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Good vs Evil
14:21:38 Dec 15th 14 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

I tried last night and the only team I could even apply for is the Good side (nothing wrong with it). I'd just like to randomly be placed..

14:31:40 Dec 15th 14 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

zeta will fix, i have faith!

17:03:36 Dec 15th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

but will it be before much of the playerbase gets bored and goes find a different game to play?

18:16:34 Dec 15th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

please, this player base is nothing but masochists who've stuck around through worse

00:03:32 Dec 16th 14 - Mr. Chaotic Neutral:

So is the world going to be reset before we actually start or is this it? :P

00:22:38 Dec 16th 14 - Zephyr (Marquess Esmeralda):

I hope to god there is a restart and each kingdom is placed on their separate sides, else we will be squished on the same corner.

00:52:16 Dec 16th 14 - Dakarta (Prince Dakarta):

I planted a city and am going to raze it so I can restart.. And will hopefully be put into a kingdom.

02:26:23 Dec 16th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Polymer):

It has to restart. Zeta pls

06:57:46 Dec 16th 14 - Dragon (Duke Elron The Great):

Yes, Zeta.

Please reset the world

08:30:48 Dec 16th 14 - Mr. Chade The Absentee:


09:30:41 Dec 16th 14 - Penguin (Clown Nuclear Penguin):


14:53:23 Dec 16th 14 - Ms. Jasmina:

Good and Evil settle at the same place
LOL at that :)

15:22:44 Dec 16th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):


Kingdoms in Good vs Evil
Good26Mr. Panic100
Evil22Mr. Jackdaniels The Good18

22:35:36 Dec 16th 14 - Dragon (Duke Elron The Great):

Evil needs to pic a banner...

The least we can do is be prepared when Zeta does get back to us.

06:29:31 Dec 17th 14 - Mr. Barney:

The longer this goes without word from Zeta the worse it's going to be. I could have potentially set this up on a pre-existing world without much difficultly, but it works better if Zeta was able to put in actual rules and special mechanics like he's trying to do.

That said it's past the settle time and people are starting to build up and settle. Right now there are a handful of people building who are going to be upset when/if the reset comes, and there are even more people waiting for the wipe who will be even more upset if it doesn't come at all.

08:05:54 Dec 17th 14 - Penguin (Mr. Pussy Monsta):

This ruler is protected by the 50% rule.

dafuq evil :(

08:11:14 Dec 17th 14 - Mr. Ignis The Greedy:

Yeah I agree with you:(

08:40:52 Dec 17th 14 - Woodeh (Mr. Endgame):

I'm still tagless lol

I settled Just in-case, We only have around 7 players seeming to be attentive to this thing on the EVIL Side (that have settled)  

12:28:37 Dec 17th 14 - Mr. Barney:

Based on city names I take it that almost everyone on Evil is expecting the reset Zeta mentioned earlier.

15:10:34 Dec 17th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Prolapse):

someone should farm up arma real fast - who wants to be fed?

EDIT: we can still do this without Zeta - i can disband Good or drop all the players and we can do a draft or self balancing, captains. etc

15:13:13 Dec 17th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Prolapse):

we should get the teams set before Arma is counted down, then we can launch right into dropping, strategizing etc.

18:13:28 Dec 17th 14 - Mr. Ignis Malik:

We have not attacked them and they have not attacked us.

I really dont get it I have attacked the kd Evil a couple of times and I am currently being prepared on but It seems like it doesnt count as attack

Does anyone what happens when  a member of a kd attacks another kd less player can that player  take other cities even from players who have less then 50% then him

19:15:03 Dec 17th 14 - Mr. Chaotic Neutral:

You mean Good? Unless you're attacking Evil somewhere else that I can't see. And no, it doesn't count unless we actually attack you, not just prep on you. And it only counts for the player that attacks you NOT the whole KD. So even if one of us attacked you the rest of us would still be protected by the 50% rule. Sucks to be you. ;P

19:16:00 Dec 17th 14 - Mr. Chade The Absentee:

you have probably attacked them before you went kdless

19:21:33 Dec 17th 14 - Mr. Ignis Malik:

This is hell damn u Evil ^-^

20:10:31 Dec 17th 14 - Penguin (Mr. Pussy Monsta):

you mean good, cause you are fighting ze good side bastard

20:24:22 Dec 17th 14 - Mr. Ignis Malik:

I cant see the diffrence :) 

23:06:41 Dec 17th 14 - Sir Shining Moon:

Ignis is team "Canada", involving to attack both Good and Evil :P

23:20:07 Dec 17th 14 - Mr. Ignis Malik:

This world deserves a better class of criminal. And I’m gonna give it to them*-*

02:19:12 Dec 18th 14 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Aroused):

lmao ^^^

08:30:35 Dec 18th 14 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Someone kept casting oblivion and freeze on me, but now I got magic protection and have reset the GvE world!

So it's game on!

