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Forums / In game politics / Era 34: Zetamania Wars

Era 34: Zetamania Wars
22:17:05 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Drackos:

how is it that our little helpless army just froze you in your tracks...not getting cold feet are ya?

22:32:56 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Acerf:

lol drackos its not that small, dont be modest :)

22:34:38 Jul 23rd 08 - Mr. Roheran:

lol, thats funny

00:04:23 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Sorry, but I just couldn't help but laugh at this comment
Sir Arming
7/23/2008 8:54:59 PMThanks Bloody Sabbath, but I will show you the cities I captured and the income I burned. Justin and Bruiant seem to think they did all of the work, while I cam in there while you where still OOP and took out one of their cores with 200 Naz.

Firstly, i'm not a member of TDS, I am a member of Pheonix. I have made 0 attacks on BLS, so i have 0% of the credit for killing them. The statement i made earlier was not to take credit from you, but in response to the distasteful comment you made about TDS. It showed NO respect or honor for a kingdom who fights fairly, with tooth and nail to do all in their power to be the successors. Quite frankly, this adds to the disdainful image my kingdom has of yours, as Dark Lighting made messages to Ugly Orcy, and you said how you regretted having members within your kingdom painting such a dirty canvas. Only goes to show who is setting that example. I will happily withdraw a comment like this, if you prove otherwise that you are showing TDS to be a kingdom who are sitting about idly, waiting for your "God like" hand to strike them down.
This is my 2 cents so if you don't like it I'm sure there is a lemon about.

01:23:08 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Total Power:

Mr. Justin


7/23/2008 2:36:45 PM
Arming we are in BLS core. No wait we OWN BLS core. Which was our core from ther second we have landed. That merge at the blocker is no problem really. And honestly burning them same cities that you took once already doesnt count as your count of 20+ buildings burned.
I'm with Arming on this one, plus I know for a fact that he pretty much took out most of BLS singlehandedly. Sure TDS might have helped a little bit, but they shouldn't be taking too much credit for it and bragging about it. Also TDS does not own the BLS core, so quit trying to make yourself look good, because it's pretty much Arming who owns the BLS core.

01:27:31 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Total Power:

aoa dosent have too much to boast about:

The Devastators Army of Anubis

Battles won: 66
Battles lost: 11

Players: 13

Battles won: 171
Battles lost: 108

Players: 29

so lets see, per member for TDS we have wins; 5.07 and losses:1.18
whereas aoa wins; 5.89 and losses 3.72
now we can see who has better statistics per member dont we?  so rather than trying to drag TDS through dirt, try and be more honorable.

Now this just shows just how blind you are, and how you failed to think about this before you posted it. You may not know this, but AoA was pretty much attacked from the North, the East, the South, and the West as soon as we were OOP. Yet we still manage to have more wins than losses, and are now in our rightful place as #1 kd. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, TDS joined much later than us and has only had 1 war going on so far, a war against a kd that was almost destroyed by AoA before TDS even started sending decent armies might I add.

01:34:02 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Total Power:

Just to clarify this before I end up getting flamed, I have no problem with TDS, except that they are taking more credit than they deserve about beating BLS. I'm not too fond of Bruiant's TDS vs. AoA battles won/lost post either. Seriously, think before you post that. Other than that though, I see nothing wrong with TDS

01:49:57 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

TDS isn't taking too much credit for it, just some of its members are. ;)

02:12:49 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Arming:

Oh I'm sorry Bruint I thought you where Brutii. Sorry Brutii for thinking you where him=P.

I agree 100% with about that=P and I've talked with Bloody Sabbath and we have it all cleared up. I am looking forward to fighting with you (as in side by side) in the near future.

