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Forums / In game politics / Superheroes vs. Lgc

Superheroes vs. Lgc
18:05:30 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Impulse:

i ask ym firend, he sed magic is cheating and you little sissy girl for cheating that way. my friend is good at game, you are newb!

i had 4,000 gaia in 100% walls makes 8,000 gaia and you kill them all. that is sooo cheating. you only had 100 men in your army i see so i dont know how else apart from you cheat


explain to me please!

18:13:45 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Lewatho:

wouldn't nazzy work too. you know with the whole flying over walls thing....

18:31:51 Sep 8th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

4,000 Gaia = 4,000 OP/DP without any Military Science.
100 Nazguls = 15,000 OP/DP without any Military Science.

So even if you take in account you had 100% walls, your Gaias would have;

8,000 OP/DP vs. 15,000 OP/DP = Gaia pwnd!

Better get your friend to "brush up" on his sissy-ness.

18:34:37 Sep 8th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Rofl, what a *beep*zor

18:48:54 Sep 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

seriously impulse, stop comlaining and perhaps learn all the aspects of the game.... 4000k gaia at this time is crap!

18:50:05 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

WoW such a weak and obvious troll and yet people still fall for it...

Impulse you're first attempt at trolling was much better, you were trying to hard in this one.

18:51:11 Sep 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

josef you see judging by way hes fighting, this aint fake, he really doesnt know

18:52:07 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Bananaman:


18:53:42 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

So much fail in just one person...

18:55:34 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

The funniest thing that it was EPIC fail. But not his - it's yours xD

still waiting, when someone understands xD

18:56:20 Sep 8th 08 - Crazy Xuaron:

Even if its a troll its to fun, so we had to reply :P

19:48:13 Sep 8th 08 - Sir Evans:

Mr. Impulse [S] (9/8/2008 6:36:07 PM) GOOD BAD
sorry but i do not want you to be at my picnic, i didnt invite you sorry. please turn around before i report you! im seriously! thanks
You (9/8/2008 6:47:23 PM)
lol im yogi bear, i steal picnics :)

:D :P

20:02:16 Sep 8th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

"Hey Boo-Boo!  What's in the Picnic Bassskkket!"

21:33:47 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Sloop:

I hope its watermelon Wyzer lol

22:13:12 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:


22:14:36 Sep 8th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

only good thing about being you is you get to fight ms alba :D

23:55:24 Sep 8th 08 - Mr. Lewatho:

Now you've got the bloody teddy bear have their picnic song stuck in my head :S

03:43:50 Sep 9th 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:

/me flexes his muscles...


run now.

I will kill you all.

03:53:05 Sep 9th 08 - Mr. Mad Mage Pesterd:

hey! no one makes fun of wyzer. Hes my little crazy elfy in disguise :-)

04:02:07 Sep 9th 08 - Sir Epyon:

hmmm Praetorian Watermelon Wyzer...

that could work :P

06:22:52 Sep 9th 08 - Mr. Nacho Libre:

oh the great bet that weezer lost ;D

14:57:20 Sep 9th 08 - Crazy Xuaron:

Mad Mage Pesterd im the crazy elf!

23:16:42 Sep 9th 08 - Mr. Batman:

Hey we are still alive :)

You guys are 4 times stronger yet we are still here ^_^

23:27:23 Sep 9th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

we are toying with you. you know giving you false hope so your morale and spirit is destroyed totally when the defeat comes

23:33:33 Sep 9th 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:

that why you all run from me?

23:34:52 Sep 9th 08 - Ms. Marinegirl:


23:57:10 Sep 9th 08 - Mr. Lewatho:

It's called walking around the criminally big army. Not running. :)

00:54:54 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Evans:

four times stronger.... nah only twice as strong....and i didnt run :)

03:05:39 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

Evans, it is LGC and Retribution combined that is attacking Superheroes. Since when was Retribution able to take on us alone? :P

03:06:52 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Mad Mage Pesterd:

xuaron hes my mad mageing elf!!

04:10:36 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

Mr. Batman


9/9/2008 5:16:42 PM Hey we are still alive :)

You guys are 4 times stronger yet we are still here ^_^

You sound like Morpheus from the Matrix. I'm still waiting for your Neo to show up. Besides, you all cower inside your cities and behind walls. Come out and fight! ;-)

05:40:24 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

Duke Gilthanas - Nothing wrong with a bit of flaming / trash talking as long as it is done in the spirit of fun and sportsmanship and not meant personally.

Lelouch - The Neo we have with us is NOT The One :( That tard abandoned us to prepare filming for Matrix - Prequeal to the Prequeal :( We are doomed!!!


06:02:33 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Captain Planet:

 regardless of how well RET ends up doing, they all have to give props to Silver for single-handedly pwning alot of their so called "big armies" :P  ELF OWNAGE. :D

06:23:36 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:

some of that was with allies now... not all was me...


07:43:01 Sep 10th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

We're far from dead.... and making a blocker in protection won't help...

07:54:43 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Captain Planet:

when did I say you were dead? 0_o of course your not dead, I learned this lesson long ago, getting high before posting on forums=not a good idea. :)

08:00:18 Sep 10th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

pwning 4 day old armies.. seriously i alone could have pwned them... wait till the newer ones show up and try pwning them

08:05:23 Sep 10th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

if i was going to props to anyone it would be spiderman

08:10:20 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Captain Planet:

 It will be interesting, but I'm seriously tired of all the trash talking, after about a week, it just gets repetitive and headache inducing. Gl to all, it's gonna be a fight to the death. :D

11:09:09 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Dovydas:

Josef Fritzl <- WTF?????

man you do know who's name is it? god damn man's name who was raping his daughter in Austria. YOU are FAG man!!!!!!!!!

11:35:08 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

Welcome to my basement Dovydas.

12:58:52 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Nacho Libre:

i wonder who have called himself like that. i would guess Cobra?:D

13:23:29 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

That would be Cobra. Now let's talk about something more interesting than a screwed up and dirty Romanian, eh?

13:24:31 Sep 10th 08 - Duke Slade:

Mr. Impulse


9/8/2008 8:05:30 PM

i ask ym firend, he sed magic is cheating and you little sissy girl for cheating that way. my friend is good at game, you are newb!

i had 4,000 gaia in 100% walls makes 8,000 gaia and you kill them all. that is sooo cheating. you only had 100 men in your army i see so i dont know how else apart from you cheat


explain to me please!


two things magic is not cheating its a part of the game if your stupid enought to go into a battle with out Magic protection then you deserve to get RoF...Frozen.....Telepoted.....and Fogged

And that many Gaia is Extremely crap at this time of the era as Even said.

13:33:05 Sep 10th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

even after people explain he's trolling... some *beep*s still fall for it...

14:14:00 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Dovydas:

lol, your basment is so cool!! :)))

Oh come on, if you dont use any magic then you are cheating yourself only.

RoF on Gaia = ROFL...

14:22:53 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

one more fallen xDDDD

14:30:39 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Batman:

Superheroes Legacy + Retribution

Battles won: 106
Battles lost: 110

Ratio: 49% win

Players: 23

Battles won: 54
Battles lost: 34

Ratio: 61% win

Players: 18


Battles won: 83
Battles lost: 66

Ratio: 56% win

Players: 22

14:33:31 Sep 10th 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

Not so good as 2vs1 :P

15:02:56 Sep 10th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Basically, your losing ;)

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