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Forums / In game politics / WAR DECLARATION CARNAGE

23:45:55 May 31st 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

spoon likes kinky pissing!

00:03:20 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

i am back

but cannot join a KD ive been kicked from..

02:20:47 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:


Mr. Von Darkmoor. We have returned full command over Venaiken to Sir Vencrow.
We killed all of the 235391 troops.

02:30:06 Jun 1st 07 - Sir Ironpick:

That's gotta hurt.

04:26:17 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Chill weirdgrivi, nothing was said about phi outright, only  as a reference by me in response to something said by senturu. There was no phi flaming:P


Maybe you're just having flame withdrawals, either that or you're a very popular kingdom^^

05:14:18 Jun 1st 07 - Lord Senturu:

Weird buddy. its my fault for that little bit before. so no worries

05:54:58 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Its all good senturu, no love lost man.


Now where the hell is my slap???!!!

06:18:18 Jun 1st 07 - Lord Senturu:

*slaps stormvenz*


*walksaway holding his hand*

ouch that hurt

00:33:53 Jun 2nd 07 - Mr. Diesel:

Here I'm with a little bit of a late update as I was busy today.
During the weekend I won't be around so I can't post new stuff up.

For now Carnage has won there battle by taking back the 90k mine from vencrom. A nice archievement I have to say. Here I've lost around 200k + troops.

but it wasn't that much of a problem.
to be honest Carnage have to expend a big suprise as the attacks there was just a suprise attack and the real attack still has to come.

why you think I would walk around with a few armies without wizzies there.
to get all attention to the north and why you think I didn't raze the mine instead I took it. make the math.

You guys will soon see a colony pop up in that area.
gotta love the invisibility spell haha.
after I've eitsed the army of darkmoor I've stopped training troops @ the 90k mine and concentrate on my new force.

you guys will notice what I mean with that soon enough.
for now you guys get the time during the weekend to find the colony if not well than it's bad luck for you guys.

Losses Me :
- they took back their 90k mine
- lost 200k troops
- they took back a 33k colony

Losses Them.

- Nothing today

mainly as I didn't really have the time today to play I couldn't do much.
but this is a mssg to Carnage.

Like I said before I won't stop fighting till my last man dies.
and I will bring the fight towards you guys till you guys rape my stronghold.

For now it's 1 - 0 for Carnage.
but I've learned from my mistakes and I will strike better this time than the previous time.

G'luck all.

00:57:29 Jun 2nd 07 - Mr. Ignis The Broken Lawn Mower:

But you still post this to warn them? Lol.

BTw, what were the 235k troops made up off? I'd like to know...

01:12:32 Jun 2nd 07 - Sir Yarlin:

This should be close to when it was retaken.


01:35:28 Jun 2nd 07 - Mr. Ignis The Broken Lawn Mower:

OH. No wonder the loss is nothing...

06:50:22 Jun 2nd 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Obviously... Hes bluffing :P

09:22:17 Jun 2nd 07 - Lord Oogalybooogalyboo:

diesel wants my babies!

on a side note i expected carnage to have got rid of him way before now, just goes to show how much a rogue agent can do if they want :P

03:28:46 Jun 3rd 07 - Sir Yarlin:

If you knew the whole story then you would know why he is still around but it's not my place to say why.

09:27:20 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Imperator:

How did it end?

Diesel still alive?

Do tell :D


10:55:49 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Yorimm:

diesel is stil alive. he even gots a hoh army.

11:51:23 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Woopie:

he's living in LGC area.... lgc napped him

12:02:15 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Diesel:

Haha your sure that I'm in lgc area.
like I said before I've indeed something there.

but that's cause I started there.
how you think I could get off the ground fighting if I can't even settle something.

I've a colony their that produces a few k gold and allot of wood & food.
for the rest I'm scathered around the map.
as I had sended scouts all over the places.

lgc didn't allow me to build more than 1 colony in their core.
also yes I'm napped to them so what aren't you guys either napped with them.

so I really don't get your point saying that I'm napped with them
wonders if someone else does haha.

but the war isn't over
also let me say this if I wasn't near you guys how can I know that absolution is in the south moving towards PHI ?
I can see whole that area.

