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Fantasia Wars IV
07:38:54 Jun 3rd 08 - The Dark Knight:


Kingdom of Music
Players: 23

Mr. Nobiggie
Mr. Farmer
Duke Elmo The Opmonkey
Mr. Doublex
Duke Darkfaith
Sir Zek
Mr. Kobuskan
Mr. Warlord
Mr. William The Alcoholic
Mr. Wuu
Mr. Gothrim
Mr. Tooty
Mr. Gilth
Mr. Wavemodulation
Mr. Skullz
Mr. Spoon
Mr. Daryl
Mr. Gravity Kills
Mr. Deathuelf
Mr. Harkaa
Mr. Graybeard
Mr. Zeke
Mr. Giggy

08:14:14 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

well fafnir, to bad you don't know me. i really don't care. and about Trio. i wasn't insulting them i just made a post for fun. that you could see in my grammer. i can write proper english but for fun i just wrote that. btw.. Trio was our ally... so why would i insult them if they helped us against Shoel?

16:25:54 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

yah you music did a great job on shelo :P

21:13:57 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

incase you haven't noticed william; khalifa was bein FUNNY as you put it! hence the dodgy spelling



further more, HOORAY orcinus is capable of writing normal english.


23:12:30 Jun 3rd 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

Trio was our ally... so why would i insult them if they helped us against Shoel?
Heh, nice job being our ally, very helpful, NOT. I have let your leaders know how I feel about Music and it will probably never change. We asked for help and you said you would give it to us within two days.......never happened. You didn't move a dam army from your dammed blocker for more then a dam week. I already had this conversation with Spoon, and I guess he agreed because he never replied to my last message.

23:54:10 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Daryl:

Well, its true we didn't acted as fast as we wanted, but our main core was far from there, and settle all armories and get "decent" armies to figth  against another KD  is not as fast as it seems you think.

01:34:25 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

It's just that Music learned something from Carnage. The part about how much to wait until being able to war someone :)

04:35:49 Jun 4th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

"Well, its true we didn't acted as fast as we wanted, but our main core was far from there, and settle all armories and get "decent" armies to figth  against another KD  is not as fast as it seems you think."
Then you guys are even *beep*ier then I thought. Trio would have moved down with scouts immediately, they would have settled immediately, and would of started pumping immediately. We would have attacked within four days with a proper merge, but I guess it's not YOUR fault, but your LEADERSHIP'S.

07:00:28 Jun 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

*yawn* is it really musics fault your kd fell apart after the first defeat? why not stop moaning and just take over the kd

08:14:41 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

Fafnir.. just because some of our members arenīt doing enough in war doesnīt mean we are all *beep*s, i have had allmost all my income to troops since OOP and guess what! all of them have died for Trio not for music! so please just cut the crap. you said you didnīt know me, that doesnīt mean i ainīt a experienced player! it would be kind of strange donīt you think? if everybody you didn't know couldn't play this game in a normal fashion.

08:14:42 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

Fafnir.. just because some of our members arenīt doing enough in war doesnīt mean we are all *beep*s, i have had allmost all my income to troops since OOP and guess what! all of them have died for Trio not for music! so please just cut the crap. you said you didnīt know me, that doesnīt mean i ainīt a experienced player! it would be kind of strange donīt you think? if everybody you didn't know couldn't play this game in a normal fashion.

12:17:44 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Incyte The Infamous:

You guys never cease to amaze me with your bickering.

13:29:23 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

I don't get it. Since Music NAPd Legacy pretty early then the only way to help TRIO would have been attacking Sheol, right?

I must have been someplace else when you did that :-S

15:11:56 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

in that case you canīt see the spot we are fightinh. its sheolīs northern frontier and we have a stand off between 2 giant merges...

15:36:11 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Mr. William The Alcoholic


6/4/2008 4:11:56 PM
in that case you canīt see the spot we are fightinh. its sheolīs northern frontier and we have a stand off between 2 giant merges...

Ah, but it's VU day 555 now, I was talking about what happened before :)

OOP means around VU day 70. I suspect you NAPd Legacy a few RL days after that

Music's first merge was somewhere around VU day 400.

You must have done some fighting in all that interval right? That's why I was saying I must have not seen it. I don't suppose you have been farming till everyone got 100k+ land, have you?

"i have had allmost all my income to troops since OOP and guess what! all of them have died for Trio not for music!"

