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Forums / In game politics / starta era of magneto

starta era of magneto
03:34:04 Jul 25th 09 - Mr. Barimtaeus XII:

lmao it was Lost Souls

03:49:49 Jul 25th 09 - Mr. Pieguy:

lolz, srry i dont keep track of new KD's lol

04:02:58 Jul 25th 09 - Duchess Jasmina:

So many people killed... Must be so interesting in Starta! I wish I was there!

Good luck everyone!


Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Ryan The Archion II has won 2 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 14041 men and women.
  2. Ms. Bluelight has won 1 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 12026 men and women.
  3. Mr. Stu has won 1 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 2837 men and women.
  4. Mr. Deadordying has won 2 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 4967 men and women.
  5. Mr. Barimtaeus XII has won 0 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 1717 men and women.
  6. Mr. Kobra has won 0 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 4210 men and women.
  7. Mr. Nate River has won 1 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 1931 men and women.


(I changed it a bit, took out the ones that did not kill many enemies)

07:38:52 Jul 26th 09 - Duke Kev The Humble:

It is a bit 'chilly' here.  :)

07:40:51 Jul 26th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Where are you Kev? I can come and warm you up a bit...

14:56:45 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Zaheir of The Risen:

LS is Lost Souls, previously known as Tupac.

15:16:27 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Heroix:

Thousands of Gaia.

13:17:53 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Arthas:

Starta is hectic right now.. you don't want to be here xD

13:25:33 Jul 27th 09 - Duchess Jasmina:

Give us an update, whats new there? :D You guys are having loads of fun there I can see already :D

14:29:05 Jul 27th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

In Starta we have good time.  looks like fate will be invading soon.  I see a little rebirth scout.  I say more but you know how it goes.  all hush hush unless we are NAPed or something.

15:15:23 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

Rebirth will hunt us soon, that's for sure. The situation is a complete opposite like last era. I hope Rebirth can get the spoils before the Starta Alliance made a decisive win.

16:16:54 Jul 27th 09 - Duchess Jasmina:

Oh so you're saying Crazy and LD are winning against MAD?
So you're not so good as people say...

16:42:00 Jul 27th 09 - Sir Overcome:

they are good, Jasmina=)

and time will show Aloy;)

17:09:53 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

They are not winning. Its pretty stale to say the least. The battlefield is still inside the Tupac/LostSouls warspoils. Both sides' army reserves are still reserves. :)

17:20:57 Jul 27th 09 - Duchess Jasmina:

So why do you mention the army alliance taking the win?
Don't think negative :) You're good I know, I have fought against your Kd and lost badly :D 
So just dont give up, fight till the last woman (or man) :)

17:23:28 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

We will not surrender or lose hope. It's just that we want Rebirth to hunt us very soon. LOL!

17:35:42 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Vangard:

Lets hope that Fantasia doesn't come and ruin the fun :)

17:39:06 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

I wonder what's the Starta Alliance 2nd target aside us. :)

18:03:35 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Brain:

2nd target? Naw, we all think it would be better to just farm the rest the era after were done with Mad :)

18:16:50 Jul 27th 09 - Ms. Bluelight:

@ jasmina

  1. Ms. Bluelight has won 8 battles, captured 14 cities and killed a total of 42342 men and women.
  2. Mr. Hamish has won 2 battles, captured 9 cities and killed a total of 2445 men and women.
  3. Mr. Nate River has won 3 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 26227 men and women.
  4. Mr. Ryan The Archion II has won 4 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 18342 men and women.
  5. Mr. Deadordying has won 6 battles, captured 5 cities and killed a total of 11152 men and women.
as you can see, we are killing more men than the alliance. however they are just too many. ;-) so for me the battle is in a stalemate. we still have the HoH armies but they are also getting stronger. all i can say is that we enjoy this era.

18:32:02 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Aloysius might get his kd to win if he stops training Gaia. 8k of the buggers in one army. Its like target practice pretty much

18:49:07 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Pieguy:

you guys are lucky im on mantrax lol

18:52:43 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

Nah.. Gaias are there for your mages to burn towers. I can train 10k in 5ticks.


18:53:42 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Justin:

lol still not even close enough

19:01:58 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Edd:

Mr. Aloysius


13:52:43 Jul 27th 09
Nah.. Gaias are there for your mages to burn towers. I can train 10k in 5ticks.

 we won't use towers if they r just gais we EITS them first duh

19:09:20 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

If you guys wont use towers... how did I get frozen always. :(

23:10:59 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Edd:

cause we r magical

01:20:21 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Pieguy:

and we are awesome

02:08:02 Jul 28th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

actually I'd like to NAP MAD myself.  I really like them.  And I want to fight Rebirth.  But i'm taking my meds and waitin to the negotiators to sort through things.  I think MAD should be left alone and they can wipe rebirth out again.  then the rest of us can fight FATE.  That would be my plan.  and I'd NAP DE too.  they were good to us last era.

anyway we will see how that all goes.  We are just waiting for someone else to attack so we can CF MAD and let them rebuild like BOOM did last era. 

02:24:48 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Pieguy:

LD naped Rebirth so no help for you crazy lol

08:36:00 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Overcome:

well thats incorrecet Pieguy;)

we were going to, but then we got a NAP offer from PKS instead

08:39:10 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Yep and now Rebirth is prepping on our cities

08:43:00 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

Poor you, you must feel Horrible.

08:51:01 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Justin:

lol not at all cuz the scouts didnt last that long.

08:54:42 Jul 28th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

Why feel horrible

we always like a bit of sneaky intrigue

11:00:15 Jul 28th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Mr. Aloysius


16:39:06 Jul 27th 09
I wonder what's the Starta Alliance 2nd target aside us. :)

Me! And i will kill them all!!! :)

Also who is in this Starta Alliance? Is it just LD and CRAZY? Cause my 100 swordsmen could take them down alone :P

11:14:49 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

Crazy, LD, and ROC...are the Starta Alliance :)

11:28:51 Jul 28th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Damn now i need 200 swords :( :P

11:42:37 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

Gonna need 200k swords against their thousands hobs?

12:08:35 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Pure:

Tell yuo what be funny is someone trains lvl1 for a whole era and is like a late attacker :O gaia FTW

12:21:42 Jul 28th 09 - Chancellor Mcfeast Deluxe:

Through the eye we can see this information about The Kitten II from Mr. Valakar[LD]:
Kitten II from Mr. Valakar

Through the eye we can see this information about The Kitten from Mr. Valakar[LD]:
Kitten from Mr. Valakar

You mean like that, from last era? :)

12:52:06 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

are you ademo?

13:48:37 Jul 28th 09 - Chancellor Mcfeast Deluxe:


14:44:29 Jul 28th 09 - Ms. Lilly Telvanus II:

Valakar... Let's just say he was a special child. It was also his first era and he was too cool for advice and forums. -sigh-

15:25:01 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

let me guess, he was 11? or was he 12?

15:27:24 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

too young to sniff some weeds ^^

17:15:33 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Always happens to those poor lads............................................

17:32:29 Jul 28th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Im a special child too :)

18:13:01 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Pieguy:


00:36:00 Jul 28th 09
well thats incorrecet Pieguy;)

we were going to, but then we got a NAP offer from PKS instead



19:04:19 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

Pieguy, wake up, you're daydreaming

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