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The Recruitment Centre
22:41:09 Mar 22nd 22 - Venus (Mr. Sorcerer):

Looking to join a world restarting soon as a halfling mage, have previous experience but been awhile.

23:06:52 Mar 22nd 22 - Endless (Lady Artemisiaiofcaria):

You planning on not going inactive? 

00:03:10 Mar 23rd 22 - Venus (Mr. Sorcerer):

Shouldn't be any issues with activity, last time I played I had back to back deaths in the family then ended up moving, but I should be good now.

And prefer mage, as i won't have the activity level to play an all out attacker. :)

00:40:35 Mar 23rd 22 - Endless (Lady Artemisiaiofcaria):

sorry for your loss, was hoping it wasn’t something like that

Sins on Fant is recruiting and maybe Alba on Valhalla? haven’t heard about other kingdoms but can’t hurt to ask around, you’ll probably want to keep an eye on the worlds for when they restart or talk to the peeps on discord for eta on those worlds

01:25:30 Mar 23rd 22 - Venus (Mr. Sorcerer):

Thank you, appreciate that.

Probably join whichever world restarts first, I got lots of free time this weekend if one does by then to get a good jump.

02:08:21 Mar 23rd 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

Hey hello hi,
Elysium on Val is open to new people, trying to facilitate either teaching new people or getting returning players back up to speed. I'll admit that most Val KDs are open to newer people though.

On Fant, joining Sins would prob help out the most in terms of balancing out the world, though similarly to Elysium, Imperium's led by Konstant who gets a hard-on from teaching people, lets you focus on your personal gameplay without worrying about strategy stuff, which is a good way to learn stuff again. Would be my personal recommendation despite me not being in it next era.

Mant is hard to tell, doubt there's any obviously good KD's to join atm? Could always pm Fred to see if he wants to have a go at 2-manning stuff though, he's a good guy and currently playing alone

02:13:01 Mar 23rd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

While Jasper might be a tad bit overstating my teaching, I do think Elysium could be a good choice for you.

Of all the worlds I anticipate Val to end the first, and Elysium is a KD specifically for new players and returning players to get back into the swing of things.

You would also have access to the wise teachings of Percy the Mage Extraordinaire. So that's a nice bonus too =)

02:14:55 Mar 23rd 22 - Venus (Mr. Sorcerer):

I like the idea of helping new players and balancing a world, I'll likely only be able to dedicate to 1 world though.

So if he's leading both, then whichever he needs a mage in.  From reading forum, it looks like both are ending soon.

Oh looks like he posted while I typed that.

Valhalla would be a good choice then, i remember Fantasia being the more hardcore world.

02:44:18 Mar 23rd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Theseus of Athens):

Yea, Val is a much more chill world and just great to get back into the swing of things.

Send an app whenever =)

06:37:48 Mar 23rd 22 - Lady Jasmina:

Any kingdom in Valhalla is good to join, bunch of great groups of people there.

Unlike what its told here, Mantrax has few good options to join
FW - arguably the best kingdom in the game, good place to join bunch of vets to help you improve your game
QM - newer kingdom, welcome to join, you would have a question mark on your armies and look like you don't know what you're doing, always questioning yourself
RoC - several great players here that could help you learn if you prefer a smaller kingdom
Riven - fairly small still but has few cool people, easy going atmosphere

11:07:47 Mar 23rd 22 - Lord Caedus:

Albatross on Valhalla would welcome all new and returning players :) 

16:12:50 Mar 23rd 22 - Venus (Mr. Wizard):

I sent an app to Elysium, still waiting on acceptance.

Seems like they're the underdog on Valhalla, hopefully I can help change that next age. :)

16:28:25 Mar 23rd 22 - HorusPanic (Darth Panic):

i would really like at least one world to restart pls

16:36:22 Mar 23rd 22 - Lord Caedus:

Well I would suggest Albatross are the current underdogs - a lot of players are taking a break or have left to help form more kingdoms, making Mantrax a more pumping map! 

Feel free to withdraw your application and join us - I'm sure Konstant won't mind ;) 

19:38:49 Mar 23rd 22 - Jarl Eivor:

Join Alba! 

19:15:56 May 12th 22 - al (Ms. al Bion):

Next era on Fant... anyone recruiting or starting up a new kingdom I could join?

19:36:32 May 16th 22 - HorusPanic (Mr. Bill Gates):

Recruiting on Mant


Kingdom Banner

Name: Microsoft
Members: 1
Created: 5/16/2022 7:25:32 PM
Leader: Mr. Bill Gates

21:58:45 Jun 7th 22 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus):

seriously inquiries that want to dominate Valhalla only

The Syndicate

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Syndicate
Members: 5
Created: 6/7/2022 5:54:53 PM
Leader: Sir Horus

Compare kingdom


We are strong, independent leaders, but together we join for our common interest: conquering Valhalla

14:28:33 Jun 8th 22 - Marquess Whoop:

Raven on Valhalla is recruiting one player (we prefer newer players). Anyone who is interested can apply.

14:53:04 Jun 9th 22 - al (Mr. Old):

anybody else recruiting on Mant?

16:34:07 Jun 9th 22 - Ms. Elle Raven:

QM is always taking in new members
But we are weird bunch
If we see cheating we might give up lol
But we take in new members :)

17:24:31 Jun 9th 22 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

We will be playing next era and quite serious

Anyone want a casual Discord not mandatory Kd, join QM

All you other Discord heavy kingdoms suck!

