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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Era of Mzzery

Zetamania Era of Mzzery
22:39:56 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Kayn:

HIV changed the banner cause it was the only thing I felt I could do when I was "dropped" for not talking enough. I guess it sounds a little stupid by my part for making them change the banner, but I made it, and when you get "dropped" by guys you played with for awhile makes you do stupid things.

WTF HIV? Really...

23:27:47 Jan 2nd 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

I am truly sorry you got banned Hanky. It kind of killed the war. We never asked for you to be banned and we never wanted you to be. Totally prefer to fight the game in the game and not relying on outside stupid factors such as dumb bans.

07:25:15 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Kaze:

you clearly accepted someone that had no intention of defending himself....rather he was out to attack as soon as he left...and the logs of attacks on our members is proof also the movement of his armies which are still offensive....and therefore no matter how you or anyone else phrases monstersityman.....he is a TRAITOR and always will be because of what he did this era...and maybe monsterosity man doesnt but half of his leaders have been missing the last couple of days cause this multi sweep thing is fucking us over......we havnt even got bling back and hankys just back.....and whats he got to command a bunch of demoralised lot...who were all happy last era lol...either way congragulations on the win hot inactive veterans...and more so i will fight till the death :)

all i have to say to that is.. 'don't multi, problem solved.'

09:25:22 Jan 3rd 10 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:

the reason im back is i didnt multi...if i did i wouldnt be back on this game...and im still kicking enough to kill you nublet!

09:26:09 Jan 3rd 10 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:

stop trying to protect survivors probs could be him

12:48:48 Jan 3rd 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Hanky doesn't care he was too busy serving me alcohol last night, i had a purples drink that tasted like paint thinner!

12:57:23 Jan 3rd 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

Kaze, all I have to say to that is "don't except traitors, problem solved."

14:11:38 Jan 3rd 10 - Lady Boobson:

Maybe it was Stirlin. He was trying to kill you off.

04:50:03 Jan 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Still he has a point and you know its really saying something when a "Traitor" joins another kingdoms ranks and there isnt any problems there.

I have done it with multiple people and the outcome has always been the same. They find their loyalty. That must say something about the kingdoms that they came from.

There are too many uptight kingdoms in this game that demand too much and overall dont make their members feel welcome. That is why my kingdom is organized he way it is.

06:36:37 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

I'm glad I'm in a KD such as this, and please refrain from stooping to a 10 year old's insults 'Chow Yun Fat'.

07:09:24 Jan 4th 10 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:

wooow i have been in many many top pulse and hollywood felt there new players more welcome then any other due to the fact that half of the kd where enthusiatic nubs and...kaze u just called me fat :P

i dont think our kingdom demands much from our members when the vices are in a pickle and they are in an oop war in which jumping boat wouldnt save them

07:30:03 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

This dumb is bull stupid.

11:08:29 Jan 4th 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

Still he has a point and you know its really saying something when a "Traitor" joins another kingdoms ranks and there isnt any problems there.

...its really saying something when he's left your kingdom aswell. You were stupid as hell to accept him in the first place.

11:22:54 Jan 4th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Honestly. You have no idea what conditions he left Uther KD on. I can think of several ways it could have happened that wouldnt be the same of what happened with No Pulse. You know what happened when he left your kd, but imo you are drawing your pistols to fast on Uther KDs internal affairs. Just maybe Uther actually got things under controll and is handling the situation the way it should be handled. I dont know, nor do i care. In the end things will be solved on a diplomatic lvl and not on the boards anyways. Maybe time to let it rest so you guys can focus on getting killed in peace instead.

12:56:26 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Shadow:

 "You were stupid as hell to accept him in the first place."

insults like that just show how you take it personally instead of keeping it just a game. will any of this matter a month and a half from now? no. is it ruining your non VU life? maybe, but probably not.

13:29:09 Jan 4th 10 - King Dragon of Wrath:

Topic change... Zetamania update for all outsiders who are interested.

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans32Sir Binh The Elven War388
Gladiators16Mr. Gladiatorul140
The Federation13Lord Uther Pendragon105
Brethren Forever18King Dragon of Wrath100
Bear Machines6Mr. Bear Banger17
Planet Hollywood8Mr. Bruce Willis11

Zeta relations update:

HIV+Gladiator+Federation attacked and destroyed Planet Hollywood which was more or less leaderless OOP. 
Brethren Forever is at war with HIV. 
Federation is looking to vulture some easy spoils of war and is attacking Brethren Forever. 
Gladiator is currently not attacking anyone as far as I know
Bear Machines are enjoying themselves and are eating up a few Monkey cities in their part of the world.

