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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era of Magneto


Mantrax Era of Magneto
16:34:19 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

it's nothing to do with fate it was my idea... just to say :P

17:47:40 Aug 13th 09 - Duke Deadpool:

Well then Fate should kick you

17:51:15 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Just wondering, what IS Fate's view on this?

17:57:41 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Pass the ketchup maybe ???

18:10:16 Aug 13th 09 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

Ok, as the official spokeswoman for fate my statement is..... i love you :)

18:20:18 Aug 13th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Divine Elldorian


03:33:29 Aug 13th 09
can i just say technically Hanky hasnt done anything. as everyone seems to think a NAP is a alliance its actually just an agreement to not attack you himself... so unless in the terms it says do not allow other KD's to cast magic on them lol they arent in the wrong.
Most naps include the "You can't ask antoher KD to cast magic on us" rule.

18:28:28 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Well maybe Hanky should read the terms of NAP his kingdom is making more carefully next time.
I am pretty sure this NAP has a term where big armies have to ask for permission moving through the NAPed kingdoms terrain and that blockers won't get open if that would allow access to another NAped kingdom without their permission.

But maybe in this case Hanky thought he would be clever exploiting the fact that the NAP agreement maybe has not the passing army term inisde, only the blocker issue. SO you can't really blame him to be soooo clever and such a backstabber to the kingdoms he is naped :D... haha.

But hey don't blame Hanky too much, he is what he is, a player unable to think honorable. So it is your fault if you have not thought twice before trusting him.

So this move is not suprising me at all, Hankies nature was never honnorable.  Grim I have to tell you a little story, many eras ago to enlighten you.

Hanky was a new member of bow, applicated during the era and was placed 3 days away from bow core.
He started a war with spagetthi and screamed for help when he suddenly realised they are fighting back !
So many wolven brothers sent their armies through half fantasia to help hanky against an enemy he attacked first.
But before those wolven brothers arrived, Hanky left the kingdom, joined Spaghetti and killed off the armies from BoW who where kept small to travell faster int his blocker towns..... :b.
So he is the guy who rather safes his but when trouble comes then sticking with his kingdom mates. Oh and yes Darkfaith told me the truth all behind this too, I will not mention here ^^.....

Coming from the past back to the present. This era Hanky started with Choc who got smashed by Fate OOP, suddenly Hanky was a member of Fate and since he is ranked hoh, he didn't lost any towns in the OOP war.

One more time switching sides to safe his but, heh. I wonder what reasons where behind this time....

So don't blame Hanky for what he does so much.
If he could, he would play honorable, but he is just not able to do it, neither to understand your arguments about honor, trust and gameplay ^^.

18:31:50 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

survival instincts init ;)

18:34:43 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

nah but anyway it was only my second era back than i was a little nub with 3 multies who was black mailed into joining spag...

hell i was with spoon on another map with a multy the same era while all that shit was going off in fant and didnt even find out until a few era's ago lol...

what i've done right now isnt too majour :P even if i came through the south blocker you wasnt going to be prepared...

18:36:16 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

if it makes you happy i will just walk my army to the south near karakura town and come up near quiet...

18:37:00 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Wana bet Hanky? :P. (about not being prepared at South blocker).

18:43:03 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

welll ile find out soon i suppose

18:43:26 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

i wuvv you <3

18:49:41 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

I'm sorry, but you'll have to move ALL THE WAY to the South blocker. I don't have the patience to move all the way up there.

19:55:15 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I care about how this game is played.

The game is played by attacking enemies. NAP's, MAP's, CF's or any other alliance is just something that was made inside of the game. It's the dependent outcome, dependent on the game to exist.

20:27:51 Aug 13th 09 - Lady Amaira Dathlamir:

"All Warefare is based on Deception." Sun Tzu

Notice how he said ALL. War in and of itself is not an honourable thing. Military tactics is all about finding the best and most efficient way to cheat. War is inherintly dishonourable, and this my friends, is a game of WAR.

Now dont get me wrong, honour is great and all, and I pride Shadows for being an honourable kingdom, honour is a very good thing, but it all comes down to one thing... A choice. In an inherently dishonourable game someone has no need to choose to be honourable. Sure it makes people like you more, but war isnt about being liked. Its about crushing your enemies. ^_^

So, please dont complain about dishonour, yes it sucks, but it happens, and it will always happen, no matter what.

So with that said, please, CHOOSE TO BE HONOURABLE! Its what the cool people do ;)

21:59:25 Aug 13th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

"Ask any driver.. Any REAL driver.Whether you win by an inch or a mile. A win is a win."
     -Vin Diesel in The Fast and the Furious.

:P Along with amaira's comment, nuff sed. hehe

02:06:33 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Wohoho another Fate member shows up taking advantages that our hoh army is forced to chase sneaky Hanky........................, so now we know what they are thinking of Hankies actions, good job :b

02:14:22 Aug 14th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Looks like Hankers' Fate friends decided to join in with his "tactics" ;)

03:04:22 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Hide and Seek is a fun game! :)

04:03:55 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I prefer hide and eek. I get to shoot you when I find you and you squeal for your life. ^^

04:43:31 Aug 14th 09 - Sir Serene:

Why all the whining and complaining?

