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Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 73

Fantasia 73
08:39:43 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Kool:

it took 3 weeks to get this guys naz not 1 day or so... his city was constanly getting ported around the area it was a planned move to get those naz, in the end i guess he gave up.. your (konstant and wardogs) abit like the frog in the well that sees the sky. then thinks they can see everything... oh btw i had nothing to do with it... although if i had magic 7 those naz would have been mine and i was asked ages ago if i had it too...

10:46:04 Feb 15th 21 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte):


Blatant cheaterz. 

They will continue to cheat even after getting caught red handed by multiple players. I remember Glad showed full proof of their cheating as well, which resulted in one of the players getting banned

I hope Zeta would take a harder stance of the blatant feeding tactics of PDC/MAD.

Last era, we had full view of Bercheaterz and MAD core, so they couldn't do their usual hide a warehouse city in the corner of the map and feed each other....and since they couldn't feed and cheat, Bercheaterz got their a$$es handed to them.

I just fail to understand how respected players like JLT, Kool, Jennaside etc. show even an ounce of support to this blatant cheating. 

13:07:50 Feb 15th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Could it be your family name is Trump mr Stewie, you are spitting out an avalanche of false allegations.

Get proof or else shut up.

13:36:03 Feb 15th 21 - Lord Caedus:


14:39:12 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Proof? I mean beside Jasmina (probably the most reliable person in the game), JD (another morale stalwart of the game), Rundkin, and Bogdan (the one, the only, the legendary) all watched it happen in real time.

Funny you mention Trump, Kob. This era the zerks are caught as red-handed as he is.

Zeta, verify all of this on your end, and slap some bans! Enough is enough for these cheaters.

Casting Eye in the sky from Eeeee upon Free Nazguls with 74% chance of success... and Successful! Through the eye we can see this information about The Free Nazguls from Mr. Exponentz: Free Nazguls from Mr. Exponentz Gaia:1 Hammerthrowers:0 Ogres:0 Shamans:0 Nazguls:5365 Peasants:0 We lost 241 Spellweavers and 47 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.
1:16 AM
if so, is that permitted?
1:20 AM
that army just came out of here and now he is prepping with it
1:20 AM
Eye in the sky results brought by Mr. Rundkin 0 hours ago: Casting Eye in the sky from Eeeee upon Jjjjj with 99% chance of success... and Successful! Through the eye we can see this information about Jjjjj, owned by Mr. Koops: Gaia:1 Hammerthrowers:0 Ogres:0 Shamans:0 Nazguls:0 Peasants:87399 (notice the "lack" of pez) Wreckages:0 Homes:3496 Farms:0 Mines:1900 Magic Towers:0 Guard Towers:1 Taverne:0 Lumber Mills:0 Armories:6584 Warehouses:0 Walls:0 Armies in the city: 2(Total of 494 men)

Owner: Mr. Koops Kingdom Banner Size: 11981 building(s). Kingdom: No Kingdom Even made an army called "Free Nazguls" lols... Free Nazguls from Mr. Exponentz Gaia:1 Hammerthrowers:0 Ogres:0 Shamans:0 Nazguls:5365 Peasants:0

15:05:12 Feb 15th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

hmm dont see any proof, why dont you storm the capitol

16:11:55 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Yiishun:

Sigh, I wish I could train 5k nazgul with a 10k city... someone teach meeeee.

Idiots be idiots.

16:26:47 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Seriously Mav?

That's your excuse for their actions? That someone can't train 5k naz with a 10k city? As if you can't train those naz earlier in the era? or have gold stored up from earlier in the era?

Seriously though, why do we keep hearing from other zerks? Where is PDC? Where is Exp? 

Let's be honest here, most of zerks were not involved, and probably most of you commenting knew absolutely nothing about it.

Let's hear from the Leader in Cheat and his lackey first hand. Explain yourself Exp. Your actions make absolutely no sense, except in the case of you choosing to cheat with another player.

