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Forums / In game politics / ~Fantasia Wars Era of Messiah~

~Fantasia Wars Era of Messiah~
23:16:21 Feb 2nd 09 - Hentai Enema:

Be quiet, penis.

23:17:03 Feb 2nd 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

Be quiet, penis.

Words I never want to hear again :x

23:20:17 Feb 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

I am astounded that 2 people in this thread acknowledge my existence. I recognize them both but I never considered myself to do anything too noteworthy, I always play very well and to the best of my abilities, but that still rarely gets a lot of amazing players I've seen recognized; so thank you you two!

Yes, the kingdom I am in is the best and will dominate. No point in being modest about it ;)

Also, this game has changed so much that you essentially only need a few active merge leaders, some mages to make blockers and be active, and the rest of the guys to fill them all.

04:22:01 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Prewett The Unreliable:

Go Heaven!


06:10:42 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Justin:

Barny i know you. Your a cool guy. Great ally to. Awww man Elements again!!!!!

07:22:07 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Jet:

Mr. Cbr


2/3/2009 6:09:38 AMThis entire thread gives me a serious headache.

Giving me a hardon. rawr

10:22:16 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Barny:

So, does anyone care to list the coordinates of where their kd started? You know, for Tornado safety. It's standard procedure and I need your cooperation.

12:37:04 Feb 3rd 09 - Sir Magnetassium:

Can anyone explain to me why Roxbury keeps building a city named Fortress Solitu... He must have noticed by now Fortress Solitude does not fit?

Barny: we're near the river and the mountains and the trees.

12:46:06 Feb 3rd 09 - Sir Metal:

I do not know Roxbury's reasons, but I would hazard a guess that one of them is for the sheer intimidation factor :P

I mean, the moment you see any city named Fortress Solitu, whether by sight or on the HoH, you immediately know that Roxbury is around, active and on the prowl.... That in itself, is enough to keep you on your toes, and make you extremely wary and cautious :)

17:38:20 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

Seems like Swedish Chef always builds one that doesn't fit, something about martinis.

23:08:02 Feb 3rd 09 - Sir Bane:

Yea this thread will have nothing good on it till OOP wars start up.


06:00:26 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Why wage war, when we can wage love?

06:03:51 Feb 4th 09 - Endless Delight:

Mr. Barny


2/3/2009 9:00:26 PM
Why wage war, when we can wage love?

Cause you're so much fun at waging war? ^_^
just stopped by to wave at ya

07:03:20 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Sloth:

love can be had for wages it is true

10:28:17 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Roheran:





10:32:11 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Overcome:



 Ret and  Fate

11:43:57 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Roheran:

@ Overcome... nasty!!

11:55:51 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

yeah, i think we would have had a great chance of beating one of them, but 2 is a little bit optimistic:P

11:56:33 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Magnetassium:

Sir Magnetassium


SASsoliders of axemen strenth

I'm coming for you! :)

12:42:22 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Mr Ignis


Kingdom Banner 

lets have some fun


13:29:43 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Slade:

Sir Roheran


2/4/2009 12:28:17 PM






And who is wininng

13:47:06 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Metal:




Revelation is kicking Element butt due to sheer inactivity of Elements players. Nothing much can be done when one's kingdom is in 'taking a break' mode after 3 successful but extremely intensive eras, eh :)

14:38:58 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Slade:


14:46:39 Feb 4th 09 - Lady Air:

I thought I told you we where gona WAR evryone? Though RoC Eph. are cute so I'm freindly with them two.

FateFoundationFARMING mines me



15:39:30 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Slade:

yay.. Vengence is fighting back... its going to be fun :D

15:57:49 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Jet:

Thank goodness elements are 'taking a break'!
Lucky for all the rest of us.

16:08:54 Feb 4th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Oh my, what a coincidence. They're in trouble, so now they're not only "taking a break", but they're fighting everyone!

16:49:08 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Metal:

Told you chaps from the very start we wanted to take a break :) I even launched a tirade against Zeta in the Suggestions forums because we were not allowed to start on Mantraxt.... unfortunately, he very protectively deleted my thread :P

But what can I say.... we have had 3 successful eras :) This era was meant for us to relax, and get the jadedness out of our system. So if we die this era, it will give us a break to recharge our batteries :P (and hopefully, I can seduce the mighty Penguin back into our fold :P)

17:11:10 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

  Seriously, our leader did try to get us to start on Mantrax or Zetamania this era. All our vices were tired, and a lot of our key players as well.

  But we're not dead yet mofos.

18:11:04 Feb 4th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I understand. Trust me, I know more about 'taking a break' than most. :x

18:14:08 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Sea:

Mr. Ignis


2/4/2009 7:42:22 PM

Mr Ignis


Kingdom Banner 

lets have some fun

 Ignis as in PHI Ignis?

18:18:31 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Ignis:


19:06:08 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy:

it was Ingo?

20:58:13 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Phosphorus:

Fights not over yet I guess
But hey, having an era off would be a good thing

Stress for TBL must be intense ;D
Though saying that, Imp and the rest including me wanted a break

And guess what? Naw
Why would Zeta do that, he wouldnt would he?

06:18:23 Feb 5th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy:

he just spawns everyone in one place that people would buy BTs and he would get Moneyzz :)

06:28:56 Feb 5th 09 - Sir Bane:

"and hopefully, I can seduce the mighty Penguin back into our fold"

some might say that was a questionable choice of words. :)



09:44:36 Feb 5th 09 - Sir Fords Boner:

Like me, I would say that.

That was a questionable choice of words.

10:10:43 Feb 5th 09 - Sir Metal:

Don't you guys think it could have been.... deliberate? :P

13:46:00 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Oxygen:

Mielo refused my magnificant offer and I feel this will be the downfall of Revelation. I offered him an amazing $1 to leave me alone and let me live. Sadly he does not understand how powerful $1 can make a man. It can make you as rich as a king and can purchase all that you desire. But nooooo he killed me, so now i kept the $1 and now i am rich like king. He is so jealous. I can tell... i just can.

With this $1 I now can hire my last 2 remaining scouts to sneak into his cities in the dead of night and kill all his peasants one by one night after night, with their mighty stick weapons untill I reclaim victory over the viscious enemy.


13:49:45 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Oxygen:


16:30:57 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Ignis:


19:14:36 Feb 5th 09 - Prince Mielo:

you don't want me to use my mighty stick weapon in the dead of the night :)

19:20:08 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Helium:

My Mielxbury town got taken :(

00:47:38 Feb 6th 09 - Endless Delight:

Mr. Barny tried to kill my scout :(

07:41:26 Feb 6th 09 - Ms. Zlobarkata:

Ignis Kill

Kingdom Banner



22:16:38 Feb 6th 09 - Sir Magnetassium:

Metal: Sir Metal has won 75 battles, captured 47 cities and killed a total of 33626 men and women.


Velocity & Revelation

^^ TBL going nuts, too bad he has not much of a kingdom to back him up.

22:28:45 Feb 6th 09 - Mr. Phosphorus:

We suckzor

22:31:53 Feb 6th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy:

we sukcz more but not as much as phosphorus

22:32:34 Feb 6th 09 - Sir Metal:

Penguin! <3

Gonna miss you :(

22:57:43 Feb 6th 09 - Lady Air:

Ah Sir Metal atleast you got his mine to hold on to! It will help you remember your beloved penguin.

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