03:07:22 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

Ms. Jasmina


7/24/2008 4:55:55 AMjustin, here's a lil preview for you:


ampd & co (merged)

army info
commander:ms. macarodgekingdom banner
kingdom:mad against drugs
size:army (100,000-200,000)
status:moving south

merged armies

owned by macarodge

mad army
owned by mr. hilario

owned by mr. boy negro the bukis

rinktine kuopa
owned by mr. patas

owned by mr. opium

killers ii
owned by mr. bigsmellyfeet



ray of death & co (merged)

cant show you the armies now :p
but you can check out the hoh list...

most powerful armies most powerful cities

ray of death
owned by ms. jasmina

owned by mr. boy negro the bukis

owned by ms. macarodge

killers ii
owned by mr. bigsmellyfeet

owned by mr. opium

zumps war
owned by mr. zump

zumps war has just merged, you have to wait one turn before merging or unmerging.


07:20:36: Ampd won a battle against Ray of Death from Ms. Jasmina.

Yay! We won the first battle.

I'm excited for the next one!

03:35:49 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Icecube


7/23/2008 1:43:17 PM
Bring it on Justin Lets see you just hit the merge at the blocker with
ease, I really don't think you have a clue Mr. High an Mighty, I may
not have much left but it wasn't you all that hurt me it was the one
man Wrecking ball Mr. Arming with AOA.  I have a 3 man army in the old
core that has been attacked many times, It has 40 exp. and is still
running around.  Get a grip.  AOA makes you all look like girl scouts
lost in the woods

DONE!!!!! 92% and we kicked its ass!!! Along with drakes army just sitting there

03:42:16 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

Nice! A great fight for late settlers.


03:45:08 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

IceCube looks like i get to change my name to Mr. High and Mighty now. Thanks Lapulapu teamwork is what got it done.

03:45:09 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Arming:

Justin you didn't have your core razed

You reinforced troops, they couldn't

Overall ALL of the odds where on your side, how did you not slaughter them!?!?!?

03:47:26 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

i know but as an elf my income was sh*t with 1 income city and and armory building nothing but archers then. But once again our teamwork is wat got the merge killed and Arming thank you for your help with BLS. you are trully a great player.

04:04:02 Jul 24th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

OK can someone explain to me where you are finding all these battle stats?

05:23:44 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

shush all of you. quit *beep*ming the zeta wars page. this isint for your arguments.

05:25:29 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

OMA we arent arguing we are talking about beating a merge. Your not the only one that can brag.

05:35:22 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

lol. im talking about everything with the bls core.

05:37:04 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Oh my bad sorry. Little tired today. Lol i wouldnt bring BLS core in here. Although that challenge IceCube brung into it on the last page that i posted i will because we kicked its ass

08:46:14 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

Reporting the war between:

ampd & co (merged)

army info
commander:ms. macarodgekingdom banner
kingdom:mad against drugs
size:army (100,000-200,000)

merged armies

owned by macarodge

mad army
owned by mr. hilario

owned by mr. boy negro the bukis

rinktine kuopa
owned by mr. patas

owned by mr. opium

killers ii
owned by mr. bigsmellyfeet

owned by sir lapulapu the chief


ray of death & co (merged)

army info
commander:ms. jasminakingdom banner
size:army (100,000-200,000)

merged armies

ray of death
owned by jasmina

highmon lifeguards
owned by mr. highmon

zumps war
owned by mr. zump

insane ii
owned by lady mia

insane iii
owned by lady mia

insane v
owned by lady mia

owned by mr. bender

insane vi
owned by lady mia

owned by mr. gimlee

owned by lady mia

insane iv
owned by lady mia

lord highmon
owned by mr. highmon

owned by mr. bender

owned by mr. spongebob

08:48:27 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Good Luck Lap.

08:53:03 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

Thanks Justin!

I think we can now enter their core without worry.

09:11:30 Jul 24th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Thats probably lack of experience or whatever on my side.
I did not build a proper blocker... Should have been little bit south so that armies can not pass...
Now its built full, and still armies can pass...

Well, good job passing through, now its cat and mouse play :)

09:15:45 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

Yeah! I think the EXCITING PART is about to began...