Either they broke the NAP or they didnt. Theres no "omg you found a way around the NAP".

If they broke the NAP, consider the NAP non-existant and war Fate.

If they didnt break the nap, but you dont like the flaws in the nap, then make a NAP with less flaws and/or choose your NAP partners better.

Everyone has their own version of honor, especially in a game where people coem from different backgrounds.

Honor - noun

honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions
15:05:09 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Lady Amaira Dathlamir i second everything you just said i think that speach was awsome lol

their not joining in with the tactics their just coming to fight they came the normal way dont moan lol

15:45:01 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Ezzy Teh Elven Warrior:

hah mitch broke the forum

16:01:35 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Hanky you dun agree with me? :P

16:17:45 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Well it seems to be that even the forum can't stand the BS any longer what goes arround here though it should be very very tough meanwhile =P

16:25:11 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I just think that the forum had so much junk in it it was starting to feel fat, so it lost weight. this is what it looks like now. ^^

17:23:24 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

hehe i agree with you too i also agree with some other people thought i also agree with some of phi's thoughts slightly but its just a game...

23:36:37 Aug 14th 09 - Sir Serene:

awww man, why do i seem to break everything :(

23:40:28 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

how'd ya do that?

02:16:50 Aug 15th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

He haxed it. ^^

17:25:38 Aug 15th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Wow.. Blank message... Anyways, what's new in Mantrax?! I'm having a tea party at Pot Blocker and it's very enjoyable! There are even little mints on the pillows! :D

05:49:47 Aug 16th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Is it fun? well I will soon join in on the fun then! Tea!

23:19:29 Aug 16th 09 - Sir Jondrus Dah Clamps:

My nazguls have fresh breath now!  :)

23:45:54 Aug 16th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

so do you know whats RL ?

lol if i get banned

00:08:48 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

BAN IT BAN IT! Jondrus.. maybe you should brush their teeth if you want them to have fresh breath! ^^

03:52:15 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Weekly update:

RVL has retaken most of the north in mantrax, some armies and towns are fighting them, but not much what slows them a lot. What they can't capture they pass by. Meanwhile they have established enough magetowns to cast a lot of freezes in the erea, not that they succeeded against me yet, but I saw some PKS armies frozen and rofed allready...

So soon, one of their flank will join the main battlefield in mantrax (all arround Phi core) while the other goes visiting PKS northern terrain.

Sadly I have no clue about the relationships between RVL and the two  armageddon kingdoms shadows/noblike (sry couldn't resist hehe, but wearing such a big name you have to show more action to get respected) who are allied or something like that.
There could be some smaller fights as well, if not, all will soon gather one more time at Phis northern blockers, while SIN and few Fate members are making sight-seeing in the south, waiting for a tour guide to show up and carry them arround...

04:04:57 Aug 17th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Funny how some people may be surprised at Hanky's actions...

04:15:00 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Should have expected it, ah well. It's not that bad cu, you make it sound like we are going to die or something :P

04:24:04 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

You forgot Rev is being smart and steering clear of the strong armies and or trapping them XD

Sir harrka has been in 1 spot for like a week now cause of that city XD

04:45:21 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Na, they got lucky with that one.

05:28:07 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Criss lemme correct you on the SIN update:

SiN let PKS have a tour of their core, but sadly PKS got rowdy and chased out and is about to run into security.

:P that's better.

13:24:23 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

@demon, I am not suprised about Hanky, but bout all others who were involed into this and nothing had happened !

E.g. he caused a lot of damage to Pks as well, a kingdom he is naped and nothing happened, he even did not gave back the towns Sin took from PKs and he got from SIN!!!!!!
Till this time I haven't thought, that Fate leadership is suporting behavior like this..... but well, it is a game, every1 is free to play it his way, but I am suprised that they need such tricks to win, really suprised.

16:23:24 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

E.g. he caused a lot of damage to Pks as well, a kingdom he is naped and nothing happened, he even did not gave back the towns Sin took from PKs and he got from SIN!!!!!! -  i didnt take it from sin... one of your phi guys took it from sin and i took it from him, he wrecked it or sin wrecked it and pks took it back...

stop jumping to conclusion and trying to make things sound worse than they are lol

what happened with sin and pks has nothing to do with me...

16:30:13 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

he even did not gave back the towns Sin took from PKs and he got from SIN!!!!!!

I don't understand... How could Hanky give back SIN's cities? If they don't belong to him he really has no power over that...

16:36:12 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

you have a lot to learn Vuggy, a lot about the game and its function.
Ask your leader and you hopefully will find wisdom and do nt have to bother community with sensless comments ^^

16:44:37 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Oh.. I understand the game.. I was just being a smart ass/alec. :P

21:13:09 Aug 17th 09 - Sir Caradoc:

vuggy sounds alot like the old douchebad caradoc romping around the forums, pointing fingers, and not thinking before posting...

21:13:57 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

*Looks at caradoc*

...hmmmm must be his secret clone.

22:11:17 Aug 17th 09 - Sir Serene:

Not to sure when/if PKS/PHI entered Arm. and started attacking there? Perhaps that is what brought Godlike and Shadows to your borders


Revelation is on our own path with min. relations to not get in our way for war. This war was started by PKS and PHI and we shall finish it once we regain our original core back :P

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