Please give me a reasonable reason why you would send 150k MUs with 1k Naz at a city that has 5k Naz, that could pop out to slaughter you in 1 FM tick? 

Why would Koops, an experienced player, send out an army of 5k Naz called "Free Nazguls" with no MUs? If he was done playing, he should have wrecked/disbanded, or just went inactive. 

16:30:35 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Kool:

zeta checked the logs and banned all the cheats involved.. also this involves tactics that you simply dont need to know otherwise you will just counter..

16:37:29 Feb 15th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

Hes a clue for u. If ur smart you'll understand it. If your as stupid as bogdan, glad or stewie then good luck

17:21:29 Feb 3rd 21 Death God Please Dont Cry:

People of Koops from Mr. Koops

22:50:43 Feb 4th 21 Death God Please Dont Cry:

People of Koops from Mr. Koops

16:44:14 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

Lol, you'd think we'd let our dying enemies have gold? Else prove to me then how long you can train 5k nazgul with a 10k city.

So by your logic it would mean Koop an "experienced" player started to play with Glad (or Holy) can't remember. On the sole purpose of feeding us? maybe their whole KD did, they really didn't lose, they just fed us, you know. Like I said, idiots be idiots.

16:58:27 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (Mr. Raenon):

Oh please, Kool. Logs? What logs? Is Zeta the Federal Government who delivered a warrant to Discord for private message discussions? 

Also, PDC...those armies make sense. They have MUs. It's also from 2 weeks ago, so completely irrelevant. No one cares if you guys attacked him 2 weeks ago. 

You've been caught cheating red-handed (again) PDC & Exp. Zeta might withhold the hammer, but your reckoning is coming. 


Mav, come on man. Don't be ridiculous. A couple of eras ago I had 17k Naz & 250k MUs roaming Valhalla when I didn't have a single city (ask Haldi =P). Clearly Koops was ready to end his era, and decided to feed those naz to Exp. Why? Only Koops knows why. Why are you dragging in Glads into this? Or Holy? Koops was an untagged when this happened. This has nothing to do with them.


The VU community has evidence and proof of what happened. Zerks have nothing but name calling.

17:04:42 Feb 15th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

You're really stupid arent ya? Koops was from glad. And thats the same army idiot.

17:06:43 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Mavech:

Sorry dude, everything is already staring you at the front and you still don't get it. You really can't teach old dogs new tricks.

Connecting the dots shouldn't even require that much brain power.

17:08:39 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Kool:

 That is the same army that became free naz you dip sheet.. it took 3 weeks to get his army.. use that thing you call a brain to figure out how it was done.. maybe you will eventually figure it out

17:12:06 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

So Mav's "point" about being able to train 5k naz during that time span doesn't make sense? I agree!

Fine, I agree. I don't understand. All of you guys clearly understand. 

Please spell it out for me.

17:17:21 Feb 15th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

math 101. 
45,000 x 5,000 = 225,000,000

225,000,000 / 0 income = infinity 

or say since your stupid he gains taxes. and (with your perspective he doesnt have upkeep) 
225,000,000 / 10000 income= 22,500 days/ticks

(let me spell it out for you)
22,500 / 24 hours per day/ 30 days/ month ( or do you also want to use 31? or 28 since its feb? even if it doesnt matter)
= 750 months ( oh your want years)
=62.5 years ( ooh you want decades?)
= 6.25 decades..


You do realize that you can have troops left over from the era even if you don't have much of an income, right?

Also, if that was the same army (even though they have different names...???) Koops could have AoTD'd. It's very easy to AoTd ~4/5k Naz. Which actually makes the case for feeding all that more prominent since he had MUs in that case, but chose to feed the naz.

Wait, or are you saying that those nazguls didn't even exist because there was no way he could train those Naz in 2 weeks? As in they were never trained, so Exp didn't ownage them?

My goodness you guys...

This is just a classic misinformation campaign.