11:34:47 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

Mr. Total Power


7/24/2008 12:23:08 AM

Mr. Justin


7/23/2008 2:36:45 PM
Arming we are in BLS core. No wait we OWN BLS core. Which was our core from ther second we have landed. That merge at the blocker is no problem really. And honestly burning them same cities that you took once already doesnt count as your count of 20+ buildings burned.
I'm with Arming on this one, plus I know for a fact that he pretty much took out most of BLS singlehandedly. Sure TDS might have helped a little bit, but they shouldn't be taking too much credit for it and bragging about it. Also TDS does not own the BLS core, so quit trying to make yourself look good, because it's pretty much Arming who owns the BLS core.

we actually own more of there core.he has been taking then losing then retaking the same 4 cities since i came oop.

aoa dosent have too much to boast about:
The Devastators Army of Anubis

Battles won: 66
Battles lost: 11

Players: 13

Battles won: 171
Battles lost: 108

Players: 29

so lets see, per member for TDS we have wins; 5.07 and losses:1.18
whereas aoa wins; 5.89 and losses 3.72
now we can see who has better statistics per member dont we?  so rather than trying to drag TDS through dirt, try and be more honorable.

Now this just shows just how blind you are, and how you failed to think about this before you posted it. You may not know this, but AoA was pretty much attacked from the North, the East, the South, and the West as soon as we were OOP. Yet we still manage to have more wins than losses, and are now in our rightful place as #1 kd. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, TDS joined much later than us and has only had 1 war going on so far, a war against a kd that was almost destroyed by AoA before TDS even started sending decent armies might I add.

Also you have to add that all of our attacks have been on BLS.not sure if this is a graph thing to show only attacks on BLS but if it isnt you must also remember they have attacked other KD's.

12:21:14 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

No Jasmina... It is not cat and mouse play... do you have any info on our merge?

14:12:54 Jul 24th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

We have EiTs
Shame our big army was not in the Blocker.

14:41:32 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

its not our fault... but still 3 of our fat player doesn't participate much on the merge... and if you have iets then you will know that

15:11:25 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

Sir Arming


7/23/2008 4:15:18 PMi believe OMA decided to fight POFF.
AoA has had 29 members
BLS is fighting TDS

Bull, TDS has just taken a few undefended cities, an armory or two and is holding a BLS merge at a blocker.

I on the other hand have burned or taken 20+ cities. Have killed thousands of troops (including merges) and am #2 HoH most powerful because of that. TDS has done well, but don't give them all of the credit. are very arrogant.'a few undefended cities' I havent taken a single undefended have so far killed 3 divisions and 6 battalions and that one regiment but wont o*beep* as it was all lvl 1 troops.Have RoF'd down a corps to a battalion and crushed all of the walls in two cities.but yeah guess we have just taken undefended cities.

15:14:18 Jul 24th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

No offense Mr. Lord Kathandarion

but you werent attacked from the south, you attacked the south. You guys could have had us as allies and Anon knows me and Sanoh. We're not bad to have as allies. BLS attacked you guys by moving north then hitting you in the west.

The South would have been stagnant if you would have let it.


War mongers.

15:15:33 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Ugly Orcy:

Kathandarion, dont flatter yourself, im recieving alot of bullcrap likethis myself.
it appears its not ONLY dark lighting who abuses people.
here is my list:
Dark lighting
please guys, continue with the hatemail, so i can spread it yet further.
and annonymous said it was only 1 or 2 people, proves its the leader, and 3 people.

15:15:57 Jul 24th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

o wait my bad dude

for soem reason i thought you were speaking for AoA...

Im confused in all of this...

15:17:17 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

.................i didnt say we were attacked from the south.we were none the less attacked by them first.We then retaliated.and also you seem to be a little unknowledged on what went on.they hit us from the west and was doing so for about a2days before a single army moved see the whole west side of our core was theres and that was were the war started.

the south we attacked as they could of been building armies or doing god knows what down there and the same for the north were we headed recently.

wow alot happened whilst i was writing his.

15:18:45 Jul 24th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Mr. Lord Kathandarion

i can not remember what kd you are in for some reason and theres too much copying and pasting here to make sense of everything.