I will soon attack you guys.

15:13:43 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

<also let me say this if I wasn't near you guys how can I know that absolution is in the south moving towards PHI ? >


Uhmmmm.......okay. I guess there is another absolution somewhere because our absolution isnt moving at all:P (I should know, its temporarily merged into an army of mine^^ 

15:30:36 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Woopie:

ahhhhhhhhhhh... you are moving east...

Seni Seviyorum Funda

Commander: Mr. Diesel
Kingdom: *No Kingdom*
Size: Army (100,000-200,000)
Status: Moving East
Kingdom Banner
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18:17:48 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Diesel:

I know it's @ the blocker down in the south now.

named plop or whateva :P
there were 2 other armies merged into your scout ;)

also yes my army is moving so what :)
you can look as long as you want ;)

you guys will be kicked big time :)

18:37:47 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Ohhhhh, slapped by senturu earlier and now kicked by diesel? My day keeps getting better and better. <gets excited and waits>


Stop with the smilies, either you are Fordy or you have been hanging around him way too much^^

18:54:15 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Yorimm:

"lgc didn't allow me to build more than 1 colony in their core.
also yes I'm napped to them so what aren't you guys either napped with them."

no more than 1 colony you say. oke than why do you have 2 over there.
and our point you being napped to LGC and us to. means that whe cant just break through the blockers and take those colony's.

19:09:14 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Diesel:

yeahyeah :)

keep on crying :P
I'm so sexy :P


22:47:40 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Just lemme bring my Nazzies up there..... :D

My armys gone into hiding now, now longer can you see my name on the HoH, I wonder what Phi thinks of that...  hehe, sneak attack.

22:51:33 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Dos The Caked:

I reckon your just trying to get us to divert enough of our troops from more important causes ;)

I mean, you can't really think you stand a chance against a whole kd

23:15:48 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

I will put my money on diesel :)

23:17:25 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Biggerboom:

Diesel is kool... I mean he managed to survive for like 2 weeks without being totally obliterated by Carnage...


Congrats Diesel.......



23:43:18 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

I'll put my money on haywood:)


wait...thats not right....

03:44:23 Jun 10th 07 - Mr. Dark Blood:

Didn't you mean you give your money to Haywood?

Diesel = Big Sexy

04:11:09 Jun 10th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

I knew Diesel is Evul guy Fordius!!! I will smite thee!


04:41:48 Jun 10th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

thanks for the money stormvenz

04:47:59 Jun 10th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

no prob twamao, now where are my bonus turns??

04:59:26 Jun 10th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

/me slaps twamao
I knew you were smuggling BT's

06:09:52 Jun 10th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    wait...i thought this was about diesel....

07:23:50 Jun 10th 07 - Judge Chazz Michael Michaels:

Wow, a kd warring 1 guy for so long?

Where has all the carnage gone?

15:39:26 Jun 10th 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

Its because you left us Method and quit vu:( After that many of us now spend our time sitting in the corner of a dark room muttering monosyllable words.....

17:35:42 Jun 10th 07 - Sir Lithlego:

@ Stormcrow: No, the words are all 2 syllabus:

  • Starts with 'sh', ends with 'it';
  • Starts with 'fish', ends with 'duck';
But we are slowly getting out of the darkroom, one by one.
@ Judge: A great tutor you were to me, and would you mind be one once again?

17:59:20 Jun 10th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

OMG, Architect's army went into hiding, what will we do now :(

And about those bets, Twatwa charges expensive for bj's. No money left for me to gamble :(

19:38:52 Jun 10th 07 - Lord Senturu:

ok. i put my money on....ME. booyaa.

12:40:48 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh     waht happend                2 weeks no posts bad score did my old KD stop playing VU or something.......

pls tell me that most people will still be there next era :D

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