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Forums / In game politics / Latha era 40

Latha era 40
19:10:30 Jun 30th 09 - Mr. Braggi:

horde of underpriced archers to the rescue!!! :D:D:D

19:25:12 Jun 30th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

horde of underpriced PONIES ftw!!! :D:D:D

19:27:47 Jun 30th 09 - General Gokken:

carefull or i send out my horde of overpriced Axemen :P

19:35:49 Jun 30th 09 - Mr. Braggi:

pifft whos afraid of dwarfs carrying axes twice theyr size when you have midgets riding ponies? :P

19:39:57 Jun 30th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

I AM! ='(

21:26:55 Jun 30th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

wow...its been a long time since explorer has made a comment....w/o him this thread sucks!!! :D LMFAO

EXPO, where are you :D

General Gokken


18:27:47 Jun 30th 09
carefull or i send out my horde of overpriced Axemen :P

Can i have YouTube video of the new overpriced shields as well, General....seems to me that you are the best dwarfy playa i know ;)

21:28:56 Jun 30th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

y, do u luv me tht much?

Mr. Ctc [] (6/30/2009 8:23:38 PM) GOOD BAD
well then you shall die
Mr. Ctc [] (6/30/2009 8:24:12 PM) GOOD BAD
unless you accept my invitation

nasty man :(

22:20:54 Jun 30th 09 - General Gokken:

Nice of you to drop by Chade =D

22:36:39 Jun 30th 09 - Mr. Spud:


uhm, Like, Im cool...


...and stuff.

23:23:49 Jun 30th 09 - General Gokken:

lol Spud

23:25:08 Jun 30th 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

Whatever God Decides of us.

00:22:08 Jul 1st 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

General Gokken


21:20:54 Jun 30th 09
Nice of you to drop by Chade =D

i'm always dropping by for good, old friends ;)

10:10:28 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Lol wow i cant beleive I just lost a 95% takeover on a city with over 10k troops, and they had like 200.. lucky orc killer guy :p

10:35:08 Jul 1st 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

yes. lucky him.

10:42:35 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

hahahahha XD
it looks like SD's hitting back, but i'm leaving Barny behind, and since SD doesn't read this forum, who cares if i say it here :O

10:49:35 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

when are you oop barny?

10:51:35 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Not really hitting back, maybe a little push back.
It was expected though. But still, come and join the fun.. It will be over in a couple days at most if you were here :)

10:52:39 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

they have no armies that can beat my epic army, and without merges... :D

11:06:55 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Barny:

So confident. All I see is you getting pushed back, but I admit it can go either way. I don't really care who wins. Also, I will make it very clear when I am OOP; you will know.

11:24:55 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

Most of what i see is us pushing forwars, but you don't see everything it seems :)

12:29:36 Jul 1st 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

does anyone see everything?

12:31:32 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

uhh, i see more then half? i don't see EA and foh :)

12:36:02 Jul 1st 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

why would anyone want to smell all?

13:01:23 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Argon:

I like to touch myself when nobody is watching.

13:03:15 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

Spud's always watching.....

14:58:50 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

TOO MUCH PEOPLE, seriously every little spot it getting taken, this is supposed to be a world for New people, not just everybody to restart and come together here :O

18:12:59 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Spud:

Oh but Sandoran, thats the fun of it!

And Argon... Sandoran is right, I am ALWAYS watching...


But it's ok...


...and stuff

18:57:42 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

spud, your Stuff smells :O and it'f NOT fun! i can't take them due to 50% and they are annoying :O

19:33:52 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Braggi:

Sand are you new? GET OFF THIS WORLD!!! :D:D:D (after you give your cities to me :D)

19:40:31 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

yes i'm new, i just started playing this era and i don't know anybody, also i suck at VU and everybody owns me :(

20:25:44 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Argon:

@Spud: manhug ;-)

Nobody sucks at VU. Except for one guy I know who talks like he is sucking...hey, Explorer I bhet yu cn ree late 2that?

21:21:54 Jul 1st 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

Women have the temper of a hurricane.

