Arma. Given a few timings, it probably wasn't probable for five of us to overpower the combined power of Kingdom, Elysium, and Raven. We will continue to fight, even if I get Arma cast.

I am also satisfied with our Win Loss ratio per player.

Hammer and Shield
Battles won: 69
Battles lost: 78
Members: 5 (4 played)
17.25/19.5 wins on a average.
 0.896 win rate. Not perfect, but almost balanced.
I can't see the others at the moment, but it's fairly evenly spread on wins between us.

Mr. Bigfield has won 24 battles (34.7%)

Battles won: 45
Battles lost: 39
Members: 5
9/8 wins to losses per player.
1.15 win rate. 
I can't see any of their players to know if it was an even spread.

Raven Clan
Battles won: 299
Battles lost: 140
Members: 8
37/17.5 wins to losses per member.
2.11 win rate. Excellent.

Marquess Whopper has won 99 battles (33%)
Ms. Elle Ravenous has won 54 battles (18%)
Mr. Ghost II has won 47 battles(15.7%)
Jarl Eivor has won 33 battles (11%)

Truly phenomenal. Whopper has essentially counter balanced the entire productivity of any single Kingdom and he and Elle are half of their victories. I know it's an imperfect metric but it is noteworthy go say the least.

Burninglegion gets an honorable mention. He played hard and had fun, I'm sure. Maybe we can lure him back in to fill the ranks.

King Burninglegion The Troll has won 46 battles.

Battles won: 46
Battles lost: 62
Members: 6
7.6/10 average per player.
0.74 win rate.

Noteworthy is that I think Schepp may be the only one active most era. I'm unsure how many of those wins are his.

Battles won: 49
Battles lost: 135 
Members: 7
7/19.2 average per player
0.36 win rate. 

I do know they took on many opponents at the same time, so that is noteworthy, even if it didn't shake out in their favor in the end.

KD by win rate:
Hammer and Shield

KD by wins per player(before adjusting for any other confirmed inactive roosters)

Burning Legion 46
Raven Clan 37
Hammer and Shield 17.25
Elysium 9
Urisidea 7.6
Albatross 7

KD ranked by losses per player (before adjusting for any other confirmed innactove)

Elysium 7.8
Urisidea 10.3
Raven Clan 17.5
Albatross 19.2
Hammer and Shield 19.5

20:55:38 Jan 27th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Got it.

Casting Armageddon from Seriously upon Armageddon with 29% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. When casting the spell 28598 of our Magicians died and 9532 got injured.

I'm approaching 200k catapults, in case there was any notion that it would be easy to just steam roll our core. We will fight it out if that is desired, but we cast with confidence that we could continue to fight on, and perhaps score a bit of luck between plagues and dragons to make a meaningful difference.

We are satisfied with entertaining the idea as a possibility and ending the era not knowing.

You are well within your rights to vote no and drag this out for the 10 days if you want to test the theory that you could somehow march to our core, breach it, and conquer it and destroy the Arma city Faster than 10 days to cast again.

I think the server In general would be grateful for the ability to start fresh.

We have that option available immediately. 

21:29:54 Jan 27th 22 - Mr. Ice With Babes And Butter:

No "No Votes" please.

21:42:49 Jan 27th 22 - Ms. Jasmine:

I did not vote yet, but how it usually goes, there must be few aspects checked to have an instant end.

1. Arma casted by kingdom that is in lead.
2. HoH is held by mostly winning kingdom (with allies)
3. Arma has been arranged in coordination with everyone alive.

In this case none of these 3 aspects have been checked.
You'll most likely have a lot of NO votes. I guess its 12 days instead of possible 3-4 rl days that we were planning.

22:18:26 Jan 27th 22 - Ms. Elle Ravenous:

Indeed I had to vote no because it was not casted by us.
Waiting time now :)

22:26:21 Jan 27th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

kinda cringe arma time but ok
silly americans

22:30:30 Jan 27th 22 - Ms. Elle Ravenous:

By the way, just a quick note, I am quite puzzled by your era HnS
Instead of coming to fight using that 200k Catapults you rather stay in Arma town?
I am pretty sure I saw Perilous complain how he's having a very efficient era but boring one because he was doing nothing all era.

Y’all seriously just gonna let me get to 1 million Axemen unmolested?

Technically speaking if Perilous came at us 20th last year with his 1 million Axemen, we would be long dead. Whats the strategic benefit of training up to 1.5 million Axemen that you have trouble marching due to upkeep so late in the era when you should know we're ready for that army.
And whats strategic benefit of having 200k Catapults in your Arma town instead of fighting?