Those troops existed. Exp was fed them. Exp and PDC cheated. End of story ¯_(ツ)_/¯

17:27:58 Feb 15th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

thats the point. and you still dont get it even if you just said it.

you said he trained 5k naz.. now your saying its leftover. 
weve been saying a while that was the left over naz. and now your using it against us?
are you an idiot or what?
what do you do with a left over enemy naz ? with no income


17:30:25 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Kool:

Wait, are you saying that those nazguls didn't even exist? As in they were never trained, so Exp didn't ownage them?

this line here is a classic

Come on PDC, semantics, semantics.

I don't know how he had those Naz. Left over? Trained with left over gold? AoTD'd? Who gives a crap? 

Point being, he had them, and fed them to Exp, and Exp chose to accept the feeding.

End of story. You cheated. It's clear as night and day.

1. Koops had 5k naz.
2. Told you (or you and Exp) come come ownage them.
3. That's why Exp brought an army of ~150k MUs and 1k Naz,
4. and why Koops made an army called "Free Naz" with 5k Naz and no MUs.

Simple as that. That's called feeding. Feeding = Cheating. 

PDC & Exp = Cheaters

Tried WH plunder feeding cheating - got called out & caught.

Tried market feeding cheating - got called out and stopped.

Tried multi cheating - got caught and stopped.

Now you're trying feeding cheating. You again got caught.

17:35:07 Feb 15th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

thats the point. you dont know how he got those naz. but we do. 

so your saying zeta is cheating.
cause he created the spell called ownage

would you say bogdan is feeding too. cause he ownaged a couple of our armies?

Come ooooooon PDC. You're not even trying anymore!

By your logic I can go tagless, and feed someone 25k Naz.

PDC Logic: ThAT's nOT CHeAtiNG, THat'S oWNagE

17:39:34 Feb 15th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

someone get this guy a brain please.. a pig's brain isnt too bad. much smarter than this guy

Again the insults, PDC.

Are you done trying to explain away your cheating?

I have an easy explanation:

1. Koops had 5k naz.
2. Told you (or you and Exp) to come ownage them.
3. That's why Exp brought an army of ~150k MUs and 1k Naz,
4. and why Koops made an army called "Free Naz" with 5k Naz and no MUs.

17:43:41 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Kool:

 Bercheatz Ber Ber Ber Bercheatz Ber Ber Ber BerCheatz Ber Ber Ber.. BERCHEATZINTHAHOUSE..!! (sung to the tune of NWAs Comptons in the house)

Kool, are you done trying to explain your KD-mates cheating as well? Is that why none of you have anything to say except some format of "you're stupid".

I'm not even saying that "beserkers" cheated. As far as I know only PDC, Exp, and Koops cheated.

Feeding = Cheating, and he got caught.

17:46:00 Feb 15th 21 - Sir Atilla The Hun:

Ownage on armies trying to enter our core to burn our stuff is different from moving 5k Naz toward 100k Enemy Mages Army and waiting over there to get ownaged. 

17:47:06 Feb 15th 21 - Death God Please Dont Cry:

Composed by  Kool

BERCHEATZ IN DA HOUSE- (sung to the tune of Comptons in the house nwa)

Ah yeah, right about now Koolz in de mothaf-ckin' house Bercheatzs in full effect
Hey yo kobz boy, kick me that funky-ass beat
Yeah, who's in de mothaf-ckin' house?
Bercheatz in the mothaf-ckin' house
Yeah, Bercheatz definetly in the house
Hey yo Hald, what we're gonna do?

