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Forums / In game politics / Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom
02:38:06 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Opium II:

I hope people realise unhonourable is being used in the wrong context if its even a word....the word is dishonourable so all those people being picky about proper english and spelling are turning around and saying unhonourable...are hypocrites

03:27:45 Nov 25th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:

actually archias...if you will read the bugs and error forums...i was frustrated with why a spell when cast will say successful when it obviously didnt do anything...i kept trying at different times in different ways to see if the result would be wasnt...i have been told you cant cast on scouts...i have befroe. besides i used rof and freeze on much larger army with the same message...SUCCESS...ZERO BURNED TO DEATH...SUCCESS FROZEN FOR ZERO DAYS....i just cant seem to accept that as success.


Sir Archias


11/24/2007 2:57:32 PM
  • "20:05:32: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:05:38: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:06:04: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:06:05: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:06:45: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:06:51: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:06:54: The progress of Efw has been hindered by magic!
  • 20:07:03: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:07:12: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:07:18: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:07:23: The progress of Efw has been hindered by magic!
  • 20:08:52: The progress of Efw has been hindered by magic!
  • 20:11:08: The progress of Efw has been hindered by magic!
  • 20:11:47: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:11:53: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:11:56: Fire rains from the sky on our Efw army! 0 troops burned to death.
  • 20:12:05: Fire rains from the sky on our Efw army! 0 troops burned to death.
  • 20:12:10: Ms. Rhiannia attempted to cast a spell upon us.
  • 20:12:16: Fire rains from the sky on our Efw army! 0 troops burned to death.
  • 20:12:25: Fire rains from the sky on our Efw army! 0 troops burned to death."

    this is a tricky scout to kill, despite your awesome magical ability...

  • 04:26:51 Nov 25th 07 - Sir Archias:

    stop acting like you had a motive for casting worthless spells on my 4 axemen scout when you obviously either have a bug that only effects you :(, or more likely you just have no idea how it works...

    either way I believe my point was made

    05:42:21 Nov 25th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia:


    10:40:28 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Amuun:

    man archias u rude

    * slaps archias

    14:41:10 Nov 25th 07 - Sir Archias:

    knocks amauauauuaua out...

    I'm merely responding to her(?) in the same way she adressed those in my KD...

    14:55:49 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Opium II:

    two wongs don't make a white lol.....sorry bad joke made by a racist australian

    15:15:43 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

    thats wat happens wen u all convicts...jkjkjkjk

    07:16:48 Nov 29th 07 - Ms. Rhiannia: say i responded to those in your kd rudely...please show me where that might be. i dont believe i have behaved in a wrong way towards anyone, but if anyone can show me that i have, i will be most happy to aim isnt to be rude, but to point out certain facts, which is why i started this thread in the first place. i have been forced to defend myself against these threads. i think this is silly, since i havent asked ofr anyones opinions, i simply wanted to warn those who might be interested of certain peoples tendancy towards treachery.

    17:52:39 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

    that last bit sums it up pretty good

    01:05:00 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Opium II:

    not all of us were convicts....some were soldiers but they were probably just as bad

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