Hats down to Malthael for using his Nazguls for quite some time against us, always attacking and fighting.

00:14:00 Jan 28th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Aeneas of Troy):

So HnS is trying to force end the arma by getting the 10d countdown?

If HnS has already given up, why doesn't HnS work with Raven to figure out when to better cast arma, than inevitably make the era longer with the 10d countdown?

If Raven's doesn't have an arma mage, Elysium would be happy to lend ours =)

00:46:01 Jan 28th 22 - Mr. Ice Blizzard:

Cut out the story mode. Destroy the Arma city n let Riven/ Elysiym cast Arma "within 24 ticks". 


00:52:02 Jan 28th 22 - Ms. Voodoo Doll:

For F sake pls end the world already!

01:16:19 Jan 28th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

The overriding factor at this point is that the world has gone on for over 80 days. I guess it will go to 90 says now. 

01:22:45 Jan 28th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Ms. Elle Ravenous:

By the way, just a quick note, I am quite puzzled by your era HnS
Instead of coming to fight using that 200k Catapults you rather stay in Arma town?
I am pretty sure I saw Perilous complain how he's having a very efficient era but boring one because he was doing nothing all era.

Y’all seriously just gonna let me get to 1 million Axemen unmolested?

Technically speaking if Perilous came at us 20th last year with his 1 million Axemen, we would be long dead. Whats the strategic benefit of training up to 1.5 million Axemen that you have trouble marching due to upkeep so late in the era when you should know we're ready for that army.
And whats strategic benefit of having 200k Catapults in your Arma town instead of fighting?

Hats down to Malthael for using his Nazguls for quite some time against us, always attacking and fighting.

I can't speak with certainty but I believed he had a series of real life issues including hospitalizations around Christmas. He was more or less AFK for a few weeks.

My Arma town isnt the one with Catapults, although by the time your forces arrive it theoretically could be.

We will fight on. But our primary goal is to message more members to hop on and vote yes.

Unless I'm mistaken, only a few more yes votes will finally trigger the reset.

01:22:45 Jan 28th 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Ms. Elle Ravenous:

By the way, just a quick note, I am quite puzzled by your era HnS
Instead of coming to fight using that 200k Catapults you rather stay in Arma town?
I am pretty sure I saw Perilous complain how he's having a very efficient era but boring one because he was doing nothing all era.

Y’all seriously just gonna let me get to 1 million Axemen unmolested?

Technically speaking if Perilous came at us 20th last year with his 1 million Axemen, we would be long dead. Whats the strategic benefit of training up to 1.5 million Axemen that you have trouble marching due to upkeep so late in the era when you should know we're ready for that army.
And whats strategic benefit of having 200k Catapults in your Arma town instead of fighting?

Hats down to Malthael for using his Nazguls for quite some time against us, always attacking and fighting.

I can't speak with certainty but I believed he had a series of real life issues including hospitalizations around Christmas. He was more or less AFK for a few weeks.

My Arma town isnt the one with Catapults, although by the time your forces arrive it theoretically could be.

We will fight on. But our primary goal is to message more members to hop on and vote yes.

Unless I'm mistaken, only a few more yes votes will finally trigger the reset.

02:05:15 Jan 28th 22 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp The Grizzly):

Raven kicked my butt twice this era (I know it’s only a matter of time) so hats off Raven! It’s been fun getting a second crack at things.

I’m ready for a restart at any point because I would sure enjoy some KD help :p

02:37:58 Jan 28th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

There are already 6 no votes, a 10 day countdown is inevitable. But if someone could take the arma city and then recast at 8am American time or w/e is convenient for your guys, i'd appreciate it.

14:00:16 Jan 31st 22 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp The Grizzly):

So instant end now? :p XD

14:12:20 Jan 31st 22 - Ms. Jasmine:

In normal circumstances, yes

But can't do now. Thank Bigfield for that lol

14:21:56 Jan 31st 22 - Marquess Whopper:

lol yeah, we can't end now. 

Plus, i have set a new goal, 110 cities :') 
  1. Marquess Whopper has won 100 battles, captured 104 cities and killed a total of 1313088 men and women.

16:32:15 Jan 31st 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

85 days.....

18:24:36 Jan 31st 22 - Mr. Ghost II:

85 days of interesting fun

Lets repeat it the same next era

20:16:41 Jan 31st 22 - Jarl Eivor:


85 days.....

