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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax - Era of Agent Smith

Mantrax - Era of Agent Smith
10:02:35 May 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Overcome - you answered to this, didn't you: Darklord 'i wonder wat would the war luck like if we were in peace whit fruits and we  had all our armies up north  against rebirht'

If so - those 25-30k nazz didn't have much chance to grow, by taking undefended towns. He probably added to his wealth about 1million buildings since the war has started - this is how he got so reach in army power, I believe - unless he is fed

10:37:45 May 13th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Mr. Overcome


5/12/2009 4:18:45 PM

lol, may i ask how many warriers you killed to get into there core?

BOW members said themself that they had not buildt a proper blocker in the south, and that they focused on the north cause Fate were coming and we stood on 2 of there blockers (3 at the end).

that was what i saw, and that is what ive heard. therfor this is the conclution i came up with. im open to other conclutions, but i have to use the experience i have gat to retell my story and not taking wild guesses:P

So wrong, on so many levels. I know me and others in Juicy have avoided posting in here as its your business but don't involve our name and we won't involve ourselves.


1. BoW had alot of troops down the south. Alot... They had two merged and we fortunately managed to catch them both before they merged, otherwise we might of been stuck pumping for a while.
2. Sorry to Bluelight for saying something I didn't go through with.

11:00:41 May 13th 09 - Mr. Turnip:

i would like to say there are some very good players in MAD. several had armies larger and more powerful than what our members could produce on their own, and their magic strength on Mantrax was incredible.

they did make a few mistakes which possibly resulted in F&V breaking through sooner than we could have, but to be fair they were outnumbered having to fight on two fronts.

someone from spaghetti asking why we had to attack them for a second time, well basically they were in the way and intermingled with MAD, we cant just leave old enemies waiting to re-attack us. i think they held us up for 10 ticks or so and really just got in the way of us attacking MAD. so personally i would say spag had virtually nothing to offer in this war which was pretty much 2 v 1 against MAD

11:29:46 May 13th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

Also, they wont get my cities in Koss area that easily if all of my armies are in north.. maybe not a single one :(

but to bad, i cant do nothing but to watch it changing its colors to orange.. "sigh"

11:32:30 May 13th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

If I may add to Scotty's (Turnip's) post above where Spaghetti is concerned, I would like to say that there is no intentional 'targetting' of Spaghetti by Fruits and Veggies. One of the fatal flaws of having connected maps is that a defeated kingdom can rebuild, and 'reattack' its 'former enemy', and similarly, the 'former enemy' has to pursue the defeated kingdom to ensure that it does resurface as a threat again.

Where in the past, defeated kingdoms used to go to new maps to restart the era on fresh terms, now, with connected maps, they are open to being killed off again and again by very powerful enemies across multiple connected maps. I can imagine that it is a very frustrating experience for one to rebuild / get killed (rinse and repeat).

This flaw (and several others) of having connected maps has been brought forward many times to Zeta's attention. Suggestions have been made to bring back the old system of separate maps (one large Fantasian map, several other maps to open on a staggered basis), or to link only 3 maps together. Unfortunately, he doesn't seemed convinced with what has been pointed out and suggested.......

11:37:28 May 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Turnip - I admire your honesty

11:50:02 May 13th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

Does Spaghetti tastes good if veggie/fruits were to be mixed? :(

11:51:13 May 13th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

thats whys i love turnip

12:17:22 May 13th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

well all  mi armies this era were trained from the contribution of all  players from mantrax fantasia arma zeta valhala and arma :)) thx for  letting me buy all your stone  .. i don't know if i ahd conpetition or not  was tehre anybody this era who stg  ed ??? we ll i made  fortunes from st g thats why i ask  if ther was anyone else and how hes done :P this are the stg result fro m hte  past few days . .:P

  • 09:57:34: Mr. Darklord cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from ??? upon ??? with ??% chance of success...311324100 of the stone in ??? was made into gold.
  • 10:13:22: Mr. Darklord cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from ??? upon ??? ??% chance of success...311324100 of the stone in ??? was made into gold. this were  todays first  castings  :P 
  • so enbody who stg ed ?  i  can say i had almost all teh tiem production in minus i  made all mmi troops  from stg ing.. .

12:48:47 May 13th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

There were a couple in Juicy buying my stone frequently.

13:08:15 May 13th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

"It's not perception Overcome. I've paid probably more attention to the power %'s this era than i should have :P You WERE 243% of our power when you attacked, i know because i looked.. It was one of the things talked about in Yum at the start.. knowing that we had very little chance. You were not very far behind RVL in the % power and quite a ways ahead of #3 (i don't remember who that was at the time.. Veggies i -think-)"

I actually think we were in front of RVL when we started the war, the only KD that was in front of us was Veggie. and i think its just my word against yours cause i have been paying a great deal of attention to it myself=)

all though i wish Zeta had some record of this so we could see the facts.

but all this really aint worth discussing:P

first of we just dont seem to agree, secondly it will most likely be forgotten next era and third it doesnt matter. Rebirth and Veggie won against MAD and YUM. it was a good fight and im looking forward to the next time we meet

13:38:40 May 13th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Well then if it doesn't matter and isn't worth discussing, then don't discuss it :P (but no, you were second behind RVL :P)

13:40:13 May 13th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

lol, i disagree and hope we can settle with that:P

13:44:31 May 13th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Sure :)

14:14:19 May 13th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

darklord i made more...

