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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 22 The Big Bash

Fantasia 22 The Big Bash
05:13:06 Nov 16th 13 - Ms. Jenna Side:

16:48:17 Nov 15th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Snowman):

Just wondering, I've been using it off and on the last few years...


never seen it being used before but then again I haven't been around as long as you;

13:12:44 Nov 16th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

no surprise to see jenna dominating lgc like she domiantes ff

she's some woman. best vu player 2013.

13:24:47 Nov 16th 13 - Mr. Igniis Maiyan:

no surprise to see jenna dominating lgc like she domiantes ff

You funny :D if someone is actually doing something like this then it would have to be Acerf

13:52:41 Nov 16th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

You can't really argue with the facts. Almost 600k kills, more than treble the amount the likes Stirlin have. 23 cities captured, most of which are important seizures of the Wilbad placed blockers. 21 victories. But most importantly, she leads by example. Queen and leader of BEO, spear heading the attack into the LGC bosom.

She isn't like Binh: anonymous, hiding, cowering. I know who I would rather have at the helm of a KD. She's a true leader. Her head is above the parapet, calling for the final charge, urging her troops on. She BEO's forlorn hope. LGC has no hope.

Jenna. What a woman.

16:47:53 Nov 16th 13 - Ms. Sashimono Minamoto:

Jenna has enough stalkers she doesn't need another one, tone it down.

17:16:51 Nov 16th 13 - Mr. Pilot:

most lolworthy post ever by the dude 2 posts above. many scrapes on your knee ?

01:08:03 Nov 17th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Swifty, she wont send you nudes, youre ugly

16:44:56 Nov 18th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

beo now has more power than all other kds combined. mostly due to the fact that i started training again wich bolstered our relative power immensely 

17:23:47 Nov 18th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

reminds me of when i first started instead of Z vs nearly everyone its you guys vs nearly everyone.

19:14:35 Nov 18th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:


Ms. Jenna Side has won 37 battles, captured 41 cities and killed a total of 780947 men and women.

She's so good. Basically single handedly destroying LGC. Look at how bad Strillin is in comparison:

Dark Prince Stirlin has won 33 battles, captured 33 cities and killed a total of 223184 men and women.

19:32:14 Nov 18th 13 - Ms. Jenna Side:

The credit ain't mine to take... It's the great team I have that deserves all the credit!!!

19:43:55 Nov 18th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

See, the words of a true leader. Deep down this little clunge rocket knows she's the bees knees. But she has the humility and grace to pretend otherwise.

Take note Binh, here's a true leader if you've ever seen one.

  • Great diplomat [doesn't allow diplomatic msgs to be leaked]
  • Great warrior [basically solos LGC]
  • Great grace [doesn't take all the credit].
  • Great FFer [Suarez]
  • Great body [:))))))]
  • Great friend [doesn't betray old members and kick them]

15:24:07 Nov 19th 13 - Princess Beofcuk:

Much Dedication
Much Skill
Many Armies

Well done to Beo for actually attacking someone who isn't Legacy. (And recently restarted)

17:01:05 Nov 19th 13 - Zond (Mr. Czar):

I hear lgc bitched you, because.

1) u suck
2) was front line and afk
3) sat there whole time and didnt have any troops worth the time
4) you are worse then reedle.

18:56:42 Nov 19th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:


Ms. Jenna Side
has won 54 battles, captured 47 cities and killed a total of 1242376 men and women.

Jenna has basically won more battles and killed more men than the whole of LGC combined now. Inspirational stuff. LGC is really bad.

11:44:49 Nov 20th 13 - Ms. Jenna Side:

no I never swifty ....please stop talking about me thank you  :)

14:12:36 Nov 20th 13 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Mr. Landing Force):

This badbellmate guy is acting like Jenna is actually down their with a sword in her hand ROTFLMAO 

16:55:16 Nov 20th 13 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Jenna D´Arc!

16:57:19 Nov 20th 13 - Zond (The Jasmina):

plz pure. reply to me. i need attention.

jenna gives me some, but its only when she wants something! 

18:48:34 Nov 20th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops27Ms. Jenna Side100
Pink Legacy22Mr. Binh The Madman35
The Immortals18Duke Leviathan15
Mad and Dangerous9Sir Aloysius12
The Phoons9Mr. Yamamoto Tenn9
Relentless9Mr. Xxpumpxx4

This game is becoming too easy, it only took like 5 ppl from BEO to destroy LGC. Most of us are still in farming mode.
LGC doesnt even have Swiftry any more, why do they even think they can win?

19:13:27 Nov 20th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

I think LGC should start begging BEO for peace terms. Question is though, who do we want to open diplomatic communications this time seeing as everybody seems to be privy to their messages?

[A] Legacy [of badness]
Jenna & Beothuk Evil Ops

Battles won: 236
Battles lost: 226

Battles won: 212
Battles lost: 67

19:27:12 Nov 20th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

just to clarify here, LGC's total and utter destruction with ease ISN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mainly down to Jenna.

It's a BEO team effort.

20:48:14 Nov 20th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

LGC is so good we dont fight kds, we fight maps

BEO are jealous they will never have the skill, the teamwork, the dedication or the comradery

20:50:16 Nov 20th 13 - Zond (The Jasmina):

Someone sounds mad that he lost his army and got SS. 

20:53:19 Nov 20th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

when you leaving beo zond? kob still giving you a hard time?

20:57:14 Nov 20th 13 - Zond (The Jasmina):

ye soon. dont worry.

ill be back joining your side and taunting beo like old times.


20:58:59 Nov 20th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

you've got too much baggage mate, so much you even have some at chades house!

