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No more blue flag.
05:11:27 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Jet:

'How could you say something so arrogant and so stupid when almost half of your current Kingdom, and mine, is ex-DB. Did it not occur to you that some people would get mad? Or did you just assume that no one would say anything to your holiness?'

Basically because its the truth - DB were around for what? Less than 10 ages? Was it worth splitting up LGC to create it - no way. I can never forgive Q for doing what she did (not to mention being so ungrateful after many LGC members trained up the first DB members and let you build in our core for the first few ages).
Also I wanted to provoke a (predictable) reaction from Q.

06:49:33 Feb 4th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

Mr. Phosphorus


2/3/2009 1:01:12 PM
Your in the nubtard book

Sir Fords Boner


2/3/2009 12:46:20 PM
Jet, troll or not your not going to make many friends saying stuff like that.

*Writes Jet's name in the black book*

Can I be in those books? =(

07:17:03 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Barny:

I have to agree with Jet.

14:26:54 Feb 4th 09 - Lady Quietone:

Jet you are so full of it.   I never split Legacy up ever.  Legacy begain to decline era after era mostly because of people like you with big mouths and no game.  You can ask your beloved Roxy several of us stayed longer in Legacy than we wanted to for nothing more than sheer dedication to the kingdom - a kingdom who didnt give a crap about it's members.  Legacy was split up because the stupidity and arrogance that defined Legacy (you're a big fat example) couldnt be tolerated any longer.   You can blame me for for that but you'd be wrong something you're used to i'm sure.

  As far as Legacy training up members of DB that is nothing more than a joke talking to DB member and trying to bully them into doing what Legacy wanted is not training.  Legacy had absolutely nothing to do with DB in regards to training or any thing else. And you just saying that is a joke.  I let legacy members into our channel for what one era and you guys were suchs jerks you split up our alliance between our kingdoms but dont you dare try to take anything from DB and claim it as your own- you better make up your mind Jet... first you say DB was an epic failure then you say you trained

 As far as us being around only 10 era's ... what's wrong with knowing when it's time to take a break? At least we didnt spend 10 era's flapping around in the wind like a sad excuse of what used to be a great kingdom..

  What's predictable isnt my reaction but your arrogance and attitude to people.  Any kingdom leader who's kingdom was being talked about would defend it,  yet some how it's so freaking dramatic when I do it.. or wait it's PMS right? lol

15:59:23 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Jet:

Turn this into a DB thread!

16:05:09 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Random:

Q is scary....

16:06:50 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Dark Blood:

Barny stop trolling and go make a spreadsheet or whatever it is you do for fun. There's no need to make some stupid comment about something you don't know enough about.

And Jet you made this into a DB thread by slandering our name, you said yourself it was to get a reaction out of Q...

16:10:48 Feb 4th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Alright, Quietone, I take it back. You're not PMS'ing. That would have been a good excuse.

You're just plain bat*beep* crazy.

16:13:00 Feb 4th 09 - General Ezatious:

Well she IS quite predictable dukey baby. An interesting opinion she has of certain events as well. Once again branding the whole of LGC with something one person did in an irc channel woo get over it

16:14:27 Feb 4th 09 - Lady Quietone:

oh Nimic you dont even know me so stop trying to insult me .... first it's PMS then i'm crazy lol... lots of wild attempts to insult me and you and i have barely ever had a conversation.  You probably had your head in the sand during any of this that we are talking about so for you to comment on it is just pointless as you dont even know the situation or what we're talking about.  

You wanna join the jet bandwagon cause you're now in his kingdom? fine by me but at least get some knowledge of the situation just randomly insulting me really doesnt have an effect unless getting me to post was your goal? hehe

Ez it's not the whole of LGC at all but you guys do allow him to speak on your behalf now dont you... you certainly dont disagree with him, you specifically has said the same exact things so I know you arent posting in here now to dispute what Jet says because you've agreed with him on the subject many times. 

16:19:40 Feb 4th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Head in the sand? Heavens no, I wasn't even in the desert! And you've got this all backwards. You're right, I know little of what happened then. Fortunately, my opinions aren't formed by that. Really, they're mostly formed by this thread, if I'm honest. And, if I'm honest, in this thread, you struck me as a bit of a headcase. And I say 'struck me' with great care, because I'm sure you'd be quite violent if this wasn't over the intarrnetz.

Either that or you're a 14 year old boy. I leave it up to you.

