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Calling Friends
22:26:03 Jun 17th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

nvm! still got my chat on skype with skinny vinny that has everyone listed Lol :D

23:38:29 Jun 17th 10 - Dr. Evil:

gooo ZZZZZzzzzz

aka bump

05:20:27 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Lol, finally skinny did something useful!  <3 ya ;)

11:55:58 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Will Kellys Husband:

i remember you pieguy! this is palpy from KoH/ LD etc

17:30:57 Jun 18th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

remailing people is a pain when i get on and spend 40 minutes replying t the first and then some reply as i reply to others, its never ending :( lol

23:08:42 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

lol sup palpy :D

08:13:30 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Will Kellys Husband:

19:08:42 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

lol sup palpy :D

who dis?

22:09:29 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:


00:22:04 Jun 20th 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

:) sorry i can be a bit daft at times!

05:09:48 Jun 20th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:


05:16:35 Jun 20th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

woot woot, its coming together

05:23:51 Jun 20th 10 - Dr. Evil:

Great news Z

03:24:36 Jun 21st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

making the banner atm!

04:30:23 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Make it sexy like me.

04:54:35 Jun 21st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

meh idk about green.

red with blood on it is looking gay.. i need ideas fellow friends!

05:39:38 Jun 21st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

maybe this?

06:28:50 Jun 21st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

final one :) lets see who notices wat about it.

08:08:54 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I like it.  Maybe make the words white though.  They should stand out on the map.

08:37:39 Jun 21st 10 - Dr. Evil:

I agree with Arthur.  Last one is great but the letters need to stand out

16:03:50 Jun 21st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

ive got one with letters in green. but it looked funky lol

17:50:31 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Darkentel:

I almost forgot abut this little get together xD Zonder when did you become a laddies man? ;D

17:51:54 Jun 21st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

always been :P some things are best kept secret ;)

20:12:15 Jun 21st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:



20:30:26 Jun 21st 10 - Lord Reddragon Zombie:

Yellow one FTW.! What a nice reunion here! Hi Dent! we only need Braggi.

20:33:36 Jun 21st 10 - Mr. Darkentel:

Definatley yellow :P

20:41:52 Jun 21st 10 - Dr. Evil:

White white white white

20:46:39 Jun 21st 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

endless says white too :P and bragi will be here!!

04:54:55 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Haha, yo Red!  You gonna join us? ;)  And yellow looks cooler but I still think it wont be as easily seen on the map, which is what the goal should be.

06:18:17 Jun 22nd 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

hes being mean and wont join!! and gokken beeing mean and wont kick him and them himself join also! lol

07:33:00 Jun 22nd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Wow I thought you guys were nice :'(

14:58:32 Jun 22nd 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

i know :( but least hes loyal to his kd? lol

22:25:03 Jun 23rd 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

once era is over, need someone to put my name in :))

04:00:52 Jun 24th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I'll do it hoe.

04:31:35 Jun 24th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

seems ur the hoe if ur doing wat i say right :P lol

04:33:18 Jun 24th 10 - Endless Destruction:

omg Arthur I can't believe you want the yellow one, where are your taste buds :p

04:53:06 Jun 24th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

lol so many mixed views

04:59:53 Jun 24th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

You took them Endless.  Man yesterday was awesome.

And dang your logic defeats me Zond.  Fine I'll be the hoe next era.

05:01:51 Jun 24th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

Lol. everyone has to be a hoe at some point :)

05:20:15 Jun 24th 10 - Dr. Evil:

HAHA Arthur is the Hoe and your the Player Z

05:21:01 Jun 24th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

lol gonna have lots of hoes next era

07:28:27 Jun 24th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

He'll be our pimp daddy.  Can I be hoe #1 at least?  After all I am beautiful.

16:30:26 Jun 24th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

okay, you can be the top Hoe. :p

21:48:23 Jun 24th 10 - Emperor Palpatine:

Can i be the christmas hoe...and call out hoe hoe hoe??

21:54:21 Jun 24th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

You can be my hoe Endless.  There are many privileges ;)  You can be my Saturday AND Sunday.  I'll give you presents.

And thanks Zond, *cough* I mean Daddy, it's an honor to be your top hoe.

00:15:09 Jun 25th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

All in good health, now dont catch anything you shouldnt have or ill have to demote you :(


and yes :P

17:09:48 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Darkentel:

...Yeah this is going to be crazy O.o

04:32:23 Jun 27th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

bunch of you said you would join.. best be here. some of you already mailed me back and said no..after saying yes

17:36:05 Jun 27th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

C'mon you guys!  I left my awesome kingdom for ONE era to be with Zond for his last (in a long while).  Just join for an era and we can win!  We just need more than 13 people.

17:44:36 Jun 27th 10 - General Hit That Hoe:

yeah, we looked much better when they said yes. now people change their minds and we might not even make top 3!

19:38:41 Jun 27th 10 - Dr. Evil:

LOL Z stop stealing people.  :P

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