All im saying is AoA chose to attack in the south and if they wouldnt have attacked us then there wouldnt have been a south front for them


15:20:37 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion: TDS and i was talking about BLS.

15:22:49 Jul 24th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Ok what i was talking about in the south is if you wouldnt have attack PF then there would have been blocker there and you guys wouldnt have been getting any traffic through there.

You guys were my first choice of any relations because of the soul fact i was in AoA for a little while and liked how it ran. But then i figure out you guys were going to try and kill us about a tick before you moved for it and bang.

Thats why war started with us. Anon stated that you guys had already decided on killing us.

15:23:08 Jul 24th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



that would have helped to know

15:23:57 Jul 24th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

All those above messages were talking about AoA vs. PF.

srry about the misunderstanding

15:44:08 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

@Total power and Lord Katharian ( i know the last is in TDS)

I did check what i wrote, and using the fact that you were constantly at war makes your position seem all the more pathetic to boast about. if you had all these wars, for ALL era, whereas TDS has only had a few days war with only 1 kd, it shows they are worth more salt than yourselves. for they have aquired equal, if not better statistics per member, for less than half the era, half of your time.

i believe if you attempt to find reason to retaliate to this post, then AoA really are a kingdom who like nothing more than throwing sand in the eyes of all other kingdoms.

15:48:31 Jul 24th 08 - Lady Mia:

@ Boy Negro.


=/ You should have attacked the blocker.. I know you cannot withstand my archers.. So you just want to try all your very best to go through the blocker :D Hmm... It would be nice to play a proper fight. This is sucks.. Lol. But what is the point. Every KD wants to win. Psstt.

BOOO!!! MAD!! I don't believe a veteran KD would bully a new KD!! :P :P

16:46:49 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

@Lady Mia

Huh? Why are you talking NONSENSE?

Is it our fault? Even if we attack North Blocker You cannot withstand it. How many do yo have there? Just half of the Total OP of our merge. Enough for Knightsoftheroundtable to cru*beep*. We just want a fast fight, because it's taking too long. That's why we intended to pass by North Blocker.

Don't use as an excuse your newly made KD for this kind of act. Think of these; do the newly recruit soldier use as an excuse his being a new one when he was shot by a veteran? I think he can't.

We play a fair play. Your just making it complicated.

17:19:36 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Zump:

I don't think you could have taken the blocker If you tried... We had some good troops and with all of the blockers defenses, I think it would be very difficult.

17:22:39 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

HUH? archers... weaklings.... all you can do is defend... even if we attack your blocker we can just crush wall you... like slowing your merge 10days... which has already been casted...

again... it is not our fault that you guys are weak

17:24:02 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

@zump.. difficult maybe... but not impossible... you know  what we can slaughter your merge now... but we don't want it.... for now...

17:38:02 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Zump:

You can slaughter our merge because its not getting all the defense bonuses from being in the blocker. We would have many troops, doubling our power, there by the time your still preparing on the blocker. Say whatever you want, but I really don't think you could beat us head on.

17:48:04 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

yup but dont you think we can also reinforce any army that is prepping on your blocker

18:06:32 Jul 24th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

You tried that already some time ago and you were defeated.
From the beginning of the era veteran KD like MAD is having trouble with a new KD like our ODC...
We have beaten all your attacks by now... We have defeated your first merged attack, we have defeated Lupu Lupu attacking on west. We got back and we would have defeated your merge here but some of our members are on vacation. By the way if my blocker did not have a gap (that I did not know off) and if you had to prepare on the blocker, we would probably kill the merge again, because we already had lots of backup coming.
Our army is mostly defensive yes... So you could never overtake the city... Offensive troops were on the way, but the gap changed our plans.

18:08:06 Jul 24th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

yak yak yak...

*LUP looks around*

Thats all i ever hear.


sorry, i just had to extrude the obsessant nagging between warring kds here.

18:08:36 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

All attacks? when was that.... you have just kick one of our attack and you are saying now all? you made me laugh... hahaha

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