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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Age 14

Mantrax Age 14
00:02:37 Jun 8th 12 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Sand Beanz):

Have Forgotten Warriors just gave up this era or something? 

07:03:27 Jun 8th 12 - Mr. Troublema Punkhead:

Just an update to all those looking to take down VU's best player.....

Latest EITS on Binh:

Casting Eye in the sky from Luke upon Diablo Fortress with 78% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about Diablo Fortress, owned by Mr. Binh The Desert Raider:
Magic Towers:3066
Guard Towers:2001
Lumber Mills:8270

Armies in the city: 5(Total of 149125 men)

His strategy gets clearer and clearer by the day. But no worries... with the amount of new MUs trained, he will consume more food, and that will lower his income more (higher food consumption) in return for delaying us (through heavy locusting).

Once we get a few more strong armies to prep on him, he will go down :) There is only so often he can AOTD his armies.......

08:22:19 Jun 8th 12 - Mr. Kermit Mxt:

lol gloating about how effective you are in killing one player while having a whole map against him says alot about you all :P just saying .... but what can i say :P hahaha same can be said about a certain kingdom too D: TROLL!

08:31:22 Jun 8th 12 - Mr. Troublema Punkhead:

Sorry... you are?

08:58:58 Jun 8th 12 - Mr. Blink:

yah lol if he has no income he will die lol no victory there..

11:00:04 Jun 8th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

somones really happy about taking down a half active binh

12:16:03 Jun 8th 12 - Mr. Troublema Punkhead:

We give a shit what you think, Stirlin?

12:20:25 Jun 8th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

nobodies like you dont

12:32:24 Jun 8th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

Yup, so we don't give a shit what you think then. Thus, bugger off will you :)

12:38:22 Jun 8th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

but you do, you bite so fast

14:58:26 Jun 8th 12 - Sir Dark Magician Who Cantusemagic:

Stirling, go roll over and die, fag boy. No ones likes you. 

15:14:19 Jun 8th 12 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

and who the hell are you? TBL come back plz, atleast i know you, unlike this pup

04:23:31 Jun 9th 12 - Mr. Troublema Punkhead:

Binh went down faster than I thought :P

Diablo Fortress

City Info
Owner: Mr. Solid GroundKingdom Banner
Size: 87655 building(s).
Kingdom: Brotherhood of the Wolf
Race: Dwarf
Gates: no gates

Kinda would have happen eventually if he is forced to train mainly gaia or MUs for defence.....

Good job Solid Ground *thumbs up*

18:53:53 Jun 10th 12 - Mr. Kermit Mxt:

:O omg why you so good? :O

16:54:48 Jun 11th 12 - Pure (Mr. Axwell):

TBL, how are the knees feeling?

17:14:58 Jun 11th 12 - Mr. Troublema Punkhead:


What do you mean?

10:13:05 Jun 12th 12 - Mr. Deergod:

lal last login of binh 5 days

12:32:11 Jun 12th 12 - Endless (Lady Tank Grrrl):

you perhaps thanked BoW too soon TBL, Aloysius and Skullsplitter are now breaking the informal agreement we had with BoW and FW isn't dead yet :|     so much honor in this game ;)

BTW isn't that skullsplitter dude the guy who ate up  Phi that one era after he left them?

02:05:07 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Desert Marauder:

Thank you Xerxes!


Mr. Desert Marauder.

The city of Troy V is now under our command!

They had 56576516 gold,

Also, can anyone else imagine the Desert map on Fant? lol

06:09:21 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Troublema Punkhead:

Lady Hungriest Horse	Legacy              	Fantasia            	Alive
Ms. Boba Fettish    	Forgotten Warriors  	Mantrax             	Dead
Ms. Deee            	Coitus Interruptus  	Starta              	Alive
Mr. Hugh Hefner     	Generation          	Talents             	Alive

10:50:38 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Kentucky Fried Cat:

skullsplitter was also the guy who was in DMC and near era end, when alll DMCs troops were on the front line(including mine) detagged and attacked his team mates and took their cities....we killed him 3 tics before arma but it meant my trooops and others had to walk  back half the map to get our cities back. very bad form.