I am curious as to what troops you've lost assisting TRIO from era start to VU day 400. Thanks :)

15:48:14 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

yes we did, we did fordius. after that we went down and toke a few Sheol towns. then they toke some back. and now the score is a meagre 5 towns for us... then we had little fights and we just pumped troops into defensive towns then we made that merge. i know for myself that i have done a smuch as i can. true we have farmers in our kingdom and i truelly hate that. but i canīt do anythign about it myself. and for teh amount i have lost? it ain't much probs about 8k but thats because i have a huge amount in our merge and they haven't died yet;)  i said it the wrong way but i meant i made them to help trio but because sheol has fought so hard we couldn't get through. and teh mereg has been there since date 300 more then 400.

18:31:58 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

Then you guys are even *beep*ier then I thought. Trio would have moved down with scouts immediately, they would have settled immediately, and would of started pumping immediately. We would have attacked within four days with a proper merge, but I guess it's not YOUR fault, but your LEADERSHIP'S.

Fafnir, how can you say that?I supose you was in trio 2 eras ago , when you were called dark trio. Do you remember then?I was in gauls, and we maped saving you from apollo.What you did then?NOTHING. Let Gauls do the dirty work while you farmed and when apollo died, you sudenlyget a lot of troops and started growing till get the first place of Mantrax...Or i am wrong?ŋ?

And as William said, we started the OOP figthing LGC and kikcking them of our core till we get the NAP, and just then we figthed against Fordius at north.Then some of us send scout and others no.OK. But we did the best we could. This is my the first era in Fantasia , and think more rulers are like me, and we are doing good

18:32:48 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

Maybe i have comited most faults, but i'm not english, and i think you can understand what i'm saying

18:38:09 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

It's ok :) Both of you :) I understand :)

18:42:40 Jun 4th 08 - Sir Surviver:

Wait wait.....So lgc nap music?Interesting=D

18:51:21 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Yeah. That and the Earth is not flat.

18:57:15 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

lol, ou didn't knew that,?or what just joking?

19:03:23 Jun 4th 08 - Sir Surviver:

Wow! :( the earth is not flat?really?So much for school.

19:15:21 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Mr. Daryl


6/4/2008 7:57:15 PM
lol, ou didn't knew that,?or what just joking?

Second :)

20:30:24 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

Well, of surviver   nothing would surprise me :p

21:27:16 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

We didn't even learn it from Carnage, we learned it from Trio.

21:40:01 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

Well..Seems fafnir is not gona answer at what i told him about how they acted 2 eras ago agaisnt apollo....

Maybe I'll have to put that message in armagedon  wars if i want that he reads it?LOL

22:07:45 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

My precious kitchen ustensil <3

If you're talking about this post...

Mr. More Inactive Than You

6/4/2008 2:34:25 AM

It's just that Music learned something from Carnage. The part about how much to wait until being able to war someone :)

Then I must contradict you. Can't remember last era but at least as far as this era went, TRIO have been fighting us OOP till end :)

23:02:29 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

i think the reason faf isnt answerin is becaus he already mentioned how trio faught holy, and then fought, CE, PREDS, FF, eternal primates, and pretty much evry kd who wasnt music or gauls that era!!!! so y shud he repeat himself jst cos ur frm music n ur a bit SLOW in more ways than u shud nevr evr say or imply that we farmed we r fighters n thats wat we always did we won mantrax 3 times in a row becaus we did a lot of fightin dnt even imply that farminm can win u mantrax cos mantrax isnt dat easy! bt i guess ur so slow u didnt even realise wat u wer sayn so ur excused.

now excuse me ppl i didnt wana join in this bickering and pointless chit chat and flaming as u ppl put it bt i jst let my anger gt the better of me.


that said i jst think we shud all jst leav this matter now and move on.


wars are won and lost and even trio cant keep winning evry war they enter and a loss jst teaches and exposes ppl and trio members hav learnt from this war a lot thanks 2 sheolic and music. i dnt wana put any blame on music cos its nt music's fault we lost. and at the end of the day this is a game and the war was fun and a gd challenge.

end of story now start another 1 som1.

23:29:18 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Can't approve of your spelling but can approve your ideas :)

23:31:32 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

"cos mantrax isnt dat easy"

hmmm i bet that me and 3 other people ive palyed with for a while could survive an era on mant mabye even win. big difference between fant and mant which was dispalyed very well from predators when they kept trying to paly on fant and kept dying

00:11:48 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

02:35:37 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

i think the reason faf isnt answerin is becaus he already mentioned how trio faught holy, and then fought, CE, PREDS, FF, eternal primates, and pretty much evry kd who wasnt music or gauls that era!!!!