19:54:14 Jun 9th 22 - Venomz (High Warlord Sporadikos):

I've got a limited amount of days left before I go on vacation, but I'm sure that would be no issue for QM as it should line-up with the day the kingdom surrenders.

21:07:05 Jun 9th 22 - Mr. Ghostfaces:

Oh thats a nice burn

Not sure if I can recover

00:29:52 Jun 13th 22 - Emperor (Emperor Carbon):

I think i may return for a few eras if anyone needs a active person 

00:35:05 Jun 13th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Moffering):

Always have a door open for you on Val!
No comment on Mant/Fant since i don't lead anything there

14:33:31 Aug 30th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Qua):

Troll Tribe is currently recruiting ALL players for Zetamania including other former multi-accounters and 'bad reputation' players


06:06:44 Sep 18th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Recruit me into Illuminati but do so after you all drop/spawn as I have already landed on the map.

03:49:17 Oct 14th 22 - SFD (Duke Hybrid):

If I made a kd next age of mant, dm me if you would be willing to join, kons reign of terror is coming to an end ;p (<3 you kon)

Message me if interested, if nobody messages me it won't happen lol

3. Be active
7. Have dicksword (discord for you npc's)
24. No unofficial alliance. nap, map, cf available with discussion.

06:33:25 Oct 14th 22 - Mr. Ghostfaces:

On a map full of small kingdoms, why make another small one?

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Forgotten Warriors28Senpai Rocketlab222
Suicide Squad3The Ancient Gwyneddian164
Question Mark7Prophet Ellesarius100
Souls Of Abyssal2Mr. Mad Hatter72
Fen Tiger FFA1General Fen Tiger66
Bomba Volante2Mr. Bombastus59
The Grand Duchy of Lithuania2Mr. Don Quixote29
Microsoft1Ms. Melinda Gates21
Erudite5Mr. Troy13

08:53:56 Oct 18th 22 - Lord Caedus:

After all.. why not? Meme Generator - Imgflip

06:25:20 Oct 26th 22 - Ms. Horrible Human:

Looking for a kingdom, Valhalla or Mantrax, small and laid back preferred.

Haven't played in quite awhile, and might need some help relearning things. 

09:59:40 Oct 26th 22 - Lord Caedus:

We are very laid back - currently at the max limit for members. If anyone leaves at the end of the era, I'll let you know.

10:00:11 Oct 26th 22 - Lord Caedus:

If Ducks will have you, some ex-members in there with others - they're a great place and would definately be helpful in relearning.

10:12:08 Oct 26th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

Unfortunately, Ducks is currently not accepting any new members.
Maybe HnS would work? I'm not sure how ENG/Ely will look next era
Alternatively, maybe Horus plans to keep playing in Syndicate? If so then that'd be another good option

10:14:36 Oct 26th 22 - Ms. Horrible Human:

Thank you, it seems like i settled in between your 2 kingdoms on Valhalla, I just wanted a little practice since the era seems almost over?

11:29:19 Oct 26th 22 - Ms. Horrible Human:

What about Mantrax, anyone recruiting there? I see that world is starting soon.

06:39:14 Oct 30th 22 - Mr. Ghostfaces:

You already joined someone it seems

Question Mark is always recruiting new players
We might be less active than some
But we try to have fun playing :-)

07:15:59 Oct 30th 22 - Ms. Horrendous Human:

Mr. Ghostfaces:

You already joined someone it seems

Question Mark is always recruiting new players
We might be less active than some
But we try to have fun playing :-)

Yes, I did when no one replied.  QM isn't near where I dropped anyway. :)

16:23:58 Nov 1st 22 - Random (Duke Random):

Any homies want to play on fant with me?

11:32:27 Nov 5th 22 - Prince Ell:

Four people looking to join a kingdom next era on Fantasia, only requirement is communication is held in forums and discord, not discord only as 2 of them do not use it. And I really do not want to always log in Discord as I am always online in the game. 

No preference what kingdom as long its good people.

00:03:34 Nov 9th 22 - Princess Yasmina:

Looking for a kingdom on Valhalla :) anyone recruiting?

04:31:51 Nov 10th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Thrawn):

I think Horus is with Syndicate

07:34:19 Nov 10th 22 - Random (Duke Random):

Might play on val too :o-

09:25:47 Nov 11th 22 - Lord Caedus:

Yasmina, you'd be welcome to join Alba - we have a space next era. 

09:26:12 Nov 11th 22 - Lord Caedus:

Same goes for you Random. There might be more than one space too. 

18:00:14 Nov 14th 22 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus):

Syndicate is recruiting someone to play mage next era on Valhalla. We'll max out at 4 players, probably 3.

02:21:18 Nov 17th 22 - Mr. Real Insane:

Hi this is Duke Insane, Bringing old school back!  Any peacekeepers or dendarii players out there.  Been like 5 years!!  Come join up

02:21:19 Nov 17th 22 - Mr. Real Insane:

Hi this is Duke Insane, Bringing old school back!  Any peacekeepers or dendarii players out there.  Been like 5 years!!  Come join up

02:21:20 Nov 17th 22 - Mr. Real Insane:

Hi this is Duke Insane, Bringing old school back!  Any peacekeepers or dendarii players out there.  Been like 5 years!!  Come join up

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