12:43:52 Jun 13th 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Hungriest Horse):

Wow n1 TBL, u got me. I dead. Onoes, how I hate it when you smite me. Oh, wait. Wasn't you. You're just taking credit for killing a respawner again? Usogd.

12:44:45 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

I'm alive, you're dead.

Our kingdoms were at war, you couldn't even perform.

7 - 0.

12:49:09 Jun 13th 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Hungriest Horse):

I really don't know how to reply to you lol. U troll so bad friend. Sobad. DW I wont tell everyone that your over-inflated ego came from how you're lacking in the manlihood area and how you were neglected as a child.

I'll pretend you did something this era and I'll give you a gold star (yes guys, I know he didn't really do anything this era, but he tries so hard and you have to give positive reinforcement to these sorts of people or they'll never have any confidence). Congrats babe, go tell your Mum you killed my a...Go tell your Mum you killed u..... Go tell your Mum you played in a world where we died!

12:52:26 Jun 13th 12 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Sand Beanz):

Stop the bitching guys.. and enjoy the game.

12:57:59 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

1. Took out Bogdan.

2. Took out 2 of Binh's cities.

3. Took out Bluelight's starter city

4. Took out Kirk Kuddy.

5. Would have taken out Binh's city if I didn't keep getting locusted.

Hmmm..... Bogdan, Binh, Bluelight..... eminent names... far above the name Wilberforce.

Oh... Wilberforce dead, TBL alive.

My mum would be proud ;)

13:10:56 Jun 13th 12 - Wilberforce (Mr. Hugh Hefner):

Bogdan lost interwebz, binh logged in less than a dozen times this era, and went without internet for like 5 days, came back once, then went again for 5 days. Bluelight doesn't play Mant actively, last 2 eras I don't even think he sent out an army.
Congrats you killed guys who didn't play, with the help of a huge alliance.

Oh hell, forgot I'm talking to TBL. "Yes TBL, you killed us solo! Without you, we would of surely survived :'( How gr8 u r, irl and on VU."

There's no point arguing with you, it's like arguing with Helen Keller as a child. Satan himself could be trolling/arguing with you and you would say something completely irrelevant and nonsensical, mainly due the the fact your grasp on the English language is pathetic and your childlike mentality.
So I'll leave you to stew in your own ego, despite having achieved nothing. Zilch. Nil. Ever. I'd tell you to come back when you can actually play this game as a war game, and not sim city, but that's absurd. Perhaps if I "quit" VU in the near future like you have (you quit last era, I remember seeing somewhere) I'll get my KD mates to take the TBL approach and NAP everyone, call my allies noobs and take credit for everything that has ever happened in VU.

Sigh. Arguing with you is very similiar to your sex life I imagine. I could use the best positions + best tactics (in arguing) and best tools, yet still not effect anything :(

On that note, I am, again, out of here. Pointless arguing with someone who cannot speak the same language as me/is too dumb to understand when he's being insulted.

14:41:45 Jun 13th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:


1. Bogdan did not get killed OOP or restart almost immediately.

2. Binh did not get killed OOP or restart almost immediately.

3. Bluelight did not get killed OOP or restart almost immediately.

4. Even that Kirk Kuddy fellow held out far far longer than you did.

That's the difference between an elite player (the first three) and a poor player (you).

That's the difference between the primary account (me) and the secondary account (you).

I'm alive, you're dead.

16:47:50 Jun 13th 12 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Sand Beanz):

No one ever listens to the Jelly Bean :-(

19:03:42 Jun 13th 12 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Envy):

i did you don't see me bitching any where in this thread

04:39:36 Jun 14th 12 - Mr. Crater:

Well... BoW and ROC are screwed.

05:45:10 Jun 14th 12 - Mr. Darth Revan:

meh, their fault. They both declared war on star wars. 

08:29:24 Jun 14th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Anarchist Skywalker):

That's not quite how it went down....

I declared on them. 

09:37:38 Jun 14th 12 - Mr. Darth Revan:

Shhh! people don't need to know that :D

11:01:28 Jun 14th 12 - Mr. Troublema Punkhead:

Posting on behalf of my good friend Bling <3

Message From Mr. Dessert Rat

Dinh Two'

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Mr. Dessert Rat (6/14/2012 2:36:58 PM) GOOD BAD
oooo oooo oooo just spotted mantrax thread
im banned so please post for meh..