12:38:28 May 14th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:


12:39:17 May 14th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:


12:51:25 May 14th 09 - Mr. Turnip:


13:10:11 May 14th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

how do you guys do that

14:25:41 May 14th 09 - Mr. Godfather:


Complainers protection rule:

Please, Zeta, make so in Zetamania and higher worlds you can not attack a kingdom that is under 101% your power

14:50:57 May 14th 09 - Sir Struddle:

uh no if you want protection go to talents

15:49:13 May 14th 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

Please forgive Godfather, she is a nub and only knows how to farm :(

*My post and her's are meant to be taken equally seriously

15:51:37 May 14th 09 - Sir Thomaas:


17:15:34 May 14th 09 - Mr. Turnip:

darklord killed my army! all 16k zerks which i spent all era training is now dead. may god have mercy on your soul. now me cant fight back and must go cry in corner =(

12:19:03 May 15th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

lol and you Turnip killed more then 200 k catas worth of armies from me :) )
so its even now :)) ) lol  
come on face me alone turnip ..
you never could get me alone and you never will... 
well at least this era ...

12:35:24 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

lol darklord what did you train worth mentioning this era?

12:55:26 May 15th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

it is not fair Dark - I didn't know you want Turnip to face you alone and already killed 10k Bersek of his

12:56:25 May 15th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

it seems I am the bug - don't know why

13:25:16 May 15th 09 - Mr. Turnip:

lol that is true darklord you are too mighty an opponent with your stg

i only have a measely 12k zerks left to help win my battles so there is no way i can take you alone lol


not sure if you are alone in that city, of if you guys have a merge, but when i last checked you had 684k troops in there which shuold be an interesting battle if half of those are catas lol

13:37:03 May 15th 09 - Mr. Shogun: 30k nazz is only a scout army :P

13:43:52 May 15th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

Lady Quiet Tone


13:35:24 May 15th 09 lol darklord what did you train worth mentioning this era?
waht i always had a  hoh armie in top .. this era lets see ...
i lsot more ten 250 k  catas and more then 400k  knights .. the same amount of mages  of corse

ajnd i  have some troops now:P wont say what of corse  :)  mi last stand in  mantrax ...

and to answer turnips answer from this  684k  it s only a smal  50k armie  aloys the rest is mine :P

13:45:32 May 15th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

Lady Quiet Tone  you are an elf arnt you ??
so  i don't  thinck thast you  mad more gold form stg ing then i as a human did ..  well  maby you make more now  becouse in the last weeks i lsot 3 of mi 7 markets .. i have now only 4  world markets i had  7  :(   

13:46:58 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

ROFL 400k knights ROFL

13:47:37 May 15th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

this are  what i lsot .. i wont say what i have . now ..

13:50:59 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

darklord i lost my fantasia market long ago. i was going from mantrax zeta and arma. and what i got is *beep*loads over what you have left and lost

13:53:23 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

darklord i was the first to stg in mantrax and maybe in other worlds. even you were selling stone at start and doing nothing. i made great start with that. and i made way more gold then you ;) millions stone  for 0,6 - 0,8 then it was the times

13:59:00 May 15th 09 - Mr. Turnip:

if you make so much gold why aint you in hoh. thats right coz you suck penguin


also as an elf its expected you should be one of the first to stg. get over it.


250k catas is a damn big loss in my eyes. seems to me that darklord is better ;-)

14:00:42 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

cause im not farming but training ROFLCOPTER
your a retard scott, learn 2 play

14:39:23 May 15th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Penguin, Kobu was probably the first player to reach level 9 and level 10 magic on all maps. But yeah, go ahead and say he was farming.

Scotty, didn't you just tell us that you have over 600K zerks? Don't deceive people man.... everyone thinks we are shiite :( :P

14:56:39 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

Kobu could have done it first in all worlds but i was talking that i was the first to start stg in mantrax and Maybe in other worlds, not that i reached lvl9 first.
and other thing kobu was a mage before and he knows them good its my second time as elf.

600k zerks vs 1M ams? that would be nice:)

good luck tbl

14:59:37 May 15th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

1M archmages Penguin? All that hitting on easy kingdoms got you nice and fat right? ^_^

14:59:57 May 15th 09 - Mr. Shogun:

or 200k Nazz :D

15:00:40 May 15th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

I assume its taken all era of whoring to get those 600k zerks though. I would expect more though, not fighting at all and only 600k zerks. Tut tut.

15:01:44 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

easy kds just got me loose abit and nothing more.... wasnt active enough to gain good citys. but got a few not bad ones :)

15:03:28 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

Mr. Turnip has won 242 battles, captured 168 cities and killed a total of 3495799 men and women.

if this is farming then omg got hit the wall with your head copy cat :) if you try to flame get proper ones copyer

15:04:31 May 15th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Damn Scotty, stop farming!!! Go get more zerks you nub! :( :P

15:06:29 May 15th 09 - Mr. Turnip:

ROLFCOPTER haha love it

but i highly doubt anyone has 1million AMs, if thye have then cant have been involved in any big battles so must have been farming and hiding in a city with only half upkeep

i like cheese on my zerks

15:07:03 May 15th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Peng, your boring me now.

Even TBL amuses me with his fail flames.

15:08:29 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

scott they are moving around the map :) upkeep is killing meh

15:08:41 May 15th 09 - Mr. Turnip:

i dont have enough peasants for more zerks :-( all my cities are empty *cries*

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