So the current kingdoms at war is as follows:

Hot Inactive Veterans32Sir Binh The Elven War388
The Federation13Lord Uther Pendragon105
Brethren Forever18 (9 playing this era)King Dragon of Wrath100

The big question now is if Federation and HIV will be happy with 5vs1 odds or if they will call on more allies to aid them. Does HIV have any more favors to call in from Fate perhaps? ;)
On a more serious note:

Good luck HIV. It seems it is our destiny to OOP war. You learned your lesson well last Era and instead of picking a fight with everyone at once you now turn the kingdoms on your world against each other to secure your powerbase. Not as bold as last era of course but a lot smarter without a doubth.

Shame Federation, you silently attack a former ally. Like hyenas lurk in the outskirts of lions, you lurk in the outskirts of HIV hoping to have some leftovers of their meal. 

14:14:25 Jan 4th 10 - Lady Boobson:

I will not speak about the war with NP, but you say we learnt our lesson from last era. What did we have to learn? We were proving a point that we can handle the amount of people we fought against, which we did.


Unfortunately, nobody thinks to appreciate the people who do these acts, only appreciate the people who had the victories against us.

15:24:36 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

King Dragon of Wrath


06:29:09 Jan 4th 10

Topic change... Zetamania update for all outsiders who are interested.

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans32Sir Binh The Elven War388
Gladiators16Mr. Gladiatorul140
The Federation13Lord Uther Pendragon105
Brethren Forever18King Dragon of Wrath100
Bear Machines6Mr. Bear Banger17
Planet Hollywood8Mr. Bruce Willis11

Zeta relations update:

HIV+Gladiator+Federation attacked and destroyed Planet Hollywood which was more or less leaderless OOP. 
Brethren Forever is at war with HIV. 
Federation is looking to vulture some easy spoils of war and is attacking Brethren Forever. 
Gladiator is currently not attacking anyone as far as I know
Bear Machines are enjoying themselves and are eating up a few Monkey cities in their part of the world.

So the current kingdoms at war is as follows:

Hot Inactive Veterans32Sir Binh The Elven War388
The Federation13Lord Uther Pendragon105
Brethren Forever18 (9 playing this era)King Dragon of Wrath100

The big question now is if Federation and HIV will be happy with 5vs1 odds or if they will call on more allies to aid them. Does HIV have any more favors to call in from Fate perhaps? ;)
On a more serious note:

Good luck HIV. It seems it is our destiny to OOP war. You learned your lesson well last Era and instead of picking a fight with everyone at once you now turn the kingdoms on your world against each other to secure your powerbase. Not as bold as last era of course but a lot smarter without a doubth.

Shame Federation, you silently attack a former ally. Like hyenas lurk in the outskirts of lions, you lurk in the outskirts of HIV hoping to have some leftovers of their meal.


Why didn't this come up before when you were planning on 'gang-banging' HIV? It was (according) to you guys, Planet Hollywood and Brethren Forever (You) vs HIV as you didn't want to fight us. So I ask, why the sudden change of heart?

16:51:35 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Smac Ballsack:

i texted blinb my acc details to login and freeze qassim and do what was needed for the first time ever - i so picked the wrong day then we was both banned

> That is what they call cheating ... so yes! Banning was in place!

17:17:05 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Qassim:

Brethern you have maybe 3-4 people from Hiv attacking you atm. and 3-4 people from federation attacking, so 5v1 odds my balls

dont flatter yourselves we didnt ask federation for relations so that we get help killing you, im sure our current members attacking are more then enough :D we did it so as to avoid you all gang banging us again

18:37:08 Jan 4th 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

we did it so as to avoid you all gang banging us again

Rather us than you huh? :P

18:56:39 Jan 4th 10 - King Dragon of Wrath:

@kaze : gangbang? keep your sexual fantasies out of the forum thread. Thanks!

Hollywood + Brethren were weaker in total power than HIV so the odds would have been even and none of us hid our intentions. In fact I PM'ed and told both Fed and Gladi of our plans to war HIV. 

@Qassim : When HIV does not attack Federation but instead make deals about who gets which cities from Hollywood you are in truth working together as allies despite not having any written agreement. Same thing when both of your kingdoms attack us while leaving each other alone.
Now last era was last era and HIV picked a fight with every enemy themselves so its hardly a valid argument.