21:22:47 Jul 1st 09 - Lady Jasmina:

Why dont you come to Valhalla and tell that to my face

21:24:00 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

he's a coward, a chicken, muahaha ^^ (no i won't either, but i admit it xD)

21:28:09 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Braggi:

some women have the temper of a hurricane :D

21:29:37 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

/valhalla /jasmina /face :O
not to mention you said Some.... :O

21:34:02 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Braggi:

i know....she was also talking to Necro but still i replied and because of that some she cant be mad at me :D so everyone is happy and everyone wins :D:D

21:34:37 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Argon:

Hey Jasmina, why so temperamental?

21:35:16 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

everyone except for me =( cuz i've just started a war i can't win ='( (but can't lose either muahaha)(i've never seen Jasmina happy? :p)

21:37:45 Jul 1st 09 - Lady Jasmina:

How can I be happy? You were in Kingdom with me, and in middle of war you decide to leave the Kingdom and join a new world. Yes I would agree that makes you a coward :) You left cause three Kingdoms attacked our Kingdom. Where is the honor in that... Better to die like a hero then live as a traitor...

And I was only making a joke to Necro, I am not temperamental :) I am a calm person :) Just dont come close to my army ^^

21:42:49 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

i didn't betray, cuz i didn't join the other side, and i gave my cities to some guy who's name i don't remember Ö... (not betraying but not dying, does that make me normal? OMG i'm like, the only normal person in vu, and your like, DEAD :O
the new world was worth it! i met my new BFF Gravedigger there, which i will always follow, laughing at, cuz he used tough talk AND lvl 1 troops in a combination, to fail :)

and i know, i'm good at leaving in the middle Ö when there are more things i dislike in a kd then i just... well.. i just leave Ö.

21:57:47 Jul 1st 09 - Lady Jasmina:

Leaving a battlefield in the middle of the war is considered as betrayal in my book.
But thats in the past and I apologize for bringing the past in this thread.
Good luck to everyone in Latha

22:01:39 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

thanks, i'm trying to better the betrayal thingy.... don't tell Astoria, she things the same as you :O ask spawn ^^
i'm sorry i betrayed you back then, but i already knew the war wasn't gonna be that much fun, (i remember 1 of the 3 kd's Comenius, they were just 14 kids from the same school in The Netherlands called that way lol).
I had fought some of them before so... i pretty much hate having a war with people you hate :) but i'm really sorry about that, and if i'm going to Aby next era, i won't betray you :) (Aby's still gonna excist next era, right? xD)

22:04:56 Jul 1st 09 - Lady Jasmina:

It was three against one, and people that stayed and fought till the end got all my deepest respect cause we knew we will not be able to hold on 3-4 fronts where we had enemy coming :) But it was an interesting era.

 I dont know about Abydos, ask the leadership

22:44:15 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

it was 3 vs 2 remember, we had Burnt in our core :O

22:54:00 Jul 1st 09 - General Gokken:

But Burnt was just starting to rebuild after almost beeing killed so i wouldnt count it as 3 vs 2.. i would count it as 3 vs 1

22:55:00 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

FWSTTWDe Vliegende Steentjes3Mr. Sandoran100


SKYDARKSKY2Ms. Darksky2232


FWSTTWDe Vliegende Steentjes3Mr. Sandoran100


ETEternal Warriors3Mr. Plague27

though they're not oop yet

FWSTTWDe Vliegende Steentjes3Mr. Sandoran100


SoulSRibirth Solo2Mr. Middle Earth6
 i know, i'm pathetic xD i'd just like to see if me and Spawn get to die or not xD

FWSTTWDe Vliegende Steentjes3Mr. Sandoran100


BARNY though he's not a kd :O

22:55:53 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

@gokken, they did send armies though, so make it 3 - 1 and a half, making it 2 to 1 since comenius and burnt were nothing xD

22:58:36 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

FWSTTWDe Vliegende Steentjes3Mr. Sandoran100


TREThe ROC Elders12Sir Erythnul59122

since they have 2 members in here, triple post wewt? is this legal? cuz i haven't read the rules.... :O

02:57:53 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Leafblighter:

Those posts must mean you have a nap or map with rebirth with 9 members and elite army with 3 members, those are the only ones you didn't list at war with besides ribirth solo or roman empire.

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