:D errr... fcuk u pr1ck head slag*beep* willyberforce. i gag ur *beep* ass!
articulate enough?
You (6/14/2012 5:00:07 PM)
It describes him perfectly :)

07:17:12 Jun 17th 12 - Mr. Darth Revan:

Is it just me, or is bow & roc putting up a much bigger fight than FW ever did? (with the exception of maybe just binh)

07:31:51 Jun 17th 12 - Idiot First Class (Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer):

Is it just me or do people get extremely cocky just because they did something right one era. Let me know when you guys are actually good for just that, more than one era. K thx byai

08:37:15 Jun 17th 12 - Mr. Darth Revan:

Is it just me, or is someone a sore loser who can't handle losing. Let me know when you figure that one out, K thx byai.

10:58:05 Jun 17th 12 - Stirlin (Mr. Stirling):

theres sore losers, and theres sore winners

Is it just me or do people get extremely cocky just because they did something right one era. Let me know when you guys are actually good for just that, more than one era. K thx byai

actually a good point, perhaps we should gloat with our massive erect manhoods over all the eras we dominated you?

11:01:09 Jun 17th 12 - Mr. Blink:

im stil alive aliveeeee

11:06:42 Jun 17th 12 - Mr. Desert Marauder:

Is it just me, or am I still more fearsome than anyone. ;)

That's how you gloat.

11:23:09 Jun 17th 12 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Sand Beanz):

Marauder. We get it already ;) 

12:48:00 Jun 17th 12 - Mr. Darth Revan:

@ Stirling. You have never dominated me before. This is actually my first era :)

18:05:17 Jun 19th 12 - Mr. Desert Marauder:

So... Awards?

20:17:14 Jun 19th 12 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Sand Beanz):


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: The Mountain Climber

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Star Wars

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: The Mountain Climber

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Sand Storms

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Star Wars

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: 

The John Mccain award for most Sportive Loser: 

The Divide and Conquer award for best NAP partner: Desert Punks


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: 

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:

The Sarah Palin award for "I don't know what the hell this is  but I'll participate anyways" (biggest idiot on the forums): Wilberforce & Farm Over Here

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: 

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: 

The Jug of Whine award for Biggest Whiner: 

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: 

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: 

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Blink

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Crater

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: 

The "Hi, my name is Boxxy" Award for most anoying player: Desert Marauder

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Crater and Bean (clearly)

Sexiest Banner: 

Oddest Ruler Name: 

The Best Sp@mmer

11:00:56 Jun 20th 12 - Mr. Desert Marauder:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Everyone seemed pretty honorable to me.

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Star Wars

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: The Mountain Climber

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: idk

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Star Wars

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Me, really, I was, just not to everyone. lol

The John Mccain award for most Sportive Loser: C&B

The Divide and Conquer award for best NAP partner: Star Wars


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: No-one in FW, that's for sure. :P

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: idk, whoever kept freezing my armies.

The Sarah Palin award for "I don't know what the hell this is  but I'll participate anyways" (biggest idiot on the forums): Wilberforce, Farm Over Here, etc.

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Based on the HoH, Me, Jango Fett and Darth Revan.

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Strong Mantrax Man. (did he do any fighting at all before he died?)

The Jug of Whine award for Biggest Whiner: Wilberforce and anyone bitching about Wilberforce.

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Wilberforce, or possibly all of Star Wars.

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Me.

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: No-one this era I think.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Anarchist Skywalker

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": We know who we are. ;)

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: No-one

The "Hi, my name is Boxxy" Award for most anoying player: People, People who freeze people.. are the annoyingest people in the worrrld...

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Wilb/everyone against him.

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Shogunate

Sexiest Banner: FW

Oddest Ruler Name: Strong Mantrax Man

The Best Sp@mmer: Spammmmmmmmmm

09:30:24 Jun 21st 12 - phoenix (Mr. Jaxxon):

lets not vote desert next era.....

11:06:49 Jun 21st 12 - Legend (I am Han Solo):

Gratz Darth Revan. Fast race for era win.

And in the name of our lovely Jill/Jenna she congratulates ya.

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