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Forums / In game politics / Valhalla

08:21:59 Jan 13th 09 - Duke Random:

lawl at borealis' post.

Deathklok got pwned :D

22:48:53 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Lord Punisher:

@ Deathklok...i am fully aware that they did not attack cobra...they attacked MY KD..of which i am the ruler, so perhaps YOU should return to elementary school =P.


bet you feel pretty stupid now dont you. XD

22:53:28 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Lord Punisher:

PKS Peacekeepers 19 Sir Grim Darkhammer 2340


it would appear that my 1/20th quote is actually quite fact maybe an UNDER exxageration...Your 1/5 idea....a good bit off ide say. =P

23:18:57 Jan 13th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Weren't you talking about size, not power?

Mr. Lord Punisher


1/12/2009 7:23:06 PM
A friendly warning to all Valhalla KDs...PKS is once again attacking a KD about 1/20th their size, they will soon war everyone on vall so they can feel high and mighty, so everyone be ready XD

23:27:04 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Lord Punisher:

ohhhhh come on dont get all technical on me here, i didnt mean to start trouble in what i said, i just wanted to let the KDs on my world know that PKS had begun its seige onto the world. Some people are just to high-strung to let a simple comment go.

Plus in my mind Power=Size.    Size is measured by the amount of power (land and troops and so forth).

00:32:35 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

Yes, Punisher it is true PKS did attack Military. We sent half our members and endless armies after your kingdom... right!! Or maybe we had one member in your area and he attacked you. Which one was it. How many members of PKS have attacked you so far?

01:03:49 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Borealis:

apparently the top army on Starta by Mr. Rhade as well as a 50k from Grim and several brigades wasn't enough for my nazzies

They surrendered. Mr. Borealis. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 23856 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 31623 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

01:05:11 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Lord Punisher:

ohhhhhh mannnnnnnnn here we go....honestly IDC YOU ATTACKED ME!! i am JUST telling the other Valhalla KDs!!! i am 100% aware that only 2 members attacked us..i am aware this is a war game...i am aware that you will all insult me untill i shut up!!! i am JUST letting the other valhalla KDs know that what they expected to begin, has now begun!

01:07:31 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Lord Punisher:

Honestly i dont even dislike PKS......i am just posting here on the Valhalla forum topic to tell the Valhalla KDs that PKs is no longer peaceful with all the valhalla i not allowed to do that??

01:11:29 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Borealis:

@Deallus and Grim, it was just a comment. you've put up like 10 posts collectively about a comment 2 lines long. it's time to let it go.

01:23:41 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Lord Punisher:

=) yay     so0o0o any other news to talk about on here???

01:34:48 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:

 just want to point out that Mr. Rhade is in fact a Halfer and we will slaughter you we have just tested the waters "Oldman" :)

and Punisher I didn't mean to go off like that I thought that you were from Cobra and was thinking that you were whining but I would have attacked one of your members a long time ago Mr. Gingerbread Man but he had jumped ship to dark right before I got there and it was because he was building in our "area" and we didn't need someone setting up an armory and pumping troops to do damage this late in the era

01:45:17 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Lord Punisher:

kk no prob deth =)

01:47:20 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Borealis:

well I hope you've got roughly twice that much OP left nearby otherwise good luck "Darth" lol

01:51:11 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Dethklok:


15:03:40 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Borealis:


They surrendered. Mr. Borealis. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 15494 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 20539 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +5 extra experience.

looks like you didn't have twice the OP after all...

14:40:03 Jan 15th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

I would like to let all Military members who remain on valhalla know that they can join IoK if they wish to.You was supposed to be merging with us anyway until your KD dissappeared. but i however see a few of you are still on valhalla and thereforth would like to invite you to join my KD.

20:08:38 Jan 15th 09 - Mr. Irunonrum:

one player just of protection was attacked by military

so he returned the favor n attacked back

going of income he was 1/12 there size

he joined pks after starting the attack on military

there was no merged armies nothing just one little army of bout 100-200 troops

one army n if u looked all of there old cities had one players name on them


23:25:30 Jan 16th 09 - Sir Gallyon:

hey ;) Kathandarion :D.. what are you doing on Valhalla... the almighty Kathandarion got defeated in another world?? hmm strange.. I thought he was undefeatable (strange though, I do remember killing him)

12:39:30 Jan 17th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

wtf gallyon........N.o1 you never killed me. I restarted when my KD fought yours. Due to a load of bad decisions which lead to us disbanded the KD (something which i regret). Heaven never truly defeated us seeing as 7 of the members of IoK lasted until era end.Although admittedly 2 of those joined other KD's. And yes i died. If you had PKS and Dark And Vengeance attack you when you were a 2 man KD you would of aswell.

12:43:50 Jan 17th 09 - Prince Mielo:

so basically he did kill you ...