Seems its you that don't understand me.1rst i talk of the era when i was  in GAULS, and 2nd , what I say is that when we were figthing Apollo(that was very close of killing you) you didn't fougth with us, till we defeated them . Then I know you defeated other KD and grow in the first position(with all respect, but the other KD werent at the level of TRIO/GAULS/MUSIC).

I don't want to talk and discus about past, but I say this because you say that you help your allies at the moment with big merges and other stuff...


15:49:21 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

hmmm i bet that me and 3 other people ive palyed with for a while could survive an era on mant mabye even win. big difference between fant and mant which was dispalyed very well from predators when they kept trying to paly on fant and kept dying

you really sure about that? Elements tried... they failed eventhough they were very skilled. mantrax has changed don't forget that. though fant is harder you won't survive with 4 players (except if you pick 3 really good ones)

20:58:57 Jun 5th 08 - General Ezatious:

WTF are these lame kds of which you speak?

Take them to your own designated threads :) fant only here nublars

22:36:44 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

i am on fant...

22:48:53 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

*yawn* is it really musics fault your kd fell apart after the first defeat? why not stop moaning and just take over the kd

first defeat we were going back and forward with shelo they took citys and we took  from them.

lol you got to be joking we fell to shelo because we got attaked from 3 sides shelo east and north , lgc from north west sides and frod from our back we had to stop reinforcing our mereger to shelo and take them to lgcs front  i am not saying that shelo did not do a good job they did a great job vs us we were in war from oop i had fun vs shelo it was my first era in VU and it WAS DAME GREAT thanks shelo for a great fight.

23:08:36 Jun 5th 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

uhm i dun get it,

Trio and Music had an alliance, Music naps LGC that attacked trio's underdefended back, cause trio was busy with Sheol. How is that helping your ally?

23:13:37 Jun 5th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

no drenthinio... we were at war with Lgc OOP. then we signed a NAP cause we had more problems. at that time LGC and Trio still had peace. then after we cleared fordius we moved south to help Trio. against sheol. me and some other guys did what we could. but then Lgc came against Trio and we couldnīt do anything cause of NAP. thats about it...

04:37:08 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

Sorry guys I was very busy for quite awhile, I'm sure all of you missed me. For everyone who defended me or attacked Nubsic good job.........Nubsic you are still *beep*s. ended the war with Ford right after you ended the war with LGC. That was roughly tick.......100 AT MOST. If you guys really did set up armories right away then at tick 200 (once again that's extreme, I gave you 60 ticks to travel in that estimate) you would have had armories set up and pumping easy. Even Nubsic could handle that.......I think. Then by tick 300 you guys SHOULD of had 100-200k merge easy if what you say is true (that almost everyone in Nubsic was pumping) and would have moved out.

2nd.......people (Nubsic+Gauls) when are you going to get this through to your tiny little brains? We where pushing.......(you know making them retreat, or is that a too long of a word for you too?)......them back by the time Gauls attacked. Also Nubsic wasn't even close to attacking them. Yes, we rebuilt, but you said it right "you sudenlyget a lot of troops and started growing till get the first place of Mantrax". We actually came out with troops to help Nubsic......unlike what Nubsic did this era. Anyway Mantrax doesn't matter so why argue?
*NOTE* I am merely stating the facts, not arguing.

"about 8k but thats because i have a huge amount in our merge and they haven't died yet;)  i said it the wrong way but i meant i made them to help trio but because sheol has fought so hard we couldn't get through"
I couldn't
stop laughing after this one, honestly! You lost 8k? WOOO that's A LOT of troops......*beep*. Another thing on that........SHEOL has only a few troops up north. Nothing major, they where fighting us very well, just Nubsic was too *beep*y to move out their *beep*y merge. Now I get to the good part, you said one thing right
"but i MEANT i made them to help trio". That's right yourough."
I coul MEANT to help us, but you didn't.

"in that case you canīt see the spot we are fightinh. its sheolīs northern frontier and we have a stand off between 2 giant merges..."
Another case of *beep* you even know what a large merge is? No it's not 5k troops. It's more like 500k+ and in Fant it should be a Horde, I seriosly doubt that SHEOL had a horde or even an Army (100-200k). SHEOL had everything fighting us, and we had everything fighting them. They had what? 50k troops there? Pathetic Nubsic.......very pathetic.

If you don't want to read the above just read this for a summery: We where MAP'd with Music. Our MAP'd ally (Nubsic) NAP'd our enemy (LGC). Then on top of that they did not help us with SHEOL. PA-THE-TIC

BTW never really said it, but good job SHEOL. We'll get you next time ;-).