19:31:15 Jan 4th 10 - Lord Adelbert:

Last era is a justification for us to gangbang, backstab, townswap and deceit no pulse and their little minions.
Yet we don't...

I'll agree to the fact that in theory brethren and hollywood had their odds against them. However, if not for the inconvenient ban of its leadership, the fight would have been slightly more difficult to say the least.

As for brethren, they are at this moment outnumbered badly. But that is offcourse because of the fact that is the undoing of hollywood.
I apologise for the inconvenience of ending this faster than expected, really i do. Because i'd like nothing more than a hard and long fight tearing down your spirit, aswell as your earthly posessions.
It'd be only right, fair or justice if you will.

However, we will settle with this alternative. And eventhough it hurts for me to say, Khain you've done well under the circumstances. Being new and all, you're actually recognized by your enemies. You have the will to do well, and i'm sure that in time you really will do just that.

If lesson of last era was not to offer our enemies a fair shot, than it was a lesson we did not want to learn. Eventhough we felt that we gave you a fair shot as the situation presented itself oop.

Last, remember that it isn't over until it's really over Khain :p I'm sure things are still open for change in the division of power. So save your dignity, and don't call out names just yet =)

19:33:29 Jan 4th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Can we all grow up? Shit. It's like every just jumped aboard the waaahmobile and now you're all just standing around with your thumbs up your arses. Why don't we all just let our in game actions do the talking, huh?

19:55:54 Jan 4th 10 - Lord Adelbert:

As always Sable, however to express oneself in terms of words is a virtue. One that if done right can be put in equal terms of your efforts in battle.
It is indeed a big part of this game, in addition to being a founding principle of western society. The pen being mightier than the sword.

19:59:09 Jan 4th 10 - Warchief Yurnero:

hah bert... f@g!

20:40:11 Jan 4th 10 - King Dragon of Wrath:

*nods in recognition of Adelberts words*

Well spoken Adelbert, you have a way with words when you make the effort to present them with wisdom. I to am saddened by the fact that Hollywood lost their leadership and the battle was over before it could begin, for we were looking forward to the rematch with great anticipation. Now it seems this will not be the case and once more we are forced on the defensive but no matter, we shall soon meet on the fields of battle. Until we do, I bid thee farewell.
Oh! one more thing, its Dragon.. the one and only Dragon, I would have thought you knew that by now ;)
*nods in Adelberts direction before leaving the room*

23:00:59 Jan 4th 10 - Master Windu:


lol yeah enough of this chit-chat. WAR!!!!!!!!!

06:30:21 Jan 5th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


Dragon we are attacking you because last era you gave us false intel to pull us away from our primary objective (No Pulse) to fight Fate.

Strategically it was smart of you but i do not appreciate being used. I have multiple friends in Fate and all of them said there was no intention to even enter Nirvana last era.

If you wanted our assistance then you should have never sided with the vileness of No Pulse/Hollywood/Pokemon? (lol)

Also i agree about too much talk and not enough walk going on here. I just redownloaded the map pack because my screen was glitching and i somehow wound up prepping on a different city then i had originally ordered.

: /

Dragon i enjoy talking to you for you (for the most part) are fun to talk with. I just cannot bring my self to alliance with you as long as you stand along side of such vermin.

also there is no takling or agreements as to who is getting which cities in our wars. We are just all out attacking and who gets a city keeps that city. MAP's are against my VU religion!


16:54:16 Jan 5th 10 - King Dragon of Wrath:

Uther I hear you accuse me of lies... I spit at your feet for such an insult and shake my head in disbelief that you never confronted me with this if it was a truthful concern. If you had wished to resolve the situation and get to the truth of the matter you could simply have contacted me or the Queen and you know this is true. Clearly you have listened to the snaketounges in your kingdom and allowed yourself to be swayed into acting and then searched to find an argument to justify it later. I see the truth of the matter and you do too if you search your heart. Still you have made your choice now and the lines have been drawn. There is always a price to pay and you will pay yours.. 
Now enough chattering, I shall let my swordarm do the talking from now on so that everything I say is as clearcut as a gaping wound

the one and only

18:40:18 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

You can't call yourself righteous nor truthful, Dragon. What happened last era marked you as scum in my eyes. I will get you back for every last piece of land you took from me while you muttered nothing but pointless chatter convincing me that you were 'friends' that could be trusted. For that, I not only spit back at your feet, but at your face.