Bad era to die off early lol

21:05:56 Jan 31st 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Jarl Eivor:


85 days.....

Bad era to die off early lol


I tried to give you guys an instant end as was.

If the Arma city gets taken, I'll cast again for an instant end.

21:16:20 Jan 31st 22 - Prince of Bel Air:

We have 3 people who can cast Arma.
The plan was to cast today or tomorrow, the original plan
Now we'll wait as we all got a little bit lazy seeing you cast it...

21:57:54 Jan 31st 22 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Dreads):

Not being on HoH fearsome with this stat is just WRONG. It should be updated to give more importance to kills and battles won, now only thing that matters are cities taken, and that is wrong

Your character Mr. Dark Dreads has won 39 battles, captured 22cities and killed a total of 4574867 men and women

23:12:04 Jan 31st 22 - Jarl Eivor:

Dark Spawn:

Not being on HoH fearsome with this stat is just WRONG. It should be updated to give more importance to kills and battles won, now only thing that matters are cities taken, and that is wrong

Your character Mr. Dark Dreads has won 39 battles, captured 22cities and killed a total of 4574867 men and women

Yeah you definitely dominated. Cities somehow outweigh kills in fearsome calculations which doesn't makes sense lol

03:31:16 Feb 1st 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Aeneas of Troy):

Cities almost exclusively outweigh anything else in most fearsome.

For instance, I have killed more than everyone except Elle & Dark (at least who's on the list), yet I'm not even close to ranking.

The system is incredibly flawed. For instance, if someone wanted to (for some weird reason) two people could just switch conquering a city the whole era and therefore "capture" 1000 cities since conquering a city multiple times counts as "1" each time.

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Marquess Whopper has won 100 battles, captured 104 cities and killed a total of 1313089 men and women.
  2. Ms. Elle Ravenous has won 54 battles, captured 34 cities and killed a total of 3374869 men and women.
  3. Mr. Ghost II has won 47 battles, captured 30 cities and killed a total of 1253508 men and women.
  4. Jarl Eivor has won 45 battles, captured 30 cities and killed a total of 990497 men and women.
  5. King Burninglegion The Troll has won 46 battles, captured 30 cities and killed a total of 402622 men and women.
  6. Mr. Bigfield has won 25 battles, captured 27 cities and killed a total of 292673 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

Your character The Ancient Aeneas of Troy has won 25 battles, captured 16 cities and killed a total of 1253265 men and women

04:05:14 Feb 1st 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Aeneas of Troy):

I have released troops in respect of the Raven's incredible effort this era.


09:39:46 Feb 1st 22 - Lord Caedus:

Perhaps moving forward we might have some sort of tacit agreement that conquered kingdoms can rebuild but have to then double down as part of the war effort and amalgamate with whatever the conquering kingdom did? 

It allows them to keep playing but under gentle subjegation... could work well?

I think the long wait has lost us some players and rendered us in an untennable position in the next era too. That might help in future - what do people think?

10:10:52 Feb 1st 22 - Marquess Whopper:

yes i agree. we let Endless and esylium rebuild. They both started late. We also let ursidae recover near hns. 

i dont think it would be a problem if  kd's that lost a war would restart. 

10:36:04 Feb 1st 22 - Endless (Ms. Endless):

I don’t often drop on a map that has been active so long, but it was a fun solo venture that even Don Kichotas couldn’t spoil. ;)  When are you guys casting arma?

12:49:46 Feb 1st 22 - Mr. Ghost II:

Wow, Jasmine told me few days ago to keep training cause Konstant will drop from scores intentionally but I did not think you really would do that :-O

Thanx man
Much respect


I have released troops in respect of the Raven's incredible effort this era.


21:12:10 Feb 1st 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Aeneas of Troy):

Thanks =)

You guys did an incredible job this era. From handling a 2 front war, to pushing back armies right at your doorstep, to eventually overrunning the map.

I mostly sat back and farmed this era, no way could I feel right in "taking" an era from you guys as Ravens were gracious enough to offer Elysium protection within your borders.

I'm on Valhalla to have some light fun and to offer new/returning players a safe harbor where they can learn the game and eventually move on to a real KD like Alba, Hns, or Ravens. 

21:29:08 Feb 1st 22 - Marquess Whopper:

Armageddon will end the world of Valhalla in 240 days unless the city of Happy Meal is destroyed!!.

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