To the people over here
To the people over there
To the people, the people, the people, people, the people, the people
People From everywhere watching us yo
Paying top dolars because they know
When we're on the stage, we're in a mothaf-ckin' rage
So Kobz, (what up) why don't you get the 12 guage And show 'em how PDC does it
So if you punks wanna make somethin' of it
Step up, run up, get up, what's up s-cker
You want some of this?
Then you're a stupid Cheatinf-cka!
Cheatin - like the Cheat from a Cheatdrum
Haldimir on the drum gettin' dumb
Programmin' - a Cheat that's hittin'
And if you listen then you know we're not bullsh-ttin'
Dope-(Cheatz)- like a pound or a key
So shut de f-ck up and listen to me
I make a killin
I got money to the ceiling (whys that) 'cause I'm a mothaf-ckin' Cheating villain
MC Kobz - stomping any fool in my way
With some help from my homeboy

Now my name is Mavz - de mothaf-ckin' rocker
Burning' sh-t up (oh yeah) and here to stop ya
With some help from my homeboy PDC
The mastermind of the ruthless posse
F-ckin' it up (word up) iz what we do
The reputation of the B.E.R cheaterz crew
Gettin' busy because we're cold Cheatin
And we're born and raised
And we're born and raised
And we're born and raised in Vu

Speakin' of V.U, it's makin' me sick (why) Everybody'z talkin' that cheatin sh-t
Sayin' they were cheatin in the VU  see?  Just as I was, they try to be like me
Stoppin' that sh-t, get the f-ck out my face
Knowin' that they never even seen the place
Cheatin my city is my cheatin they claim
Mothaf-ckaz we're about to put some salt in your game

Yeah I'm tired of these mothaf-ckerz runnin' around town, talkin' about
They're from Vu and sh-t, tryin' to get on the bandwagon
Yeah Kobz, I know what you're sayin' man, but let's tell 'em who we're
Talkin' about

What do you call a crew that cant Cheat like that?
Yo Bercheatz call 'em mothaf-ckaz wack

They got a wacky wack record wit a wacky wack crew
Yo what about the tactics?
That sh-t's wacky wack too
With a f-cked up style and they just dont know
Hey yo Hald, what about the Stewie, is he down?
F-ck no

The mothaf-ckin' Stewie is so mothaf-ckin' wack
The mothaf-ckin' cracka jack needs to step the f-ck back

Do you want some of this?
Hell no
Kobz a mothaf-ckin' doctor
Well for the record it's Hald and for the street it's Villain
Kobz a mothaf-ckin' doctor
Well for the record it's Hald and for the street it's Villain
JLT boy, why don't you kick me one of them funky-ass beats?
My boy . my boy . my boy Kool too
Yo we got my homeboy PDC in de house
Won't you tell 'em what your name iz?

PDC is the mothaf-ckin' Coroner
man im cheatin mothaf-ckaz as if they was a foreigner
Show no greed to pretend when I sin
I punch you can block it but I'm a still get in
This ain't a TKO in the first
But it's some Cheatin from a n-gga in black it's much worse
Then a beat from Tyson 'cause PDC is not nice and
Your ass is better off just rollin' a dice and
Findin' you a number for luck
'Cause you all need it when you see I don't give a f-ck
My identity, and the sh-t is gettin' shown
Without a proof I'm still gettin' on
I'm in Fant then my picture is takin'
One click of the flash and punk n-ggaz are breakin'
To the door, tryin' to join my fan club
Lipstickin' over one of my Cheatin dubs
And it's the minimal scratch for the moment
Until I f-ck up the so called opponet
That's standing in the zone of the twilight
Sayin' how in de f-ck did he get mixed up in my fight
It was'nt a mistake, it was a set-up
So until I'm finished poppin' my cheatin you should all just shut up
And don't attempt to speak
Because it's bad enough you rollin' up sh-t creek
With a cheater like Kobz about the hit
Now lemme hear you mothaf-ckaz talk some more shit
I'm a bust your ass in your mouth
Yo, unless you're sayin' "Berchteaters in de house"

Who realy cares - about a Cheater on a take off
Bust de move, we can have a shake n' bake-off
Me and you can go 'cause I don't care yo
Cheat  fight or guerilla warfare
We can rumble, 'cause when my lungs go in and out
I kick Konstantz in a bundle to win about
Or scarier scaffle
I just muffle the opposition, there's no competition
Let 'em know that JLT is gettin' stronger
Bercheatz in de house but now it's some' longer
I won't get set-up, shut up, I'm kinda fed up
You can say uncle and I still won't let up
'Cause Kobz is a mothaf-ckin' doctor
And if me and Haldz on the mike it's like propaganda, no doubt
"Boy you should've known by Bercheatz's in the house
Yeah, it's time to put Bercheatz on de map, don't ever think you can get it on
You stupid mothaf-ckaz

Bercheatz's in the house..