16:07:30 Jan 17th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

no he never lol. He isnt in PKS. the thing with him my KD disbanded but i never actually died. and PKS and DARK and V killed me. he is in heaven / fuzzy.

16:12:19 Jan 17th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Led you to disband the kingdom? xD The way I remember it, you guys kinda watched as we took your outer blockers and then once we had almost reached your core, a mysterious new IoK suddenly appeared on a different world with different leader names but the IoK on Mant was suddenly inactive and those who could, restarted(but not you).

(Basically, your kingdom ran away, even after all the talking you did on the forums before it happened)

16:21:16 Jan 17th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

And this era, we beat you, and you better not keep trying to argue against that. We destroyed your little Nazzy armies and took your core. Whether or not you restarted or were killed, the fact that you could restart means you were just about dead anyway. When we took your core, it was us against you. There were no armies there but from us, and we busted through your blockers and took your cities. That is a win.

17:12:35 Jan 17th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

LOOOOL jokers. The KD disbanded which is why you took our outer blockers.   You beat us but never killed us. i never said you didnt beat us. i said Gallyon never killed me because... he didnt.

As you can see in my post not once did i claim we wernt beaten. all i said is gallyon never killed me.

18:10:13 Jan 17th 09 - Prince Mielo:

It doesn't matter the way you put it ... You ran from your battle instead of fighting it out like you should (especially as kd-leader).

18:31:30 Jan 17th 09 - Sir Kathandarion of Imperius:

I accepted that.....on numerous forums. all im saying is i didnt get killed. I never ran i carried on fighting fuzzy til era end. The KD were largely inactive and we even had members with nothing but mages and they were orcs. It was pointless at that time. so i disbanded but carried on fighting Fuzzy.

I never at any point died or stopped fighting them.....

19:24:50 Jan 17th 09 - Master Cloutier:

soon pks will rule valhara.

19:29:11 Jan 17th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

I thought Odin ruled Valhalla?? :o

23:17:36 Jan 17th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

He does.

PKS will rule "Valhara" though.

00:40:51 Jan 18th 09 - Mr. Barney:

Yes, kingdoms like PKS and Dark will ALWAYS rule lesser worlds. If you aren't fighting wars on Fantasia, then you will just expand outwards. Worlds like Zetamania and Mantrax open at the start of the era and even some decent non-Fantasia kds start there; so its hard to expand that way. But every era where the maps are merged; it has and will continue to just be kds from worlds that opened earlier trampling the kds on the worlds that opened later.

Since PKS is a kd that started on Starta and had Dark as a buffer between itself and Fantasia, It could only expand outward to the lesser worlds. Valhalla kingdoms like Corba will NEVER win against strong kds like PKS.

00:45:11 Jan 18th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

I am not so sure about "ALWAYS" ruling lesser worlds if a kingdom from another world knocks them off of it :p

01:58:45 Jan 18th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

Hehe, Val will be ruled by somebody, it just will not be by someone that started there, whether it's PKS or not :)

Hence the reason I said on the suggestions thread that allowing this to happen will take it's toll on nubs wanting to come back the following era =)

06:42:58 Jan 19th 09 - Mr. Heripy:

Maybe people who start on the newer worlds need a bunch extra resources when they start, is all...

09:00:24 Jan 19th 09 - Duke Loren Soth:

only those players who deserve to play VU will stick it out through the first two eras of getting owned.. this game should be tailored to those who actually play it.. not to attract a bunch of new players who do not appreciate the game for what it is. I rather like the one-world concept and I hope it returns next era =)


09:33:46 Jan 19th 09 - Ms. Haven:

'only those players who deserve to play VU will stick it out through the first two eras of getting owned..'

im doubting anyone can handle getting 'owned ' more then once and if they can more power to them.

'this game should be tailored to those who actually play it.'

which will probably mean the same old players with the same old empires winning ...

'not to attract a bunch of new players who do not appreciate the game for what it is.'

hard tp appreciate when you keep getting killed OOP.

' I rather like the one-world concept and I hope it returns next era'

its technically not one world as the openings are staggered which means all empires that start 1st (Fant/Mant/Zeta) and survive are stronger then all others , so the real compitition is which Fant/Mant/Ztea (maybe) empire can conquer all other worlds , the rest of the worlds are just there farms.


09:42:54 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Combat Wombat:

so the real compitition is which Fant/Mant/Ztea (maybe) empire can conquer all other worlds , the rest of the worlds are just there farms


17:17:46 Jan 19th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

The best way to work things would be to put Fant Mant and Zeta together and have the rest as their own worlds with no way in and no way out of them. I'd also say put Mant and Zeta on either side of Fant making Fant the hardest world to play which is how it is supposed to be. The rest of the worlds can be for new players and cowards ;-)

17:27:03 Jan 19th 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

Agreed Ruby...and I would then keep the 50% rule in on the 2nd (nub) world...that should be enough of a discouragement for Vets to go there; if not, something else to make it so that after 1-2 eras of lets get used to/excited about a new game you'll wanna go to the biggun'

18:02:47 Jan 19th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

I didn't mean have 2 worlds, I ment put Fant, Mant, and Zeta together, and all the *beep* worlds as single worlds like last era. That way all you get a chance at is ruling one world, no expanding, no anything, just stuck in one world. If you want a chance at having more power, you'll have to move to the upper 3 worlds.