05:00:58 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

I won't give you any more explanation. I have tried but seems you don't understand others. Seems you only can have 1 thing in your brain, and now this thing is Flame Music. (yes Nubsic  ha hah aha hahaha...You are quite originaL!! you say   PA-THE-TIC....).

You could have done like others, say what you thing and we could have accepted our mistakes , i recognize we could do it better , but stop that plz. You seems a child that lost his lollipop...Plz, start again and try to do it better, and let this story come to the end... if you want I'm going to give you  the Lollipop but shut up men

05:26:06 Jun 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

I hate cluttering the Fant Wars thread like this so........

Go to this link for further Nubsic bashing
Btw Daryl why am I pathetic? I told 101 reasons why Music is pathetic, but you haven't given even one why I am.

07:36:30 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

yes sure, sheol had everything fighting you. untill we toke Ocool's big mine, then they came after us with a *beep*load. now there are over 700k at there side and 700k on our side. and if you are so sure i did *beep* for your Trio then you think so. at least i know for myself that i did my best to help.

08:26:36 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Giggy:

Here here.

08:43:23 Jun 6th 08 - Prince Melow:

Mr. William The Alcoholic


6/5/2008 11:13:37 PMno drenthinio... we were at war with Lgc OOP. then we signed a NAP cause we had more problems. at that time LGC and Trio still had peace. then after we cleared fordius we moved south to help Trio. against sheol. me and some other guys did what we could. but then Lgc came against Trio and we couldnīt do anything cause of NAP. thats about it...

lol ... so basically, music did this:

Start a war --> end a war to fight someone else
End the war with that someone else --> start a fight with someone else
End the war with that someone else because you can't handle it each time?

So then you decide to fight a even waged war= a crippled kingdom vs music ... (no offense on sheolic, but we all know sheolic did warred this era (did great) and had their downs inside sheol)

anyhow ... GO GO MUSIC!

13:12:43 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

we never started any w*beep*xcept sheol). even before we were OOP Lgc invaded and we had to fight them off first. then we got under attack by fordius (he broke NAP) and then we moved to Sheol... i don't know the other someone elses you are talking about....

13:24:25 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Let's review what happened. Legacy attacked us oop, got into our core and did us quite some damage. I lost my starter mine and farm, for example. They also sent a merge against our southern blocker. Problems were that LGC is a rather strong kd (duh!); secondly that many of our members ran along one of those long thin ranges-by-the-lake to find a starting spot, and so were as much as 24-48 hours late coming oop. Thus some towns were falling to LGC armies while other armories set up down south couldn't fight yet.

Nonetheless we fought back and began succeeding. It became clear LGC wasn't employing their full force. We began looking forward to a positive outcome, especially after we saw Binh in the LGC core. LGC then offered us a NAP. At that time we would not have accepted their offer. We were actually winning against LGC in that zone! (But not overall, of course)

Two ticks after LGC offered the NAP, Fordius cancelled his CF with us and attacked. He did indescribable damage to the northern rear of our core, it being almost entirely mines since the armories were south. Some of our newer players were killed off. Even Gilth had to suicide and restart, I believe. It was under those conditions, facing certain defeat, that we signed the NAP. Luckily for us, LGC didn't perhaps know just how bad things were for us.

As I explained it to Hanky, had we not signed the NAP, we would have been dead anyway and in no position to help Trio. There was surely no point in a gloriously brief and heroic suicide. Worse, LGC and Fordius between them would have gained our core very very rapidly. While weakened, LGC would surely have been able to take advantage of Fordius' attack.

I explained all this to Hanky in private chat. He seemed to appreciate my explanation and wrote no more about it. So I don't understand why a handful of Trio members are continuing with this issue. It is not all of Trio, certainly.

I'm very proud of how Music has done this era, given that the kd is newly back from Mantrax and has many players new to Fant.

14:04:32 Jun 6th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Oh, we knew how bad things were for you. Just be glad that we'd rather kill DBydos than you all and we have a sense of honor when it comes to keeping NAPs. ;-)

You guys did a good job in the war, props to Music. <3

14:18:36 Jun 6th 08 - Lady Quietone:

no no no lucky for you that Carnacy aka the new pks can only fight one kd at a time!  or... should i say one binh?   ;-)


my question is did you or did you not have a MAP with trio.. because obviously making a nap outside that MAP with trio's enemy was clearly a violation of the MAP itself... but with Fizban holding you to such honor on the nap itself maybe trio was confused on your relations with them?

14:50:49 Jun 6th 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

we had NAP with Lgc before they warred Trio. thats the problem. and some poeple in our KD wanted to break Lgc and attack them, luckely most of us were against. i truelly hate NAP breaking FOR ANY REASON

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