21:05:33 Nov 20th 13 - Zond (The Jasmina):

wat can i say. problems follow me everywhere! 

am like a black cat. 

21:21:52 Nov 20th 13 - Teirdel (Mr. Targaryen):

didn't joan of arc get burned at the stake?

21:53:46 Nov 20th 13 - Dreadlord Brent Corrigan:

Didnt all the Targaryen males die horrible deaths? :P

22:02:30 Nov 20th 13 - Mr. Osiris:

Doesn't vu need a real mod? a mod of the people? a mod who can ban penguins and swifties?

Ït sure does

22:24:24 Nov 20th 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

difference between lgc and beo is that lgc fight the map and lose while beo fight lgc and win. 

22:50:00 Nov 20th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

True kds push their limits

22:53:29 Nov 20th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

After seeing Osi post, I was going to say "did you guys know that Abydos beat LGC once?". But it seems every KD is doing it these days.

01:10:40 Nov 21st 13 - Teirdel (Mr. Teirdel The Morninglet):

most of the males yessir. well actually they were beheaded and stabbed more than burned.


One was spared cause he was on the wall and one may very well still be alive. Wait till the next book, if the soIaF community is correct it will be a very interesting event. one which would explain edd's actions towards Jon and his wish to leave daenaryes alone.


If you are interested in knowing you could go to martin's main site and hit up the forums. There are some very indepth thoughts etc.

09:02:20 Nov 23rd 13 - Mr. Toblokai:


Big up to Warlock for his "stunt" and to Binh for holing up in his town and hitting my army 7 times in one hour. Now lets start thinking about next era coz this is over.

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Beothuk Evil Ops27Ms. Jenna Side100
Pink Legacy21Mr. Binh The Madman17
Mad and Dangerous9Sir Aloysius12
The Immortals18Duke Leviathan12
The Phoons6Mr. Yamamoto Tenn9
Relentless9Mr. Xxpumpxx5
Poodles From Hell16Sheriff Timur1

14:06:03 Nov 23rd 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Well done to Jenna/BEO. Nobody ever doubted the outcome.


15:05:26 Nov 23rd 13 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Madman):

gg, see you all next era :P

23:35:39 Nov 23rd 13 - Ms. Laura The Gold Miner:

Will you see us though? hmm :P

19:10:59 Nov 26th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

So with all the internal strife in LGC right now, what's the chances it'll be disbanding soon after another humiliating defeat?

22:41:33 Nov 26th 13 - Mr. Lil:

Oh please, SwiftFail. Stop crying. You were kicked out of LGC because you weren't good enough, and no longer belonged.

LGC is getting along wonderfully without you, and we are happily enjoying ourselves since the exodus of the KD-pollutant, I.e., old man who lives in a dark, musty basement.

No doubt, you are good at getting things accomplished and swing your little VU sword like a champion, but that's about it.

Good Job, Beo. We in LGC were thankful for the opportunity to test our limits, and we have learned that it is unwise to fight two KDs OOP + BEO at the end of our war. Thanks for the learning moment.

Cya next era, if you return.



17:20:51 Nov 30th 13 - Mr. Bounce IV:

Keep your hopes high I shall winn this era for Legacy !!!

05:20:41 Dec 1st 13 - Zond (The Jasmina):

era over. yet ppl still vote no...

11:38:33 Dec 1st 13 - Mr. Bounce IV:

Armageddon has been cast in your world! Do you want the age to end as soon as possible?

Yes, end there age No, Continue the era

Il Vote when im dead :) why arnt you guys attacking me waiting for magic suppored when im outnumbered 10:1 :)

12:20:43 Dec 1st 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Chances are LGC are voting no to delay it as long as possible.

Can't blame them, why would they want to quicken their looming destruction next era? Give them some respite!

17:00:59 Dec 1st 13 - Mr. Salazarius:

You probably feel that way about LGC because it reflects your own experience. 

Swifty who couldn't beat Beo, then his downfall by kicking.

17:50:29 Dec 1st 13 - Mr. Toblokai:

Well, to Swiftys credit - when he was in LGC atleast they put up a fight. Thir era they just rolled over.

17:59:22 Dec 1st 13 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

This era proved that kingdoms in the end do not learn from mistakes. Or maybe that you need to respect to get respect.

Last few eras, everyone fights while Legacy farms and then kills everyone. We had that like two last eras, same scenario, kingdoms don't learn anything from that. This era again, everyone fights while Beothuk farms and just kills everyone without breaking a sweat.

This is a game of war and diplomacy, so of course you need to fight, but pick your battles and do smart diplomacy. I am pretty sure Legacy was not able to get diplomatic relations because of the lack of respect they have toward other kingdoms, so they can not get alliances easily, as many kingdoms dislike them. Beothuk is kinda doing similiar thing this era, being dispespectful to other kingdoms, reason for that is unknown to me, I do not understand why not respect your enemy, even thought nobody had a chance against us this era.

But on the other hand, if everyone dislikes everyone and kingdoms just want to kill eachother, it might lead to a world of no NAPs and just all out war all against all. But in the end it all depends on the starting areas, if Legacy or Beothuk has a chance to farm longer than other kingdoms, its pretty obvious they will win. With due respect to Immortals, Poodles, Phoons, Mad, and all others, they are not at the stage of skill or activity of Beothuk or Legacy. I just hope both kingdoms will be in same situation next era, so we can actually see who is better. Wining this era does not really prove anything, Legacy could do the same if they were in same situation.

18:00:14 Dec 1st 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Quite right. When I was in LGC we...well, we lost. But we never lost this quick!

Standards are slipping.

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