-The Kaze's coming.

22:30:04 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Hooray for RP flaming?

04:29:07 Jan 6th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

   This can be expected from you to defend yourself like so with silver tongued speech and with charismatic lies like the ones you teach to your kingdom. There is no room in my world for any friend of the scum i call No Pulse and there is no room for liars. I do not fear your or you men for it is not the army of lions led by a sheep that i fear, but the army of sheep lead by a lion.

The Federation is a gentle kingdom but because of your actions we have marked you as an enemy and every since you disgraced us you have woken us and we will rain suffering and pain down across your lands. You rhetoric and charisma will not save you from our vengeance Dragon King, and soon there will be no more Dragons in this land for the one and only dragon will lay lifeless at my feet and its empire will crumble to my will.

WarChief Pendragon of The Federation

04:39:02 Jan 6th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

The only flaming was me calling him a sheep!


04:39:32 Jan 6th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

This is all a part of the game because if you want to war someone you have to create the passion. ^_^

07:07:08 Jan 6th 10 - Lord Adelbert:

Why should you justify formal rhetoric used in public?
I agree to rp with characterizing walking into a room bending on knees etc is a tad much, but being formal on the boards beats the smily icons and "you suck fuckface" language which seems to dominate these boards lately.

No offense

10:13:02 Jan 6th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

Because direct flaming is boring :P

12:14:58 Jan 6th 10 - Mr. Smac Ballsack:

you suck

13:12:56 Jan 6th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:


19:56:42 Jan 6th 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

I am not aware of whether the kingdoms of Brethren and The Federation had any relations last era or not. From what you have said, you did and you feel that Brethren did not honour that agreement. Though, as I have previously said I cannot say that those claims are false from my own knowledge of what occured, I can say I do not believe Dragon would allow such a thing to happen. If it did happen, I would expect him to be open about the matter and to try and resolve it. As he denies these claims I side with him. Not because our two kingdoms are allies, but because from getting to know Dragon I would not say that he would do such a thing. Also, the way The Federation has acted thus far has not inspired my trust in them.

21:41:58 Jan 6th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Dont mind them they are merely doing what you said RP flaming is better than. I like it more and why more people cant do it idk. You are right though the STFU N()()B gets old fast.

21:41:19 Jan 7th 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

Aside to the current topic of conversation:

Has anyone been affected by incoming kingdoms since the worlds opened up? I see cities being taken by RVL in the north, and some BoW cities in the south which I believe were also taken over, not simply built there when the worlds became open.

22:01:14 Jan 7th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

RP Flaming?!?  That is uther ridiculous!

00:02:00 Jan 8th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

It really is. Uther Nonsense returns?? OMGAH Uther, you should totally change your name to Uther Nonsense next era!!!!!

00:08:58 Jan 8th 10 - Mr. And Ezzington:

Uther Penisdragon

01:15:37 Jan 8th 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

a peaceful explorer/spanker on her way to being a voyeur instead slowly makes the trek thru the wilds of Zetamania

stopping briefly to smell the roses, awaits a pleasant surprise

OMG, who is the spanker :)


16:05:59 All troops in Northern Explorer have died!
16:05:59 Northern Explorer lost a battle against Peace Dragon from King Dragon of Wrath. We lost 1 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers and 0 Archmages and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

01:52:09 Jan 8th 10 - Master Windu:

Mr. And Ezzington


18:08:58 Jan 7th 10
Uther Penisdragon


Very much uncalled for.

07:28:29 Jan 8th 10 - Lord Adelbert:

The remark of ez is actually perfection of his genre, and as one of few he actually is rather humorous =)
I'm sorry, but pendragon -> penisdragon, i can't help it ;D

I still prefer Uther's alternative for the omg wtf lol noob version by principle.

08:42:49 Jan 8th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Alright let me break this down for you...

The name Pendragon

Breaks apart


Dragon is self explanitory and needs no explanation but Pen is the celtic word for Chief and over time instead of the name meaning Chief Dragon it changed to just Pendragon as a full name. So penisdragon is in no way or form relevant anymore because Pen is an Adj to Dragon where as the word Penis is a noun so now your insult is out of context from the original name and does not make sense. If you wish to insult the name properly then the prefix of the name needs to be an adj for that is the only thing that will make sense. Other wise you are doing what any 12 year old can do.


Ezz peniston

see i can do it too!


08:43:01 Jan 8th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

damnit i went on a rant again

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