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Good vs Evil round 7
15:50:29 Jul 15th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

We'll send him a thank you note or a get well soon...
Obviously trading intel is an act of aggression, and was dealt with.

17:10:47 Jul 15th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):

We did not feed on the nub in an outside kingdom (or any non Evil players for that matter)

But Evil did.

*shrug* Oh well, whatever. Not like I care so much about this game anymore anyway....

01:54:36 Jul 16th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aligritzl):

my plan worked! lured Binh and TBL away from VU. 


/me is master tactician

18:30:00 Jul 16th 15 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

What a shitty army zond, better do a chicken run.

More with 325464 soldiers awaiting your orders, Sir Kobuskan...

The enemy has 396403 soldiers armed with Magic weapons and mithril armor. They have 0 peasants traveling with them. We have 93% chance winning this battle.

18:32:45 Jul 16th 15 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):


They surrendered. Sir Kobuskan. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 109432 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 109432 enemy troops.

20:08:19 Jul 16th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

Traveled for a week. And you farmed all era to this point.

not mention 100k of my troops are mu. Where as you have hardly none.

kinda sad tbh you couldn't do better.

20:24:40 Jul 16th 15 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Always excuses, when are you growing up?

21:09:55 Jul 16th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

Firstly. This is a game. I can be whoever I want.

secondly. I could say the same for you. Must suck being one the oldest in the game, yet acting as one the youngest.

12:44:31 Jul 17th 15 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

At least i have more brains.

They surrendered. Sir Kobuskan. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 76871 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 76871 enemy troops.

16:25:57 Jul 17th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

Considering you are feeding me massive exp. 

I wouldn't call that brains. But that's just my opinion. 

03:35:06 Jul 18th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyers):

Hey guys, is 200,000 archmages a lot or should I train more?

03:44:20 Jul 18th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

gotta get higher than level 1 magic man. come on. that ones free!

14:19:57 Jul 18th 15 - Mr. Conscientious Objector:

Is that all you've got? You gave long way go to catch up.. ;)

18:45:31 Jul 18th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aligritzl):

Zond, it wouldn't have been very smart for him to rejoin the fighting right away after TBLs influential magic resulted in him losing OOP.

When you lose that early your only option is to farm a better economy to be able to catch up to the big hitters, which he did. Pretty smart in my opinion.

What isn't smart is that you walked across the map so slowly, why not hunt us down and finish us off when you have the momentum. Send scouts over and set forward armoires, split your massive army and walk it over quicker, join with the new armoury troops and kill us. What you did just extended the era and actually gave us a chance

But please, explain what you would have done different to Kobu in his position as I am very intrigued to know.

18:52:16 Jul 18th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

He lost early because he gave up. He did nothing but make gts, settle back up core. He didnt attempt to do anything oop. He didnt "lose" oop. If your players had all contributed OOP, instead of spending their gold on back up cities. We would of lost OOP hands down. 

And i am only playing because tbl said era would be 2 weeks. Yet here we are.. 

I have a job with long hours, never home, when i am i have a fiance and 2 kids. So vu doesnt matter. and im in the process of moving. So tbh ive already told tbl i was done with era when i started the march. im here now for shits and giggles.

So to sum it up, oop in his position. I would of bitched my kd mates to not all try to farm and set up back up cities. But take us on when we were out numbered and had several guys tied up on anon who had did great oop. but his kd mates let him down. not saying they suck. or anyone does. just in general he was let down. 

20:11:07 Jul 18th 15 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

You all know halfer is a good race to do oop warfare and dwarf is not, so a dwarf needs to adapt to the situation and i did.

Tried to tribute in oop but dwarf troop training and building is just too slow compared to halfer
And since when is an oop fight deciding era win.

20:20:30 Jul 18th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

I told the kd to farm while Ali, myself and Death Dealer took the brunt of Goods onslaught. It was a tactic, and I was the first to place a city away from your kd, to enable other players to respawn if needed and do what needed to be done. Enough.

20:46:59 Jul 18th 15 - Zond (The Good Zond):

thats fine all dandy. im just saying my opinion given i was only here to play for 2 weeks. 

21:25:22 Jul 18th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

GvE takes between 7 and 12 weeks.
Not even the most epic failures would fall in two weeks.

22:38:13 Jul 18th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Aligritzl):

Not true Bling,

If someone rage quit and kicked the whole KD then it could fall in 2 weeks but we aren't silly enough to put someone with the emotionally stability of a pre pubescent boy in a vice position....oh wait....

/me looks at KD page

Dodged a bullet there

23:01:14 Jul 18th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

* considers Ali's comment and begins evil thought process

07:41:42 Jul 19th 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):


Kobu staying on for the OOP war may or may not have won the OOP battle for Evil. But nonetheless, the fact that he and a couple of other Evil players were able to build backup cores and farm themselves up while the rest of Evil stalled us is probably what will win the war for them.

If I were in Evil's shoes, I would have pulled off the same strategy. It is the right strategy considering the circumstances. I'm not so immature and foolish (insert regular dig about not being like Wilber) to not be able to admit this.

Now, allow me to explain some of my kingdom's side of the story quickly.