Ber Cheatz Ber Ber Ber Ber Cheatz Ber Ber Ber Ber Cheatz

Ber Ber Ber Ber Cheatz in da house!

So now that none of you have any practical excuse, and figured out that calling someone "stupid" doesn't prove anything, you're trying to "cover up" the conversation over cheating?

Well, hate to break it to you guys, but the forums don't quite work like that...people can easily go back and read exactly how Exp cheated via being fed nazguls.

17:53:54 Feb 15th 21 - Penguin (Mr. Roxbery):

i nominate Kobuskan da cheat of the year!

17:58:24 Feb 15th 21 - Princess Joan of Arc:

So two eras ago, Berserkers fight Holy

Holy complains about cheating
Last era Berserkers fight Gladiators
Gladiators complain about cheating
This era Berserkers fight Death Gods Inn
Death Gods complain about cheating

Just... why?
You guys have such a solid team
All great players, high activity, great magic
You had a great era here, you are on a verge of winning.

Whats the point of taking over that 5k Naz? My first post about this was WHY.
To tarnish the reputation or what? I mean you don't need that 5k Naz. Burn them.
You guys did really well down south taking over Holy with great activity and skill.
Very nice war there. You had the upper hand.

So it does not even matter the feeding
The main question is why would you do that.
People who complain about cheating and not some newbies 
Its Holy Vets, Glads Vets and GodsInn Vets...

Where there is smoke there is fire.

17:59:06 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Kool:

sorry had that song stuck in my head lol Bercheatz 4 pm!!

18:05:34 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

I agree with Jas. What's the point? You guys did have a respectable era.

Emphasis on the did.

18:09:02 Feb 15th 21 - Sir Atilla The Hun:

Its good for the game

People considering taking a break will not be taking a break now
Fight cheating

19:11:55 Feb 15th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

I think Gods inn are very good in account sharing, but thats not cheating just game dynamics or not? 

20:03:47 Feb 15th 21 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

Kob would know all about game dynamics 

20:57:27 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Ohhhh, Kob. I was wondering when we would get here!

We've moved on from random insults and attempted cover up, to baseless allegations.

Literally playing the "scandal" playbook of Deny, Divert, Discredit. Maybe a little out of order, but whom among us is perfect?

Oh? Stirlin? Nice to see you back. Do you have any more cheating that some zerc members have been caught doing?

As a reminder (since who can remember all of the ways now):

Tried WH plunder feeding cheating - got called out & caught.

Tried market feeding cheating - got called out and stopped.

Tried multi feeding cheating - got caught and stopped.

Now you're trying feeding cheating. You again got caught.

20:59:38 Feb 15th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

You forgot halfer exp feeding

21:02:09 Feb 15th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

My bad, Kob! I was just doing the most "recent", but for you I'll add it.

Halfer XP Feeding Cheating - No longer viable

Tried WH plunder feeding cheating - got called out & caught.

Tried market feeding cheating - got called out and stopped.

Tried multi feeding cheating - got caught and stopped.

Now you're trying straight troop feeding cheating. You again got caught.

21:06:23 Feb 15th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Zifnab):

what makes you think were account sharing kobu

22:10:22 Feb 15th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Seems anybody can make false accusation without proof here.

Maybe Zeta can check it while he is investigating the supposed nazz feeding. 