19:49:10 Jan 19th 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

Ms. Haven


1/19/2009 9:33:46 AM

'only those players who deserve to play VU will stick it out through the first two eras of getting owned..'

im doubting anyone can handle getting 'owned ' more then once and if they can more power to them.

'this game should be tailored to those who actually play it.'

which will probably mean the same old players with the same old empires winning ...

'not to attract a bunch of new players who do not appreciate the game for what it is.'

hard tp appreciate when you keep getting killed OOP.

' I rather like the one-world concept and I hope it returns next era'

its technically not one world as the openings are staggered which means all empires that start 1st (Fant/Mant/Zeta) and survive are stronger then all others , so the real compitition is which Fant/Mant/Ztea (maybe) empire can conquer all other worlds , the rest of the worlds are just there farms.


Sir Combat Wombat


1/19/2009 9:42:54 AM
so the real compitition is which Fant/Mant/Ztea (maybe) empire can conquer all other worlds , the rest of the worlds are just there farms


Now this is the first age we have a round world (recently), . Let's give it one more chance. A few change (maybe with an "s") but... keep that change more as patches than major corrections.

I somehow fear the statements (the rest of the worlds are just farms) becomes true. Signs, that this might end so have been seen, but not that massive, as "some" could fear. So I say: Give it one more chance - but keep the next era rather short. More experience is needed.

00:47:46 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Loren Soth:

@Haven- I understand where you are coming from but in fact my first two eras I was slaughtered repeatedly.. mostly because I did not understand the game yet. However, I stuck with it and haven't looked back. Is it for everyone? No. But those who are determined to play will be rewarded no matter how grim it looks. I like to think of it as you never win.. you just do a little better each time. Fant/Mant/Zeta is indeed where the real competition is and the same age old kingdoms will continue to be top dogs.. regardless of how the world system is structured. I enjoy the one world system because it gives a chance for good kds that die in oop wars to respawn, farm on a lesser world, and take another swing at Fant kds. Granted this is not good for *beep*s but do you really want a game that focuses on protecting new players who generally aren't active enough to matter or a game that brings out the best in good players and kingdoms? Once again, I hope the same system returns next era though I would be fine with having separate worlds for new players not accesible by vets.. maybe leave them in the tutorial ;)

Also, a bit of advice. If you are tired of dying all the time join a larger more established kd. Good place to start, learn the ropes, and build a name for yourself. Then again this wont help most *beep*s because they do not read forums =)


01:50:03 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

"Granted this is not good for *beep*s but do you really want a game that focuses on protecting new players"


Without them the game ends up dying as the attrition hits the vets and not enough to replace order for a game to not stagnate it HAS to in some way make it enjoyable for the nubs to get a significant enough retention rate.

02:07:33 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

If it protects new players then the new "vets" suck...

02:17:14 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

Not exactly sure what you meant Deallus...

02:21:49 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

If you continually "shelter" the new players from everything(such as enemies attacking them OOP, and such) then they will not be prepared for anything...and then the next generation of VU players will be worse than the last...I have heard people say that the skill levels of the players now are worse than the players of the past...

02:25:38 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

Ah, but see, that's what you don't do...set ppl on a tier system so that, the first 1-2 eras they are babysat while they are learning to enjoy the game and the basics, and then you throw them to the fire;  The first one or two eras you're dying and not learning anything except ppl are better than u and u get discouraged :P  The 1-2 era period (essentially an extended Tutorial) would not seriously delay ppls learning speed

02:28:51 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

My first era I managed to join a good KD, but it was not the best on the world.  Prince Sprout was nice enough to teach me the basics and we eventually won the era.  My 2nd era I was thrown into Fant(accident really) D and surprisingly survived until the last week ;-)  I did learn a lot though from that era.  Probably the best learning experience actually.

02:30:53 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Loren Soth:

the competitive level of gameplay should not be sacraficed to "possibly" extend the lifespan of newer players. quality over quantity my friend. this is a war game.. not a drinking game where everyone wins =)


02:33:03 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Gingerbread Man:

if u have noquantity, the game shuts down xD

you do NOT sacrifice gameplay on any of the main servers, hence the reason the winner on Fant is consider the era winner on previous eras.  There gameplay DOES NOT CHANGE by allowing nubs to meandor around on their own world for an era, merely prevents them from farming a little if u consider that impairing their gameplay :)

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