08:35:59 Dec 18th 14 - Penguin (Mr. Pussy Monsta):

screw you zetamonger! i was on fire, about to drop out of kd and kill everyone! why do you always screw me over :(((

08:38:31 Dec 18th 14 - Penguin (Mr. Pussy Monsta):

The age has just started.
We have to wait 9.37 more days/ticks before being able to settle.

10:04:49 Dec 18th 14 - Mr. Chaotic Neutral:

And I was doing so well. :P Oh well.

Evil Good

Battles won: 0
Battles lost: 0

Players: 41
Sir Drakul
Mr. Heroix
Duke Ryan The Battlemage
Mr. Learner
Ms. Dishida
Mr. Aroused
Mr. Pussy Monsta
Lord Faelhon
Mr. Qweysis
Mr. Endgame
Duke Elron The Great
Lord Dark Spawn
Mr. Ozymandias II
Mr. Insane With The Shot
Kushlord Gonzo The Great
Mr. Nonja
Mr. Evergreen
Ms. Crystaal
Mr. Bloodthirst
Mr. Bran
Mr. Pure The Good
Mr. Raw
Mr. Taxmannn
Mr. Afk
Mr. Chaotic Neutral
Mr. Pytix
Mr. Hakk X Core
Mr. Ghatak
Mr. Chade The Absentee
Mr. Jger
Mr. Warlight
Mr. Chockgoblin
Mr. Echelbarger
Ms. Jasmina
Mr. Dlmickael
Mr. Barney
Mr. Whiro
Mr. Godiva
Mr. Panic
Mr. Binh The Angry Hornet
Ms. Wowie Gamerino

Battles won: 0
Battles lost: 0

Players: 41
Mr. Don Kichotas
I am Legendary
Mr. Edd The
Sir Moon Knight
Mr. Vonn Darkmoor
Mr. Batmann
Mr. Tico
Mr. Goldsmith
Mr. Mandred Black
General Urgog Iron
Mr. Vocaslist
Duke Dekarta
Mr. Elite II
Marquess Esmeralda
Mr. Malamor
Mr. Jackdaniels The Good
Mr. Aloysius
Mr. Sneed
Mr. Galaxar
Mr. Ignis Malik
Mr. Vraxial
Mr. Ray
Mr. Arauka Gurtha
Mr. Legolas III
Ms. Alrisaia The Pure
Mr. Catfarmer
Mr. Coke
Mr. Anonymous Death Dragon
Mr. Asdasd
Mr. Gooby
Mr. Evil Wizard V
Mr. Antons
Ms. Marion
Mr. Gmc
Ms. Jennacide
Mr. Generic Name
Mr. Freeze
Mr. Sevax
Mr. Gandor
Mr. Fromps
Ms. Sambalam

10:22:49 Dec 18th 14 - Mr. Ignis Malik:

Aaah I wanted to have some more fun

10:29:59 Dec 18th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran The Malevolent):

is it possible to remove the 'leave kingdom' option for this map? there really is no need to leave kd at all other than to mess up the game for everyone by backstabbing

13:24:00 Dec 18th 14 - Penguin (Mr. Pussy Monsta):


14:25:47 Dec 18th 14 - Mr. Ignis Areth:

Is the 50% rule still on

15:55:00 Dec 18th 14 - Dragon (Duke Elron The Great):


I am listed as the leader of Good But spawned in Evil

Can you please fix this

16:28:14 Dec 18th 14 - Zephyr (Marquess Esmeralda):

Good side doesn't have a leader and our vices were shuffled to the evil side.

16:55:44 Dec 18th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

19:07:47 Dec 18th 14 - Penguin (Mr. Pussy Monsta):

 how dafuq, dead fella is selling tree

21:30:31 Dec 18th 14 - Dragon (Duke Elron The Great):

Now I am leader of Evil.....

22:41:04 Dec 18th 14 - Mr. Ignis Areth:

Most Fearsome Rulers

Mr. Heroix has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 849 men and women.
Mr. Bloodthirst has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 111 men and women.

We restarted the game :)

22:43:40 Dec 18th 14 - Penguin (Clown Nuclear Penguin):

they still havent logged in, so their scores didnt "update"

05:20:36 Dec 19th 14 - Mr. Barney:

Evil has a skype conversation up with people in it, if you want to be added to it add barny12321 on skype or send me or any Evil vice a message in-game with your skype info.

Hopefully Good makes their own skype call and uses KD forums as well!

14:56:17 Dec 19th 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

OBLIVION - I don't f*cking believe it

03:39:29 Dec 22nd 14 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

Kingdoms in Good vs Evil
Evil35Duke Elron The Great100
Good25Mr. Anonymous Death Dragon70

12:03:37 Dec 22nd 14 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous Death Dragon):

Zeta, will you please change the banner for the Good KD. It makes me sick looking at that crap every time I log on this character and I am sure others would agree with me on this.

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