22:21:29 Feb 15th 21 - Mr. Yiishun:

Actually people are tired of explaining simple strategic logic to you Konstant. We are just konstantly laughing how dumb you are, and I think Joan even understand since she shifted to why instead of how. 

@Joan - it wouldn't made any difference if it was you/glad/bogdan or konstant, we will chase you down and suck you dry. We were at war with Koop before he was made tagless and remained in hostile grounds. Not sure what you expect people would do. Wait until your enemies does it first then considered it not feeding? 

We already know he has an army in the city, we bumped him, we tp'ed the city as with others as well (Cityblock/aol,etc), we had our eyes on him since as with others (esp the hidden ones). It was just a matter of time unless you guys do something since you had equal opportunity to take that city out of the equation as it was nearer to your cities than ours, but instead we had to risk an army to get it. I really don't see why you need to whine about it? Obviously that city proved to be a an asset but not without risk. We were willing to do something about it, and we did, then you cry..  same as previous era where you guys whine why we bypass your blocker since it is supposed to block and hence armies should not bypass it. From my Pov, it looks like you guys want everyone to play your own single-minded game set by your own single-minded rules, when someone comes in and play it creatively you accuse of cheating just because it isn't part of your single-minded universe.

22:44:36 Feb 15th 21 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Well said. 

Halfer XP Feeding Cheating - No longer viable

Tried WH plunder feeding cheating - got called out & caught.

Tried market feeding cheating - got called out and stopped.

Tried multi feeding cheating - got caught and stopped.

Now you're trying straight troop feeding cheating. You again got caught.

Everything here has been verified. You call it "creative", everyone else calls it cheating. Make all the excuses you want, but Kobu, Mav, PDC, Exp, JLT. None of you have the skills to play this game straight.

You know how I know? Last era I ran through you JLT. Didn't even break a sweat. JD kept 4 of you Orcs (as a Human) back for days. Last era you tried to cheat by multi feeding, and got caught. Then you got erased by less than half of our KD, and Glads just destroyed you with 3 players.

01:21:35 Feb 16th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

 I'm glad we have completely different recollections of last era Konstant. 

I recall Hannibal Barca sieging me in Aishas armoury, I recall Exalted Tester Salamon taking my production cities whilst I was stuck. I guess we know why you didn't break a sweat, you did sweet fa. Your army turned up after the fighting was finished to mop up a gaia spam once it's magic weapons ran out.

I'll admit, in my first era as orc in 10 years, I was ill prepared for an OOP war and made some serious tactical errors; but to think you contributed in any meaningful way to my demise is just as delusional as your other rantings in this thread. 

03:55:58 Feb 16th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Oh JLT...nothing ever dies on the internet anymore. Here are some refreshers.

You were top 3 HoH in "strength" and had the top HoH army. Until I slaughtered you.

This should jog your memory ;-)


The Ancient.

We have returned full command over Front Lines to Princess Joan of Arc.

We killed all of the 106154 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.


The Shield of Faith (your army)

03:57:58 Feb 16th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Through the eye we can see this information about Front Lines, owned by Lord Jesus Left Toe: Gaia:0 Hammerthrowers:51500 Ogres:0 Shamans:0 Nazguls:32 Peasants:0 Wreckages:0 Homes:2144 Farms:0 Mines:0 Magic Towers:0 Guard Towers:1420 Taverne:0 Lumber Mills:0 Armories:7500 Warehouses:0 Walls:220 Armies in the city: 2(Total of 57254 men)

04:00:03 Feb 16th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Belisarius):

Through the eye we can see this information about The Sons of Korhal from Lord Jesus Left Toe: Sons of Korhal from Lord Jesus Left Toe Gaia:52 Hammerthrowers:84663 Ogres:0 Shamans:31141 Nazguls:0 Peasants:0

04:03:07 Feb 16th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

OMG guys, he won a battle... a single battle. 

You'll also note the number of troops he killed is less than the number in the city or the army.

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