Oh, and Jet is like totally not a jerk!!!!!!!!1

16:21:52 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Dark Blood:

Ok so she's predictable in the way that she defends Dark Blood when it's being talked about in such a bad way, I guess I'm predictable too, just like everyone who talks bad about DB is predictable in the way they just won't let it go.

16:22:04 Feb 4th 09 - Lady Quietone:

Well if your opinions are formed by a flame thread then that says way more about you than it does about me now doesnt it ? 

16:24:50 Feb 4th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Does it?

About me: I think you're a headcase

About you: You're a headcase.

Come on. At worst, we're even!

16:25:40 Feb 4th 09 - Lady Quietone:

lol you need to go back to trolling school...i think you missed some quality information :P

16:28:33 Feb 4th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I wasn't aware I was trolling? I thought I was being quite informative, as a matter of fact. You went off on a terribly hilarious, and very very angry, rant, and I merely pointed out.. well, that.

I'll also have you know that you were factually wrong up there. Jet was part of my kingdom long before I was part of his kingdom. So there!

16:41:24 Feb 4th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

Jet- Blaming Q for splitting and ruining Legacy? It was already failing. What about Sezy and Cobra...gonna blame them for putting the final nails in the legacy coffin by leaving to make Sheolic? You gotta stop blaming others when its down to lazy, unskilled players like you who stained the name of legacy by sucking so much.

How you can come here criticising DB when a bunch of the people you took in this era for your Legacy mark II kingdom are actually from the kingdom your criticising.


Nimic - Your one of the unskilled ones i mentioned, calling Q a headcase for defending her kingdom's name when a *beep*head like Jet is defacing it?

Not like any of the Legacy people would partake in a flame thread when Legacys name was getting tarnished. Guess your all headcases then.


Am i glad im not in the kingdom with you tards, smartest decision of my life....i feel sorry for my old DB buddies who are exposed to all your crap 24/7.

Now this is really the way to have good bye thread to legacy :)

16:45:44 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Dark Blood:

<3 Ali

17:06:40 Feb 4th 09 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Ouch, the great Aligreat does not favour my valor in battle :(((

Then again, I always did fancy you as a bit of a tosser. Well, I say tosser, when I what I really mean is annoying tit.

Oh, and your nickname. Really, you couldn't come up with something better than that? Your name isn't Ali, is it? That would be even better. From next era onwards I shall be known as MartinAWESOME. And they shall bow before me!

17:06:58 Feb 4th 09 - General Ezatious:

Exactly Ali, show some respect to LGC quiteone ;), you had some good times there and you know it :) we all did. For quite some time we played alongside each other as one unit and were the best.

Personalities clashed, things happened in the back ground but LGC carried on regardless. We've always been a strong group of friends and most of us mainly stuck together for that very fact. The game started sucking but we loved each others company so much :P

It is a shame things went the way they did with regards to DB. The moment we split was a hard time, lots of arguing going on behind the scenes between everyone really. Most of the time it got settled as we stuck by each other. Got too much eventually i guess, tempers got frayed a bit too much for the last time. Hell ive even had my fair share of arguments with every one of the vices in Z/LGC etc. Still we stuck it out, well most of us. Not saying you did a bad thing Q, i understood your reasoning perfectly well. We all regretted it though. I liked you and Draiken quite alot back in the day. Draiken ive always got alot of time for.

The whole flame thing is old and boring now. It goes over the SAME things every single time. It annoys me that certain facts get ignored, certain private conversations and behind the scene events get warped. Too much bending of the truth. Who actually cares anymore? Q if your going to argue, come back to the battlefield and pick a new fight. The rest of you praise where due please. DB/LGC did an awesome job in moving VU on and creating (not intentionally) a better warring environment, a more enjoyable game! Well others too but meh its about us right now =p feed the egos

17:11:10 Feb 4th 09 - Lord Azaruc:

Can't you guys and girls just remember the good times in this thread instead of flaming each other?

I obviously missed something in the past era's, didn't know DB and LGC hated each other so much :-/

17:12:22 Feb 4th 09 - Commander Aligreat: name? thats all you got?




17:18:39 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy:

Lord Azaruc


2/4/2009 6:11:10 PM
Can't you guys and girls just remember the good times in this thread instead of flaming each other?

I obviously missed something in the past era's, didn't know DB and LGC hated each other so much :-/

lol after you left the game most likely disbanded Mirror in a few eras everything started :)

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