Ali, there was no way we could do what you suggested. By the end of the OOP war, practically everyone in Good that was not a mage was running at near negative income. Our economies were a mess (too many GTs, not enough quality takings, not enough proper economic cities), we were saddled with too many low level troops (needed to win the OOP war), upkeep was horrifying (lugging around swords, gaia, hammers, hobs and ponies), and our sciences were rubbish.

There was no way any of our boys could lug a big, fat level 1 - 2 army 60 ticks to the opposite edge of the map, set up an armoury and be expected to bust through blockers. Not when Kobu already had one 90K up, and another halfway through as well.

Ever since the start of the era, Good has been and is still playing with only 11 functional players. The rest either could not be bothered to drop a city even after 5 to 6 days into the era (Hanky, Love, etc.), or they refused to follow multiple instructions and just ended up becoming top notched feeders and dying ignominiously (I forgot the names of these useless nubs).

As of now, Evil outnumber us by at least 6 players. 50% more than what we have right now.

I can't speak for the rest of my kingdom, but my personal expectation of Good versus Evil is that it should have been a fair and balanced match as far as possible. That means not allowing extra players to drop and shuffling any excess players over to our side. Just like what Good did last era when it told several players yet to drop for us to play for Evil instead after we found out that Barney had to drop out.

Perhaps our victory at the OOP stage convinced Evil that it needed more firepower in order to overpower us at the mid to late era stage. Perhaps my side left those inactives and useless players on the roster for far too long, and you thought the teams were balanced. Who knows. But ultimately, the rosters to date did not meet my expectation for a fair and balanced match.

And that is coupled with some Evil players hitting and feasting on outside players and nubs who dropped on this map. I mean, for the love of God, is it so hard to leave a single nubs alone? People complain left right and center about the already minute playerbase, and some of the vets have to go and further nub-bash on the one map they should be restraining themselves in. Sure, those nubs should never have dropped on this map. But they do not know this, and simple communication could resolve this issue. Or the simplest action of all - leaders should just tell their respective kingdoms to concentrate only on the one enemy they are facing.

Feeding on outside nubs who built large, nearly defenceless cities not only gives Evil a step ahead of Good in the economic race, but it is an embarrassing act for a vet of the game. I don't see anyone trying to take on an observing vet wielding 200K archmages, but when it comes to nubs.... chomp! Ever heard of the saying "picking on someone your own size"?

Anyway, what's done is done and its all water under the bridge. The odds in this mid to late era now favour an Evil victory, and my kingdomates are already losing activity and interest in this long drawn out era (yeah, I did tell Zondy that I thought the era would last only 2 weeks, but that was because I expected and hoped for a fair play out.... it was apparent to me by day 5 of the era that my expectations were not going to be met, and I actually thought we will even lose at the OOP stage). Furthermore, it is summer, and many of my Western kingdomates are now heading for their holidays (or already on holiday). All Evil has to do is just hold us off from any more momentum gains for a few more days, and that 50% extra numbers will make their weight count.

But whatever happens, my kingdomates and I will do our best (within the circumstances) to go down and out with dignity. I never play Good vs Evil with the expectation that I will always win.... there must always be one loser in this binary contest unfortunately. I also do believe that it would do Evil good (pardon the pun) to have a win this era or a lot of their stalwarts are going to throw their VU accounts into the bin in disgust :P But I do hope that future eras of Good vs Evil will be conducted with more fairness, equity and sensibility than this era. There is nothing ever wrong with losing.... if the opponent's victory was earned fair and square. We all learn and become better people from our losses :)

And on that note, please for the love of god either kill us fast or die fast so that I can stop being forced to log into VU just for the sake of fulfilling my responsibilities to my team :P

P.S. Really seriously, less nub-bashing. There's nothing more heartbreaking to watch than to see a nub try out this game, drop down on his or her own in a map, read the guides, try to build according to what was written.... and then just get eaten up so quickly that he or she goes: "Nah, not worth it... will try another game instead". Yes, this is a harsh game, and nubs should be exposed to its realities. But not in this time and era, when there are so few players left and no experienced kingdoms are giving the really committed and interested nubs a chance within their ranks to learn the game properly.

If we cannot help build up or be part of the playerbase long-term, at least, please do not accelerate its decline.

08:28:30 Jul 19th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

Im still BY FAR the sexiest evil fecker though.

04:50:15 Jul 27th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Slyers):

I'm sorry Tbl, I couldn't make it the full post. But congrats good on beating me up this era. Lemme know when yall want arma

04:52:57 Jul 27th 15 - Woodeh (Mr. Clusterfck):


04:54:53 Jul 27th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyers):

Lol, ok. I gotta build a city to cast it on

00:47:45 Jul 29th 15 - shyers (Mr. Shyers):

Sign up and make teams. Then I will cast arma

17:55:56 Aug 2nd 15 - TheBornLoser (Sir Big Flying Chockroach):

Congrats on the win Evil :)

07:20:07 Aug 4th 15 - Mr. Osi Twat:

Now what ???

03:42:48 Dec 7th 15 - Cloutier (Master Cloutier):

join OutLawZ on good vs Evil

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